package bsearch.evaluation; import java.util.HashMap; import; import bsearch.representations.Chromosome; public strictfp interface FitnessFunction { /** Given a point in the search space, and a requested number of repetitions for that point, return a mapping which * contains all the points that would need to be evaluated in order to compute the fitness at the given point, and * how many additional repetitions (runs) are needed at each of those points. * */ public abstract HashMap<Chromosome, Integer> getRunsNeeded(Chromosome point, int repetitionsRequested, ResultsArchive archive) throws BehaviorSearchException; /** * How many runs would be needed if caching were turned off * (or if caching is on, but none of the needed runs had been done previously) */ public abstract int getMaximumRunsThatCouldBeNeeded(int repetitionsRequested); public abstract double evaluate(Chromosome point , ResultsArchive archive) throws BehaviorSearchException; /** @return a number representing how much better v2 is than v1 (0 if they are equal, negative if v1 is better) */ public abstract double compare(double v1, double v2); /** @return true if v1 is a better fitness value than v2, and false if it is worse than or equal to v2 */ public abstract boolean strictlyBetterThan(double v1, double v2); /** * @return a fitness value that is worse than anything that could actually be obtained by evaluating an individual. */ public abstract double getWorstConceivableFitnessValue(); /** * @return a fitness value that is better than anything that could actually be obtained by evaluating an individual. */ public abstract double getBestConceivableFitnessValue(); /** @return true if the fitness has reached a goal level, signaling that the search algorithm should terminate */ public abstract boolean reachedStopGoalFitness(double fitness); }