/* * Copyright 2000-2013 Enonic AS * http://www.enonic.com/license */ package com.enonic.cms.api.plugin.ext.http; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; /** * This interface defines the auto login plugin. */ public abstract class HttpAutoLogin extends HttpProcessor { /** * Return the user name of person who should be logged in. If an error occurs, or there are other reasons why no user should be logged * in, this method should return NULL. This will indicate to the framework that no user should be logged in. */ public abstract String getAuthenticatedUser( HttpServletRequest request ) throws Exception; /** * Checks if the current logged in user is the same as the autologin user * If the autologin user is different than current user, the current user will be logged out before * logging in the new autologin user * * @return false if the currentuser is not equal to the autologin user */ public boolean validateCurrentUser( String currentUser, String usertoreName, HttpServletRequest request ) { return true; } }