package org.cagrid.gts.service.impl; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import org.cagrid.core.common.FaultHelper; import; import org.cagrid.core.soapclient.ClientConfigurer; import org.cagrid.gts.model.*; import org.cagrid.gts.service.exception.*; import org.cagrid.gts.service.impl.db.DBManager; import org.cagrid.gts.service.impl.db.mysql.MySQLManager; import org.cagrid.gts.soapclient.GTSSoapClientFactory; import; import org.cagrid.gts.wsrf.stubs.FindTrustedAuthoritiesRequest; import org.cagrid.gts.wsrf.stubs.FindTrustedAuthoritiesResponse; import org.cagrid.gts.wsrf.stubs.GTSPortType; import org.cagrid.gts.wsrf.stubs.GetTrustLevelsRequest; import java.util.*; /** * @author <A HREF="">Stephen Langella </A> * @author <A HREF="">Scott Oster </A> * @author <A HREF="">Shannon Hastings </A> * @version $Id:,v 1.1 2006/03/08 19:48:46 langella Exp $ */ public class GTS implements TrustedAuthorityLevelRemover, TrustLevelLookup { private Configuration conf; private String gtsURI; private TrustedAuthorityManager trust; private PermissionManager permissions; private TrustLevelManager trustLevelManager; private GTSAuthorityManager authority; private Map<String, GTSClient> gtsClientCache; private Object gtsClientCacheMutex = new Object(); private Log log; private Database db; private ClientConfigurer configurer= null; public GTS(Configuration conf, String gtsURI, ClientConfigurer configurer) { this.conf = conf; this.gtsURI = gtsURI; this.configurer = configurer; this.gtsClientCache = new HashMap<String, GTSClient>(); log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass().getName()); DBManager dbManager = new MySQLManager(new MySQLDatabase(this.conf.getConnectionManager(), this.conf.getGTSInternalId())); this.db = dbManager.getDatabase(); trust = new TrustedAuthorityManager(this.gtsURI, this, dbManager); trustLevelManager = new TrustLevelManager(this.gtsURI, this, dbManager); permissions = new PermissionManager(dbManager); authority = new GTSAuthorityManager(gtsURI, conf.getAuthoritySyncTime(), dbManager); } protected Database getDatabase() { return db; } public TrustedAuthority addTrustedAuthority(TrustedAuthority ta, String callerGridIdentity) throws GTSInternalException, IllegalTrustedAuthorityException, PermissionDeniedException { checkServiceAdministrator(callerGridIdentity); return trust.addTrustedAuthority(ta); } public TrustedAuthority[] findTrustAuthorities(TrustedAuthorityFilter filter) throws GTSInternalException { return trust.findTrustAuthorities(filter); } public boolean validate(X509Certificate cert, TrustedAuthorityFilter filter) throws GTSInternalException, CertificateValidationException { X509Certificate[] chain = new X509Certificate[1]; chain[0] = cert; return this.validate(chain, filter); } public boolean validate(X509Certificate[] chain, TrustedAuthorityFilter filter) throws GTSInternalException, CertificateValidationException { GTSInternalException fault = FaultHelper.createFaultException(GTSInternalException.class, "Operation no longer supported!"); throw fault; // TODO: MIGRATION: implement // boolean isValidated = false; // TrustedAuthority[] list = trust.findTrustAuthorities(filter); // ProxyPathValidator validator = new ProxyPathValidator(); // if ((list == null) || (list.length == 0)) { // CertificateValidationFault fault = new CertificateValidationFault(); // fault.setFaultString("Could not validate chain, no trusted roots found!!!"); // throw fault; // } else { //[] trustedCerts = new[list.length]; // List<> crlList = new ArrayList<>(); // for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { // try { // trustedCerts[i] = CertUtil.loadCertificate(list[i].getCertificate().getCertificateEncodedString()); // } catch (Exception e) { // log.error(e.getMessage(), e); // GTSInternalFault fault = new GTSInternalFault(); // fault.setFaultString("Unexpected Error loading the certificate for the trusted authority " // + list[i].getName() + "!!!"); // throw fault; // } // // try { // if (list[i].getCRL() != null) { // crlList.add(CertUtil.loadCRL(list[i].getCRL().getCrlEncodedString())); // } // } catch (Exception e) { // log.error(e.getMessage(), e); // GTSInternalFault fault = new GTSInternalFault(); // fault.setFaultString("Unexpected Error loading the CRL for the trusted authority " // + list[i].getName() + "!!!"); // throw fault; // } // // } //[] crls = new[crlList.size()]; // for (int i = 0; i < crlList.size(); i++) { // crls[i] = ( crlList.get(i); // } // //[] certChain = new[chain.length]; // for (int i = 0; i < crlList.size(); i++) { // try { // certChain[i] = CertUtil.loadCertificate(chain[i].getCertificateEncodedString()); // } catch (Exception e) { // log.error(e.getMessage(), e); // GTSInternalFault fault = new GTSInternalFault(); // fault.setFaultString("Unexpected Error formatting the certificate chain.!!!"); // throw fault; // } // } // try { // validator.validate(certChain, trustedCerts, CertificateRevocationLists // .getCertificateRevocationLists(crls)); // isValidated = true; // } catch (Exception e) { // CertificateValidationFault fault = new CertificateValidationFault(); // fault.setFaultString("Could not validate chain " + e.getMessage()); // throw fault; // } // } // return isValidated; } public void updateTrustedAuthority(TrustedAuthority ta, String callerGridIdentity) throws GTSInternalException, IllegalTrustedAuthorityException, InvalidTrustedAuthorityException, PermissionDeniedException { checkServiceAdministrator(callerGridIdentity); trust.updateTrustedAuthority(ta); } public void updateCRL(String trustedAuthorityName, X509CRL crl, String callerGridIdentity) throws GTSInternalException, IllegalTrustedAuthorityException, InvalidTrustedAuthorityException, PermissionDeniedException { this.checkAdministratorOfTrustedAuthority(trustedAuthorityName, callerGridIdentity); TrustedAuthority ta = trust.getTrustedAuthority(trustedAuthorityName); ta.setCRL(crl); trust.updateTrustedAuthority(ta); } public void removeTrustedAuthority(String name, String callerGridIdentity) throws GTSInternalException, InvalidTrustedAuthorityException, PermissionDeniedException { checkServiceAdministrator(callerGridIdentity); trust.removeTrustedAuthority(name); permissions.revokePermissions(name); } public void addTrustLevel(TrustLevel level, String callerGridIdentity) throws GTSInternalException, IllegalTrustLevelException, PermissionDeniedException { checkServiceAdministrator(callerGridIdentity); trustLevelManager.addTrustLevel(level); } public void removeTrustLevel(String name, String callerGridIdentity) throws GTSInternalException, InvalidTrustLevelException, IllegalTrustLevelException, PermissionDeniedException { checkServiceAdministrator(callerGridIdentity); trustLevelManager.removeTrustLevel(name); } public void updateTrustLevel(TrustLevel level, String callerGridIdentity) throws GTSInternalException, InvalidTrustLevelException, IllegalTrustLevelException, PermissionDeniedException { checkServiceAdministrator(callerGridIdentity); trustLevelManager.updateTrustLevel(level); } public TrustLevel[] getTrustLevels(String callerGridIdentity) throws GTSInternalException { return trustLevelManager.getTrustLevels(); } public TrustLevel[] getTrustLevels(String gtsSourceURI, String callerGridIdentity) throws GTSInternalException { return trustLevelManager.getTrustLevels(gtsSourceURI); } public TrustLevel getTrustLevel(String name, String callerGridIdentity) throws GTSInternalException, InvalidTrustLevelException { return trustLevelManager.getTrustLevel(name); } public void addPermission(Permission p, String callerGridIdentity) throws GTSInternalException, IllegalPermissionException, PermissionDeniedException { checkServiceAdministrator(callerGridIdentity); if ((p.getTrustedAuthorityName() != null) && (!p.getTrustedAuthorityName().equals(org.cagrid.gts.service.impl.Constants.ALL_TRUST_AUTHORITIES))) { if (!trust.doesTrustedAuthorityExist(p.getTrustedAuthorityName())) { IllegalPermissionException fault = FaultHelper.createFaultException(IllegalPermissionException.class, "Cannot add permission, the Trusted Authority (" + p.getTrustedAuthorityName() + ") specified does not exist."); throw fault; } } permissions.addPermission(p); } public Permission[] findPermissions(PermissionFilter filter, String callerGridIdentity) throws GTSInternalException, PermissionDeniedException { checkServiceAdministrator(callerGridIdentity); return permissions.findPermissions(filter); } public void revokePermission(Permission p, String callerGridIdentity) throws GTSInternalException, InvalidPermissionException, PermissionDeniedException { checkServiceAdministrator(callerGridIdentity); permissions.revokePermission(p); } public void addAuthority(AuthorityGTS gts, String callerGridIdentity) throws GTSInternalException, IllegalAuthorityException, PermissionDeniedException { checkServiceAdministrator(callerGridIdentity); authority.addAuthority(gts); } public void updateAuthorityPriorities(AuthorityPriorityUpdate update, String callerGridIdentity) throws GTSInternalException, IllegalAuthorityException, PermissionDeniedException { checkServiceAdministrator(callerGridIdentity); authority.updateAuthorityPriorities(update); } public