package com.enonic.vertical.adminweb.wizard; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.mail.MessagingException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import; import; import; import; import com.enonic.esl.containers.ExtendedMap; import com.enonic.esl.util.DateUtil; import com.enonic.esl.xml.XMLTool; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.CategoryAccessRight; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.MenuItemAccessRight; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.SectionCriteria; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.Types; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.VerticalEngineException; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.handlers.MenuHandler; import com.enonic.cms.framework.util.TIntArrayList; import com.enonic.cms.framework.xml.XMLDocument; import com.enonic.cms.framework.xml.XMLDocumentFactory; import com.enonic.cms.core.CmsDateAndTimeFormats; import com.enonic.cms.core.content.ContentEntity; import com.enonic.cms.core.content.ContentKey; import com.enonic.cms.core.content.ContentLocation; import com.enonic.cms.core.content.ContentLocationSpecification; import com.enonic.cms.core.content.ContentLocations; import com.enonic.cms.core.content.ContentService; import com.enonic.cms.core.content.ContentStatus; import com.enonic.cms.core.content.ContentVersionKey; import com.enonic.cms.core.content.command.UnassignContentCommand; import com.enonic.cms.core.content.command.UpdateContentCommand; import com.enonic.cms.core.mail.ApproveAndRejectMailTemplate; import com.enonic.cms.core.mail.MailRecipient; import com.enonic.cms.core.mail.SendMailService; import com.enonic.cms.core.portal.cache.PageCache; import com.enonic.cms.core.portal.cache.PageCacheService; import; import; import; import com.enonic.cms.core.service.AdminService; import com.enonic.cms.core.structure.SiteEntity; import com.enonic.cms.core.structure.SiteKey; import com.enonic.cms.core.structure.SiteProperties; import com.enonic.cms.core.structure.SitePropertiesService; import com.enonic.cms.core.structure.SiteService; import com.enonic.cms.core.structure.SiteXmlCreator; import com.enonic.cms.core.structure.menuitem.AddContentToSectionCommand; import com.enonic.cms.core.structure.menuitem.MenuItemAccessResolver; import com.enonic.cms.core.structure.menuitem.MenuItemAccessType; import com.enonic.cms.core.structure.menuitem.MenuItemEntity; import com.enonic.cms.core.structure.menuitem.MenuItemKey; import com.enonic.cms.core.structure.menuitem.MenuItemService; import com.enonic.cms.core.structure.menuitem.MenuItemServiceCommand; import com.enonic.cms.core.structure.menuitem.MenuItemSpecification; import com.enonic.cms.core.structure.menuitem.MenuItemType; import com.enonic.cms.core.structure.menuitem.MenuItemXMLCreatorSetting; import com.enonic.cms.core.structure.menuitem.MenuItemXmlCreator; import com.enonic.cms.core.structure.menuitem.OrderContentsInSectionCommand; import com.enonic.cms.core.structure.menuitem.RemoveContentsFromSectionCommand; import com.enonic.cms.core.structure.menuitem.SetContentHomeCommand; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class PublishWizard extends Wizard { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1200012L; protected static final int[] EXCLUDED_TYPE_KEYS_IN_PREVIEW = new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 6}; @Autowired private transient MenuItemService menuItemService; @Autowired private transient ContentService contentService; @Autowired private transient SecurityService securityService; @Autowired private transient MenuItemDao menuItemDao; @Autowired private transient SendMailService sendMailService; @Autowired private transient PageCacheService pageCacheService; @Autowired private transient SiteService siteService; @Autowired private transient SitePropertiesService sitePropertiesService; @Autowired private transient GroupDao groupDao; @Autowired private transient ContentDao contentDao; @Autowired private MenuHandler menuHandler; private Document sectionsDoc; private static enum Action { none, add, remove } public PublishWizard() { super(); } protected void initialize( AdminService admin, Document wizardConfigDoc ) throws WizardException { } private void readObject( ObjectInputStream in ) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { in.defaultReadObject(); } protected boolean validateState( WizardState wizardState, HttpSession session, AdminService admin, ExtendedMap formItems ) { return true; } protected boolean evaluate( WizardState wizardState, HttpSession session, AdminService admin, ExtendedMap formItems, String testCondition ) throws WizardException { User user = securityService.getLoggedInAdminConsoleUser(); boolean result; if ( "moreOrder".equals( testCondition ) ) { result = moreOrder( user, wizardState, admin ); } else if ( "noSites".equals( testCondition ) ) { result = noSites( wizardState ); } else { String message = "Unknown test condition: {0}"; WizardLogger.errorWizard( message, testCondition ); result = false; } return result; } protected void processWizardData( WizardState wizardState, HttpSession session, AdminService admin, ExtendedMap formItems, User user, Document dataDoc ) throws WizardException, VerticalEngineException, IOException, MessagingException { Step step = wizardState.getCurrentStep(); String finishName = step.getName(); try { int contentKey; int versionKey = formItems.getInt( "versionkey", -1 ); if ( versionKey < 0 ) { contentKey = formItems.getInt( "contentkey" ); versionKey = admin.getCurrentVersionKey( contentKey ); formItems.put( "versionkey", versionKey ); } else { contentKey = admin.getContentKeyByVersionKey( versionKey ); formItems.put( "contentkey", contentKey ); } if ( "finish0".equals( finishName ) ) { processWizardData0( wizardState, user, contentKey, versionKey ); } else { processWizardData0( wizardState, user, contentKey, versionKey ); processWizardData1( wizardState, admin, user ); } } catch ( ParseException pe ) { String message = "Failed to parse a date: %t"; WizardLogger.errorWizard( message, pe ); } } private void processWizardData0( WizardState wizardState, User user, int contentKey, int versionKey ) throws ParseException, IOException, MessagingException { Document stateDoc = wizardState.getFirstStepState().getStateDoc(); Element rootElem = stateDoc.getDocumentElement(); Element statusElem = XMLTool.getElement( rootElem, "status" ); int status; if ( statusElem != null ) { status = Integer.valueOf( XMLTool.getElementText( statusElem ) ); } else { status = -1; } ContentEntity content = contentDao.findByKey( new ContentKey( contentKey ) ); int originalStatus = content.getVersion( new