package org.cagrid.dorian.policy; import; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAttribute; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType; import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.Equals; import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.EqualsStrategy; import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.HashCode; import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.HashCodeStrategy; import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.JAXBEqualsStrategy; import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.JAXBHashCodeStrategy; import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.JAXBToStringStrategy; import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.ToString; import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.ToStringStrategy; import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.locator.ObjectLocator; import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.locator.util.LocatorUtils; /** * <p>Java class for PasswordPolicy complex type. * * <p>The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class. * * <pre> * <complexType name="PasswordPolicy"> * <complexContent> * <restriction base="{}anyType"> * <sequence> * <element name="Description" type="{}string"/> * <element name="SymbolsSupported" type="{}string"/> * <element ref="{}PasswordLockoutPolicy"/> * </sequence> * <attribute name="MinLength" use="required" type="{}int" /> * <attribute name="MaxLength" use="required" type="{}int" /> * <attribute name="DictionaryWordsAllowed" use="required" type="{}boolean" /> * <attribute name="UpperCaseLetterRequired" use="required" type="{}boolean" /> * <attribute name="LowerCaseLetterRequired" use="required" type="{}boolean" /> * <attribute name="SymbolRequired" use="required" type="{}boolean" /> * <attribute name="NumericRequired" use="required" type="{}boolean" /> * </restriction> * </complexContent> * </complexType> * </pre> * * */ @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "PasswordPolicy", propOrder = { "description", "symbolsSupported", "passwordLockoutPolicy" }) public class PasswordPolicy implements Serializable, Equals, HashCode, ToString { @XmlElement(name = "Description", required = true) protected String description; @XmlElement(name = "SymbolsSupported", required = true) protected String symbolsSupported; @XmlElement(name = "PasswordLockoutPolicy", required = true) protected PasswordLockoutPolicy passwordLockoutPolicy; @XmlAttribute(name = "MinLength", namespace = "", required = true) protected int minLength; @XmlAttribute(name = "MaxLength", namespace = "", required = true) protected int maxLength; @XmlAttribute(name = "DictionaryWordsAllowed", namespace = "", required = true) protected boolean dictionaryWordsAllowed; @XmlAttribute(name = "UpperCaseLetterRequired", namespace = "", required = true) protected boolean upperCaseLetterRequired; @XmlAttribute(name = "LowerCaseLetterRequired", namespace = "", required = true) protected boolean lowerCaseLetterRequired; @XmlAttribute(name = "SymbolRequired", namespace = "", required = true) protected boolean symbolRequired; @XmlAttribute(name = "NumericRequired", namespace = "", required = true) protected boolean numericRequired; /** * Gets the value of the description property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getDescription() { return description; } /** * Sets the value of the description property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setDescription(String value) { this.description = value; } /** * Gets the value of the symbolsSupported property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getSymbolsSupported() { return symbolsSupported; } /** * Sets the value of the symbolsSupported property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setSymbolsSupported(String value) { this.symbolsSupported = value; } /** * Gets the value of the passwordLockoutPolicy property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link PasswordLockoutPolicy } * */ public PasswordLockoutPolicy getPasswordLockoutPolicy() { return passwordLockoutPolicy; } /** * Sets the value of the passwordLockoutPolicy property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link PasswordLockoutPolicy } * */ public void setPasswordLockoutPolicy(PasswordLockoutPolicy value) { this.passwordLockoutPolicy = value; } /** * Gets the value of the minLength property. * */ public int getMinLength() { return minLength; } /** * Sets the value of the minLength property. * */ public void setMinLength(int value) { this.minLength = value; } /** * Gets the value of the maxLength property. * */ public int getMaxLength() { return maxLength; } /** * Sets the value of the maxLength property. * */ public void setMaxLength(int value) { this.maxLength = value; } /** * Gets the value of the dictionaryWordsAllowed property. * */ public boolean isDictionaryWordsAllowed() { return dictionaryWordsAllowed; } /** * Sets the value of the dictionaryWordsAllowed property. * */ public void setDictionaryWordsAllowed(boolean