package edu.stanford.hci.flowmap.structure; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedList; import org.codemap.util.geom.Point2D; import edu.stanford.hci.flowmap.cluster.Cluster; /** * This software is distributed under the Berkeley Software Distribution License. * Please see * */ public class Node { /*********************************************************************** * STATIC METHODS AND VARIABLES **********************************************************************/ public static String getUniqueName(int id) { return "Node" + id; } // every node is assigned a unique id when created private static int nodeCount = 0; /*********************************************************************** * CLASS DEFINITION **********************************************************************/ protected int m_id; protected Point2D location; protected String name; protected LinkedList<Edge> inEdges; protected LinkedList<Edge> outEdges; /** the cluster that encloses this node */ protected Cluster parentCluster; /** the cluster that this node has outgoing edges towards */ protected Cluster childCluster; protected Node routingParent; protected boolean isRootNode; private Point2D prevControlPoint; private double weight; /*********************************************************************** * CONSTRUCTORS * @param location **********************************************************************/ public Node(Point2D loc) { m_id = Node.nodeCount++; location = loc; name = Node.getUniqueName(m_id); inEdges = new LinkedList<Edge>(); outEdges = new LinkedList<Edge>(); parentCluster = null; childCluster = null; } public Node(Point2D loc, double weight, String name) { this(loc); this.weight = weight; = name; } public Node(double x, double y) { this(makeLocation(x, y)); } public Node(double x, double y, double weight, String name) { this(makeLocation(x, y), weight, name); } static Point2D makeLocation(double x, double y) { return new Point2D.Double(x, y); } /*********************************************************************** * ACCESSORS **********************************************************************/ /* public void setParentCluster(Cluster c) { //assert(c != null); parentCluster = c; } public Cluster getParentCluster() { //assert(parentCluster != null); return parentCluster; }*/ public void setChildCluster(Cluster c) { childCluster = c; } /** * * @return the child cluster, or null if this is a leaf node */ public Cluster getChildCluster() { return childCluster; } public void setLocation(Point2D pt) { location = pt; } public void setLocation(double x, double y) { location.setLocation(x, y); } public Point2D getLocation() { return location; } public int getID() { return m_id; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String n) { name = n; } public void addOutEdge(Edge out) { assert (out.getFirstNode().equals(this)); outEdges.add(out); } public void addInEdge(Edge in) { assert (in.getSecondNode().equals(this)); inEdges.add(in); } public Collection<Edge> getOutEdges() { return outEdges; } public Collection<Edge> getInEdges() { return inEdges; } public void removeEdge(Edge edge) { inEdges.remove(edge); outEdges.remove(edge); } public String toString() { return "id:" + m_id; } public boolean equals(Object o) { Node n = (Node) o; // System.out.println("FlowNodeEquals: Does " + getName() + " equal // " + n.getName() + " " + getName().equals(n.getName())); return getName().equals(n.getName()); } public String toStringId() { return m_id + ""; } public boolean isRootNode() { return isRootNode; } public void setRootNode(boolean b) { isRootNode = b; } public Node getRoutingParent() { return routingParent; } public void setRoutingParent(Node n) { routingParent = n; } public Point2D getPrevControlPoint() { return prevControlPoint; } public void setPrevControlPoint(Point2D ctrlP2) { prevControlPoint = ctrlP2; } public double getWeight() { return weight; } }