package org.cagrid.gaards.dorian.federation; import gov.nih.nci.cagrid.common.FaultHelper; import gov.nih.nci.cagrid.common.Utils; import gov.nih.nci.cagrid.dorian.common.CommonUtils; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.List; import org.cagrid.gaards.dorian.X509Certificate; import; import org.cagrid.gaards.dorian.common.Lifetime; import org.cagrid.gaards.dorian.common.LoggingObject; import org.cagrid.gaards.dorian.service.util.PreparedStatementBuilder; import org.cagrid.gaards.dorian.stubs.types.DorianInternalFault; import org.cagrid.gaards.dorian.stubs.types.InvalidHostCertificateFault; import org.cagrid.gaards.dorian.stubs.types.InvalidHostCertificateRequestFault; import org.cagrid.gaards.pki.CertUtil; import org.cagrid.gaards.pki.KeyUtil; import; public class HostCertificateManager extends LoggingObject { public static final String TABLE = "host_certificates"; public static final String ID = "ID"; public static final String SERIAL = "SERIAL_NUMBER"; public static final String HOST = "HOST"; public static final String SUBJECT = "SUBJECT"; public static final String STATUS = "STATUS"; public static final String OWNER = "OWNER"; public static final String CERTIFICATE = "CERTIFICATE"; public static final String PUBLIC_KEY = "PUBLIC_KEY"; public static final String EXPIRATION = "EXPIRATION"; private boolean dbBuilt = false; private Database db; private CertificateAuthority ca; private IdentityFederationProperties conf; private Publisher publisher; private CertificateBlacklistManager blackList; public HostCertificateManager(Database db, IdentityFederationProperties conf, CertificateAuthority ca, Publisher publisher, CertificateBlacklistManager blackList) { this.db = db; = ca; this.conf = conf; this.publisher = publisher; this.blackList = blackList; } private void publishCRLIfNeeded(HostCertificateStatus s1, HostCertificateStatus s2) { if ((s1.equals(HostCertificateStatus.Active)) && (s2.equals(HostCertificateStatus.Suspended))) { publisher.publishCRL(); } else if ((s1.equals(HostCertificateStatus.Active)) && (s2.equals(HostCertificateStatus.Compromised))) { publisher.publishCRL(); } else if ((s1.equals(HostCertificateStatus.Suspended)) && (s2.equals(HostCertificateStatus.Active))) { publisher.publishCRL(); } } public synchronized HostCertificateRecord renewHostCertificate(long id) throws DorianInternalFault, InvalidHostCertificateFault { HostCertificateRecord record = this.getHostCertificateRecord(id); if (!record.getStatus().equals(HostCertificateStatus.Active)) { InvalidHostCertificateFault fault = new InvalidHostCertificateFault(); fault.setFaultString("Only active host certificates may be renewed."); throw fault; } Connection c = null; try { oldCert = CertUtil.loadCertificate(record.getCertificate() .getCertificateAsString()); blackList.addCertificateToBlackList(oldCert, CertificateBlacklistManager.CERTIFICATE_RENEWED); key = KeyUtil.loadPublicKey(record.getPublicKey().getKeyAsString()); Date start = new Date(); Lifetime lifetime = this.conf.getIssuedCertificateLifetime(); Date end = org.cagrid.gaards.dorian.service.util.Utils.getExpiredDate(lifetime); if (end.after(ca.getCACertificate().getNotAfter())) { end = ca.getCACertificate().getNotAfter(); } cert = ca.signHostCertificate(record.getHost(), key, start, end); record.setSerialNumber(cert.getSerialNumber().longValue()); record.setSubject(cert.getSubjectDN().getName()); X509Certificate x509 = new X509Certificate(); x509.setCertificateAsString(CertUtil.writeCertificate(cert)); record.setCertificate(x509); c = db.getConnection(); PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("update " + TABLE + " SET " + SERIAL + " = ? , " + SUBJECT + " = ? , " + EXPIRATION + " = ? , " + CERTIFICATE + " = ? WHERE " + ID + "= ?"); s.setLong(1, record.getSerialNumber()); s.setString(2, record.getSubject()); s.setLong(3, cert.getNotAfter().getTime()); s.setString(4, record.getCertificate().getCertificateAsString()); s.setLong(5, record.getId()); s.execute(); return record; } catch (Exception e) { logError(e.getMessage(), e); DorianInternalFault fault = new DorianInternalFault(); fault.setFaultString("An unexpected error occurred."); FaultHelper helper = new FaultHelper(fault); helper.addFaultCause(e); fault = (DorianInternalFault) helper.getFault(); throw fault; } finally { db.releaseConnection(c); } } public synchronized HostCertificateRecord approveHostCertifcate(long id) throws DorianInternalFault, InvalidHostCertificateFault { Connection c = null; HostCertificateRecord record = this.getHostCertificateRecord(id); // Check to see if the status is pending. if (!record.getStatus().equals(HostCertificateStatus.Pending)) { InvalidHostCertificateFault fault = new InvalidHostCertificateFault(); fault.setFaultString("Only pending host certificates may be approved."); throw fault; } try { key = KeyUtil.loadPublicKey(record.getPublicKey().getKeyAsString()); String host = record.getHost(); Date start = new Date(); Lifetime lifetime = this.conf.getIssuedCertificateLifetime(); Date end = org.cagrid.gaards.dorian.service.util.Utils.getExpiredDate(lifetime); if (end.after(ca.getCACertificate().getNotAfter())) { end = ca.getCACertificate().getNotAfter(); } cert = ca.signHostCertificate(host, key, start, end); record.setSerialNumber(cert.getSerialNumber().longValue()); record.setSubject(cert.getSubjectDN().getName()); record.setStatus(HostCertificateStatus.Active); X509Certificate x509 = new X509Certificate(); x509.setCertificateAsString(CertUtil.writeCertificate(cert)); record.setCertificate(x509); c = db.getConnection(); PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("update " + TABLE + " SET " + SERIAL + " = ? , " + SUBJECT + " = ? , " + STATUS + " = ? , " + EXPIRATION + " = ?, " + CERTIFICATE + " = ? WHERE " + ID + "= ?"); s.setLong(1, record.getSerialNumber()); s.setString(2, record.getSubject()); s.setString(3, record.getStatus().getValue()); s.setLong(4, cert.getNotAfter().getTime()); s.setString(5, record.getCertificate().getCertificateAsString()); s.setLong(6, record.getId()); s.execute(); } catch (Exception e) { logError(e.getMessage(), e); DorianInternalFault fault = new DorianInternalFault(); fault.setFaultString("An unexpected error occurred."); FaultHelper helper = new FaultHelper(fault); helper.addFaultCause(e); fault = (DorianInternalFault) helper.getFault(); throw fault; } finally { db.releaseConnection(c); } return record; } public synchronized long requestHostCertifcate(String owner, HostCertificateRequest req) throws DorianInternalFault, InvalidHostCertificateRequestFault { if (Utils.clean(req.getHostname()) == null) { InvalidHostCertificateRequestFault fault = new InvalidHostCertificateRequestFault(); fault.setFaultString("No host specified."); throw fault; } if (req.getPublicKey() == null) { InvalidHostCertificateRequestFault fault = new InvalidHostCertificateRequestFault(); fault.setFaultString("No public key specified."); throw fault; } if (Utils.clean(req.getPublicKey().getKeyAsString()) == null) { InvalidHostCertificateRequestFault fault = new InvalidHostCertificateRequestFault(); fault.setFaultString("No public key specified."); throw fault; } // 1) We need to verify that a certificate for this host has never been // requested, unless it was compromised or rejected. if (certificateCannotBeRequested(req.getHostname())) { InvalidHostCertificateRequestFault fault = new InvalidHostCertificateRequestFault(); fault.setFaultString("A host certificate cannot be request for " + req.getHostname() + " a certificate for that host already exists."); throw fault; } key = null; try { key = KeyUtil.loadPublicKey(req.getPublicKey().getKeyAsString()); } catch (Exception e) { InvalidHostCertificateRequestFault fault = new InvalidHostCertificateRequestFault(); fault.setFaultString("Invalid Public Key provided."); throw fault; } if (key == null) { InvalidHostCertificateRequestFault fault = new InvalidHostCertificateRequestFault(); fault.setFaultString("Invalid Public Key provided."); throw fault; } // 2) If it was compromised we want to verify that the public keys are // different. HostCertificateFilter f = new HostCertificateFilter(); f.setStatus(HostCertificateStatus.Compromised); List<HostCertificateRecord> records = findHostCertificates(f); for (int i = 0; i < records.size(); i++) { oldKey = null; try { oldKey = KeyUtil.loadPublicKey(records.get(i).getPublicKey().getKeyAsString()); } catch (Exception e) { logError(e.getMessage(), e); DorianInternalFault