value) { this.dictionaryWordsAllowed = value; } /** * Gets the value of the upperCaseLetterRequired property. * */ public boolean isUpperCaseLetterRequired() { return upperCaseLetterRequired; } /** * Sets the value of the upperCaseLetterRequired property. * */ public void setUpperCaseLetterRequired(boolean value) { this.upperCaseLetterRequired = value; } /** * Gets the value of the lowerCaseLetterRequired property. * */ public boolean isLowerCaseLetterRequired() { return lowerCaseLetterRequired; } /** * Sets the value of the lowerCaseLetterRequired property. * */ public void setLowerCaseLetterRequired(boolean value) { this.lowerCaseLetterRequired = value; } /** * Gets the value of the symbolRequired property. * */ public boolean isSymbolRequired() { return symbolRequired; } /** * Sets the value of the symbolRequired property. * */ public void setSymbolRequired(boolean value) { this.symbolRequired = value; } /** * Gets the value of the numericRequired property. * */ public boolean isNumericRequired() { return numericRequired; } /** * Sets the value of the numericRequired property. * */ public void setNumericRequired(boolean value) { this.numericRequired = value; } public String toString() { final ToStringStrategy strategy = JAXBToStringStrategy.INSTANCE; final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); append(null, buffer, strategy); return buffer.toString(); } public StringBuilder append(ObjectLocator locator, StringBuilder buffer, ToStringStrategy strategy) { strategy.appendStart(locator, this, buffer); appendFields(locator, buffer, strategy); strategy.appendEnd(locator, this, buffer); return buffer; } public StringBuilder appendFields(ObjectLocator locator, StringBuilder buffer, ToStringStrategy strategy) { { String theDescription; theDescription = this.getDescription(); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "description", buffer, theDescription); } { String theSymbolsSupported; theSymbolsSupported = this.getSymbolsSupported(); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "symbolsSupported", buffer, theSymbolsSupported); } { PasswordLockoutPolicy thePasswordLockoutPolicy; thePasswordLockoutPolicy = this.getPasswordLockoutPolicy(); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "passwordLockoutPolicy", buffer, thePasswordLockoutPolicy); } { int theMinLength; theMinLength = (true?this.getMinLength(): 0); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "minLength", buffer, theMinLength); } { int theMaxLength; theMaxLength = (true?this.getMaxLength(): 0); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "maxLength", buffer, theMaxLength); } { boolean theDictionaryWordsAllowed; theDictionaryWordsAllowed = (true?this.isDictionaryWordsAllowed():false); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "dictionaryWordsAllowed", buffer, theDictionaryWordsAllowed); } { boolean theUpperCaseLetterRequired; theUpperCaseLetterRequired = (true?this.isUpperCaseLetterRequired():false); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "upperCaseLetterRequired", buffer, theUpperCaseLetterRequired); } { boolean theLowerCaseLetterRequired; theLowerCaseLetterRequired = (true?this.isLowerCaseLetterRequired():false); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "lowerCaseLetterRequired", buffer, theLowerCaseLetterRequired); } { boolean theSymbolRequired; theSymbolRequired = (true?this.isSymbolRequired():false); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "symbolRequired", buffer, theSymbolRequired); } { boolean theNumericRequired; theNumericRequired = (true?this.isNumericRequired():false); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "numericRequired", buffer, theNumericRequired); } return buffer; } public int hashCode(ObjectLocator locator, HashCodeStrategy strategy) { int currentHashCode = 1; { String theDescription; theDescription = this.getDescription(); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "description", theDescription), currentHashCode, theDescription); } { String theSymbolsSupported; theSymbolsSupported = this.getSymbolsSupported(); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "symbolsSupported", theSymbolsSupported), currentHashCode, theSymbolsSupported); } { PasswordLockoutPolicy thePasswordLockoutPolicy; thePasswordLockoutPolicy = this.getPasswordLockoutPolicy(); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "passwordLockoutPolicy", thePasswordLockoutPolicy), currentHashCode, thePasswordLockoutPolicy); } { int theMinLength; theMinLength = (true?this.getMinLength(): 0); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "minLength", theMinLength), currentHashCode, theMinLength); } { int theMaxLength; theMaxLength = (true?this.getMaxLength(): 0); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "maxLength", theMaxLength), currentHashCode, theMaxLength); } { boolean theDictionaryWordsAllowed; theDictionaryWordsAllowed = (true?this.isDictionaryWordsAllowed():false); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "dictionaryWordsAllowed", theDictionaryWordsAllowed), currentHashCode, theDictionaryWordsAllowed); } { boolean