package edu.stanford.hci.flowmap.cluster; import org.codemap.util.geom.Point2D; /** * Utility class for working with 2D Vectors * @author dphan * * This software is distributed under the Berkeley Software Distribution License. * Please see * */ public class Vector2D { private Point2D from, to, normalized; /** * Constructs a Vector2D from two Point2D objects * @param from * @param to */ public Vector2D(Point2D from, Point2D to) { this.from = from; = to; double x, y, dist; normalized = new Point2D.Double(0,0); x = to.getX() - from.getX(); y = to.getY() - from.getY(); dist = Math.sqrt(x*x+y*y); x /= dist; y /= dist; normalized.setLocation(x,y); } public Point2D getFrom() { return from; } public Point2D getTo() { return to; } public String toString() { return from + " --> " + to; } public Point2D getNormalized() { return normalized; } public double dotProduct(Vector2D other) { Point2D otherNorm = other.getNormalized(); return normalized.getX()*otherNorm.getX() + normalized.getY()*otherNorm.getY(); } public double angleBetween(Vector2D other) { double dotValue = dotProduct(other); if (dotValue >= 1) dotValue = 1; else if (dotValue <= -1) dotValue = -1; return Math.acos(dotValue); } public double absAngleBetween(Vector2D other) { double angleBetw = angleBetween(other); // remember that for a vector (a,b) // and that the perpendicular vector is (-b,a) // now just dot perpendicular vector with the other vector, // if it is positive, do nothing, // if it is negative, add Math.PI Point2D otherNorm = other.getNormalized(); double dot = -normalized.getY()*otherNorm.getX() + normalized.getX()*otherNorm.getY(); if (dot >= 0) return angleBetw; else return 2*Math.PI - angleBetw; } }