package com.enonic.vertical.adminweb.wizard; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import javax.mail.MessagingException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import; import; import com.enonic.esl.containers.ExtendedMap; import; import com.enonic.esl.util.DateUtil; import com.enonic.esl.xml.XMLTool; import com.enonic.vertical.adminweb.VerticalAdminException; import com.enonic.vertical.adminweb.handlers.ContentBaseHandlerServlet; import com.enonic.vertical.adminweb.handlers.ContentEnhancedImageHandlerServlet; import com.enonic.vertical.adminweb.handlers.ContentFileHandlerServlet; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.CategoryAccessRight; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.ContentAccessRight; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.VerticalEngineException; import com.enonic.cms.core.content.AssignmentDataParser; import com.enonic.cms.core.content.ContentAndVersion; import com.enonic.cms.core.content.ContentEntity; import com.enonic.cms.core.content.ContentKey; import com.enonic.cms.core.content.ContentParserService; import com.enonic.cms.core.content.ContentService; import com.enonic.cms.core.content.ContentStatus; import com.enonic.cms.core.content.ContentVersionEntity; import com.enonic.cms.core.content.PageCacheInvalidatorForContent; import com.enonic.cms.core.content.UpdateContentResult; import com.enonic.cms.core.content.access.ContentAccessEntity; import com.enonic.cms.core.content.binary.BinaryData; import com.enonic.cms.core.content.binary.BinaryDataAndBinary; import com.enonic.cms.core.content.category.CategoryEntity; import com.enonic.cms.core.content.category.CategoryKey; import com.enonic.cms.core.content.category.CategoryService; import com.enonic.cms.core.content.category.StoreNewCategoryCommand; import com.enonic.cms.core.content.command.AssignContentCommand; import com.enonic.cms.core.content.command.CreateContentCommand; import com.enonic.cms.core.content.command.UnassignContentCommand; import com.enonic.cms.core.content.command.UpdateContentCommand; import com.enonic.cms.core.content.contenttype.ContentTypeEntity; import com.enonic.cms.core.content.mail.ImportedContentAssignmentMailTemplate; import com.enonic.cms.core.mail.MailRecipient; import com.enonic.cms.core.mail.SendMailService; import com.enonic.cms.core.portal.cache.PageCacheService; import; import; import; import; import com.enonic.cms.core.service.AdminService; import com.enonic.cms.core.util.LoggingUtil; import; import; import; public abstract class ImportZipWizard extends Wizard { @Autowired private transient ContentDao contentDao; @Autowired private transient UserDao userDao; @Autowired private transient CategoryDao categoryDao; @Autowired private transient SendMailService sendMailService; @Autowired private transient ContentService contentService; @Autowired private transient SecurityService securityService; @Autowired private transient ContentParserService contentParserService; @Autowired private transient PageCacheService pageCacheService; @Autowired private transient CategoryService categoryService; private int[] imageContentTypes; private int[] fileContentTypes; private String zipExcludePattern; @Value("${cms.admin.zipimport.excludePattern}") public void setZipExcludePattern( final String zipExcludePattern ) { this.zipExcludePattern = zipExcludePattern; } protected void initialize( AdminService admin, Document wizardconfigDoc ) throws WizardException { // fetch image and file content types imageContentTypes = admin.getContentTypeKeysByHandler( ContentEnhancedImageHandlerServlet.class.getName() ); Arrays.sort( imageContentTypes ); fileContentTypes = admin.getContentTypeKeysByHandler( ContentFileHandlerServlet.class.getName() ); Arrays.sort( fileContentTypes ); } private void readObject( ObjectInputStream in ) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { in.defaultReadObject(); } protected boolean evaluate( WizardState wizardState, HttpSession session, AdminService admin, ExtendedMap formItems, String testCondition ) throws WizardException { // no conditions defined return false; } protected void appendCustomData( WizardState wizardState, HttpSession session, AdminService admin, ExtendedMap formItems, ExtendedMap