package; import org.codehaus.jackson.node.ObjectNode; import; import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.status.IndexStatus; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import; import com.enonic.cms.web.status.StatusInfoBuilder; @Component public class IndexStatusInfoBuilder extends StatusInfoBuilder { @Autowired private ElasticSearchIndexService elasticSearchIndexService; public IndexStatusInfoBuilder() { super( "index" ); } @Override protected void build( final ObjectNode json ) { buildClusterHealtStatus( json ); buildIndexStatus( json ); } private void buildIndexStatus( final ObjectNode json ) { final IndexStatus indexStatus; try { indexStatus = elasticSearchIndexService.getIndexStatus( "cms" ); if ( indexStatus == null ) { json.put( "documents", "error : not able to fetch indexStatus" ); json.put( "primaryShardsStoreSize", "error : not able to fetch indexStatus" ); json.put( "totalStoreSize", "error : not able to fetch indexStatus" ); } else { json.put( "documents", indexStatus.getDocs() == null ? "error: not able to get number of documents" : indexStatus.getDocs().getNumDocs() + "" ); json.put( "primaryShardsStoreSize", indexStatus.getPrimaryStoreSize() == null ? "error: not able to get primaryStoreSize" : indexStatus.getPrimaryStoreSize().toString() ); json.put( "totalStoreSize", indexStatus.getStoreSize() == null ? "error: not able to get storeSize" : indexStatus.getStoreSize().toString() ); } } catch ( Exception e ) { json.put( "exception", exceptionToString( e ) ); } } private void buildClusterHealtStatus( final ObjectNode json ) { final ClusterHealthResponse clusterHealthResponse; try { clusterHealthResponse = elasticSearchIndexService.getClusterHealth( "cms", false ); if ( clusterHealthResponse == null ) { json.put( "status", "error : not able to fetch clusterHealthResponse" ); json.put( "activeShards", "error : not able to fetch clusterHealthResponse" ); json.put( "activePrimaryShards", "error : not able to fetch clusterHealthResponse" ); json.put( "activeReplicas", "error : not able to fetch clusterHealthResponse" ); json.put( "unassignedShards", "error : not able to fetch clusterHealthResponse" ); json.put( "relocatingShards", "error : not able to fetch clusterHealthResponse" ); json.put( "initializingShards", "error : not able to fetch clusterHealthResponse" ); } else { json.put( "status", clusterHealthResponse.getStatus().toString() ); json.put( "activeShards", clusterHealthResponse.getActiveShards() ); json.put( "activePrimaryShards", clusterHealthResponse.getActivePrimaryShards() ); json.put( "activeReplicas", clusterHealthResponse.getActiveShards() - clusterHealthResponse.getActivePrimaryShards() ); json.put( "unassignedShards", clusterHealthResponse.getUnassignedShards() ); json.put( "relocatingShards", clusterHealthResponse.getRelocatingShards() ); json.put( "initializingShards", clusterHealthResponse.getInitializingShards() ); } } catch ( Exception e ) { json.put( "exception", exceptionToString( e ) ); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. } } }