package org.cagrid.gaards.dorian.idp; import gov.nih.nci.cagrid.common.FaultHelper; import gov.nih.nci.cagrid.opensaml.SAMLAssertion; import gov.nih.nci.cagrid.opensaml.SAMLAttribute; import gov.nih.nci.cagrid.opensaml.SAMLAttributeStatement; import gov.nih.nci.cagrid.opensaml.SAMLAuthenticationStatement; import gov.nih.nci.cagrid.opensaml.SAMLNameIdentifier; import gov.nih.nci.cagrid.opensaml.SAMLSubject; import gov.nih.nci.cagrid.opensaml.SAMLSubjectStatement; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.List; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import; import; import; import; import org.cagrid.gaards.dorian.common.LoggingObject; import org.cagrid.gaards.dorian.common.SAMLConstants; import org.cagrid.gaards.dorian.stubs.types.DorianInternalFault; import org.cagrid.gaards.pki.CertUtil; import org.cagrid.gaards.pki.KeyUtil; import; /** * @author <A href="">Stephen Langella </A> * @author <A href="">Scott Oster </A> * @author <A href="">Shannon Hastings </A> * @version $Id:,v 1.2 2004/10/15 16:35:16 langella * Exp $ */ public class AssertionCredentialsManager extends LoggingObject { public static String CREDENTIALS_TABLE = "idp_asserter"; public final static String CERT_DN = "Dorian IdP Authentication Asserter"; private CertificateAuthority ca; private IdentityProviderProperties conf; private Database db; private boolean dbBuilt = false; public AssertionCredentialsManager(IdentityProviderProperties conf, CertificateAuthority ca, Database db) throws DorianInternalFault { try { = ca; this.conf = conf; this.db = db; if (!hasAssertingCredentials()) { createNewCredentials(); } } catch (Exception e) { logError(e.getMessage(), e); DorianInternalFault fault = new DorianInternalFault(); fault.setFaultString("Error initializing the IDP Asserting Manager."); FaultHelper helper = new FaultHelper(fault); helper.addFaultCause(e); fault = (DorianInternalFault) helper.getFault(); throw fault; } } private synchronized boolean hasAssertingCredentials() throws DorianInternalFault { this.buildDatabase(); Connection c = null; boolean exists = false; try { c = db.getConnection(); PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("select count(*) from " + CREDENTIALS_TABLE + " where ALIAS= ?"); s.setString(1, CERT_DN); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(); if ( { int count = rs.getInt(1); if (count > 0) { exists = true; } } rs.close(); s.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logError(e.getMessage(), e); DorianInternalFault fault = new DorianInternalFault(); fault.setFaultString("Unexpected error determining if the Dorian IdP has asserting credentials"); FaultHelper helper = new FaultHelper(fault); helper.addFaultCause(e); fault = (DorianInternalFault) helper.getFault(); throw fault; } finally { db.releaseConnection(c); } return exists; } public synchronized void storeCredentials(X509Certificate cert, PrivateKey key) throws Exception { this.buildDatabase(); Connection c = null; try { if (!hasAssertingCredentials()) { if (ca instanceof WrappingCertificateAuthority) { WrappingCertificateAuthority wca = (WrappingCertificateAuthority) ca; WrappedKey wk = wca.wrap(key); String certStr = CertUtil.writeCertificate(cert); c = db.getConnection(); PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO " + CREDENTIALS_TABLE + " SET ALIAS= ?,CERTIFICATE= ?,PRIVATE_KEY= ?,IV= ?"); s.setString(1, CERT_DN); s.setString(2, certStr); s.setBytes(3, wk.getWrappedKeyData()); s.setBytes(4, wk.getIV()); s.execute(); s.close(); } else { String certStr = CertUtil.writeCertificate(cert); c = db.getConnection(); PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO " + CREDENTIALS_TABLE + " SET ALIAS= ?,CERTIFICATE= ?,PRIVATE_KEY= ?"); s.setString(1, CERT_DN); s.setString(2, certStr); s.setBytes(3, KeyUtil.writePrivateKey(key, conf.getAssertingCredentialsEncryptionPassword()) .getBytes()); s.execute(); s.close(); } } } catch (Exception e) { logError(e.getMessage(), e); DorianInternalFault fault = new DorianInternalFault(); fault.setFaultString("Could not store IdP asserting credentials."); FaultHelper helper = new FaultHelper(fault); helper.addFaultCause(e); fault = (DorianInternalFault) helper.getFault(); throw fault; } finally { db.releaseConnection(c); } } private synchronized void createNewCredentials() throws Exception { // VALIDATE DN X509Certificate cacert = ca.getCACertificate(); String caSubject = cacert.getSubjectDN().getName(); int caindex = caSubject.lastIndexOf(","); String caPreSub = caSubject.substring(0, caindex); String subject = caPreSub + ",CN=" + CERT_DN; KeyPair pair = KeyUtil.generateRSAKeyPair1024(); GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); Date start = cal.getTime(); X509Certificate cert = ca.signCertificate(subject, pair.getPublic(), start, cacert.getNotAfter()); storeCredentials(cert, pair.getPrivate()); } public synchronized PrivateKey getIdPKey() throws DorianInternalFault { this.buildDatabase(); Connection c = null; PrivateKey key = null; try { // force updating expiring credentials getIdPCertificate(); c = db.getConnection(); PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("select PRIVATE_KEY, IV from " + CREDENTIALS_TABLE + " where ALIAS= ?"); s.setString(1, CERT_DN); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(); if ( { byte[] wrapped = rs.getBytes("PRIVATE_KEY"); byte[] iv = rs.getBytes("IV"); if (ca instanceof WrappingCertificateAuthority) { WrappingCertificateAuthority wca = (WrappingCertificateAuthority) ca; WrappedKey wk = new WrappedKey(wrapped, iv); key = wca.unwrap(wk); } else { key = KeyUtil.loadPrivateKey(new ByteArrayInputStream(wrapped), conf .getAssertingCredentialsEncryptionPassword()); } } rs.close(); s.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logError(e.getMessage(), e); DorianInternalFault fault = new DorianInternalFault(); fault.setFaultString("Error obtaining the IDP Asserting Key."); FaultHelper helper = new FaultHelper(fault); helper.addFaultCause(e); fault = (DorianInternalFault) helper.getFault(); throw fault; } finally { db.releaseConnection(c); } if (key == null) { DorianInternalFault fault = new DorianInternalFault(); fault.setFaultString("No private key for the Dorian IdP asserting credentials could be found."); throw fault; } return key; } public synchronized X509Certificate getIdPCertificate() throws DorianInternalFault { return getIdPCertificate(true); } public synchronized SAMLAssertion getAuthenticationAssertion(String uid, String firstName, String lastName, String email) throws DorianInternalFault { try {; X509Certificate cert = getIdPCertificate(); PrivateKey key = getIdPKey(); GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); Date start = cal.getTime(); cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 2); Date end = cal.getTime(); String issuer = cert.getSubjectDN().toString(); String federation = cert.getSubjectDN().toString(); String ipAddress = null; String subjectDNS = null; SAMLNameIdentifier ni1 = new SAMLNameIdentifier(uid, federation, "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified"); SAMLSubject sub = new SAMLSubject(ni1, null, null, null); sub.addConfirmationMethod(SAMLSubject.CONF_BEARER); SAMLNameIdentifier ni2 = new SAMLNameIdentifier(uid, federation, "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified"); SAMLSubject sub2 = new SAMLSubject(ni2, null, null, null); sub2.addConfirmationMethod(SAMLSubject.CONF_BEARER); SAMLAuthenticationStatement auth = new SAMLAuthenticationStatement(sub, "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:am:password", new Date(), ipAddress, subjectDNS, null); QName quid = new QName(SAMLConstants.UID_ATTRIBUTE_NAMESPACE, SAMLConstants.UID_ATTRIBUTE); List<String> vals1 = new ArrayList<String>(); vals1.add(uid); SAMLAttribute uidAtt = new SAMLAttribute(quid.getLocalPart(), quid.getNamespaceURI(), null, 0, vals1); QName qfirst = new QName(SAMLConstants.FIRST_NAME_ATTRIBUTE_NAMESPACE, SAMLConstants.FIRST_NAME_ATTRIBUTE); List<String> vals2 = new ArrayList<String>(); vals2.add(firstName); SAMLAttribute firstNameAtt = new SAMLAttribute(qfirst.getLocalPart(), qfirst.getNamespaceURI(), null, 0, vals2); QName qLast = new QName(SAMLConstants.LAST_NAME_ATTRIBUTE_NAMESPACE, SAMLConstants.LAST_NAME_ATTRIBUTE); List<String> vals3 = new ArrayList<String>(); vals3.add(lastName); SAMLAttribute lastNameAtt = new SAMLAttribute(qLast.getLocalPart(), qLast.getNamespaceURI(), null, 0, vals3); QName qemail = new QName(SAMLConstants.EMAIL_ATTRIBUTE_NAMESPACE, SAMLConstants.EMAIL_ATTRIBUTE); List<String> vals4 = new ArrayList<String>(); vals4.add(email); SAMLAttribute emailAtt = new SAMLAttribute(qemail.getLocalPart(), qemail.getNamespaceURI(), null, 0, vals4); List<SAMLAttribute> atts = new