ContentVersionKey( versionKey ) ).getStatus().getKey(); UpdateContentCommand command = UpdateContentCommand.updateExistingVersion2( new ContentVersionKey( versionKey ) ); command.setContentKey( new ContentKey( contentKey ) ); command.setModifier( securityService.getUser( user ) ); command.setSyncAccessRights( false ); command.setSyncRelatedContent( false ); // Keep comment since this is an update of existing content command.setChangeComment( content.getMainVersion().getChangeComment() ); switch ( status ) { case 0: { if ( originalStatus == 1 ) { // reject approval sendMessage( user, stateDoc, contentKey, originalStatus ); command.setStatus( ContentStatus.DRAFT ); command.setUpdateAsMainVersion( false ); command.setAvailableFrom( content.getAvailableFrom() ); command.setAvailableTo( content.getAvailableTo() ); contentService.updateContent( command ); } break; } case 1: { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unexpected status: " + status ); } case 2: { Date from = null; Date to = null; // approve content/keep approval final Element publishingElem = XMLTool.getElement( rootElem, "publishing" ); if ( publishingElem != null ) { final String fromStr = publishingElem.getAttribute( "from" ); if ( fromStr != null && fromStr.length() > 0 ) { from = DateUtil.parseISODateTime( fromStr ); } final String toStr = publishingElem.getAttribute( "to" ); if ( toStr != null && toStr.length() > 0 ) { to = DateUtil.parseISODateTime( toStr ); } } command.setStatus( ContentStatus.APPROVED ); command.setUpdateAsMainVersion( true ); command.setAvailableFrom( from ); command.setAvailableTo( to ); contentService.updateContent( command ); UnassignContentCommand unassignCommand = new UnassignContentCommand(); unassignCommand.setContentKey( new ContentKey( contentKey ) ); unassignCommand.setUnassigner( user.getKey() ); contentService.unassignContent( unassignCommand ); break; } case 3: { // archive content command.setStatus( ContentStatus.ARCHIVED ); command.setUpdateAsMainVersion( false ); command.setAvailableFrom( content.getAvailableFrom() ); command.setAvailableTo( content.getAvailableTo() ); contentService.updateContent( command ); UnassignContentCommand unassignCommand = new UnassignContentCommand(); unassignCommand.setContentKey( new ContentKey( contentKey ) ); unassignCommand.setUnassigner( user.getKey() ); contentService.unassignContent( unassignCommand ); break; } } } private void sendMessage( User user, Document stateDoc, int contentKey, int originalStatus ) throws IOException, MessagingException { Element rootElem = stateDoc.getDocumentElement(); Element recipientsElem = XMLTool.getElement( rootElem, "recipients" ); Element[] recipientElems = XMLTool.getElements( recipientsElem ); if ( recipientElems.length > 0 ) { Element messageElem = XMLTool.getElement( rootElem, "message" ); if ( messageElem != null ) { final UserEntity userEntity = securityService.getUser( user ); String body = XMLTool.getElementText( messageElem ); ApproveAndRejectMailTemplate mailCreator = new ApproveAndRejectMailTemplate( body, new ContentKey( contentKey ), userEntity ); //reject if ( originalStatus == 1 ) { mailCreator.setReject( true ); } //send to approval if ( originalStatus == 0 ) { mailCreator.setReject( false ); } mailCreator.setFrom( new MailRecipient( user.getDisplayName(), user.getEmail() ) ); for ( Element recipientElem : recipientElems ) { String recipientName = recipientElem.getAttribute( "name" ); String recipientEmail = recipientElem.getAttribute( "email" ); mailCreator.addRecipient( new MailRecipient( recipientName, recipientEmail ) ); } sendMailService.sendMail( mailCreator ); } } } private void processWizardData1( WizardState wizardState, AdminService admin, User user ) { Document firstStepState = wizardState.getFirstStepState().getStateDoc(); Element elem = XMLTool.getElement( firstStepState.getDocumentElement(), "content" ); int contentKey = Integer.parseInt( elem.getAttribute( "key" ) ); Document sectionsDoc = XMLTool.createDocument( "sections" ); Element sectionsElem = sectionsDoc.getDocumentElement(); sectionsElem.setAttribute( "contentkey", String.valueOf( contentKey ) ); Document step1State = wizardState.getStepState( "step1" ).getStateDoc(); Element[] menuElems = XMLTool.getElements( step1State.getDocumentElement(), "menu" ); Map<SiteKey, List<MenuItemKey>> listOfMenuItemKeysBySiteKey = new HashMap<SiteKey, List<MenuItemKey>>(); int manualOrderIndex = 0; List<MenuItemServiceCommand> menuItemServiceCommands = Lists.newArrayList(); List<AddContentToSectionCommand> addContentToSectionCommands = Lists.newArrayList(); for ( Element menuElem : menuElems ) { int menuKey = Integer.parseInt( menuElem.getAttribute( "key" ) ); SiteKey siteKey = new SiteKey( menuKey ); // set content home (menu item) and framework int categoryKey = admin.getCategoryKey( contentKey ); CategoryAccessRight categoryAccessRight = admin.getCategoryAccessRight( user, categoryKey ); if ( categoryAccessRight.getPublish() ) { Element homeElem = XMLTool.getElement( menuElem, "home" ); if ( homeElem != null ) { Element pageTemplateElem = XMLTool.getElement( menuElem, "pagetemplate" ); PageTemplateKey pageTemplateKey = null; if ( pageTemplateElem != null ) { pageTemplateKey = new PageTemplateKey( Integer.parseInt( pageTemplateElem.getAttribute( "key" ) ) ); } final int homeKey = Integer.parseInt( homeElem.getAttribute( "key" ) ); SetContentHomeCommand setContentHomeCommand = new SetContentHomeCommand(); setContentHomeCommand.setSetter( user.getKey() ); setContentHomeCommand.setContent( new ContentKey( contentKey ) ); setContentHomeCommand.setSection( new MenuItemKey( homeKey ) ); setContentHomeCommand.setPageTemplate( pageTemplateKey ); menuItemServiceCommands.add( setContentHomeCommand ); } } // iterate list of menus Element[] menuItemElems = XMLTool.getElements( menuElem, "menuitem" ); for ( Element menuItemElem : menuItemElems ) { boolean manuallyOrder = Boolean.valueOf( menuItemElem.getAttribute( "manuallyOrder" ) ); boolean ordered = Boolean.valueOf( menuItemElem.getAttribute( "ordered" ) ); MenuItemKey menuItemKey = new MenuItemKey( menuItemElem.getAttribute( "key" ) ); MenuItemKey sectionKey = admin.getSectionKeyByMenuItemKey( menuItemKey ); final Action action = Action.valueOf( menuItemElem.getAttribute( "action" ) ); switch ( action ) { case add: final AddContentToSectionCommand addContentToSectionCommand = new AddContentToSectionCommand(); addContentToSectionCommand.setSection( menuItemKey ); addContentToSectionCommand.setContent( new ContentKey( contentKey ) ); addContentToSectionCommand.setContributor( user.getKey() ); List<MenuItemKey> menuItemKeysBySiteKey = listOfMenuItemKeysBySiteKey.get( siteKey ); if ( menuItemKeysBySiteKey == null ) { menuItemKeysBySiteKey = new ArrayList<MenuItemKey>(); listOfMenuItemKeysBySiteKey.put( siteKey, menuItemKeysBySiteKey ); } menuItemKeysBySiteKey.add( menuItemKey ); Element sectionElem = XMLTool.createElement( sectionsDoc, sectionsElem, "section" ); sectionElem.setAttribute( "key", String.valueOf( sectionKey ) ); MenuItemAccessRight menuItemAccessRight = admin.getMenuItemAccessRight( user, menuItemKey ); boolean approveInSection = menuItemAccessRight.getPublish(); sectionElem.setAttribute( "approved", String.valueOf( approveInSection ) ); sectionElem.setAttribute( "ordered", Boolean.toString( ordered ) ); sectionElem.setAttribute( "manuallyOrder", Boolean.toString( manuallyOrder ) ); addContentToSectionCommand.setApproveInSection( approveInSection ); if ( !approveInSection ) { addContentToSectionCommand.setAddOnTop( false ); } if ( ordered && manuallyOrder ) { final OrderContentsInSectionCommand orderContentsInSectionCommand = addContentToSectionCommand.createOrderContentsInSectionCommand(); final List<ContentKey> wantedOrder = new ArrayList<ContentKey>(); StepState stepState = wizardState.getStepState( "step1" ); int k = -1; do { stepState = stepState.getNextStepState(); k++; } while ( k < manualOrderIndex ); Element contentsElem = XMLTool.createElement( sectionsDoc, sectionElem, "contents" ); Document tempStateDoc = stepState.getStateDoc(); Element tempSectionElem = XMLTool.getFirstElement( tempStateDoc.getDocumentElement() ); Element[] tempContentElems = XMLTool.getElements( tempSectionElem ); for ( Element tempContentElem : tempContentElems ) { contentsElem.appendChild( sectionsDoc.importNode( tempContentElem, true ) ); wantedOrder.add( new ContentKey( tempContentElem.getAttribute( "key" ) ) ); } manualOrderIndex++; orderContentsInSectionCommand.setWantedOrder( wantedOrder ); } else if ( ordered && !manuallyOrder && approveInSection ) { addContentToSectionCommand.setAddOnTop( true ); } addContentToSectionCommands.add( addContentToSectionCommand ); break; case remove: final RemoveContentsFromSectionCommand removeCommand = new RemoveContentsFromSectionCommand(); removeCommand.setRemover( user.getKey() ); removeCommand.setSection( menuItemKey ); removeCommand.addContentToRemove( new ContentKey( contentKey ) ); menuItemServiceCommands.add( removeCommand ); break; case none: if ( ordered && manuallyOrder ) { final List<ContentKey> wantedOrder = new ArrayList<ContentKey>(); StepState stepState = wizardState.getStepState( "step1" ); int k = -1; do { stepState = stepState.getNextStepState(); k++; } while ( k < manualOrderIndex ); Document tempStateDoc = stepState.getStateDoc(); Element tempSectionElem = XMLTool.getFirstElement( tempStateDoc.getDocumentElement() ); Element[] tempContentElems = XMLTool.getElements( tempSectionElem ); for ( Element tempContentElem : tempContentElems ) { wantedOrder.add( new ContentKey( tempContentElem.getAttribute( "key" ) ) ); } manualOrderIndex++; final OrderContentsInSectionCommand orderContentsInSectionCommand = new OrderContentsInSectionCommand(); orderContentsInSectionCommand.setSectionKey( sectionKey ); orderContentsInSectionCommand.setWantedOrder( wantedOrder ); menuItemServiceCommands.add( orderContentsInSectionCommand ); } break; } } } menuItemServiceCommands.addAll( addContentToSectionCommands ); menuItemService.execute( menuItemServiceCommands.toArray( new MenuItemServiceCommand[menuItemServiceCommands.size()] ) ); for ( SiteKey siteKey : listOfMenuItemKeysBySiteKey.keySet() ) { PageCache pageCache = pageCacheService.getPageCacheService( siteKey ); List<MenuItemKey> menuItemKeys = listOfMenuItemKeysBySiteKey.get( siteKey ); for ( MenuItemKey menuItemKeyToRemoveCacheEntriesFor : menuItemKeys ) { pageCache.removeEntriesByMenuItem( menuItemKeyToRemoveCacheEntriesFor ); } } } protected void appendCustomData( WizardState wizardState, HttpSession session, AdminService admin, ExtendedMap formItems, ExtendedMap parameters, User user, Document dataconfigDoc, Document wizarddataDoc ) throws WizardException { if ( formItems.containsKey( "selectedunitkey" ) ) { int unitKey = formItems.getInt( "selectedunitkey" ); formItems.put( "unitname", admin.getUnitName( unitKey ) ); } int categoryKey = formItems.getInt( "cat" ); Document doc = admin.getSuperCategoryNames( categoryKey, false, true ).getAsDOMDocument(); Element wizarddataElem = wizarddataDoc.getDocumentElement(); wizarddataElem.appendChild( wizarddataDoc.importNode( doc.getDocumentElement(), true ) ); int contentKey; int versionKey = formItems.getInt( "versionkey", -1 ); if ( versionKey < 0 ) { contentKey = formItems.getInt( "contentkey" ); versionKey = admin.getCurrentVersionKey( contentKey ); formItems.put( "versionkey", versionKey ); } else { contentKey = admin.getContentKeyByVersionKey( versionKey ); formItems.put( "contentkey", contentKey ); } formItems.put( "contenttitle", admin.getContentTitle( versionKey ) ); int contentTypeKey = admin.getContentTypeKey( contentKey ); formItems.put( "contenttypekey", String.valueOf( contentTypeKey ) ); Step currentStep = wizardState.getCurrentStep(); if ( "step0".equals( currentStep.getName() ) ) { appendCustomDataStep0( user, admin, wizardState, wizarddataDoc, parameters, categoryKey, contentKey, versionKey ); } else if ( "step1".equals( currentStep.getName() ) ) { appendCustomDataStep1( user, admin, wizardState, wizarddataDoc, contentKey, versionKey ); } else if ( "step2".equals( currentStep.getName() ) ) { appendCustomDataStep2( admin, wizardState, wizarddataDoc, formItems, versionKey ); } else if ( "step3".equals( currentStep.getName() ) ) { appendCustomDataStep3( user, admin, wizardState, wizarddataDoc, contentKey, versionKey ); } } private void appendCustomDataStep0( User user, AdminService admin, WizardState wizardState, Document wizarddataDoc, ExtendedMap parameters, int categoryKey, int contentKey, int versionKey ) { Element wizarddataElem = wizarddataDoc.getDocumentElement(); // get content version Document doc = admin.getContentVersion( user, versionKey ).getAsDOMDocument(); Element contentElem = XMLTool.getFirstElement( doc.getDocumentElement() ); int originalStatus = Integer.valueOf( contentElem.getAttribute( "status" ) ); wizarddataElem.appendChild( wizarddataDoc.importNode( doc.getDocumentElement(), true ) ); // sites int contentTypeKey = admin.getContentTypeKey( contentKey ); List<SiteEntity> sites = siteService.getSitesToPublishTo( contentTypeKey, user ); SiteXmlCreator siteXmlCreator = new SiteXmlCreator( null, menuHandler ); siteXmlCreator.setIncludeMenuItems( false ); Map<SiteKey, SiteProperties> sitePropertyMap = new HashMap<SiteKey, SiteProperties>(); for ( SiteEntity site : sites ) { SiteProperties siteProperties = sitePropertiesService.getSiteProperties( site.getKey() ); sitePropertyMap.put( site.getKey(), siteProperties ); } XMLDocument sitesToPublishTo = siteXmlCreator.createLegacyGetMenus( sites, sitePropertyMap ); doc = sitesToPublishTo.getAsDOMDocument(); wizarddataElem.appendChild( wizarddataDoc.importNode( doc.getDocumentElement(), true ) ); if ( !admin.isContentVersionApproved( versionKey ) ) { Document stateDoc = wizardState.getCurrentStepState().getStateDoc(); Element publishingElem = XMLTool.getElement( stateDoc.getDocumentElement(), "publishing" ); if ( publishingElem == null ) { // we need to keep the current publishFrom and publishTo dates if they are set publishingElem = XMLTool.createElement( stateDoc, stateDoc.getDocumentElement(), "publishing" ); if ( !"".equals( contentElem.getAttribute( "publishfrom" ) ) ) { publishingElem.setAttribute( "from", contentElem.getAttribute( "publishfrom" ) ); } else { publishingElem.setAttribute( "from", CmsDateAndTimeFormats.printAs_STORE_DATE( ( new Date() ) ) ); } if ( !"".equals( contentElem.getAttribute( "publishto" ) ) ) { publishingElem.setAttribute( "to", contentElem.getAttribute( "publishto" ) ); } } } Document stateDoc = wizardState.getCurrentStepState().getStateDoc(); Element statusElem = XMLTool.getElement( stateDoc.getDocumentElement(), "status" ); int status = ( statusElem == null ? originalStatus : Integer.valueOf( XMLTool.getElementText( statusElem ) ) ); if ( ( originalStatus == 0 && status == 1 ) || "loadRecipients".equals( wizardState.getCurrentStepState().getButtonPressed() ) ) { doc = admin.getUsersWithPublishRight( categoryKey ).getAsDOMDocument(); wizarddataElem.appendChild( wizarddataDoc.importNode( doc.getDocumentElement(), true ) ); parameters.put( "notify", "sendtoapproval" ); } else if ( ( originalStatus == 1 && status == 0 ) || "loadOwner".equals( wizardState.getCurrentStepState().getButtonPressed() ) ) { doc = admin.getContentOwner( contentKey ).getAsDOMDocument(); wizarddataElem.appendChild( wizarddataDoc.importNode( doc.getDocumentElement(), true ) ); parameters.put( "notify", "reject" ); } } // publishing private void appendCustomDataStep1( User user, AdminService admin, WizardState wizardState, Document wizarddataDoc, int contentKey, int versionKey ) { Element wizarddataElem = wizarddataDoc.getDocumentElement(); // get first step's selected menu keys Document stateDoc = wizardState.getFirstStepState().getStateDoc(); Element stepstateElem = stateDoc.getDocumentElement(); Element[] menuElems = XMLTool.getElements( stepstateElem, "menu" ); int[] menuKeys = new int[0]; if ( menuElems.length > 0 ) { menuKeys = new int[menuElems.length]; for ( int i = 0; i < menuElems.length; i++ ) { menuKeys[i] = Integer.parseInt( menuElems[i].getAttribute( "key" ) ); Document doc = admin.getPageTemplatesByMenu( menuKeys[i], EXCLUDED_TYPE_KEYS_IN_PREVIEW ).getAsDOMDocument(); wizarddataElem.appendChild( wizarddataDoc.importNode( doc.getDocumentElement(), true ) ); } final Document doc = wizardState.getStepState( "step1" ).getStateDoc(); final Element rootElem = doc.getDocumentElement(); final Set<String> menus = Sets.newHashSet(); final boolean firstStep = "".equals( rootElem.getAttribute( "buttonpressed" ) ); if ( !firstStep ) { final Element[] menuitems = XMLTool.selectElements( rootElem, "/stepstate/menu/menuitem" ); for ( final Element menuitem : menuitems ) { final String selected = menuitem.getAttribute( "selected" ); final String menukey = menuitem.getAttribute( "key" ); if ( selected.equals( "true" ) ) { menus.add( menukey ); } } } // sites final List<MenuItemEntity> menuItems = getAccessibleMenuItems( user, menuKeys ); Document menuItemsDoc = createElementsToList( menuItems, menus, firstStep ); wizarddataElem.appendChild( wizarddataDoc.importNode( menuItemsDoc.getDocumentElement(), true ) ); // sections SectionCriteria criteria = new SectionCriteria(); criteria.setSiteKeys( menuKeys ); criteria.setTreeStructure( false ); criteria.setAppendAccessRights( false ); criteria.setContentKeyExcludeFilter( contentKey ); criteria.setMarkContentFilteredSections( true ); int contentTypeKey = admin.getContentTypeKey( contentKey ); criteria.setContentTypeKeyFilter( contentTypeKey ); criteria.setIncludeSectionsWithoutContentTypeEvenWhenFilterIsSet( false ); criteria.setIncludeSectionContentTypesInfo( false ); Document sectionsDoc = admin.getSections( user, criteria ).getAsDOMDocument(); wizarddataElem.appendChild( wizarddataDoc.importNode( sectionsDoc.getDocumentElement(), true ) ); } // get content version Document doc = admin.getContentVersion( user, versionKey ).getAsDOMDocument(); wizarddataElem.appendChild( wizarddataDoc.importNode( doc.getDocumentElement(), true ) ); // determine home of content on site doc = admin.getContentHomes( contentKey ).getAsDOMDocument(); final Element contentHomes = XMLTool.getElements( doc, "/contenthomes" )[0]; // content does not have exactly home ? - resolve it if ( contentHomes.getChildNodes().getLength() == 0 ) { for ( final int menuKey : menuKeys ) { final ContentEntity content = contentDao.findByKey( new ContentKey( contentKey ) ); final SiteKey siteKey = new SiteKey( menuKey ); final ContentLocationSpecification contentLocationSpecification = new ContentLocationSpecification(); contentLocationSpecification.setIncludeInactiveLocationsInSection( true ); contentLocationSpecification.setSiteKey( siteKey ); final ContentLocations contentLocations = content.getLocations( contentLocationSpecification ); // <contenthome contentkey="3" menuitemkey="6" menukey="0"/> final ContentLocation homeLocation = contentLocations.getHomeLocation( siteKey ); if ( homeLocation != null ) { final Element contentHomeElem = XMLTool.createElement( doc, contentHomes, "contenthome" ); contentHomeElem.setAttribute( "contentkey", "" + homeLocation.getContent().getKey() ); contentHomeElem.setAttribute( "menuitemkey", "" + homeLocation.getMenuItem().getKey() ); contentHomeElem.setAttribute( "menukey", "" + menuKey ); contentHomes.appendChild( contentHomeElem ); } } } wizarddataElem.appendChild( wizarddataDoc.importNode( doc.getDocumentElement(), true ) ); } // position content in section private void appendCustomDataStep2( AdminService admin, WizardState wizardState, Document wizarddataDoc, ExtendedMap formItems, int versionKey ) { StepState stepState = wizardState.getCurrentStepState(); NormalStep step; int sectionIndex = -1; do { sectionIndex++; stepState = stepState.getPreviousStepState(); step = stepState.getStep(); } while ( !"step1".equals( step.getName() ) ); formItems.put( "sectionnumber", String.valueOf( sectionIndex + 1 ) ); MenuItemKey menuItemKey = null; Document stateDoc = stepState.getStateDoc(); Element