theUpperCaseLetterRequired; theUpperCaseLetterRequired = (true?this.isUpperCaseLetterRequired():false); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "upperCaseLetterRequired", theUpperCaseLetterRequired), currentHashCode, theUpperCaseLetterRequired); } { boolean theLowerCaseLetterRequired; theLowerCaseLetterRequired = (true?this.isLowerCaseLetterRequired():false); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "lowerCaseLetterRequired", theLowerCaseLetterRequired), currentHashCode, theLowerCaseLetterRequired); } { boolean theSymbolRequired; theSymbolRequired = (true?this.isSymbolRequired():false); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "symbolRequired", theSymbolRequired), currentHashCode, theSymbolRequired); } { boolean theNumericRequired; theNumericRequired = (true?this.isNumericRequired():false); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "numericRequired", theNumericRequired), currentHashCode, theNumericRequired); } return currentHashCode; } public int hashCode() { final HashCodeStrategy strategy = JAXBHashCodeStrategy.INSTANCE; return this.hashCode(null, strategy); } public boolean equals(ObjectLocator thisLocator, ObjectLocator thatLocator, Object object, EqualsStrategy strategy) { if (!(object instanceof PasswordPolicy)) { return false; } if (this == object) { return true; } final PasswordPolicy that = ((PasswordPolicy) object); { String lhsDescription; lhsDescription = this.getDescription(); String rhsDescription; rhsDescription = that.getDescription(); if (!strategy.equals(, "description", lhsDescription),, "description", rhsDescription), lhsDescription, rhsDescription)) { return false; } } { String lhsSymbolsSupported; lhsSymbolsSupported = this.getSymbolsSupported(); String rhsSymbolsSupported; rhsSymbolsSupported = that.getSymbolsSupported(); if (!strategy.equals(, "symbolsSupported", lhsSymbolsSupported),, "symbolsSupported", rhsSymbolsSupported), lhsSymbolsSupported, rhsSymbolsSupported)) { return false; } } { PasswordLockoutPolicy lhsPasswordLockoutPolicy; lhsPasswordLockoutPolicy = this.getPasswordLockoutPolicy(); PasswordLockoutPolicy rhsPasswordLockoutPolicy; rhsPasswordLockoutPolicy = that.getPasswordLockoutPolicy(); if (!strategy.equals(, "passwordLockoutPolicy", lhsPasswordLockoutPolicy),, "passwordLockoutPolicy", rhsPasswordLockoutPolicy), lhsPasswordLockoutPolicy, rhsPasswordLockoutPolicy)) { return false; } } { int lhsMinLength; lhsMinLength = (true?this.getMinLength(): 0); int rhsMinLength; rhsMinLength = (true?that.getMinLength(): 0); if (!strategy.equals(, "minLength", lhsMinLength),, "minLength", rhsMinLength), lhsMinLength, rhsMinLength)) { return false; } } { int lhsMaxLength; lhsMaxLength = (true?this.getMaxLength(): 0); int rhsMaxLength; rhsMaxLength = (true?that.getMaxLength(): 0); if (!strategy.equals(, "maxLength", lhsMaxLength),, "maxLength", rhsMaxLength), lhsMaxLength, rhsMaxLength)) { return false; } } { boolean lhsDictionaryWordsAllowed; lhsDictionaryWordsAllowed = (true?this.isDictionaryWordsAllowed():false); boolean rhsDictionaryWordsAllowed; rhsDictionaryWordsAllowed = (true?that.isDictionaryWordsAllowed():false); if (!strategy.equals(, "dictionaryWordsAllowed", lhsDictionaryWordsAllowed),, "dictionaryWordsAllowed", rhsDictionaryWordsAllowed), lhsDictionaryWordsAllowed, rhsDictionaryWordsAllowed)) { return false; } } { boolean lhsUpperCaseLetterRequired; lhsUpperCaseLetterRequired = (true?this.isUpperCaseLetterRequired():false); boolean rhsUpperCaseLetterRequired; rhsUpperCaseLetterRequired = (true?that.isUpperCaseLetterRequired():false); if (!strategy.equals(, "upperCaseLetterRequired", lhsUpperCaseLetterRequired),, "upperCaseLetterRequired", rhsUpperCaseLetterRequired), lhsUpperCaseLetterRequired, rhsUpperCaseLetterRequired)) { return false; } } { boolean lhsLowerCaseLetterRequired; lhsLowerCaseLetterRequired = (true?this.isLowerCaseLetterRequired():false); boolean rhsLowerCaseLetterRequired; rhsLowerCaseLetterRequired = (true?that.isLowerCaseLetterRequired():false); if (!strategy.equals(, "lowerCaseLetterRequired", lhsLowerCaseLetterRequired),, "lowerCaseLetterRequired", rhsLowerCaseLetterRequired), lhsLowerCaseLetterRequired, rhsLowerCaseLetterRequired)) { return false; } } { boolean lhsSymbolRequired; lhsSymbolRequired = (true?this.isSymbolRequired():false); boolean rhsSymbolRequired; rhsSymbolRequired = (true?that.isSymbolRequired():false); if (!strategy.equals(, "symbolRequired", lhsSymbolRequired),, "symbolRequired", rhsSymbolRequired), lhsSymbolRequired, rhsSymbolRequired)) { return false; } } { boolean lhsNumericRequired; lhsNumericRequired = (true?this.isNumericRequired():false); boolean rhsNumericRequired; rhsNumericRequired = (true?that.isNumericRequired():false); if (!strategy.equals(, "numericRequired", lhsNumericRequired),, "numericRequired", rhsNumericRequired), lhsNumericRequired, rhsNumericRequired)) { return false; } } return true; } public boolean equals(Object object) { final EqualsStrategy strategy = JAXBEqualsStrategy.INSTANCE; return equals(null, null, object, strategy); } }