void updateAuthority(AuthorityGTS gts, String callerGridIdentity) throws GTSInternalException, IllegalAuthorityException, InvalidAuthorityException, PermissionDeniedException { checkServiceAdministrator(callerGridIdentity); authority.updateAuthority(gts); } public AuthorityGTS[] getAuthorities() throws GTSInternalException { return authority.getAuthorities(); } public void removeAuthority(String serviceURI, String callerGridIdentity) throws GTSInternalException, InvalidAuthorityException, PermissionDeniedException { checkServiceAdministrator(callerGridIdentity); try { authority.removeAuthority(serviceURI); TrustedAuthorityFilter f = new TrustedAuthorityFilter(); f.setSourceGTS(serviceURI); TrustedAuthority[] ta =; boolean error = false; StringBuffer elist = null; for (int i = 0; i < ta.length; i++) { try { trust.removeTrustedAuthority(ta[i].getName()); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error(ex); if (elist == null) { error = true; elist = new StringBuffer("Unable to remove the trusted authorities:\n"); } elist.append(ta[i].getName() + "\n"); } } if (error) { throw new Exception(elist.toString()); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); GTSInternalException fault = FaultHelper.createFaultException(GTSInternalException.class, "An following unexpected error occurred removing the authority " + serviceURI + ": " + e.getMessage()); FaultHelper.addMessage(fault, e.getMessage()); throw fault; } } private void checkServiceAdministrator(String gridIdentity) throws GTSInternalException, PermissionDeniedException { if (!permissions.isUserTrustServiceAdmin(gridIdentity)) { PermissionDeniedException fault = FaultHelper.createFaultException(PermissionDeniedException.class, "You are not a trust service administrator!!!"); throw fault; } } private void checkAdministratorOfTrustedAuthority(String ta, String gridIdentity) throws GTSInternalException, PermissionDeniedException { if (permissions.isUserTrustServiceAdmin(gridIdentity)) { return; } if (permissions.isUserTrustedAuthorityAdmin(ta, gridIdentity)) { return; } PermissionDeniedException fault = FaultHelper.createFaultException(PermissionDeniedException.class, "You are not an administrator for the trusted authority " + ta + "!!!"); throw fault; } public void clearDatabase() throws GTSInternalException { trust.clearDatabase(); permissions.clearDatabase(); trustLevelManager.clearDatabase(); authority.clearDatabase(); } public boolean isTrustLevelUsed(String name) throws GTSInternalException { TrustedAuthorityFilter f = new TrustedAuthorityFilter(); TrustLevels levels = new TrustLevels(); levels.getTrustLevel().add(name); f.setTrustLevels(levels); TrustedAuthority[] ta = this.findTrustAuthorities(f); if ((ta == null) || (ta.length == 0)) { return false; } else { return true; } } public boolean doesTrustLevelExist(String name) throws GTSInternalException { if (trustLevelManager.doesTrustLevelExist(name)) { return true; } else { return false; } } public void removeAssociatedTrustedAuthorities(String trustLevel) throws GTSInternalException {; } protected void synchronizeTrustLevels(String authorityServiceURI, List<TrustLevel> levels) { // Synchronize the Trust Level // We need to get a list of all the Trusted Authorities provided // by the source, // such that we can remove the ones that are not provided in the // new list Map<String, Boolean> toBeDeleted = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); try { TrustLevel[] existing = this.trustLevelManager.getTrustLevels(authorityServiceURI); for (int i = 0; i < existing.length; i++) { toBeDeleted.put(existing[i].getName(), Boolean.TRUE); } } catch (Exception e) { this.log.error("Error synchronizing with the authority " + authorityServiceURI + "the following error occurred obtaining the existing trust level: " + e.getMessage(), e); return; } if (levels != null) { for (TrustLevel level : levels) { toBeDeleted.remove(level.getName()); try { if (this.trustLevelManager.doesTrustLevelExist(level.getName())) { // Perform Update TrustLevel l = this.trustLevelManager.getTrustLevel(level.getName()); AuthorityGTS updateAuthority = authority.getAuthority(authorityServiceURI); // Determine if we should peform update boolean performUpdate = false; // Check to see if this service is the authority if (!l.getAuthorityGTS().equals(gtsURI)) { AuthorityGTS currAuthority = authority.getAuthority(l.getSourceGTS()); // Check to see if the authority GTS is the same if (currAuthority.getServiceURI().equals(updateAuthority.getServiceURI())) { performUpdate = true; this.log.debug("The trust level (" + level.getName() + ") will be updated!!!"); } else if (currAuthority.getPriority() > updateAuthority.getPriority()) { performUpdate = true; this.log.debug("The trust level (" + level.getName() + ") will be updated, the authority (" + updateAuthority.getServiceURI() + ") has a greater priority then the current source authority (" + currAuthority.getServiceURI() + ")!!!"); } else { this.log.debug("The trust level(" + level.getName() + ") will NOT be updated, the current source authority (" + currAuthority.getServiceURI() + ") has a greater priority then the source authority (" + updateAuthority.getServiceURI() + ")!!!"); performUpdate = false; } } else { this.log.debug("The trust level (" + level.getName() + ") will NOT be updated, this GTS is its authority !!!"); performUpdate = false; } if (performUpdate) { level.setIsAuthority(Boolean.FALSE); level.setSourceGTS(authorityServiceURI); try { this.trustLevelManager.updateTrustLevel(level, false); } catch (Exception e) { this.log.error("Error synchronizing with the authority " + authorityServiceURI + ", the following error occcurred when trying to update the authority, " + level.getName() + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); continue; } } } else { this.log.debug("The trusted authority (" + level.getName() + ") will be added with the authority (" + authorityServiceURI + ") as the source!!!"); level.setIsAuthority(Boolean.FALSE); level.setSourceGTS(authorityServiceURI); try { this.trustLevelManager.addTrustLevel(level, false); } catch (Exception e) { this.log.error("Error synchronizing with the authority " + authorityServiceURI + ", the following error occcurred when trying to add the trust level, " + level.getName() + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); continue; } } } catch (Exception ex) { this.log.error("Error synchronizing with the authority " + authorityServiceURI + ": " + ex.getMessage(), ex); continue; } } } Iterator<String> itr = toBeDeleted.keySet().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { String name =; try { this.trustLevelManager.removeTrustLevel(name); this.log.debug("The trust level (" + name + ") was removed because it has been removed from the authority " + authorityServiceURI + "!!!"); } catch (Exception e) { this.log.error("The trust level (" + name + ") should have been removed because it has been removed from the authority " + authorityServiceURI + ", however the following error occurred:" + e.getMessage(), e); } } } protected void synchronizeTrustedAuthorities(String authorityServiceURI, TrustedAuthority[] trusted) { // Synchronize the Trusted Authorities if (trusted != null) { // We need to get a list of all the trust levels provided // by the source, // such that we can remove the ones that are not provided in the // new list Map<String, Boolean> toBeDeleted = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); try { TrustedAuthorityFilter f = new TrustedAuthorityFilter(); f.setSourceGTS(authorityServiceURI); TrustedAuthority[] existing =; for (int i = 0; i < existing.length; i++) { toBeDeleted.put(existing[i].getName(), Boolean.TRUE); } } catch (Exception e) { this.log.error("Error synchronizing with the authority " + authorityServiceURI + "the following error occurred obtaining the existing Trusted Authorities: " + e.getMessage(), e); return; } for (int j = 0; j < trusted.length; j++) { try { toBeDeleted.remove(trusted[j].getName()); if ([j].getName())) { // Perform Update TrustedAuthority ta =[j].getName()); AuthorityGTS updateAuthority = authority.getAuthority(authorityServiceURI); // Determine if we should peform update boolean performUpdate = false; // Check to see if this service is the authority if (!ta.getAuthorityGTS().equals(gtsURI)) { AuthorityGTS currAuthority = authority.getAuthority(ta.getSourceGTS()); // Check to see if the authority GTS is the same if (currAuthority.getServiceURI().equals(updateAuthority.getServiceURI())) { performUpdate = true; this.log.debug("The trusted authority (" + ta.getName() + ") will be updated!!!"); } else if (currAuthority.getPriority() > updateAuthority.getPriority()) { performUpdate = true; this.log.debug("The trusted authority (" + ta.getName() + ") will be updated, the authority (" + updateAuthority.getServiceURI() + ") has a greater priority then the current source authority (" + currAuthority.getServiceURI() + ")!!!"); } else { this.log.debug("The trusted authority (" + ta.getName() + ") will NOT be updated, the current source authority (" + currAuthority.getServiceURI() + ") has