package; import org.nlogo.util.MersenneTwisterFast; public strictfp class DoubleDiscreteSpec extends ParameterSpec { private double dMin; private double dStep; private double dMax; public DoubleDiscreteSpec(String name, double min, double step, double max) { super(name); dMin = min; dStep = step; // change dMax to be the actual largest value allowed, given the step size dMax = min + step * StrictMath.floor((max-min)/step); } private double enforceValidRange(double d) { if (d < dMin) d = dMin; else if (d > dMax) d = dMax; return dMin + StrictMath.round((d - dMin) / dStep) * dStep; } @Override public Double generateRandomValue(MersenneTwisterFast rng) { return rng.nextInt(1 + (int)StrictMath.floor((dMax - dMin)/dStep)) * dStep + dMin; } /** * @param obj - Double - parameter value to be mutated * @param mutStrength - controls the magnitude of the Gaussian mutation. * (not to be confused with the mutation-rate, which controls the likelihood of mutation). For example, mutStrength=0.1 corresponds to a stdDev of 10% of the parameter's range This means that 68% of the time, the mutation will fall within +/- 10% and 95% of the time, the mutation will fall within +/- 20%. * @param rng - random number generator * @returns the result of adding Gaussian noise to the given parameter value, * clamped to be one of the possible discrete double values in this parameter's range. */ @Override public Double mutate(Object obj, double mutStrength, MersenneTwisterFast rng) { double mutStdDev = (dMax - dMin) * mutStrength; return enforceValidRange((Double)obj + mutStdDev * rng.nextGaussian()); } @Override public int choiceCount() { return 1 + (int)StrictMath.floor((dMax - dMin)/dStep) ; } @Override public String toString() { return "[ \"" + name + "\" [ " + dMin + " " + dStep + " " + dMax + " ]]"; } @Override public Object getValueFromChoice( long choice , long maxNumChoices) { if (choice < choiceCount()) { return new Double(dMin + dStep * choice); } else { // If the choice is greater than the choices, we assume this is because with bitstring representations, // the maxNumChoices is the next power of 2 above choiceCount(). // In this case, we try to spread out these "extra" choice settings across the whole range, since // this seems more fair than choosing all low settings. // (Of course, some numbers are still more likely to be chosen than others, but that's unavoidable.) long wrappedChoice = (long) StrictMath.round((double) (choice % choiceCount()) / (maxNumChoices - choiceCount()) * choiceCount()); return new Double(dMin + dStep * wrappedChoice); } } @Override public long getChoiceIndexFromValue(Object val, long maxNumChoices) { if (!(val instanceof Number)) { System.out.println(val); throw new IllegalStateException("Type mismatch: can't represent a non-number using this double-valued parameter specification."); } double dVal = ((Number) val).doubleValue(); return (long) StrictMath.round((dVal - dMin) / dStep); } }