ArrayList<SAMLAttribute>(); atts.add(uidAtt); atts.add(firstNameAtt); atts.add(lastNameAtt); atts.add(emailAtt); SAMLAttributeStatement attState = new SAMLAttributeStatement(sub2, atts); List<SAMLSubjectStatement> l = new ArrayList<SAMLSubjectStatement>(); l.add(auth); l.add(attState); SAMLAssertion saml = new SAMLAssertion(issuer, start, end, null, null, l); List<X509Certificate> a = new ArrayList<X509Certificate>(); a.add(cert); saml.sign(XMLSignature.ALGO_ID_SIGNATURE_RSA_SHA1, key, a); return saml; } catch (Exception e) { logError(e.getMessage(), e); DorianInternalFault fault = new DorianInternalFault(); fault.setFaultString("Error creating SAML Assertion."); FaultHelper helper = new FaultHelper(fault); helper.addFaultCause(e); fault = (DorianInternalFault) helper.getFault(); throw fault; } } private synchronized X509Certificate getIdPCertificate(boolean firstTime) throws DorianInternalFault { this.buildDatabase(); Connection c = null; X509Certificate cert = null; try { c = db.getConnection(); PreparedStatement s = c .prepareStatement("select CERTIFICATE from " + CREDENTIALS_TABLE + " where ALIAS= ?"); s.setString(1, CERT_DN); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(); if ( { String certStr = rs.getString("CERTIFICATE"); cert = CertUtil.loadCertificate(certStr); } rs.close(); s.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logError(e.getMessage(), e); DorianInternalFault fault = new DorianInternalFault(); fault.setFaultString("Unexpected error obtaining the Dorian IdP asserting credentials certificate."); FaultHelper helper = new FaultHelper(fault); helper.addFaultCause(e); fault = (DorianInternalFault) helper.getFault(); throw fault; } finally { db.releaseConnection(c); } if (cert == null) { DorianInternalFault fault = new DorianInternalFault(); fault.setFaultString("No Dorian IdP asserting credentials certificate could be found."); throw fault; } try { Date now = new Date(); if (now.before(cert.getNotBefore()) || (now.after(cert.getNotAfter()))) { if ((firstTime) && (conf.autoRenewAssertingCredentials())) { deleteAssertingCredentials(); createNewCredentials(); return getIdPCertificate(false); } else { DorianInternalFault fault = new DorianInternalFault(); fault.setFaultString("IDP Asserting Certificate expired."); throw fault; } } else { return cert; } } catch (Exception e) { DorianInternalFault fault = new DorianInternalFault(); fault.setFaultString("Error obtaining the IDP Asserting Certificate."); FaultHelper helper = new FaultHelper(fault); helper.addFaultCause(e); fault = (DorianInternalFault) helper.getFault(); throw fault; } } public synchronized void deleteAssertingCredentials() throws DorianInternalFault { this.buildDatabase(); Connection c = null; try { c = db.getConnection(); PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("delete from " + CREDENTIALS_TABLE + " where ALIAS= ? "); s.setString(1, CERT_DN); s.execute(); s.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logError(e.getMessage(), e); DorianInternalFault fault = new DorianInternalFault(); fault.setFaultString("Unexpected error deleting the Dorian IdP asserting credentials."); FaultHelper helper = new FaultHelper(fault); helper.addFaultCause(e); fault = (DorianInternalFault) helper.getFault(); throw fault; } finally { db.releaseConnection(c); } } private void buildDatabase() throws DorianInternalFault { if (!dbBuilt) { try { if (!this.db.tableExists(CREDENTIALS_TABLE)) { String users = "CREATE TABLE " + CREDENTIALS_TABLE + " (" + "ALIAS VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY," + "CERTIFICATE TEXT NOT NULL," + "PRIVATE_KEY BLOB," + "IV BLOB," + "INDEX document_index (ALIAS));"; db.update(users); } this.dbBuilt = true; } catch (Exception e) { logError(e.getMessage(), e); DorianInternalFault fault = new DorianInternalFault(); fault.setFaultString("Unexpected error creating the CA database"); FaultHelper helper = new FaultHelper(fault); helper.addFaultCause(e); fault = (DorianInternalFault) helper.getFault(); throw fault; } } } public void clearDatabase() throws DorianInternalFault { this.buildDatabase(); try { db.update("delete from " + CREDENTIALS_TABLE); } catch (Exception e) { logError(e.getMessage(), e); DorianInternalFault fault = new DorianInternalFault(); fault.setFaultString("An unexpected database error occurred."); FaultHelper helper = new FaultHelper(fault); helper.addFaultCause(e); fault = (DorianInternalFault) helper.getFault(); throw fault; } } }