/* * Copyright 2000-2013 Enonic AS * http://www.enonic.com/license */ package com.enonic.cms.api.client.model; public final class GetContentByCategoryParams extends AbstractParams { private static final long serialVersionUID = 8835663063064609797L; /** * Key(s) of the categories from which the contents are to be retrieved. * This field is mandatory. If not set by user, no content will be returned. */ public int[] categoryKeys = null; /** * Number of levels of categories to include content from. * 0 means infinite. * 1 means only given category. * Larger than 1 means include content from (levels - 1) levels below the given categories. * Default is 1. */ public int levels = 1; /** * Syntax as specified in the Content Query Language (se documentation). * Default is empty, which, if not overruled, will return every content for the given categories. */ public String query = ""; /** * Syntax as specified in the Content Query Language (se documentation). * Default is empty, which means there are no ordering defined. */ public String orderBy = ""; /** * Specifies start index of the result. * Default is 0. */ public int index = 0; /** * Specifies the count of how many content elements to include in the result. * Default is 100. */ public int count = 100; /** * Specifies if the data element of the contents should be included in the XML. * Default is false. */ public boolean includeData = true; /** * How many levels of children related contents to retrieve. * Default is 0. */ public int childrenLevel = 0; /** * How many levels of parent related contents to retrieve. * Default is 0. */ public int parentLevel = 0; /** * Specifies if user rights information should be included in the XML. * Default is false. */ public boolean includeUserRights = false; /** * Specifies if information about content's versions should be included in the XML. */ public boolean includeVersionsInfo = false; /** * Specifies if content that matches the search, but is offline, should be included in the result set. * Default is false. */ public boolean includeOfflineContent = false; }