/** RawRSACipher.java Cribbed from Cryptix by ekr Blinding code Copyright (C) 2003, RTFM, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ // $Id: RawRSACipher.java,v 2003/05/09 20:36:14 gawor Exp $ // // $Log: RawRSACipher.java,v $ // Revision 2003/05/09 20:36:14 gawor // imported sources // // Revision 1.11 2000/08/18 02:32:23 edwin // Oops, wrong check ;) // (surprisingly enough the tests didn;t catch this) // // Revision 1.10 2000/08/17 11:41:00 edwin // java.* -> xjava.* // // Revision 1.9 2000/08/16 17:51:43 edwin // Throw a little more sensible exception when decryption fails and the decrypted // data is one byte longer than it should. // // The code here is a little braindamaged, because it assumes that the first // byte of the plaintext is always zero. If decryption fails due to a wrong key, // this is often not the case, which results in a very weird exception. // // We still throw the original weird ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException for // compatibility, because that is what the old code throwed, however it does // have a more descriptive message now. // // All of this will be documented in the to be written RSA faq, which details // all peculiarities of the RSA code in cryptix3. // // Revision 1.8 1999/07/12 20:34:21 edwin // renaming java.security.interfaces.RSAPrivateKey and RSAPublicKey to CryptixRSAPrivateKey and CryptixRSAPublicKey. This is one more step to JDK1.2 compatibility. // // Revision 1.7 1997/12/23 23:47:51 raif // *** empty log message *** // // Revision 1.6.1 1997/12/24 raif // + fixed the self-test. now runs OK. // + rewrote the engineUpdate(). // + added enginePlaintextBlockSize(), engineCiphertextBlockSize() // and crippled engineBlockSize(). The rationale is that with // RSA, the encryption/decryption results usually do not match // their inputs in term of bit/byte-length. // This fixes the blockSize bug. // // Revision 1.6 1997/12/22 03:16:33 hopwood // + RawRSACipher framing bug fixed. // + BaseRSAKeyPairGenerator test #2 fixed. // // Revision 1.5 1997/11/23 03:09:18 hopwood // + Mostly documentation changes. // // Revision 1.4 1997/11/20 19:46:57 hopwood // + cryptix.util.* name changes. // // Revision 1.3.1 1997/11/18 David Hopwood // + Use BI.dumpString to print parameters in test method. // + Fixed bug in test method (wrong value for e was being displayed). // // Revision 1.3 1997/11/05 16:48:03 raif // *** empty log message *** // // Revision 1.2 1997/11/04 19:33:31 raif // *** empty log message *** // // Revision 1997/11/03 22:36:56 hopwood // + Imported to CVS (tagged as 'start'). // // Revision 1997/08/27 David Hopwood // + Misc. fixes. // // Revision 1997/08/23 David Hopwood // + Changed to use the RSA interfaces from java.security.*, rather // than requiring a particular key class. // + Plaintext and ciphertext block sizes are now equal; we throw a // CryptixException if a BigInteger to be encrypted is out of range. // + Use the RSA implementation from the RSAAlgorithm class. // + Use new debugging conventions. // // Revision 1997/07/24 R. Naffah // + Original version. // // $Endlog$ /* * Copyright (c) 1997 Systemics Ltd * on behalf of the Cryptix Development Team. All rights reserved. */ // package cryptix.provider.rsa; package COM.claymoresystems.provider; import cryptix.util.core.Debug; import cryptix.CryptixException; import cryptix.util.core.ArrayUtil; import cryptix.util.core.Hex; import cryptix.util.core.BI; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.math.BigInteger; import xjava.security.Cipher; import xjava.security.AsymmetricCipher; import COM.claymoresystems.crypto.Blindable; import java.security.Key; import java.security.KeyException; import java.security.InvalidKeyException; import java.security.InvalidParameterException; import xjava.security.interfaces.RSAKey; import xjava.security.interfaces.CryptixRSAPublicKey; import xjava.security.interfaces.CryptixRSAPrivateKey; import xjava.security.interfaces.RSAFactors; import java.security.SecureRandom; import java.security.KeyPair; import java.security.KeyPairGenerator; /** * The raw RSA encryption algorithm, without any block framing. * <p> * If the number of bits in the modulus is <i>bitlength</i>, the plaintext and * ciphertext block sizes will both be <code>(int) ((bitlength+7)/8)</code>. * When in ENCRYPT mode, if the value of any plaintext block, considered as a * BigInteger with Big-Endian byte order, is greater than or equal to the * modulus, a CryptixException will be thrown. * <p> * This class is designed to allow any input to the RSA encryption algorithm, * in order to facilitate implementation of standards which use a block framing * format not otherwise supported by Cryptix. Note