stepstateElem = stateDoc.getDocumentElement(); Element[] menuElems = XMLTool.getElements( stepstateElem, "menu" ); int idx = 0; outer: for ( Element menuElem : menuElems ) { Element[] menuitemElems = XMLTool.getElements( menuElem, "menuitem" ); for ( Element menuitemElem : menuitemElems ) { boolean manuallyOrder = Boolean.valueOf( menuitemElem.getAttribute( "manuallyOrder" ) ); boolean ordered = Boolean.valueOf( menuitemElem.getAttribute( "ordered" ) ); if ( manuallyOrder && ordered ) { if ( idx == sectionIndex ) { menuItemKey = new MenuItemKey( Integer.parseInt( menuitemElem.getAttribute( "key" ) ) ); break outer; } else { idx++; } } } } formItems.putInt( "menuitemkey", menuItemKey.toInt() ); String path = admin.getPathString( Types.MENUITEM, menuItemKey.toInt() ); formItems.put( "path", path ); Element wizarddataElem = wizarddataDoc.getDocumentElement(); StepState currentStepState = wizardState.getCurrentStepState(); String buttonPressed = currentStepState.getButtonPressed(); if ( "moveup".equals( buttonPressed ) || "movedown".equals( buttonPressed ) ) { stateDoc = currentStepState.getStateDoc(); stepstateElem = stateDoc.getDocumentElement(); // get content index (which content to move) Element contentidxElem = XMLTool.getElement( stepstateElem, "contentidx" ); int contentIdx = Integer.parseInt( contentidxElem.getAttribute( "value" ) ); // move content up/down Element sectionElem = XMLTool.getElement( stepstateElem, "section" ); Element[] contentElems = XMLTool.getElements( sectionElem ); if ( "moveup".equals( buttonPressed ) ) { sectionElem.removeChild( contentElems[contentIdx] ); if ( contentIdx > 0 ) { sectionElem.insertBefore( contentElems[contentIdx], contentElems[contentIdx - 1] ); Element tempElem = contentElems[contentIdx]; contentElems[contentIdx] = contentElems[contentIdx - 1]; contentElems[contentIdx - 1] = tempElem; } else { sectionElem.appendChild( contentElems[0] ); Element tempElem = contentElems[0]; System.arraycopy( contentElems, 1, contentElems, 0, contentElems.length - 1 ); contentElems[contentElems.length - 1] = tempElem; } } else { sectionElem.removeChild( contentElems[contentIdx] ); if ( contentIdx < contentElems.length - 1 ) { sectionElem.insertBefore( contentElems[contentIdx], contentElems[contentIdx + 1] ); Element tempElem = contentElems[contentIdx]; contentElems[contentIdx] = contentElems[contentIdx + 1]; contentElems[contentIdx + 1] = tempElem; } else { sectionElem.insertBefore( contentElems[contentElems.length - 1], contentElems[0] ); Element tempElem = contentElems[contentElems.length - 1]; for ( int j = contentElems.length - 2; j >= 0; j-- ) { contentElems[j + 1] = contentElems[j]; } contentElems[0] = tempElem; } } int[] contentKeys = new int[contentElems.length]; for ( int j = 0; j < contentElems.length; j++ ) { contentKeys[j] = Integer.parseInt( contentElems[j].getAttribute( "key" ) ); } Document doc = admin.getContentTitles( contentKeys ).getAsDOMDocument(); wizarddataElem.appendChild( wizarddataDoc.importNode( doc.getDocumentElement(), true ) ); } else { stateDoc = currentStepState.getStateDoc(); stepstateElem = stateDoc.getDocumentElement(); Element[] contentElems = XMLTool.getElements( stepstateElem, "content" ); Element rootElem; if ( contentElems.length > 0 ) { int[] contentKeys = new int[contentElems.length]; for ( int j = 0; j < contentElems.length; j++ ) { contentKeys[j] = Integer.parseInt( contentElems[j].getAttribute( "key" ) ); } Document doc = admin.getContentTitles( contentKeys ).getAsDOMDocument(); rootElem = (Element) wizarddataDoc.importNode( doc.getDocumentElement(), true ); } else { // get section contents MenuItemKey sectionKey = admin.getSectionKeyByMenuItemKey( menuItemKey ); Document doc = admin.getContentTitlesBySection( sectionKey, null, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, false, true ).getAsDOMDocument(); // get content to add Document tempDoc = admin.getContentTitleXML( versionKey ).getAsDOMDocument(); Element contenttitleElem = XMLTool.getFirstElement( tempDoc.getDocumentElement() ); // add content to section contents rootElem = (Element) wizarddataDoc.importNode( doc.getDocumentElement(), true ); final Element elem = XMLTool.getFirstElement( rootElem ); final Node newChild = wizarddataDoc.importNode( contenttitleElem, true ); final String selector = "//contenttitle[@key = '" + contenttitleElem.getAttribute( "key" ) + "']"; final Element exist = XMLTool.selectElement( doc.getDocumentElement(), selector ); if ( exist == null ) { if ( elem != null ) { rootElem.insertBefore( newChild, elem ); // insert before first } else { rootElem.appendChild( newChild ); } } } wizarddataElem.appendChild( rootElem ); } } // confirm publishing private void appendCustomDataStep3( User user, AdminService admin, WizardState wizardState, Document wizarddataDoc, int contentKey, int versionKey ) { Element wizarddataElem = wizarddataDoc.getDocumentElement(); // get content version final Document doc = admin.getContentVersion( user, versionKey ).getAsDOMDocument(); wizarddataElem.appendChild( wizarddataDoc.importNode( doc.getDocumentElement(), true ) ); // get step 1's menu and section keys Document stateDoc = wizardState.getStepState( "step1" ).getStateDoc(); Element stepstateElem = stateDoc.getDocumentElement(); Element[] menuElems = XMLTool.getElements( stepstateElem, "menu" ); TIntArrayList menuKeyList = new TIntArrayList(); if ( menuElems.length > 0 ) { for ( Element menuElem : menuElems ) { int menuKey = Integer.parseInt( menuElem.getAttribute( "key" ) ); menuKeyList.add( menuKey ); Element pagetemplateElem = XMLTool.getElement( menuElem, "pagetemplate" ); if ( pagetemplateElem != null ) { int pageTemplateKey = Integer.parseInt( pagetemplateElem.getAttribute( "key" ) ); Document tempDoc = XMLTool.domparse( admin.getPageTemplate( pageTemplateKey ) ); Element pagetemplatesElem = XMLTool.getElement( wizarddataElem, "pagetemplates" ); if ( pagetemplatesElem != null ) { pagetemplatesElem.appendChild( wizarddataDoc.importNode( XMLTool.getFirstElement( tempDoc.getDocumentElement() ), true ) ); } else { wizarddataElem.appendChild( wizarddataDoc.importNode( tempDoc.getDocumentElement(), true ) ); } } } // Added menu items final TIntArrayList menuItemKeys = getSelectedMenuItemKeys( stateDoc ); final TIntArrayList displayMenuItemKeys = new TIntArrayList(); final List<MenuItemEntity> menuItemList = getAccessibleMenuItems( user, menuKeyList.toArray() ); for ( MenuItemEntity entity : menuItemList ) { if ( !menuItemKeys.contains( entity.getKey().toInt() ) ) { menuItemKeys.add( entity.getKey().toInt() ); displayMenuItemKeys.add( entity.getKey().toInt() ); } } // Added sections SectionCriteria criteria = new