fault = new DorianInternalFault(); fault.setFaultString("An unexpected error occurred validating the public key."); throw fault; } if (oldKey.equals(key)) { InvalidHostCertificateRequestFault fault = new InvalidHostCertificateRequestFault(); fault .setFaultString("The public key provided is not acceptable it was determined that this key was compromised."); throw fault; } } // 3) We need to verify the size of the public key int keySize = ca.getProperties().getIssuedCertificateKeySize(); int size = ((RSAPublicKey) key).getModulus().bitLength(); if (keySize != size) { InvalidHostCertificateRequestFault fault = new InvalidHostCertificateRequestFault(); fault.setFaultString("The size of the public key specified is " + size + " bits and is required to be " + keySize + " bits."); throw fault; } Connection c = null; long id = -1; try { c = db.getConnection(); PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO " + TABLE + " SET " + SERIAL + "= ?," + HOST + "= ?," + SUBJECT + "= ?," + OWNER + "= ?," + STATUS + "= ?," + PUBLIC_KEY + "= ?," + CERTIFICATE + "= ?"); s.setLong(1, -1); s.setString(2, req.getHostname()); s.setString(3, ""); s.setString(4, owner); s.setString(5, HostCertificateStatus.Pending.getValue()); s.setString(6, req.getPublicKey().getKeyAsString()); s.setString(7, ""); s.execute(); id = db.getLastAutoId(c); } catch (Exception e) { logError(e.getMessage(), e); DorianInternalFault fault = new DorianInternalFault(); fault.setFaultString("An unexpected error occurred."); FaultHelper helper = new FaultHelper(fault); helper.addFaultCause(e); fault = (DorianInternalFault) helper.getFault(); throw fault; } finally { db.releaseConnection(c); } return id; } public List<HostCertificateRecord> findHostCertificates(HostCertificateFilter f) throws DorianInternalFault { this.buildDatabase(); Connection c = null; List<HostCertificateRecord> hosts = new ArrayList<HostCertificateRecord>(); try { c = db.getConnection(); PreparedStatementBuilder select = new PreparedStatementBuilder(TABLE); select.addSelectField(ID); select.addSelectField(HOST); select.addSelectField(OWNER); select.addSelectField(SUBJECT); select.addSelectField(SERIAL); select.addSelectField(STATUS); select.addSelectField(PUBLIC_KEY); select.addSelectField(CERTIFICATE); if (f != null) { if (f.getId() != null) { select.addWhereField(ID, "=", f.getId()); } if (f.getSerialNumber() != null) { select.addWhereField(SERIAL, "=", f.getSerialNumber()); } if (f.getHost() != null) { select.addWhereField(HOST, "LIKE", "%" + f.getHost() + "%"); } if (f.getSubject() != null) { select.addWhereField(SUBJECT, "LIKE", "%" + f.getSubject() + "%"); } if (f.getOwner() != null) { select.addWhereField(OWNER, "LIKE", "%" + f.getOwner() + "%"); } if (f.getStatus() != null) { select.addWhereField(STATUS, "=", f.getStatus().getValue()); } if (f.getIsExpired() != null) { Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); long time = cal.getTimeInMillis(); if (f.getIsExpired().booleanValue()) { select.addClause("(" + EXPIRATION + ">0 AND " + EXPIRATION + "<" + Long.valueOf(time) + ")"); } else { select.addClause("(" + EXPIRATION + ">0 AND " + EXPIRATION + ">" + Long.valueOf(time) + ")"); } } } PreparedStatement s = select.prepareStatement(c); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(); while ( { HostCertificateRecord record = new HostCertificateRecord(); record.setId(rs.getInt(ID)); record.setHost(rs.getString(HOST)); record.setOwner(rs.getString(OWNER)); record.setSubject(rs.getString(SUBJECT)); record.setSerialNumber(rs.getLong(SERIAL)); record.setStatus(HostCertificateStatus.fromValue(rs.getString(STATUS))); String keyStr = Utils.clean(rs.getString(PUBLIC_KEY)); if (keyStr != null) { PublicKey pk = new PublicKey(); pk.setKeyAsString(keyStr); record.setPublicKey(pk); } String certStr = Utils.clean(rs.getString(CERTIFICATE)); if (certStr != null) { X509Certificate cert = new X509Certificate(); cert.setCertificateAsString(certStr); record.setCertificate(cert); } hosts.add(record); } rs.close(); s.