package org.cagrid.dorian.service.federation; import gov.nih.nci.cagrid.common.Utils; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.cagrid.core.common.FaultHelper; import org.cagrid.dorian.model.exceptions.DorianInternalException; import org.cagrid.dorian.model.exceptions.InvalidUserCertificateException; import org.cagrid.dorian.model.federation.DateRange; import org.cagrid.dorian.model.federation.UserCertificateFilter; import org.cagrid.dorian.model.federation.UserCertificateRecord; import org.cagrid.dorian.model.federation.UserCertificateStatus; import org.cagrid.dorian.model.federation.UserCertificateUpdate; import org.cagrid.dorian.service.util.PreparedStatementBuilder; import org.cagrid.gaards.pki.CertUtil; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class UserCertificateManager { public static final String TABLE = "user_certificates"; private static final String GID = "GID"; private static final String SERIAL = "SERIAL_NUMBER"; private static final String STATUS = "STATUS"; private static final String CERTIFICATE = "CERTIFICATE"; private static final String NOT_BEFORE = "NOT_BEFORE"; private static final String NOT_AFTER = "NOT_AFTER"; private static final String NOTES = "NOTES"; public static final String CANNOT_UPDATE_CERT_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERROR = "Could not update the user certificate record, no such user certificate exists."; public static final String CANNOT_UPDATE_STATUS_IF_COMPROMISED_ERROR = "You cannot update the status of a user certificate that has been compromised."; public static final String USER_CERTIFICATE_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERROR = "The requested user certificate does not exist."; public static final String USER_CERTIFICATE_ALREADY_EXISTS_ERROR = "Cannot add the requested user certificate, a user certificate with the same serial number already exists."; public static final String FIND_INVALID_RANGE_ERROR = "Invalid search criteria specified, the start date of the search must before the end date of the search."; public static final String FIND_INVALID_RANGE_NO_START_ERROR = "Invalid search criteria specified, no start date specified"; public static final String FIND_INVALID_RANGE_NO_END_ERROR = "Invalid search criteria specified, no end date specified"; private boolean dbBuilt = false; private Database db; private Publisher publisher; private CertificateBlacklistManager blacklist; private Logger log; public UserCertificateManager(Database db, Publisher publisher, CertificateBlacklistManager blacklist) { this.db = db; this.log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); this.publisher = publisher; this.blacklist = blacklist; } public synchronized void addUserCertifcate(String gridIdentity, X509Certificate cert) throws DorianInternalException, InvalidUserCertificateException { if (determineIfRecordExistBySerialNumber(cert.getSerialNumber() .longValue())) { InvalidUserCertificateException fault = FaultHelper .createFaultException( InvalidUserCertificateException.class, USER_CERTIFICATE_ALREADY_EXISTS_ERROR); throw fault; } Connection c = null; try { c = db.getConnection(); PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO " + TABLE + " SET " + SERIAL + "= ?," + GID + "= ?," + STATUS + "= ?," + NOT_BEFORE + "= ?," + NOT_AFTER + "= ?," + NOTES + "= ?," + CERTIFICATE + "= ?"); s.setLong(1, cert.getSerialNumber().longValue()); s.setString(2, gridIdentity); s.setString(3, UserCertificateStatus.OK.value()); s.setLong(4, cert.getNotBefore().getTime()); s.setLong(5, cert.getNotAfter().getTime()); s.setString(6, ""); s.setString(7, CertUtil.writeCertificate(cert)); s.execute(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); DorianInternalException fault = FaultHelper.createFaultException( DorianInternalException.class, "An unexpected error occurred."); FaultHelper.addMessage(fault, e.getMessage()); throw fault; } finally { db.releaseConnection(c); } } public boolean