package bsearch.evaluation; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import org.nlogo.util.MersenneTwisterFast; import; import; import bsearch.nlogolink.BatchRunner; import bsearch.nlogolink.ModelRunResult; import bsearch.nlogolink.ModelRunner; import bsearch.nlogolink.NetLogoLinkException; import bsearch.nlogolink.ModelRunner.ModelRunnerException; import bsearch.representations.Chromosome; public class SearchManager { private final BatchRunner runner; private final SearchProtocol protocol; private final FitnessFunction fitnessFunction; private int searchIDNumber; private double fitnessGoalLimit; private boolean stopAtFitnessGoal; private int evaluationCounter; private int requestedCounter; private int requestedCounterWhenLastEvaluated; private int auxilliaryEvaluationCounter; private Chromosome currentBest; private double currentBestFitness; private double currentBestFitnessCheckedEstimate; private ResultsArchive cache; private List<ResultListener> resultListeners = new ArrayList<ResultListener>(); public SearchManager(int searchIDNumber, BatchRunner runner, SearchProtocol protocol, FitnessFunction fitnessFunction, boolean stopAtFitnessGoal, double fitnessGoalLimit ) { this.searchIDNumber = searchIDNumber; this.runner = runner; this.protocol = protocol; this.fitnessFunction = fitnessFunction; this.evaluationCounter = 0 ; this.requestedCounter = 0; this.requestedCounterWhenLastEvaluated = 0; this.auxilliaryEvaluationCounter = 0; this.stopAtFitnessGoal = stopAtFitnessGoal; this.fitnessGoalLimit = fitnessGoalLimit; this.cache = new ResultsArchive(4096); setCurrentBest(null, fitnessFunction.getWorstConceivableFitnessValue()); } public void addResultsListener(ResultListener listener) { resultListeners.add(listener); } /** * Note that this method *will* effect the state of the RNG, so you may wish to pass in a cloned copy of your RNG, * or a brand new RNG, rather than an RNG that you are using for other purposes... * @param pointOfInterest * @param numReplicationsDesired * @param rng * @return * @throws ModelRunnerException * @throws BehaviorSearchException * @throws InterruptedException */ private double computeFitnessWithoutSideEffects(Chromosome pointOfInterest, int numReplicationsDesired, MersenneTwisterFast rng) throws ModelRunnerException, NetLogoLinkException, InterruptedException, BehaviorSearchException { ResultsArchive tempCache = new ResultsArchive(numReplicationsDesired); HashMap<Chromosome, Integer> desiredRuns = fitnessFunction.getRunsNeeded(pointOfInterest, numReplicationsDesired, tempCache); List<Chromosome> evaluationQueue = new ArrayList<Chromosome>(numReplicationsDesired); for (Chromosome point : desiredRuns.keySet()) { evaluationQueue.addAll(Collections.nCopies(desiredRuns.get(point), point )); } List<ModelRunner.RunSetup> setupList = new ArrayList<ModelRunner.RunSetup>(evaluationQueue.size()); for (Chromosome point: evaluationQueue) { setupList.add(new ModelRunner.RunSetup(rng.nextInt(), point.getParamSettings())); } List<ModelRunResult> results = runner.doBatchRun(setupList); for (int i = 0; i < evaluationQueue.size(); i++) { tempCache.add(evaluationQueue.get(i), results.get(i), numReplicationsDesired); } auxilliaryEvaluationCounter += results.size(); return fitnessFunction.evaluate(pointOfInterest, tempCache); } public double computeFitnessSingle(Chromosome point, int numReplicationsDesired, MersenneTwisterFast rng) throws ModelRunnerException, BehaviorSearchException, InterruptedException { Chromosome[] points = new Chromosome[] { point }; return computeFitnessBatch(points, numReplicationsDesired, rng)[0]; } public double[] computeFitnessBatch(Chromosome[] points, int numReplicationsDesired, MersenneTwisterFast rng) throws ModelRunnerException, BehaviorSearchException, InterruptedException { int[] repsDesired = new int[points.length]; Arrays.fill(repsDesired, numReplicationsDesired); try { return computeFitnessBatch(points, repsDesired, rng); } catch (NetLogoLinkException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new BehaviorSearchException(ex.getMessage(), ex.getCause()); } } /** * Note: If protocol.caching is FALSE, then each call to this method will first clear * all the stored (cached) results before running the new batch of model runs. * * In addition to computing the fitness for this point, this method also checks if it's the best so far, * in which case it's stored as the current best. */ public double[] computeFitnessBatch(Chromosome[] points, int[] numReplicationsDesired, MersenneTwisterFast rng) throws ModelRunnerException, NetLogoLinkException, InterruptedException, BehaviorSearchException { if (numReplicationsDesired.length != points.