parameters, User user, Document dataconfigDoc, Document wizarddataDoc ) throws WizardException { int categoryKey = formItems.getInt( "cat" ); String categoryName = admin.getCategoryName( categoryKey ); formItems.put( "categoryname", categoryName ); int unitKey = admin.getUnitKey( categoryKey ); formItems.put( "selectedunitkey", unitKey ); Document xmlCat = admin.getSuperCategoryNames( categoryKey, false, true ).getAsDOMDocument(); XMLTool.mergeDocuments( wizarddataDoc, xmlCat, true ); } protected boolean validateState( WizardState wizardState, HttpSession session, AdminService admin, ExtendedMap formItems ) { boolean validState; String currentStepName = wizardState.getCurrentStep().getName(); Document stepstateDoc = wizardState.getCurrentStepState().getStateDoc(); if ( "step0".equals( currentStepName ) ) { if ( !wizardState.hasErrors() ) { Element zipElem = XMLTool.getElement( stepstateDoc.getDocumentElement(), "zip" ); if ( zipElem == null || !zipElem.hasAttribute( "dir" ) ) { validState = false; wizardState.addError( "6", "zipfile" ); } else { validState = true; } } else { validState = false; } } else if ( "step1".equals( currentStepName ) ) { validState = false; for ( Object o : formItems.keySet() ) { String key = (String) o; String entryPrefix = "entry_0_"; if ( key.startsWith( entryPrefix ) ) { validState = true; break; } } if ( !validState ) { wizardState.addError( "10", "files" ); } } else { validState = true; } return validState; } protected void saveState( WizardState wizardState, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, AdminService admin, User user, ExtendedMap formItems ) throws WizardException { super.saveState( wizardState, request, response, admin, user, formItems ); String stepName = wizardState.getCurrentStep().getName(); // step 0: unzip zip file and create temporary directory if ( "step0".equals( stepName ) ) { StepState stepState = wizardState.getCurrentStepState(); Document stateDoc = stepState.getStateDoc(); Element stepstateElem = stateDoc.getDocumentElement(); try { FileItem zipFileItem = formItems.getFileItem( "zipfile", null ); String zipFileName = zipFileItem.getName(); if ( !zipFileName.endsWith( ".zip" ) ) { wizardState.addError( "11", "zipfile" ); } File dir = Files.createTempDir(); FileUtil.inflateZipFile( zipFileItem.getInputStream(), dir, zipExcludePattern ); File[] files = dir.listFiles(); Element zipElem = XMLTool.createElement( stateDoc, stepstateElem, "zip" ); zipElem.setAttribute( "dir", dir.getAbsolutePath() ); int categoryKey = formItems.getInt( "cat" ); CategoryAccessRight categoryAccessRight = admin.getCategoryAccessRight( user, categoryKey ); boolean adminRight = categoryAccessRight.getAdministrate(); if ( adminRight ) { zipElem.setAttribute( "admin", "true" ); } int contentTypeKey = admin.getContentTypeKeyByCategory( categoryKey ); boolean someExists = filesToXML( zipElem, files, admin, user, categoryKey, adminRight, contentTypeKey ); if ( !someExists ) { zipElem.setAttribute( "allchecked", "true" ); } } catch ( IllegalArgumentException e ) { String message = "Failed to inflate zip file due to file names with special characters: %t"; WizardLogger.error( message, e ); wizardState.addError( "21", "zipfile", LoggingUtil.formatCause( message, e ) ); } catch ( IOException ioe ) { String message = "Failed to inflate zip file: %t"; WizardLogger.error( message, ioe ); wizardState.addError( "12", "zipfile", LoggingUtil.formatCause( message, ioe ) ); } } // update zip structure from first state else if ( "step1".equals( stepName ) ) { Document firstStateDoc = wizardState.getFirstStepState().getStateDoc(); Element firstZipElem = XMLTool.getFirstElement( firstStateDoc.getDocumentElement() ); Document stateDoc = wizardState.getCurrentStepState().getStateDoc(); Element zipElem = XMLTool.getFirstElement( stateDoc.getDocumentElement() ); zipElem.setAttribute( "dir", firstZipElem.getAttribute( "dir" ) ); boolean publish = ContentStatus.APPROVED.getKey() == Integer.parseInt( zipElem.getAttribute( "publish" ) ); if ( publish ) { if ( formItems.containsKey( "date_publishfrom" ) ) { Element publishfromElem = XMLTool.createElement( stateDoc, zipElem, "publishfrom" ); publishfromElem.setAttribute( "date", formItems.getString( "date_publishfrom" ) ); publishfromElem.setAttribute( "time", formItems.getString( "time_publishfrom" ) ); } if ( formItems.containsKey( "date_publishto" ) ) { Element publishfromElem = XMLTool.createElement( stateDoc, zipElem, "publishto" ); publishfromElem.setAttribute( "date", formItems.getString( "date_publishto" ) ); publishfromElem.setAttribute( "time", formItems.getString( "time_publishto" ) ); } } Map<String, Element> entryMap = new HashMap<String, Element>(); for ( Object o : formItems.keySet() ) { String key = (String) o; String entryPrefix = "entry_0_"; if ( key.startsWith( entryPrefix ) ) { StringBuilder entryId = new StringBuilder( entryPrefix ); StringTokenizer positions = new StringTokenizer( key.substring( 8 ), "_" ); Element parentElem = zipElem; Element[] entryElems = XMLTool.getElements( firstZipElem ); while ( positions.hasMoreTokens() ) { int position = Integer.parseInt( positions.nextToken() ) - 1; entryId.append( "_" ); entryId.append( position ); Element entryElem = entryMap.get( entryId.toString() ); if ( entryElem == null ) { entryElem = XMLTool.createElement( stateDoc, parentElem, "entry" ); entryElem.setAttribute( "type", entryElems[position].getAttribute( "type" ) ); entryElem.setAttribute( "name", entryElems[position].getAttribute( "name" ) ); if ( entryElems[position].hasAttribute( "exists" ) ) { entryElem.setAttribute( "exists", entryElems[position].getAttribute( "exists" ) ); } entryMap.put( entryId.toString(), entryElem ); } parentElem = entryElem; entryElems = XMLTool.getElements( entryElems[position] ); } } } } } /** * @see com.enonic.vertical.adminweb.wizard.Wizard#cancelClicked(com.enonic.vertical.adminweb.wizard.Wizard.WizardState) */ protected void cancelClicked( WizardState wizardState ) { cleanup( wizardState ); } private void cleanup( WizardState wizardState ) { StepState firstStepState = wizardState.getFirstStepState(); if ( firstStepState != null ) { Document stateDoc = firstStepState.getStateDoc(); Element zipElem = XMLTool.getFirstElement( stateDoc.getDocumentElement() ); if ( zipElem != null ) { File dir = new File( zipElem.getAttribute( "dir" ) ); try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory( dir ); } catch ( final Exception e ) { // Do nothing } } } } private boolean filesToXML( Element root, File[] files, AdminService admin, User user, int categoryKey, boolean adminRight, int contentTypeKey ) { boolean someExists = false; for ( File file : files ) { someExists |= fileToXML( root, file, admin, user, categoryKey, adminRight, contentTypeKey ); } return someExists; } private boolean fileToXML( Element root, File file, AdminService admin, User user, int superCategoryKey, boolean superAdminRight, int superContentTypeKey ) { Document doc = root.getOwnerDocument(); Element entryElem = XMLTool.createElement( doc, root, "entry" ); String name = file.getName(); entryElem.setAttribute( "name", name ); boolean someExists; if ( file.isDirectory() ) { entryElem.setAttribute( "type", "dir" ); boolean adminRight; int contentTypeKey; int categoryKey = ( superCategoryKey >= 0 ? admin.getCategoryKey( superCategoryKey, name ) : -1 ); if ( categoryKey >= 0 ) { entryElem.setAttribute( "exists", "true" ); contentTypeKey = admin.getContentTypeKeyByCategory( categoryKey ); // check rights CategoryAccessRight categoryAccessRight = admin.getCategoryAccessRight( user, categoryKey ); adminRight = categoryAccessRight.getAdministrate(); } else { adminRight = superAdminRight; contentTypeKey = superContentTypeKey; } if ( adminRight ) { entryElem.setAttribute( "admin", "true" ); } String contentType = getContentTypeInternal( contentTypeKey ); if ( contentType != null ) { entryElem.setAttribute( "contenttype", contentType ); } someExists = filesToXML( entryElem, file.listFiles(), admin, user, categoryKey, adminRight, contentTypeKey ); if ( !someExists ) { entryElem.setAttribute( "allchecked", "true" ); } } else { entryElem.setAttribute( "type", "file" ); if ( isFiltered( name ) ) { entryElem.setAttribute( "filtered", "true" ); } if ( superCategoryKey >= 0 && admin.contentExists( superCategoryKey, cropName( name ) ) ) { entryElem.setAttribute( "exists", "true" ); someExists = true; int contentKey = admin.getContentKey( superCategoryKey, cropName( name ) ); ContentAccessRight