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logError(e.getMessage(), e); DorianInternalFault fault = new DorianInternalFault(); fault.setFaultString("An unexpected error occurred."); FaultHelper helper = new FaultHelper(fault); helper.addFaultCause(e); fault = (DorianInternalFault) helper.getFault(); throw fault; } finally { db.releaseConnection(c); } return hosts; } public List<HostRecord> getHostRecords(HostSearchCriteria f) throws DorianInternalFault { this.buildDatabase(); Connection c = null; List<HostRecord> hosts = new ArrayList<HostRecord>(); try { c = db.getConnection(); PreparedStatementBuilder select = new PreparedStatementBuilder(TABLE); select.addSelectField(HOST); select.addSelectField(OWNER); select.addSelectField(SUBJECT); if (f != null) { select.addWhereField(STATUS, "=", HostCertificateStatus.Active.getValue()); if (f.getHostname() != null) { select.addWhereField(HOST, "LIKE", "%" + f.getHostname() + "%"); } if (f.getIdentity() != null) { String subject = CommonUtils.identityToSubject(f.getIdentity()); select.addWhereField(SUBJECT, "LIKE", "%" + subject + "%"); } if (f.getHostCertificateSubject() != null) { select.addWhereField(SUBJECT, "LIKE", "%" + f.getHostCertificateSubject() + "%"); } if (f.getOwner() != null) { select.addWhereField(OWNER, "LIKE", "%" + f.getOwner() + "%"); } } PreparedStatement s = select.prepareStatement(c); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(); while ( { HostRecord record = new HostRecord(); record.setHostname(rs.getString(HOST)); record.setOwner(rs.getString(OWNER)); record.setIdentity(CommonUtils.subjectToIdentity(rs.getString(SUBJECT))); record.setHostCertificateSubject(rs.getString(SUBJECT)); hosts.add(record); } rs.close(); s.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logError(e.getMessage(), e); DorianInternalFault fault = new DorianInternalFault(); fault.setFaultString("An unexpected error occurred."); FaultHelper helper = new FaultHelper(fault); helper.addFaultCause(e); fault = (DorianInternalFault) helper.getFault(); throw fault; } finally { db.releaseConnection(c); } return hosts; } public List<HostCertificateRecord> getHostCertificateRecords(String owner) throws DorianInternalFault { this.buildDatabase(); List<HostCertificateRecord> records = new ArrayList<HostCertificateRecord>(); Connection c = null; try { c = db.getConnection(); PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("select " + ID + " from " + TABLE + " WHERE " + OWNER + " = ?"); s.setString(1, owner); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(); while ( { records.add(getHostCertificateRecord(rs.getInt(ID))); } rs.close(); s.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logError(e.getMessage(), e); DorianInternalFault fault = new DorianInternalFault(); fault.setFaultString("An unexpected error occurred."); FaultHelper helper = new FaultHelper(fault); helper.addFaultCause(e); fault = (DorianInternalFault) helper.getFault(); throw fault; } finally { db.releaseConnection(c); } return records; } public List<Long> getHostCertificateRecordsSerialNumbers(String owner) throws DorianInternalFault { this.buildDatabase(); List<Long> sn = new ArrayList<Long>(); Connection c = null; try { c = db.getConnection(); PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("select " + SERIAL + " from " + TABLE + " WHERE " + OWNER + " = ? AND " + STATUS + " <> ? AND " + STATUS + " <> ? "); s.setString(1, owner); s.setString(2, HostCertificateStatus.Pending.getValue()); s.setString(3, HostCertificateStatus.Rejected.getValue()); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(); while ( { sn.add(new Long(rs.getLong(SERIAL))); } rs.close(); s.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logError(e.getMessage(), e); DorianInternalFault fault = new DorianInternalFault(); fault.setFaultString("An unexpected error occurred."); FaultHelper helper = new FaultHelper(fault); helper.addFaultCause(e); fault = (DorianInternalFault) helper.getFault(); throw fault; } finally { db.releaseConnection(c); } return sn; } public List<Long> getDisabledHostCertificatesSerialNumbers() throws DorianInternalFault { this.buildDatabase(); List<Long> entries = new ArrayList<Long>(); Connection c = null; try { c = db.getConnection(); PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("select " + SERIAL + " from " + TABLE + " WHERE " + STATUS + " = ? OR " + STATUS + " = ? "); s.setString(1, HostCertificateStatus.Suspended.getValue()); s.setString(2, HostCertificateStatus.Compromised.getValue()); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(); while ( { long sn = rs.getLong(SERIAL); entries.add(new Long(sn)); } rs.close(); s.