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("there must be some number of desired replications specified for *each* of the Chromosomes to be evaluated."); } if (!protocol.caching) { cache.clear(); } //Notes: Right now FitnessFunctions control how to allocate trials, // based on a hint from the search method (numReplicationsDesired...) // I think this will work, but there are some more use cases to consider: // Adaptive # of replications (based on merit, or other?), // derivative fitness (needs to evaluate nearby point as well, to approximate derivative), // fitness approximation (needs to not evaluate points at all, in some cases?) HashMap<Chromosome, Integer> allDesiredRuns = new LinkedHashMap<Chromosome,Integer>(); // as we add replications to be evaluated, keep track of how many are added for each point that we're // computing fitness for. int[] numReplicationsNeeded = new int[points.length]; int prevRequested = 0; int requested = 0; for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { requestedCounter += fitnessFunction.getMaximumRunsThatCouldBeNeeded(numReplicationsDesired[i]); HashMap<Chromosome, Integer> desiredRuns = fitnessFunction.getRunsNeeded(points[i], numReplicationsDesired[i], cache); for (Chromosome p: desiredRuns.keySet()) { int oldReps = 0; if (allDesiredRuns.containsKey(p)) { oldReps = allDesiredRuns.get(p); } int newReps; if (protocol.caching) { newReps = StrictMath.max(desiredRuns.get(p), oldReps); } else { newReps = oldReps + desiredRuns.get(p); } allDesiredRuns.put(p, newReps); requested += (newReps - oldReps); } numReplicationsNeeded[i] = requested - prevRequested; prevRequested = requested; } List<Chromosome> evaluationQueue = new ArrayList<Chromosome>(requested); for (Chromosome point : allDesiredRuns.keySet()) { evaluationQueue.addAll(Collections.nCopies(allDesiredRuns.get(point), point )); } List<ModelRunner.RunSetup> setupList = new ArrayList<ModelRunner.RunSetup>(evaluationQueue.size()); for (Chromosome point: evaluationQueue) { //Note: We use a seed that is within the valid seed range for the PRNG. // users can recreate a specific run in NetLogo by running "RANDOM-SEED XXXX" and then running their model. int seed = rng.nextInt(); setupList.add(new ModelRunner.RunSetup(seed, point.getParamSettings())); } // We create an auxilliaryRNG to use for "best-checking", so that the number of best-checking // replicates doesn't affect the search process at all. MersenneTwisterFast auxilliaryRNG = new MersenneTwisterFast(rng.clone().nextInt()); // We save the value of the evaluationCounter here, so we can count up with it once while // adding the ModelRunResults to the cache, and then back it up, and do it again // when computing fitness. I admit this seems a little odd, but it's simpler // than interspersing fitness computation in with adding results to the cache. // This issue only comes up because we are doing whole batches of model runs in parallel, // rather than doing serial fitness computation. But for the sake of our ResultListeners, // we pretend that it happened in serial, so that they can get more fine-grained numbers // about when a new good solution was found. Otherwise, a large-population GA which is // submitting large batch runs, will appear penalized in the data files because the // evaluationCounter would go up in large jumps before computing the fitness of any individual. int oldEvaluationCounter = evaluationCounter ; //TODO: Consider have the BatchRunner do a callback to the SearchManager, instead of just returning results? // Or perhaps less problematic, make it so that doBatchRun() is called first, but it exits rather than blocks, // and ResultArchive can poll for new results calling a getResult() method? // ~Forrest 8/5/2009 List<ModelRunResult> results = runner.doBatchRun(setupList); for (int i = 0; i < evaluationQueue.size(); i++) { evaluationCounter++; Chromosome point = evaluationQueue.get(i); // "protocol.fitnessSamplingReplications" is at least a good starting