contentAccessRight = admin.getContentAccessRight( user, contentKey ); if ( contentAccessRight.getUpdate() ) { entryElem.setAttribute( "update", "true" ); } } else { someExists = false; if ( superAdminRight ) { entryElem.setAttribute( "update", "true" ); } } } return someExists; } protected abstract boolean isFiltered( String name ); private String getContentTypeInternal( int contentTypeKey ) { String contentType; if ( Arrays.binarySearch( imageContentTypes, contentTypeKey ) >= 0 ) { contentType = "image"; } else if ( Arrays.binarySearch( fileContentTypes, contentTypeKey ) >= 0 ) { contentType = "file"; } else { contentType = null; } return contentType; } protected void processWizardData( WizardState wizardState, HttpSession session, AdminService admin, ExtendedMap formItems, User user, Document dataDoc ) throws VerticalAdminException, VerticalEngineException, IOException, MessagingException { Document stateDoc = wizardState.getStepState( "step1" ).getStateDoc(); Element zipElem = XMLTool.getFirstElement( stateDoc.getDocumentElement() ); File dir = new File( zipElem.getAttribute( "dir" ) ); // if content is to be published, set publish dates final String importContentStatus = zipElem.getAttribute( "publish" ); boolean doPublish = importContentStatus.equals( Integer.toString( ContentStatus.APPROVED.getKey() ) ); if ( doPublish ) { formItems.put( "importedContentStatus", 2 ); formItems.put( "published", true ); Element publishfromElem = XMLTool.getElement( zipElem, "publishfrom" ); if ( publishfromElem != null ) { formItems.put( "date_pubdata_publishfrom", publishfromElem.getAttribute( "date" ) ); formItems.put( "time_pubdata_publishfrom", publishfromElem.getAttribute( "time" ) ); } Element publishtoElem = XMLTool.getElement( zipElem, "publishto" ); if ( publishtoElem != null ) { formItems.put( "date_pubdata_publishto", publishtoElem.getAttribute( "date" ) ); formItems.put( "time_pubdata_publishto", publishtoElem.getAttribute( "time" ) ); } } else { formItems.put( "importedContentStatus", 0 ); } // save files Element[] entryElems = XMLTool.getElements( zipElem, "entry" ); int categoryKey = formItems.getInt( "cat" ); int unitKey = admin.getUnitKey( categoryKey ); formItems.put( "selectedunitkey", unitKey ); ContentBaseHandlerServlet cbhServlet = (ContentBaseHandlerServlet) servlet; Set<ContentKey> assignedContent = Sets.newHashSet(); AssignmentDataParser assignmentDataParser = new AssignmentDataParser( formItems ); String assigneeKey = assignmentDataParser.getAssigneeKey(); saveEntries( user, admin, formItems, cbhServlet, categoryKey, entryElems, dir, assignmentDataParser, assignedContent ); if ( assignedContent.size() > 0 && StringUtils.isNotBlank( assigneeKey ) ) { sendImportedContentAssignedMail( user, assignedContent, assignmentDataParser, assigneeKey ); } // clean up cleanup( wizardState ); } private StoreNewCategoryCommand createStoreNewCategoryCommand( User user, int superCategoryKey, String fileName ) { CategoryEntity parentCategory = categoryDao.findByKey( new CategoryKey( superCategoryKey ) ); StoreNewCategoryCommand command = new StoreNewCategoryCommand(); command.setCreator( user.getKey() ); command.setParentCategory( parentCategory.getKey() ); command.setName( fileName ); command.setDescription( null ); command.setAutoApprove( parentCategory.getAutoMakeAvailableAsBoolean() ); ContentTypeEntity contentType = parentCategory.getContentType(); if ( contentType != null ) { command.setContentType( contentType.getContentTypeKey() ); } return command; } private void sendImportedContentAssignedMail( User user, Set<ContentKey> assignedContent, AssignmentDataParser assignmentDataParser, String assigneeKey ) throws IOException, MessagingException { ImportedContentAssignmentMailTemplate mailTemplate = new ImportedContentAssignmentMailTemplate( assignedContent, contentDao ); mailTemplate.setAssignmentDescription( assignmentDataParser.getAssignmentDescription() ); mailTemplate.setAssignmentDueDate( assignmentDataParser.getAssignmentDueDate() ); UserEntity assigner = userDao.findByKey( user.getKey() ); mailTemplate.setAssigner( assigner ); mailTemplate.setFrom( new MailRecipient( user.getDisplayName(), user.getEmail() ) ); UserEntity assignee = userDao.findByKey( assigneeKey ); mailTemplate.addRecipient( new