/* * Copyright 2000-2013 Enonic AS * http://www.enonic.com/license */ package com.enonic.cms.upgrade.task; import com.enonic.cms.upgrade.UpgradeContext; final class UpgradeModel0213 extends AbstractUpgradeTask { public UpgradeModel0213() { super( 213 ); } public void upgrade( final UpgradeContext context ) throws Exception { context.logInfo( "Adding index to the column cov_cov_lSnapshotSource" ); context.logInfo( "Drop all current constraints on table 'tContentVersion'" ); context.dropTableConstraints( "tContentVersion", true ); context.logInfo( "Re-create all constraints on table 'tContentVersion', including new index on cov_cov_lSnapshotSource" ); context.createTableConstraints( "tContentVersion", true ); } }