place, for // initializing the capacity of each list of model run results. // In common cases, it should be both perfectly memory and speed efficient... ~Forrest (9/28/2009) cache.add(point, results.get(i), protocol.fitnessSamplingReplications); for (ResultListener listener : resultListeners) { listener.modelRunOccurred(this, point, results.get(i)); } } evaluationQueue.clear(); evaluationCounter = oldEvaluationCounter; double[] fitnesses = new double[points.length]; for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { double fitness = fitnessFunction.evaluate(points[i], cache); fitnesses[i] = fitness; evaluationCounter += numReplicationsNeeded[i]; if (fitnessFunction.strictlyBetterThan(fitness, currentBestFitness)) { setCurrentBest(points[i],fitness); if (protocol.useBestChecking()) { currentBestFitnessCheckedEstimate = computeFitnessWithoutSideEffects(points[i], protocol.bestCheckingNumReplications, auxilliaryRNG); } for (ResultListener listener : resultListeners) { listener.newBestFound(this); } } if (numReplicationsNeeded[i] > 0) // i.e. we have new information { for (ResultListener listener : resultListeners) { listener.fitnessComputed(this, points[i], fitness); } } } return fitnesses; } public List<ModelRunResult> getCachedResults( Chromosome point ) { return cache.getResults(point); } /** @return the number of fitness evaluations that have been recorded */ public int getEvaluationCount() { return evaluationCounter; } public int getEvaluationsRequestedCount() { return requestedCounter; } /** @return the number of auxilliary fitness evaluations performed (notably, for "best checking") */ public int getAuxilliaryEvaluationCount() { return auxilliaryEvaluationCounter; } /** * @return true if a very large evaluations requests have been made without any new evaluations actually taking place. * This will likely only happen if a search is completely stalled, and no longer exploring any new territory. */ private boolean searchHasTotallyStalled() { if (protocol.fitnessSamplingReplications > 0) { int evaluationsPerPoint = fitnessFunction.getMaximumRunsThatCouldBeNeeded(protocol.fitnessSamplingReplications); return (requestedCounter - requestedCounterWhenLastEvaluated) > 10000000 * evaluationsPerPoint; } else { return (requestedCounter - requestedCounterWhenLastEvaluated) > 10000000; } } public boolean searchFinished() { return searchHasTotallyStalled() || evaluationCounter >= protocol.evaluationLimit || (stopAtFitnessGoal && fitnessFunction.reachedStopGoalFitness(fitnessGoalLimit)); } public int getRemainingEvaluations() { return protocol.evaluationLimit - evaluationCounter; } public int getBatchRunnerNumThreads() { return runner.getNumThreads(); } public int getSearchIDNumber() { return searchIDNumber; } public boolean fitnessStrictlyBetter(double f1, double f2) { return fitnessFunction.strictlyBetterThan(f1, f2); } public FitnessFunction getFitnessFunction() { return fitnessFunction; } /** In general we want to track the "current best" location in the space */ private void setCurrentBest(Chromosome point, double fitness) { currentBest = point; currentBestFitness = fitness; } public Chromosome getCurrentBest() { return currentBest; } public double getCurrentBestFitness() { return currentBestFitness; } public double getCurrentBestFitnessCheckedEstimate() { return currentBestFitnessCheckedEstimate; } public double getBestFitnessCheckingReplications() { return protocol.bestCheckingNumReplications; } // TODO: This method probably doesn't belong here... refactor to a cleaner design? public Chromosome tournamentSelect( Chromosome[] population , double[] fitness , int tournamentSize, MersenneTwisterFast rng) { //select several distinct random indices into the population array int[] randomIndices = new int[tournamentSize]; int i = 0; while (i < randomIndices.length) { int randomIndex = rng.nextInt(population.length); for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (randomIndices[j] == randomIndex) continue; } randomIndices[i] = randomIndex; i++; } int bestIndex = -1; double bestFitness = fitnessFunction.getWorstConceivableFitnessValue() ; for (i = 0 ; i < randomIndices.length; i++) { double f = fitness[randomIndices[i]]; if (fitnessFunction.strictlyBetterThan(f,bestFitness)) { bestIndex = randomIndices[i]; bestFitness = f; } } return population[bestIndex]; } }