SectionCriteria(); criteria.setMenuItemKeys( menuItemKeys.toArray() ); criteria.setTreeStructure( false ); criteria.setAppendAccessRights( false ); criteria.setMarkContentFilteredSections( true ); final int contentTypeKey = admin.getContentTypeKey( contentKey ); criteria.setContentTypeKeyFilter( contentTypeKey ); criteria.setIncludeSectionsWithoutContentTypeEvenWhenFilterIsSet( false ); criteria.setIncludeSectionContentTypesInfo( false ); final XMLDocument xmlSectionsDocument = admin.getSections( user, criteria ); wizarddataElem.appendChild( wizarddataDoc.importNode( xmlSectionsDocument.getAsDOMDocument().getDocumentElement(), true ) ); wizarddataElem.appendChild( wizarddataDoc.importNode( this.sectionsDoc.getDocumentElement(), true ) ); final Map<Integer, Boolean> keys = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); final Map<String, Set<String>> siteToMenus = getSitesToMenusMap( this.sectionsDoc, wizardState ); final TIntArrayList allKeysSet = new TIntArrayList(); for ( final Set<String> menuItems : siteToMenus.values() ) { for ( final String menuItem : menuItems ) { allKeysSet.add( Integer.parseInt( menuItem ) ); } } final Set<Integer> previousMenuItemKeysSet = allKeysSet.toLinkedHashSet(); allKeysSet.add( menuItemKeys.toArray() ); final Set<Integer> currentMenuItemKeysSet = menuItemKeys.toLinkedHashSet(); for ( final int key : allKeysSet.toArray() ) { keys.put( key, !previousMenuItemKeysSet.contains( key ) || currentMenuItemKeysSet.contains( key ) ); } final Document elementsToListDoc = createElementsToList( keys, displayMenuItemKeys.toLinkedHashSet() ); wizarddataElem.appendChild( wizarddataDoc.importNode( elementsToListDoc.getDocumentElement(), true ) ); } } // Previous sections private Document readSectionsWhereContentIsPublished( final AdminService admin, final User user, final int contentKey ) { final SectionCriteria criteria = new SectionCriteria(); criteria.setTreeStructure( false ); criteria.setAppendAccessRights( false ); criteria.setContentKey( contentKey ); criteria.setMarkContentFilteredSections( true ); criteria.setIncludeSectionsWithoutContentTypeEvenWhenFilterIsSet( false ); criteria.setIncludeSectionContentTypesInfo( false ); return admin.getSections( user, criteria ).getAsDOMDocument(); } protected void saveState( WizardState wizardState, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, AdminService admin, User user, ExtendedMap formItems ) throws WizardException { // get step state document StepState stepState = wizardState.getCurrentStepState(); Document stepstateDoc = stepState.getStateDoc(); try { Step currentStep = wizardState.getCurrentStep(); if ( "step0".equals( currentStep.getName() ) ) { int contentKey; int versionKey = formItems.getInt( "versionkey", -1 ); if ( versionKey < 0 ) { contentKey = formItems.getInt( "contentkey" ); versionKey = admin.getCurrentVersionKey( contentKey ); formItems.put( "versionkey", versionKey ); } else { contentKey = admin.getContentKeyByVersionKey( versionKey ); formItems.put( "contentkey", contentKey ); } saveStateStep0( admin, stepstateDoc, formItems, contentKey, versionKey ); } else if ( "step1".equals( currentStep.getName() ) ) { final int versionKey = formItems.getInt( "versionkey", -1 ); final int contentKey = versionKey < 0 ? formItems.getInt( "contentkey" ) : admin.getContentKeyByVersionKey( versionKey ); this.sectionsDoc = readSectionsWhereContentIsPublished( admin, user, contentKey ); final Map<String, Set<String>> siteToMenus = getSitesToMenusMap( this.sectionsDoc, wizardState ); saveStateStep1( wizardState, admin, stepstateDoc, formItems, siteToMenus ); } else if ( "step2".equals( currentStep.getName() ) ) { saveStateStep2( admin, stepstateDoc, formItems ); } } catch ( ParseException pe ) { String message = "Failed to parse a date: %t"; WizardLogger.errorWizard( message, pe ); } } private Map<String, Set<String>> getSitesToMenusMap( final Document sectionsDoc, final WizardState wizardState ) { // get step 1's menu and section keys Document stateDoc = wizardState.getStepState( "step0" ).getStateDoc(); Element stepstateElem = stateDoc.getDocumentElement(); Element[] menuElems = XMLTool.getElements( stepstateElem, "menu" ); TIntArrayList menuKeyList = new TIntArrayList(); if ( menuElems.length > 0 ) { for ( Element menuElem : menuElems ) { int menuKey = Integer.parseInt( menuElem.getAttribute( "key" ) ); menuKeyList.add( menuKey ); } } final Element rootElem = sectionsDoc.getDocumentElement(); final Element[] sections = XMLTool.getElements( rootElem, "section" ); final Map<String, Set<String>> siteToMenus = Maps.newHashMap(); for ( final Element section : sections ) { final String siteKey = section.getAttribute( "menukey" ); final String menuKey = section.getAttribute( "key" ); final Set<Integer> sites = menuKeyList.toLinkedHashSet(); // check that site was selected on step 0 if ( sites.contains( Integer.parseInt( siteKey ) ) ) { Set<String> menus = siteToMenus.get( siteKey ); if ( menus == null ) { menus = Sets.newHashSet(); siteToMenus.put( siteKey, menus ); } menus.add( menuKey ); } } return siteToMenus; } // approval and site selection private void saveStateStep0( AdminService admin, Document stepstateDoc, ExtendedMap formItems, int contentKey, int versionKey ) throws ParseException, WizardException { Element rootElem = stepstateDoc.getDocumentElement(); Element contentElem = XMLTool.createElement( stepstateDoc, rootElem, "content" ); contentElem.setAttribute( "key", String.valueOf( contentKey ) ); // status int status = formItems.getInt( "status", -1 ); if ( status >= 0 ) { XMLTool.createElement( stepstateDoc, rootElem, "status", String.valueOf( status ) ); } int originalStatus = admin.getContentStatus( versionKey ); switch ( status ) { case 0: { if ( originalStatus == 1 ) { // reject approval saveRecipients( stepstateDoc, formItems ); saveMessage( stepstateDoc, formItems ); } break; } case 1: { if ( originalStatus == 0 ) { // send to approval saveRecipients( stepstateDoc, formItems ); saveMessage( stepstateDoc, formItems ); } break; } case 2: { // publish from/to if ( formItems.containsKey( "datepublishfrom" ) || formItems.containsKey( "datepublishto" ) || formItems.containsKey( "publishfrom_now" ) ) { Element publishingElem = XMLTool.createElement( stepstateDoc, rootElem, "publishing" ); String date = formItems.getString( "datepublishfrom", null ); if ( date != null ) { String time = formItems.getString( "timepublishfrom", null ); String datetime; if ( time != null ) { datetime = date + " " + time; } else { datetime = date + " 00:00"; } Date publishFrom = DateUtil.parseDateTime( datetime ); publishingElem.setAttribute( "from", DateUtil.formatISODateTime( publishFrom ) ); } date = formItems.getString( "datepublishto", null ); if ( date != null ) { String time = formItems.getString( "timepublishto", null ); String datetime; if ( time != null ) { datetime = date + " " + time; } else { datetime = date + " 00:00"; } Date publishto = DateUtil.parseDateTime( datetime ); publishingElem.setAttribute( "to", DateUtil.formatISODateTime( publishto ) ); } } break; } case 3: { // ignore, nothing to save break; } default: { if ( originalStatus != 2 ) { WizardLogger.errorWizard( "Unknown status: {0}", String.valueOf( status ) ); } break; } } if ( status == 1 || status == 2 || ( originalStatus == 2 && status == -1 ) ) { // sites String[] menuKeys = formItems.getStringArray( "menukey" ); for ( String menuKey : menuKeys ) { Element sectionElem = XMLTool.createElement( stepstateDoc, rootElem, "menu" ); sectionElem.setAttribute( "key", menuKey ); } } } private void saveRecipients( Document stepstateDoc, ExtendedMap formItems ) { Element rootElem = stepstateDoc.getDocumentElement(); Element recipientsElem = XMLTool.createElement( stepstateDoc, rootElem, "recipients" ); String[] recipientKeys = formItems.getStringArray( "recipientkeys" ); for ( String recipientKey : recipientKeys ) { Element recipientElem = XMLTool.createElement( stepstateDoc, recipientsElem, "recipient" ); recipientElem.setAttribute( "key", recipientKey ); recipientElem.setAttribute( "name", formItems.getString( "name_" + recipientKey ) ); recipientElem.setAttribute( "email", formItems.getString( "email_" + recipientKey ) ); } } private void saveMessage( Document stepstateDoc, ExtendedMap formItems ) { // if ( formItems.containsKey( "subject" ) ) // { Element rootElem = stepstateDoc.getDocumentElement(); Element messageElem = XMLTool.createElement( stepstateDoc, rootElem, "message" ); //messageElem.setAttribute( "subject", formItems.getString( "subject" ) ); if ( formItems.containsKey( "body" ) ) { XMLTool.createCDATASection( stepstateDoc, messageElem, formItems.getString( "body" ) ); } // } } // publishing private void saveStateStep1( WizardState wizardState, AdminService admin, Document stepstateDoc, ExtendedMap formItems, final Map<String, Set<String>> siteToMenus ) { Document stateDoc = wizardState.getFirstStepState().getStateDoc(); Element stepstateElem = stateDoc.getDocumentElement(); Element[] menuElems = XMLTool.getElements( stepstateElem, "menu" ); // select for ( Element menuElem1 : menuElems ) { final String site = menuElem1.getAttribute( "key" ); final int menuKey = Integer.parseInt( site ); Element rootElem = stepstateDoc.getDocumentElement(); Element menuElem = XMLTool.createElement( stepstateDoc, rootElem, "menu" ); menuElem.setAttribute( "key", String.valueOf( menuKey ) ); // framework if ( formItems.containsKey( "contentframework_" + menuKey ) ) { Element pagetemplateElem = XMLTool.createElement( stepstateDoc, menuElem, "pagetemplate" ); try { int pageTemplateKey = Integer.parseInt( formItems.getString( "contentframework_" + menuKey ) ); pagetemplateElem.setAttribute( "key", String.valueOf( pageTemplateKey ) ); } catch ( Exception e ) { ; } } String[] menuItemSelectedKeysAsArray = formItems.getStringArray( "menuitem_select_" + menuKey ); List<String> toBePublishedMenuItems = Arrays.asList( menuItemSelectedKeysAsArray ); String[] menuItemManuallyOrderKeysArray = formItems.getStringArray( "menuitem_manually_order_" + menuKey ); List<String> menuItemManuallyOrderKeys = Arrays.asList( menuItemManuallyOrderKeysArray ); Set<String> menuItems = Sets.newHashSet(); final Set<String> alreadyPublishedMenuItems = Objects.firstNonNull( siteToMenus.get( site ), Collections.<String>emptySet() ); menuItems.addAll( alreadyPublishedMenuItems ); menuItems.addAll( toBePublishedMenuItems ); for ( final String menuItem : menuItems ) { final boolean isAmongAlreadyPublished = alreadyPublishedMenuItems.contains( menuItem ); final boolean isAmongToBePublished = toBePublishedMenuItems.contains( menuItem ); final boolean isChanged = isAmongAlreadyPublished ^ isAmongToBePublished; final boolean isPublish = !isAmongAlreadyPublished || isAmongToBePublished; final Action change = isAmongAlreadyPublished ? Action.remove : Action.add; final Action action = isChanged ? change : Action.none; final boolean manuallyOrder = menuItemManuallyOrderKeys.contains( menuItem ); final Element menuItemElem = XMLTool.createElement( stepstateDoc, menuElem, "menuitem" ); menuItemElem.setAttribute( "key", menuItem ); menuItemElem.setAttribute( "publish", String.valueOf( isPublish ) ); // show on wizard page as checked menuItemElem.setAttribute( "selected", String.valueOf( isAmongToBePublished ) ); menuItemElem.setAttribute( "action", String.valueOf( action ) ); menuItemElem.setAttribute( "manuallyOrder", String.valueOf( manuallyOrder ) ); MenuItemKey menuItemKey = new MenuItemKey( menuItem ); MenuItemKey sectionKey = admin.getSectionKeyByMenuItemKey( menuItemKey ); menuItemElem.setAttribute( "ordered", String.valueOf( admin.isSectionOrdered( sectionKey.toInt() ) ) ); } // home String homeKey = formItems.getString( "menuitem_home_" + menuKey, null ); if ( homeKey != null ) { Element homeElem = XMLTool.createElement( stepstateDoc, menuElem, "home" ); homeElem.setAttribute( "key", homeKey ); } } } // position content in section private void saveStateStep2( AdminService admin, Document stepstateDoc, ExtendedMap formItems ) { Element rootElem = stepstateDoc.getDocumentElement(); Element sectionElem = XMLTool.createElement( stepstateDoc, rootElem, "section" ); MenuItemKey menuItemKey = new MenuItemKey( formItems.getString( "menuitemkey" ) ); MenuItemKey sectionKey = admin.getSectionKeyByMenuItemKey( menuItemKey ); sectionElem.setAttribute( "key", sectionKey.toString() ); if ( formItems.containsKey( "contentidx" ) ) { Element elem = XMLTool.createElement( stepstateDoc, rootElem, "contentidx" ); elem.setAttribute( "value", formItems.getString( "contentidx", null ) ); } String[] contentKeys = formItems.getStringArray( "content" ); for ( String contentKey : contentKeys ) { Element contentElem = XMLTool.createElement( stepstateDoc, sectionElem, "content" ); contentElem.setAttribute( "key", contentKey ); } } private boolean moreOrder( User user, WizardState wizardState, AdminService admin ) { StepState stepState = wizardState.getCurrentStepState(); NormalStep step = stepState.getStep(); int sectionIndex = 0; while ( !"step1".equals( step.getName() ) ) { stepState = stepState.getPreviousStepState(); step = stepState.getStep(); sectionIndex++; } Document stateDoc = stepState.getStateDoc(); Element[] menuElems = XMLTool.getElements( stateDoc.getDocumentElement(), "menu" ); int idx = 0; for ( Element menuElem : menuElems ) { Element[] menuitemElems = XMLTool.getElements( menuElem, "menuitem" ); for ( Element menuitemElem : menuitemElems ) { boolean manuallyOrder = Boolean.valueOf( menuitemElem.getAttribute( "manuallyOrder" ) ); boolean ordered = Boolean.valueOf( menuitemElem.getAttribute( "ordered" ) ); MenuItemKey menuItemKey = new MenuItemKey( Integer.parseInt( menuitemElem.getAttribute( "key" ) ) ); MenuItemAccessRight menuItemAccessRight = admin.getMenuItemAccessRight( user, menuItemKey ); if ( manuallyOrder && ordered && menuItemAccessRight.getPublish() ) { if ( idx == sectionIndex ) { return true; } else { idx++; } } } } return false; } private boolean noSites( WizardState wizardState ) { Document stepstateDoc = wizardState.getCurrentStepState().getStateDoc(); Element stepstateElem = stepstateDoc.getDocumentElement(); Element[] menuElems = XMLTool.getElements( stepstateElem, "menu" ); return menuElems.length == 0; } private Document createElementsToList( final Map<Integer, Boolean> menuItemKeys, final Set<Integer> displayMenuItemKeys ) { final MenuItemXmlCreator creator = getMenuItemXmlCreator(); final org.jdom.Document doc = new org.jdom.Document(); final org.jdom.Element rootEl = new org.jdom.Element( "menus" ); doc.setRootElement( rootEl ); final Map<SiteKey, org.jdom.Element> siteElSiteKeyMap = new HashMap<SiteKey, org.jdom.Element>(); for ( final Map.Entry<Integer, Boolean> entry : menuItemKeys.entrySet() ) { final Integer menuItemKey = entry.getKey(); final Boolean menuItemKeyChecked = entry.getValue(); final MenuItemEntity menuItem = menuItemDao.findByKey( new MenuItemKey( menuItemKey ) ); final SiteEntity site = menuItem.getSite(); final SiteKey siteKey = site.getKey(); final org.jdom.Element siteEl; if ( siteElSiteKeyMap.containsKey( siteKey ) ) { siteEl = siteElSiteKeyMap.get( siteKey ); } else { siteEl = createSiteElement( site ); siteElSiteKeyMap.put( siteKey, siteEl ); rootEl.addContent( siteEl ); } final org.jdom.Element menuItemElement = creator.createMenuItemElement( menuItem ); menuItemElement.setAttribute( "publish", menuItemKeyChecked.toString() ); menuItemElement.setAttribute( "none", "" + displayMenuItemKeys.contains( menuItemKey ) ); siteEl.addContent( menuItemElement ); } return XMLDocumentFactory.create( doc ).getAsDOMDocument(); } private Document createElementsToList( final List<MenuItemEntity> menuItems, final Set<String> menus, final boolean firstStep ) { final MenuItemXmlCreator creator = getMenuItemXmlCreator(); final org.jdom.Document doc = new org.jdom.Document(); final org.jdom.Element rootEl = new org.jdom.Element( "menus" ); doc.setRootElement( rootEl ); final Map<SiteKey, org.jdom.Element> siteElSiteKeyMap = new HashMap<SiteKey, org.jdom.Element>(); for ( final MenuItemEntity menuItem : menuItems ) { final SiteEntity site = menuItem.getSite(); final SiteKey siteKey = site.getKey(); final org.jdom.Element siteEl; if ( siteElSiteKeyMap.containsKey( siteKey ) ) { siteEl = siteElSiteKeyMap.get( siteKey ); } else { siteEl = createSiteElement( site ); siteElSiteKeyMap.put( siteKey, siteEl ); rootEl.addContent( siteEl ); } final org.jdom.Element menuItemElement = creator.createMenuItemElement( menuItem ); if ( firstStep ) { menuItemElement.setAttribute( "publish", "true" ); } else { final String menuItemKey = String.valueOf( menuItem.getKey() ); menuItemElement.setAttribute( "publish", String.valueOf( menus.contains( menuItemKey ) ) ); } siteEl.addContent( menuItemElement ); } return XMLDocumentFactory.create( doc ).getAsDOMDocument(); } private MenuItemXmlCreator getMenuItemXmlCreator() { final MenuItemXMLCreatorSetting setting = new MenuItemXMLCreatorSetting(); setting.includeTypeSpecificXML = false; final MenuItemXmlCreator creator = new MenuItemXmlCreator( setting, null ); creator.setIncludePathInfo( true ); return creator; } private org.jdom.Element createSiteElement( final SiteEntity site ) { final org.jdom.Element siteEl = new org.jdom.Element( "menu" ); siteEl.setAttribute( "key", site.getKey().toString() ); siteEl.setAttribute( "name", site.getName() ); return siteEl; } private List<MenuItemEntity> getAccessibleMenuItems( final User oldUser, final int[] menuKeys ) { final List<MenuItemEntity> menuItemsOfTypeSection = new ArrayList<MenuItemEntity>(); for ( final int menuKey : menuKeys ) { /* Sections */ final MenuItemSpecification specSection = new MenuItemSpecification(); specSection.setSiteKey( new SiteKey( menuKey ) ); specSection.setType( MenuItemType.SECTION ); menuItemsOfTypeSection.addAll( menuItemDao.findBySpecification( specSection ) ); /* Page Section */ final MenuItemSpecification specSectionPage = new MenuItemSpecification(); specSectionPage.setSiteKey( new SiteKey( menuKey ) ); specSectionPage.setPageSpecification( new PageSpecification() ); specSectionPage.getPageSpecification().setTemplateSpecification( new PageTemplateSpecification() ); specSectionPage.getPageSpecification().getTemplateSpecification().setType( PageTemplateType.SECTIONPAGE ); menuItemsOfTypeSection.addAll( menuItemDao.findBySpecification( specSectionPage ) ); /* Newsletter Section */ final MenuItemSpecification newsletterSectionSpec = new MenuItemSpecification(); newsletterSectionSpec.setSiteKey( new SiteKey( menuKey ) ); newsletterSectionSpec.setPageSpecification( new PageSpecification() ); newsletterSectionSpec.getPageSpecification().setTemplateSpecification( new PageTemplateSpecification() ); newsletterSectionSpec.getPageSpecification().getTemplateSpecification().setType( PageTemplateType.NEWSLETTER ); menuItemsOfTypeSection.addAll( menuItemDao.findBySpecification( newsletterSectionSpec ) ); } final UserEntity newUser = securityService.getUser( oldUser ); final List<MenuItemEntity> accessibleMenuItems = new ArrayList<MenuItemEntity>(); MenuItemAccessResolver menuItemAccessResolver = new MenuItemAccessResolver( groupDao ); for ( final MenuItemEntity menuItem : menuItemsOfTypeSection ) { if ( menuItemAccessResolver.hasAccess( newUser, menuItem, MenuItemAccessType.PUBLISH ) || menuItemAccessResolver.hasAccess( newUser, menuItem, MenuItemAccessType.ADD ) ) { accessibleMenuItems.add( menuItem ); } } return accessibleMenuItems; } private TIntArrayList getSelectedMenuItemKeys( final Document stateDoc ) { final TIntArrayList menuItemKeys = new TIntArrayList(); final Element[] menuEls = XMLTool.getElements( stateDoc.getDocumentElement(), "menu" ); for ( final Element menuEl : menuEls ) { final Element[] menuItemEls = XMLTool.getElements( menuEl, "menuitem" ); for ( final Element menuItemEl : menuItemEls ) { final int menuItemKey = Integer.parseInt( menuItemEl.getAttribute( "key" ) ); final boolean selected = Boolean.parseBoolean( menuItemEl.getAttribute( "selected" ) ); if ( selected ) { menuItemKeys.add( menuItemKey ); } } } return menuItemKeys; } }