that using raw RSA directly on * application data is potentially insecure; wherever possible a higher level * algorithm such as "RSA/PKCS#1" should be used. * <p> * (Note: RSA/PKCS#1 is not implemented in this version of Cryptix.) * <p> * <b>References:</b> * <ol> * <li> <a href="mailto:schneier@counterpane.com">Bruce Schneier</a>, * "Section 19.3 RSA," * <cite>Applied Cryptography, 2nd edition</cite>, * John Wiley & Sons, 1996. * </ol> * <p> * <b>Copyright</b> © 1997 * <a href="http://www.systemics.com/">Systemics Ltd</a> on behalf of the * <a href="http://www.systemics.com/docs/cryptix/">Cryptix Development Team</a>. * <br>All rights reserved. * <p> * <b>$Revision: $</b> * @author Raif S. Naffah * @author David Hopwood * @since Cryptix 2.2.2 */ public class RawRSACipher extends Cipher implements AsymmetricCipher, Cloneable, Blindable { // Debugging methods and vars. //........................................................................... private static final boolean DEBUG = Debug.GLOBAL_DEBUG; private static final int debuglevel = DEBUG ? Debug.getLevel("RSA", "RawRSACipher") : 0; private static final PrintWriter err = DEBUG ? Debug.getOutput() : null; private static void debug(String s) { err.println("RawRSACipher: " + s); } // RSA constants and variables //........................................................................... /** true if temporary arrays should be wiped immediately. */ private static final boolean WIPE = true; private static final int POSITIVE = 1; private static final BigInteger ZERO = BigInteger.valueOf(0L); private static final BigInteger ONE = BigInteger.valueOf(1L); private BigInteger n; private BigInteger exp; // e if state is ENCRYPT, d if DECRYPT. private BigInteger publicExp = null; // e if state == DECRYPT private BigInteger p; // null if the factors of n are unknown. private BigInteger q; private BigInteger u; private int blockSize; // defaults to 0 private byte[] temp; private SecureRandom blindingRNG = null; // Constructor //............................................................................ /** * Constructs a RawRSA cipher object, in the UNINITIALIZED state. * This calls the Cipher constructor with <i>implBuffering</i> false, * <i>implPadding</i> false and the provider set to "Cryptix". */ public RawRSACipher() { super(false, false, "Cryptix"); } // JCE methods //............................................................................ /** * <b>SPI:</b> Initializes this cipher object for encryption, using the * given public key. * * @param key the public key to be used for encryption. * @exception InvalidKeyException if the key class does not implement * java.security.interfaces.RSAPublicKey. */ protected void engineInitEncrypt(Key key) throws InvalidKeyException { if (!(key instanceof CryptixRSAPublicKey)) throw new InvalidKeyException(getAlgorithm() + ": Not an RSA public key"); CryptixRSAPublicKey rsa = (CryptixRSAPublicKey) key; n = rsa.getModulus(); exp = rsa.getExponent(); if (key instanceof RSAFactors) { RSAFactors factors = (RSAFactors) key; p = factors.getP(); q = factors.getQ(); u = factors.getInverseOfQModP(); } initInternal(); } /** * <b>SPI:</b> Initializes this cipher object for decryption, using the * given private key. * * @param key the private key to be used for decryption. * @exception InvalidKeyException if the key class does not implement * java.security.interfaces.RSAPrivateKey. */ protected void engineInitDecrypt(Key key) throws InvalidKeyException { if (!(key instanceof CryptixRSAPrivateKey)) throw new InvalidKeyException(getAlgorithm() + ": Not an RSA private key"); CryptixRSAPrivateKey rsa = (CryptixRSAPrivateKey) key; n = rsa.getModulus(); exp = rsa.getExponent(); if (key instanceof RSAFactors) { RSAFactors factors = (RSAFactors) key; p = factors.getP(); q = factors.getQ(); u = factors.getInverseOfQModP(); } initInternal(); } private void initInternal() { // blockSize = (n.bitLength()+7)/8; blockSize = BI.getMagnitude(n).length; temp = new byte[blockSize]; } /** * <b>SPI</b>: Return the block size, in bytes. For RawRSA this is the number * of bytes needed to represent the modulus, <i>n</i>. * * @return the block size in bytes. * @exception CryptixException if the cipher object is uninitialized. */ // protected int engineBlockSize() { // if (blockSize == 0) throw new CryptixException(getAlgorithm() + // ": Block size is not valid until key is set"); // return blockSize; // } protected int enginePlaintextBlockSize () { if (blockSize == 0) throw new CryptixException(getAlgorithm() + ": Block size is not valid until key is set"); return blockSize - 1; } protected int engineCiphertextBlockSize() { if (blockSize == 0) throw new CryptixException(getAlgorithm() + ": Block