MailRecipient( assignee.getName(), assignee.getEmail() ) ); sendMailService.sendMail( mailTemplate ); } private void saveEntries( User user, AdminService admin, ExtendedMap oldFormItems, ContentBaseHandlerServlet cbhServlet, int superCategoryKey, Element[] entryElems, File parentDir, AssignmentDataParser assignmentDataParser, Set<ContentKey> assignedContent ) { oldFormItems.put( "newimage", true ); for ( Element entryElem : entryElems ) { ExtendedMap formItems = new ExtendedMap( oldFormItems ); ContentKey storedContentKey = null; String fileName = entryElem.getAttribute( "name" ); String fileType = entryElem.getAttribute( "type" ); ContentStatus newVersionStatus = ContentStatus.get( formItems.getInt( "importedContentStatus" ) ); boolean contentExists = Boolean.valueOf( entryElem.getAttribute( "exists" ) ); boolean hasAssignee = assignmentDataParser.getAssigneeKey() != null; if ( "dir".equals( fileType ) ) { File dir = new File( parentDir, fileName ); int categoryKey; if ( contentExists ) { categoryKey = admin.getCategoryKey( superCategoryKey, fileName ); } else { StoreNewCategoryCommand command = createStoreNewCategoryCommand( user, superCategoryKey, fileName ); categoryKey = categoryService.storeNewCategory( command ).toInt(); } saveEntries( user, admin, formItems, cbhServlet, categoryKey, XMLTool.getElements( entryElem ), dir, assignmentDataParser, assignedContent ); } else { File file = new File( parentDir, fileName ); BinaryData[] binaries = getBinaries( cbhServlet, admin, formItems, file ); formItems.put( cbhServlet.getContentXMLBuilder().getTitleFormKey(), cropName( fileName ) ); formItems.put( "cat", superCategoryKey ); if ( contentExists ) { int contentKey = admin.getContentKey( superCategoryKey, cropName( fileName ) ); int versionKey = admin.getCurrentVersionKey( contentKey ); formItems.put( "createnewversion", true ); formItems.put( "key", contentKey ); formItems.put( "versionkey", versionKey ); formItems.put( "_pubdata_created", admin.getContentCreatedTimestamp( contentKey ) ); boolean published = formItems.getBoolean( "published", false ); if ( !published ) { Date publishFrom = admin.getContentPublishFromTimestamp( contentKey ); if ( publishFrom != null ) { String dateString = DateUtil.formatDateTime( publishFrom ); formItems.put( "date_pubdata_publishfrom", dateString.substring( 0, 10 ) ); formItems.put( "time_pubdata_publishfrom", dateString.substring( 11 ) ); Date publishTo = admin.getContentPublishToTimestamp( contentKey ); if ( publishTo != null ) { dateString = DateUtil.formatDateTime( publishTo ); formItems.put( "date_pubdata_publishto", dateString.substring( 0, 10 ) ); formItems.put( "time_pubdata_publishto", dateString.substring( 11 ) ); } } } int versionState = admin.getContentVersionState( versionKey ); boolean setCurrentVersion = ( versionState < 2 ) || published; String xmlData = cbhServlet.getContentXMLBuilder().buildXML( formItems, user, false, false, false ); UpdateContentResult result = updateContent( user, xmlData, BinaryDataAndBinary.createNewFrom( binaries ), setCurrentVersion ); storedContentKey = result.getTargetedVersion().getContent().getKey(); } else { String xmlData = cbhServlet.getContentXMLBuilder().buildXML( formItems, user, true, false, false ); storedContentKey = storeNewContent( user, binaries, xmlData ); } } if ( storedContentKey != null ) { final boolean doAssignContent = newVersionStatus.equals( ContentStatus.DRAFT ) && hasAssignee; if ( doAssignContent ) { AssignContentCommand assignContentCommand = new AssignContentCommand(); assignContentCommand.setAssigneeKey( new UserKey( assignmentDataParser.getAssigneeKey() ) ); assignContentCommand.setAssignerKey( user.getKey() ); assignContentCommand.setContentKey( storedContentKey ); assignContentCommand.setAssignmentDescription( assignmentDataParser.getAssignmentDescription() ); assignContentCommand.setAssignmentDueDate( assignmentDataParser.getAssignmentDueDate() ); contentService.assignContent( assignContentCommand ); assignedContent.add( storedContentKey ); } else { ContentEntity storedContent = contentDao.findByKey( storedContentKey ); if ( storedContent.isAssigned() ) { UnassignContentCommand unassignContentCommand = new UnassignContentCommand(); unassignContentCommand.setContentKey( storedContentKey ); unassignContentCommand.setUnassigner( user.getKey() ); contentService.unassignContent( unassignContentCommand ); } } } } } protected ContentKey storeNewContent( User oldUser, BinaryData[] binaries, String xmlData ) { UserEntity runningUser = securityService.getUser( oldUser ); List<BinaryDataAndBinary> binaryDataAndBinaries = BinaryDataAndBinary.createNewFrom( binaries ); ContentAndVersion parsedContentAndVersion = contentParserService.parseContentAndVersion( xmlData, null, true ); ContentEntity parsedContent = parsedContentAndVersion.getContent(); ContentVersionEntity parsedVersion = parsedContentAndVersion.getVersion(); CreateContentCommand createCommand = new CreateContentCommand(); createCommand.setCreator( runningUser ); createCommand.setAccessRightsStrategy( CreateContentCommand.AccessRightsStrategy.INHERIT_FROM_CATEGORY ); /** Populate command with ContentEntity-data **/ createCommand.populateCommandWithContentValues( parsedContent ); createCommand.populateCommandWithContentVersionValues( parsedVersion ); createCommand.setBinaryDatas( binaryDataAndBinaries ); createCommand.setUseCommandsBinaryDataToAdd( true ); return contentService.createContent( createCommand ); } protected UpdateContentResult updateContent( User oldTypeUser, String xmlData, List<BinaryDataAndBinary> binariesToAdd, boolean asCurrentVersion ) { UserEntity runningUser = securityService.getUser( oldTypeUser ); ContentAndVersion parsedContentAndVersion = contentParserService.parseContentAndVersion( xmlData, null, true ); ContentEntity parsedContent = parsedContentAndVersion.getContent(); // be sure to add existing content's access rights, else the content will loose them all ContentEntity persistedContent = contentDao.findByKey( parsedContent.getKey() ); for ( ContentAccessEntity contentAccess : persistedContent.getContentAccessRights() ) { parsedContent.addContentAccessRight( contentAccess.copy() ); } UpdateContentCommand updateContentCommand = UpdateContentCommand.storeNewVersionEvenIfUnchanged( persistedContent.getMainVersion().getKey() ); updateContentCommand.setModifier( runningUser ); updateContentCommand.populateContentValuesFromContent( parsedContent ); updateContentCommand.populateContentVersionValuesFromContentVersion( parsedContentAndVersion.getVersion() ); updateContentCommand.setUpdateAsMainVersion( asCurrentVersion ); // always as new version updateContentCommand.setSyncAccessRights( false ); updateContentCommand.setBinaryDataToAdd( binariesToAdd ); updateContentCommand.setUseCommandsBinaryDataToAdd( true ); // always removing all the previous binaries updateContentCommand.setBinaryDataToRemove( persistedContent.getMainVersion().getContentBinaryDataKeys() ); updateContentCommand.setUseCommandsBinaryDataToRemove( true ); UpdateContentResult updateContentResult = contentService.updateContent( updateContentCommand ); if ( updateContentResult.isAnyChangesMade() ) { new PageCacheInvalidatorForContent( pageCacheService ).invalidateForContent( updateContentResult.getTargetedVersion() ); } return updateContentResult; } protected String cropName( String name ) { return name; } protected abstract BinaryData[] getBinaries( ContentBaseHandlerServlet cbhServlet, AdminService admin, ExtendedMap formItems, File file ) throws VerticalAdminException; public static class DummyFileItem implements FileItem { String fieldName; File file; DummyFileItem( File file ) { this.file = file; } public void delete() { } public byte[] get() { return null; } public String getContentType() { return null; } public String getFieldName() { return fieldName; } public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { return new FileInputStream( file ); } public String getName() { return file.getName(); } public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException { return null; } public long getSize() { return 0; } public String getString() { return null; } public String getString( String arg0 ) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { return null; } public boolean isFormField() { return false; } public boolean isInMemory() { return false; } public void setFieldName( String arg0 ) { } public void setFormField( boolean arg0 ) { } public void write( File arg0 ) throws Exception { } } }