package gov.nih.nci.cadsr.domain; import java.util.Collection; import; /** * A questionnaire that documents all the patient data stipulated in the protocol and used by clinicians to record information about patient's visits while on the clinical trial. **/ public class Form extends FormElement implements Serializable { /** * An attribute to allow serialization of the domain objects */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1234567890L; /** * A name used to represent the Case Report Form in user interfaces. **/ public String displayName; /** * Retreives the value of displayName attribute * @return displayName **/ public String getDisplayName(){ return displayName; } /** * Sets the value of displayName attribue **/ public void setDisplayName(String displayName){ this.displayName = displayName; } /** * The type of form. **/ public String type; /** * Retreives the value of type attribute * @return type **/ public String getType(){ return type; } /** * Sets the value of type attribue **/ public void setType(String type){ this.type = type; } /** * An associated gov.nih.nci.cadsr.domain.Module object's collection **/ private Collection<Module> moduleCollection; /** * Retreives the value of moduleCollection attribue * @return moduleCollection **/ public Collection<Module> getModuleCollection(){ return moduleCollection; } /** * Sets the value of moduleCollection attribue **/ public void setModuleCollection(Collection<Module> moduleCollection){ this.moduleCollection = moduleCollection; } /** * An associated gov.nih.nci.cadsr.domain.Protocol object's collection **/ private Collection<Protocol> protocolCollection; /** * Retreives the value of protocolCollection attribue * @return protocolCollection **/ public Collection<Protocol> getProtocolCollection(){ return protocolCollection; } /** * Sets the value of protocolCollection attribue **/ public void setProtocolCollection(Collection<Protocol> protocolCollection){ this.protocolCollection = protocolCollection; } /** * Compares <code>obj</code> to it self and returns true if they both are same * * @param obj **/ public boolean equals(Object obj) { if(obj instanceof Form) { Form c =(Form)obj; if(getId() != null && getId().equals(c.getId())) return true; } return false; } /** * Returns hash code for the primary key of the object **/ public int hashCode() { if(getId() != null) return getId().hashCode(); return 0; } }