a greater priority then the source authority (" + updateAuthority.getServiceURI() + ")!!!"); performUpdate = false; } } else { this.log.debug("The trusted authority (" + ta.getName() + ") will NOT be updated, this GTS is its authority !!!"); performUpdate = false; } if (performUpdate) { trusted[j].setIsAuthority(Boolean.FALSE); trusted[j].setSourceGTS(authorityServiceURI); Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar(); c.add(Calendar.HOUR, updateAuthority.getTimeToLive().getHours()); c.add(Calendar.MINUTE, updateAuthority.getTimeToLive().getMinutes()); c.add(Calendar.SECOND, updateAuthority.getTimeToLive().getSeconds()); trusted[j].setExpires(c.getTimeInMillis()); try { trust.updateTrustedAuthority(trusted[j], false); } catch (Exception e) { this.log.error( "Error synchronizing with the authority " + authorityServiceURI + ", the following error occcurred when trying to update the authority, " + trusted[j].getName() + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); continue; } } } else { AuthorityGTS updateAuthority = authority.getAuthority(authorityServiceURI); this.log.debug("The trusted authority (" + trusted[j].getName() + ") will be added with the authority (" + authorityServiceURI + ") as the source!!!"); trusted[j].setIsAuthority(Boolean.FALSE); trusted[j].setSourceGTS(authorityServiceURI); Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar(); c.add(Calendar.HOUR, updateAuthority.getTimeToLive().getHours()); c.add(Calendar.MINUTE, updateAuthority.getTimeToLive().getMinutes()); c.add(Calendar.SECOND, updateAuthority.getTimeToLive().getSeconds()); trusted[j].setExpires(c.getTimeInMillis()); try { trust.addTrustedAuthority(trusted[j], false); } catch (Exception e) { this.log.error("Error synchronizing with the authority " + authorityServiceURI + ", the following error occcurred when trying to add the authority, " + trusted[j].getName() + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); continue; } } } catch (Exception ex) { this.log.error("Error synchronizing with the authority " + authorityServiceURI + ": " + ex.getMessage(), ex); continue; } } Iterator<String> itr = toBeDeleted.keySet().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { String name =; try { trust.removeTrustedAuthority(name); this.log.debug("The trusted authority (" + name + ") was removed because it has been removed from the authority " + authorityServiceURI + "!!!"); } catch (Exception e) { this.log.error("The trusted authority (" + name + ") should have been removed because it has been removed from the authority " + authorityServiceURI + ", however the following error occurred:" + e.getMessage(), e); } } } } private GTSClient getGTSClient(String url) throws Exception { synchronized (this.gtsClientCacheMutex) { if (this.gtsClientCache.containsKey(url)) { return this.gtsClientCache.get(url); } else { GTSClient client = new GTSClient(url); configurer.configureClient(client); this.gtsClientCache.put(url, client); return client; } } } public void synchronizeWithAuthorities() {"Syncing with authorities."); AuthorityGTS[] auths = null; try { auths = this.getAuthorities(); } catch (Exception ex) { this.log.error("Error synchronizing with the authorities, could not obtain a list of authorities!!!", ex); } if (auths != null) { TrustedAuthorityFilter filter = new TrustedAuthorityFilter(); filter.setStatus(Status.TRUSTED); filter.setLifetime(Lifetime.VALID); for (int i = 0; i < auths.length; i++) {"Syncing with authority: " + auths[i].getServiceURI()); List<TrustLevel> levels = null; TrustedAuthority[] trusted = null; try { GTSClient client = getGTSClient(auths[i].getServiceURI()); log.debug("Getting trust levels from authority: " + auths[i].getServiceURI()); levels = client.getTrustLevels(); log.debug("Found (" + levels.size() + ") trust levels from authority: " + auths[i].getServiceURI()); log.debug("Getting trusted authorities from authority: " + auths[i].getServiceURI()); trusted = client.findTrustedAuthorities(filter).toArray(new TrustedAuthority[]{}); log.debug("Found (" + trusted.length + ") trusted authorities from authority: " + auths[i].getServiceURI()); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error synchronizing with the authority " + auths[i].getServiceURI() + ": " + ex.getMessage(), ex); continue; } // Synchronize the Trust Levels this.synchronizeTrustLevels(auths[i].getServiceURI(), levels); // Synchronize the Trusted Authorities this.synchronizeTrustedAuthorities(auths[i].getServiceURI(), trusted); } } else {"No authorities to sync with."); } } }