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logError(e.getMessage(), e); DorianInternalFault fault = new DorianInternalFault(); fault.setFaultString("An unexpected error occurred."); FaultHelper helper = new FaultHelper(fault); helper.addFaultCause(e); fault = (DorianInternalFault) helper.getFault(); throw fault; } finally { db.releaseConnection(c); } return entries; } public HostCertificateRecord getHostCertificateRecord(long id) throws DorianInternalFault, InvalidHostCertificateFault { buildDatabase(); Connection c = null; HostCertificateRecord record = null; try { c = db.getConnection(); PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("select " + ID + "," + HOST + "," + SUBJECT + "," + OWNER + "," + SERIAL + "," + STATUS + "," + PUBLIC_KEY + "," + CERTIFICATE + " from " + TABLE + " WHERE " + ID + "= ?"); s.setLong(1, id); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(); if ( { record = new HostCertificateRecord(); record.setId(rs.getInt(ID)); record.setHost(rs.getString(HOST)); record.setOwner(rs.getString(OWNER)); record.setSerialNumber(rs.getLong(SERIAL)); record.setStatus(HostCertificateStatus.fromValue(rs.getString(STATUS))); record.setSubject(rs.getString(SUBJECT)); String keyStr = Utils.clean(rs.getString(PUBLIC_KEY)); if (keyStr != null) { PublicKey pk = new PublicKey(); pk.setKeyAsString(keyStr); record.setPublicKey(pk); } String certStr = Utils.clean(rs.getString(CERTIFICATE)); if (certStr != null) { X509Certificate cert = new X509Certificate(); cert.setCertificateAsString(certStr); record.setCertificate(cert); } } rs.close(); s.close(); } catch (Exception e) { DorianInternalFault fault = new DorianInternalFault(); fault.setFaultString("An unexpected error occurred."); FaultHelper helper = new FaultHelper(fault); helper.addFaultCause(e); fault = (DorianInternalFault) helper.getFault(); throw fault; } finally { db.releaseConnection(c); } if (record == null) { InvalidHostCertificateFault fault = new InvalidHostCertificateFault(); fault.setFaultString("No such host certificate exists."); throw fault; } return record; } public synchronized void updateHostCertificateRecord(HostCertificateUpdate update) throws DorianInternalFault, InvalidHostCertificateFault { if (!determineIfRecordExistById(update.getId())) { InvalidHostCertificateFault fault = new InvalidHostCertificateFault(); fault.setFaultString("Could not update host certificate record, no such host certificate exists."); throw fault; } HostCertificateRecord record = getHostCertificateRecord(update.getId()); // First see if the certificate has been compromised, if it has NO // updates are allowed. if (record.getStatus().equals(HostCertificateStatus.Compromised)) { InvalidHostCertificateFault fault = new InvalidHostCertificateFault(); fault .setFaultString("Could not update host certificate record, the host certificate has been compromised."); throw fault; } if (record.getStatus().equals(HostCertificateStatus.Rejected)) { InvalidHostCertificateFault fault = new InvalidHostCertificateFault(); fault .setFaultString("Could not update host certificate record, the host certificate request was rejected."); throw fault; } boolean updateStatus = false; if ((update.getStatus() != null) && (!update.getStatus().equals(record.getStatus()))) { if (update.getStatus().equals(HostCertificateStatus.Pending)) { InvalidHostCertificateFault fault = new InvalidHostCertificateFault(); fault .setFaultString("Could not update host certificate record, the status of a host certificate cannot be change to " + HostCertificateStatus.Pending + " once it has been approved."); throw fault; } else if (record.getStatus().equals(HostCertificateStatus.Pending) && (!update.getStatus().equals(HostCertificateStatus.Rejected))) { InvalidHostCertificateFault fault = new InvalidHostCertificateFault(); fault .setFaultString("Could not update the status of a host certificate record until it has been approved or rejected."); throw fault; } updateStatus = true; } boolean updateOwner = false; if ((update.getOwner() != null) && (!update.getOwner().equals(record.getOwner()))) { updateOwner = true; } if (updateOwner || updateStatus) { Connection c = null; try { c = db.getConnection(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("update " + TABLE + " SET "); if (updateStatus) { sb.append(STATUS + "= ?"); } if (updateOwner) { if (updateStatus) { sb.append(","); } sb.append(OWNER + "= ? "); } sb.append(" WHERE " + ID + "= ?"); PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement(sb.toString()); int count = 1; if (updateStatus) { s.setString(count, update.getStatus().toString()); count++; } if (updateOwner) { s.setString(count, update.getOwner()); count++; } s.setLong(count, update.getId()); s.execute(); if (updateStatus) { publishCRLIfNeeded(record.getStatus(), update.getStatus()); } } catch (Exception e) { logError(e.getMessage(), e); DorianInternalFault fault = new DorianInternalFault(); fault.setFaultString("An unexpected error occurred."); FaultHelper helper = new FaultHelper(fault); helper.addFaultCause(e); fault = (DorianInternalFault) helper.getFault(); throw fault; } finally { db.releaseConnection(c); } } } private boolean determineIfRecordExistById(long id) throws DorianInternalFault { buildDatabase(); Connection c = null; boolean exists = false; try { c = db.getConnection(); PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("select count(*) from " + TABLE + " WHERE " + ID + "= ?"); s.setLong(1, id); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(); if ( { if (rs.getInt(1) > 0) { exists = true; } } rs.close(); s.close(); } catch (Exception e) { DorianInternalFault fault = new DorianInternalFault(); fault.setFaultString("Unexpected Database Error"); FaultHelper helper = new FaultHelper(fault); helper.addFaultCause(e); fault = (DorianInternalFault) helper.getFault(); throw fault; } finally { db.releaseConnection(c); } return exists; } private boolean certificateCannotBeRequested(String host) throws DorianInternalFault { buildDatabase(); Connection c = null; boolean exists = false; try { c = db.getConnection(); PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("select count(*) from " + TABLE + " WHERE " + HOST + "= ? AND " + STATUS + " <> ? AND " + STATUS + " <> ? "); s.setString(1, host); s.setString(2, HostCertificateStatus.Rejected.getValue()); s.setString(3, HostCertificateStatus.Compromised.getValue()); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(); if ( { if (rs.getInt(1) > 0) { exists = true; } } rs.close(); s.close(); } catch (Exception e) { DorianInternalFault fault = new DorianInternalFault(); fault.setFaultString("An unexpected error occurred."); FaultHelper helper = new FaultHelper(fault); helper.addFaultCause(e); fault = (DorianInternalFault) helper.getFault(); throw fault; } finally { db.releaseConnection(c); } return exists; } public void buildDatabase() throws DorianInternalFault { if (!dbBuilt) { try { if (!this.db.tableExists(TABLE)) { String certificates = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE + " (" + ID + " INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY," + SERIAL + " BIGINT," + HOST + " VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL," + SUBJECT + " TEXT," + STATUS + " VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL," + OWNER + " TEXT NOT NULL," + EXPIRATION + " BIGINT," + CERTIFICATE + " TEXT," + PUBLIC_KEY + " TEXT NOT NULL, " + "INDEX document_index (ID));"; db.update(certificates); } } catch (Exception e) { logError(e.getMessage(), e); DorianInternalFault fault = new DorianInternalFault(); fault.setFaultString("An unexpected database error occurred."); FaultHelper helper = new FaultHelper(fault); helper.addFaultCause(e); fault = (DorianInternalFault) helper.getFault(); throw fault; } this.dbBuilt = true; } } public void clearDatabase() throws DorianInternalFault { buildDatabase(); try { db.update("delete from " + TABLE); } catch (Exception e) { logError(e.getMessage(), e); DorianInternalFault fault = new DorianInternalFault(); fault.setFaultString("An unexpected database error occurred."); FaultHelper helper = new FaultHelper(fault); helper.addFaultCause(e); fault = (DorianInternalFault) helper.getFault(); throw fault; } } }