package edu.stanford.hci.flowmap.prefuse.render; import org.codemap.callhierarchy.vizualization.Options; import edu.stanford.hci.flowmap.structure.Graph; /** * Abstract class that scales a flow from its real width to a width suitable for display. * * * This software is distributed under the Berkeley Software Distribution License. * Please see * */ public abstract class FlowScale { protected double displayMin, displayMax; protected Graph graph; public FlowScale(Options userOptions, Graph g) { graph = g; displayMin = userOptions.getDouble(Options.MIN_DISPLAY_WIDTH); displayMax = userOptions.getDouble(Options.MAX_DISPLAY_WIDTH); } public double getDisplayWidth(double flowCurr) { //System.out.println("flowcurr: " + flowCurr + " and " + columnName); //System.out.println("FlowScale is: dispMin:" + displayMin + " dispMax:" + displayMax + " flowMin:" + flowMin + " flowMax:" + flowMax); //System.out.println("Flow Min: " + flowMin + " Flow Max: " + flowMax); double width = displayMin + (f(flowCurr) * (displayMax - displayMin)); //System.out.println("1flowCurr is " + flowCurr + " to " + width); if ((width < 0) || Double.isNaN(width) || Double.isInfinite(width)) width = displayMin; //System.out.println("2flowCurr is " + flowCurr + " to " + width); return width; } protected abstract double f(double flowCurr); public static class Linear extends FlowScale { public Linear(Options userOptions, Graph graph) { super(userOptions, graph); } protected double f(double flowCurr) { return flowCurr/graph.getTotalWeightValue(); } } /** * Identity scale that leaves the weight as is * * @author deif */ public static class Identity extends FlowScale { public Identity(Options userOptions, Graph graph) { super(userOptions, graph); } @Override protected double f(double flowCurr) { // divide away factor that the value is multiplied with later return flowCurr / (displayMax - displayMin); } } public static class Log extends FlowScale { public Log(Options userOptions, Graph graph) { super(userOptions, graph); } protected double f(double flowCurr) { double flowMin, flowMax; flowMin = graph.getMinWeightValue(); flowMax = graph.getTotalWeightValue(); return Math.log(flowCurr/flowMin) / Math.log(flowMax/flowMin); } } public static class Poly extends FlowScale { public Poly(Options userOptions, Graph graph) { super(userOptions, graph); } protected double f(double flowCurr) { double flowMin, flowMax; flowMin = graph.getMinWeightValue(); flowMax = graph.getTotalWeightValue(); double flowMagnitude = flowMax/flowMin; double displayMagnitude = displayMax/displayMin; double exponent = Math.log(displayMagnitude) / Math.log(flowMagnitude); if (exponent > 1) exponent = 1; return Math.pow(flowCurr/flowMax, exponent); } } }