/* * Copyright 2000-2013 Enonic AS * http://www.enonic.com/license */ package com.enonic.cms.core.xslt; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedList; import javax.xml.transform.ErrorListener; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; /** * This class holds the processor errors. */ public final class XsltProcessorErrors implements ErrorListener { /** * A list of errors. */ private final LinkedList<TransformerException> errors; /** * A list of fatal errors. */ private final LinkedList<TransformerException> fatalErrors; /** * Construct the errors. */ public XsltProcessorErrors() { this.errors = new LinkedList<TransformerException>(); this.fatalErrors = new LinkedList<TransformerException>(); } /** * Return true if it has errors. */ public boolean hasErrors() { return !( this.errors.isEmpty() && this.fatalErrors.isEmpty() ); } /** * Return the all errors. */ public Collection<TransformerException> getAllErrors() { LinkedList<TransformerException> allErrors = new LinkedList<TransformerException>(); allErrors.addAll( this.errors ); allErrors.addAll( this.fatalErrors ); return allErrors; } /** * Report error. */ public void error( TransformerException exception ) { this.errors.add( exception ); } /** * Report fatal error. */ public void fatalError( TransformerException exception ) { this.fatalErrors.add( exception ); } /** * Report warning. */ public void warning( TransformerException exception ) { // Do nothing } }