package; public class QueryBuilder { public static final int NO_JOIN = 0; public static final int INNER_JOIN = 1; public static final int LEFT_JOIN = 2; public static final int LEFT_JOIN_FETCH = 3; protected StringBuffer hql; protected int tabs = 0; private boolean leftJoinIncluded = false; private int filtersAdded = 0; private int fromTablesAdded = 0; private boolean filterGroup = false; private String filterGroupType; private boolean filterGroupStarted = false; public void addFromTable( String tableName, String alias, int joinMethod, String joinCondition ) { hql.append( "\n" ); appendTabs(); if ( fromTablesAdded == 0 ) { hql.append( "FROM " ).append( tableName ).append( " AS " ).append( alias ); } else { if ( joinMethod == INNER_JOIN ) { if ( leftJoinIncluded ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Can not add regular joins after adding the first left (outer) join." ); } // INNER JOIN tContentIndex AS t4 ON t4.cix_lContentKey = x.cix_lContentKey AND t4.cix_sPath = 'publishfrom' hql.append( "INNER JOIN " ).append( tableName ).append( " AS " ).append( alias ).append( " ON " ).append( joinCondition ); } else if ( joinMethod == LEFT_JOIN ) { leftJoinIncluded = true; // left join c.currentVersion hql.append( "LEFT JOIN " ).append( tableName ); } else if ( joinMethod == LEFT_JOIN_FETCH ) { leftJoinIncluded = true; // left join fetch c.currentVersion hql.append( "LEFT JOIN FETCH " ).append( tableName ); } else { if ( leftJoinIncluded ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Can not add regular joins after adding the first left (outer) join." ); } hql.append( ", " ).append( tableName ).append( " AS " ).append( alias ); } } fromTablesAdded++; } protected void appendTabs() { for ( int i = 0; i < tabs; i++ ) { hql.append( "\t" ); } } public void addFilter( String type, String test ) { hql.append( "\n" ); appendTabs(); final boolean startFilterGroup = filterGroup && !filterGroupStarted; if ( startFilterGroup ) { hql.append( filtersAdded == 0 ? "WHERE" : filterGroupType ).append( " " ); } else { hql.append( filtersAdded == 0 ? "WHERE" : type ).append( " " ); } if ( startFilterGroup ) { hql.append( "(" ); hql.append( "\n" ); appendTabs(); filterGroupStarted = true; } hql.append( test ); filtersAdded++; } public void startFilterGroup( String type ) { filterGroup = true; filterGroupType = type; filterGroupStarted = false; } public void endFilterGroup() { if ( filterGroup && filterGroupStarted ) { hql.append( "\n" ); appendTabs(); hql.append( ")" ); } filterGroup = false; } public void addOrderBy( String columns ) { hql.append( "\n" ); appendTabs(); hql.append( "ORDER BY " ).append( columns ); } public void append( String s ) { hql.append( " " ).append( s ); } public String toString() { return hql.toString(); } }