determineIfRecordExistBySerialNumber(long serialNumber) throws DorianInternalException { buildDatabase(); Connection c = null; boolean exists = false; try { c = db.getConnection(); PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("select count(*) from " + TABLE + " WHERE " + SERIAL + "= ?"); s.setLong(1, serialNumber); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(); if ( { if (rs.getInt(1) > 0) { exists = true; } } rs.close(); s.close(); } catch (Exception e) { DorianInternalException fault = FaultHelper.createFaultException( DorianInternalException.class, "Unexpected Database Error"); FaultHelper.addMessage(fault, e.getMessage()); throw fault; } finally { db.releaseConnection(c); } return exists; } public void updateUserCertificateRecord(UserCertificateUpdate update) throws DorianInternalException, InvalidUserCertificateException { if (!determineIfRecordExistBySerialNumber(update.getSerialNumber())) { InvalidUserCertificateException fault = FaultHelper .createFaultException( InvalidUserCertificateException.class, CANNOT_UPDATE_CERT_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERROR); throw fault; } UserCertificateRecord record = getUserCertificateRecord(update .getSerialNumber()); boolean updateStatus = false; if ((update.getStatus() != null) && (!update.getStatus().equals(record.getStatus()))) { if (record.getStatus().equals(UserCertificateStatus.COMPROMISED) && (update.getStatus().equals(UserCertificateStatus.OK))) { InvalidUserCertificateException fault = FaultHelper .createFaultException( InvalidUserCertificateException.class, CANNOT_UPDATE_STATUS_IF_COMPROMISED_ERROR); throw fault; } updateStatus = true; } boolean updateNotes = false; if ((update.getNotes() != null) && (!update.getNotes().equals(record.getNotes()))) { updateNotes = true; } if (updateNotes || updateStatus) { Connection c = null; try { c = db.getConnection(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("update " + TABLE + " SET "); if (updateStatus) { sb.append(STATUS + "= ?"); } if (updateNotes) { if (updateStatus) { sb.append(","); } sb.append(NOTES + "= ? "); } sb.append(" WHERE " + SERIAL + "= ?"); PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement(sb.toString()); int count = 1; if (updateStatus) { s.setString(count, update.getStatus().value()); count++; } if (updateNotes) { s.setString(count, update.getNotes()); count++; } s.setLong(count, update.getSerialNumber()); s.execute(); if (updateStatus) { publishCRLIfNeeded(record.getStatus(), update.getStatus()); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); DorianInternalException fault = FaultHelper .createFaultException(DorianInternalException.class, "An unexpected error occurred."); FaultHelper.addMessage(fault, e.getMessage()); throw fault; } finally { db.releaseConnection(c); } } } public UserCertificateRecord getUserCertificateRecord(long serialNumber) throws DorianInternalException, InvalidUserCertificateException { buildDatabase(); UserCertificateFilter f = new UserCertificateFilter(); f.setSerialNumber(new Long(serialNumber)); List<UserCertificateRecord> records = findUserCertificateRecords(f); if (records.size() == 1) { return records.get(0); } else if (records.size() == 0) { InvalidUserCertificateException fault = FaultHelper .createFaultException( InvalidUserCertificateException.class, USER_CERTIFICATE_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERROR); throw fault; } else { String msg = "Multiple user certificates found with the " + serialNumber + " please contact you administrator."; log.error(msg); DorianInternalException fault = FaultHelper.createFaultException( DorianInternalException.class, msg); throw fault; } } public List<BigInteger> getActiveCertificates(String gridIdentity) throws DorianInternalException { buildDatabase(); Connection c = null; List<BigInteger> certs = new ArrayList<BigInteger>(); try { c = db.getConnection(); PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("select " + SERIAL + " from " + TABLE + " WHERE " + STATUS + "= ? AND " + NOT_BEFORE + "<= ? AND " + NOT_AFTER + " >= ? AND " + GID + "= ?"); s.setString(1, UserCertificateStatus.OK.value()); Date time = new Date(); s.setLong(2, time.getTime()); s.setLong(3, time.getTime()); s.setString(4, gridIdentity); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(); while ( { certs.add(BigInteger.valueOf(rs.getLong(SERIAL))); } rs.close(); s.close(); } catch (Exception e) { DorianInternalException fault = FaultHelper.createFaultException( DorianInternalException.class, "Unexpected Database Error"); FaultHelper.addMessage(fault, e.getMessage()); throw fault; } finally { db.releaseConnection(c); } return certs; } public List<BigInteger> getCompromisedCertificates() throws DorianInternalException { buildDatabase(); Connection c = null; List<BigInteger> certs = new ArrayList<BigInteger>(); try { c = db.getConnection(); PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("select " + SERIAL + " from " + TABLE + " WHERE " + STATUS + "= ?"); s.setString(1, UserCertificateStatus.COMPROMISED.value()); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(); while ( { certs.add(BigInteger.valueOf(rs.getLong(SERIAL))); } rs.close(); s.close(); } catch (Exception e) { DorianInternalException fault = FaultHelper.createFaultException( DorianInternalException.class, "Unexpected Database Error"); FaultHelper.addMessage(fault, e.getMessage()); throw fault; } finally { db.releaseConnection(c); } return certs; } private void publishCRLIfNeeded(UserCertificateStatus s1, UserCertificateStatus s2) { if ((s1.equals(UserCertificateStatus.OK)) && (s2.equals(UserCertificateStatus.COMPROMISED))) { publisher.publishCRL(); } } public List<UserCertificateRecord> findUserCertificateRecords( UserCertificateFilter f) throws DorianInternalException, InvalidUserCertificateException { this.buildDatabase(); Connection c = null; List<UserCertificateRecord> certs = new ArrayList<UserCertificateRecord>(); try { c = db.getConnection(); PreparedStatementBuilder select = new PreparedStatementBuilder( TABLE); select.addSelectField(SERIAL); select.addSelectField(GID); select.addSelectField(STATUS); select.addSelectField(NOTES); select.addSelectField(CERTIFICATE); if (f != null) { if (f.getSerialNumber() != null) { select.addWhereField(SERIAL, "=", f.getSerialNumber()); } if (f.getGridIdentity() != null) { select.addWhereField(GID, "=", f.getGridIdentity()); } if (f.getStatus() != null) { select.addWhereField(STATUS, "=", f.getStatus().value()); } if (f.getNotes() != null) { select.addWhereField(NOTES, "LIKE", "%" + f.getNotes() + "%"); } // We want to get check the target range DateRange range = f.getDateRange(); if (range != null) { if (range.getStartDate() == null) { InvalidUserCertificateException fault = FaultHelper .createFaultException( InvalidUserCertificateException.class, FIND_INVALID_RANGE_NO_START_ERROR); throw fault; } else if (range.getEndDate() == null) { InvalidUserCertificateException fault = FaultHelper .createFaultException( InvalidUserCertificateException.class, FIND_INVALID_RANGE_NO_END_ERROR); throw fault; } else if (range.getStartDate().after(range.getEndDate())) { InvalidUserCertificateException fault = FaultHelper .createFaultException( InvalidUserCertificateException.class, FIND_INVALID_RANGE_ERROR); throw fault; } else { select.addClause("((" + NOT_BEFORE + ">=" + range.getStartDate().getTimeInMillis() + " AND " + NOT_AFTER + "<=" + range.getEndDate().getTimeInMillis() + ")" + " OR (" + NOT_BEFORE + "<=" + range.getStartDate().getTimeInMillis() + " AND " + NOT_AFTER + ">=" + range.getEndDate().getTimeInMillis() + ")" + " OR (" + NOT_BEFORE + ">=" + range.getStartDate().getTimeInMillis() + " AND " + NOT_BEFORE + "<=" + range.getEndDate().getTimeInMillis() + " AND " + NOT_AFTER + ">=" + range.getStartDate().getTimeInMillis() + " AND " + NOT_AFTER + ">=" + range.getEndDate().getTimeInMillis() + ")" + " OR (" + NOT_BEFORE + "<=" + range.getStartDate().getTimeInMillis() + " AND " + NOT_BEFORE + "<=" + range.getEndDate().getTimeInMillis() + " AND " + NOT_AFTER + ">=" + range.getStartDate().getTimeInMillis() + " AND " + NOT_AFTER + "<=" + range.getEndDate().getTimeInMillis() + "))"); } } } PreparedStatement s = select.prepareStatement(c); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(); while ( { UserCertificateRecord record = new UserCertificateRecord(); record.setSerialNumber(rs.getLong(SERIAL)); record.setGridIdentity(rs.getString(GID)); record.setStatus(UserCertificateStatus.fromValue(rs .getString(STATUS))); record.setNotes(rs.getString(NOTES)); String certStr = Utils.clean(rs.getString(CERTIFICATE)); if (certStr != null) { org.cagrid.dorian.common.X509Certificate cert = new org.cagrid.dorian.common.X509Certificate(); cert.setCertificateAsString(certStr); record.setCertificate(cert); } certs.add(record); } rs.close(); s.close(); } catch (InvalidUserCertificateException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); DorianInternalException fault = FaultHelper.createFaultException( DorianInternalException.class, "An unexpected error occurred."); FaultHelper.addMessage(fault, e.getMessage()); throw fault; } finally { db.releaseConnection(c); } return certs; } public void removeCertificates(String gridIdentity) throws DorianInternalException { buildDatabase(); Connection c = null; try { c = db.getConnection(); PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("select " + SERIAL + " from " + TABLE + " WHERE " + GID + "= ?"); s.setString(1, gridIdentity); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(); while ( { removeCertificate(rs.getLong(SERIAL)); } rs.close(); s.close(); } catch (Exception e) { DorianInternalException fault = FaultHelper.createFaultException( DorianInternalException.class, "Unexpected Database Error"); FaultHelper.addMessage(fault, e.getMessage()); throw fault; } finally { db.releaseConnection(c); } } public void removeCertificate(long recordId) throws DorianInternalException, InvalidUserCertificateException { UserCertificateRecord record = getUserCertificateRecord(recordId); buildDatabase(); Connection c = null; try { if (record.getStatus().equals(UserCertificateStatus.COMPROMISED)) { X509Certificate cert = CertUtil.loadCertificate(record .getCertificate().getCertificateAsString()); blacklist.addCertificateToBlackList(cert, CertificateBlacklistManager.COMPROMISED); } c = db.getConnection(); PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM " + TABLE + " WHERE " + SERIAL + "= ?"); s.setLong(1, recordId); s.executeUpdate(); } catch (Exception e) { DorianInternalException fault = FaultHelper.createFaultException( DorianInternalException.class, "Unexpected Database Error"); FaultHelper.addMessage(fault, e.getMessage()); throw fault; } finally { db.releaseConnection(c); } } public void buildDatabase() throws DorianInternalException { if (!dbBuilt) { try { if (!this.db.tableExists(TABLE)) { String certificates = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE + " (" + SERIAL + " BIGINT PRIMARY KEY," + GID + " TEXT," + STATUS + " VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL," + NOT_BEFORE + " BIGINT," + NOT_AFTER + " BIGINT," + NOTES + " TEXT," + CERTIFICATE + " TEXT," + "INDEX document_index (" + SERIAL + "));"; db.update(certificates); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); DorianInternalException fault = FaultHelper .createFaultException(DorianInternalException.class, "An unexpected database error occurred."); FaultHelper.addMessage(fault, e.getMessage()); throw fault; } this.dbBuilt = true; } } public void clearDatabase() throws DorianInternalException { buildDatabase(); try { db.update("delete from " + TABLE); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); DorianInternalException fault = FaultHelper.createFaultException( DorianInternalException.class, "An unexpected database error occurred."); FaultHelper.addMessage(fault, e.getMessage()); throw fault; } } }