size is not valid until key is set"); return blockSize; } protected int engineUpdate(byte[] in, int inOffset, int inLen, byte[] out, int outOffset) { /* if (DEBUG && debuglevel >= 7) debug("in.length = " + in.length + ", out.length = " + out.length + ", blockSize = " + blockSize); for (int i = 0; i <= inLen-blockSize; i += blockSize) { if (DEBUG && debuglevel >= 8) debug("i = " + i); System.arraycopy(in, inOffset+i, temp, 0, blockSize); BigInteger I = new BigInteger(POSITIVE, temp); if (I.compareTo(n) >= 0) throw new CryptixException(getAlgorithm() + ": Input block value is out of range (>= modulus)"); BigInteger O = RSAAlgorithm.rsa(I, n, exp, p, q, u); byte[] buffer = O.toByteArray(); int displacement = blockSize-buffer.length; if (displacement > 0) { ArrayUtil.clear(out, outOffset+i, displacement); System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, out, outOffset+i+displacement, buffer.length); } else { System.arraycopy(buffer, -displacement, out, outOffset+i, blockSize); } if (WIPE) ArrayUtil.clear(buffer); } if (WIPE) ArrayUtil.clear(temp); return blockSize; */ if (inLen < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("inLen < 0"); int inBlockSize = getState() == ENCRYPT ? enginePlaintextBlockSize() : engineCiphertextBlockSize(); int outBlockSize = getState() == ENCRYPT ? engineCiphertextBlockSize() : enginePlaintextBlockSize(); int blockCount = inLen / inBlockSize; for (int i = 0; i < blockCount; i++) { ArrayUtil.clear(temp); System.arraycopy(in, inOffset, temp, temp.length - inBlockSize, inBlockSize); BigInteger I = new BigInteger(POSITIVE, temp); if (I.compareTo(n) >= 0) throw new CryptixException(getAlgorithm() + ": Input block value is out of range (>= modulus)"); BigInteger O = RSAAlgorithmBlind.rsa(I, n, exp, publicExp, p, q, u, blindingRNG); byte[] buffer = BI.getMagnitude(O); if (buffer.length > outBlockSize) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Decryption failed, "+ "wrong key?"); } ArrayUtil.clear(temp); System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, temp, outBlockSize - buffer.length, buffer.length); System.arraycopy(temp, 0, out, outOffset, outBlockSize); inOffset += inBlockSize; outOffset += outBlockSize; } return blockCount * outBlockSize; } // Blindable implementation /** * set the RNG for blinding * * @param rng a secure RNG */ public void setBlindingInfo(SecureRandom rng,CryptixRSAPublicKey pubKey){ blindingRNG = rng; publicExp=pubKey.getExponent(); } // Test methods //........................................................................... // // Don't expand this code please without thinking about it, // much better to write a separate program. // /** * Entry point for very basic <code>self_test</code>. */ public static final void main(String[] args) { try { self_test(new PrintWriter(System.out, true)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void self_test(PrintWriter out) throws Exception { KeyPairGenerator keygen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA", "Cryptix"); SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom(); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); keygen.initialize(1024, random); KeyPair keypair = keygen.generateKeyPair(); long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; out.println("Keygen: " + (float)duration/1000 + " seconds"); RawRSACipher raw = new RawRSACipher(); raw.test(out, keypair, random); } private void test(PrintWriter out, KeyPair keypair, SecureRandom random) throws KeyException { CryptixRSAPrivateKey privateKey = (CryptixRSAPrivateKey) (keypair.getPrivate()); CryptixRSAPublicKey publicKey = (CryptixRSAPublicKey) (keypair.getPublic()); // byte[] M = new byte[blockSize()]; // random.nextBytes(M); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); initEncrypt(publicKey); BigInteger e = exp; byte[] M = new byte[getPlaintextBlockSize()]; random.nextBytes(M); byte[] C = crypt(M); long midpoint = System.currentTimeMillis(); initDecrypt(privateKey); byte[] Mdash = crypt(C); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); out.println(" n = " + BI.dumpString(n)); out.println(" e = " + BI.dumpString(e)); out.println(" d = " + BI.dumpString(exp)); out.println(" p = " + BI.dumpString(p)); out.println(" q = " + BI.dumpString(q)); out.println("q^-1 mod p = " + BI.dumpString(u)); out.println(" plaintext = " + Hex.toString(M) + "\n"); out.println("ciphertext = " + Hex.toString(C) + "\n"); if (!ArrayUtil.areEqual(M, Mdash)) { out.println("DECRYPTION FAILED!\n"); out.println(" computed = " + Hex.toString(Mdash) + "\n"); } out.println("Encrypt: " + ((float) (midpoint - start) / 1000) + " seconds"); out.println("Decrypt: " + ((float) (end - midpoint) / 1000) + " seconds"); } }