package bsearch.nlogolink; import org.nlogo.agent.BooleanConstraint; import org.nlogo.agent.ChooserConstraint; import org.nlogo.agent.SliderConstraint; import org.nlogo.api.ValueConstraint; import org.nlogo.headless.HeadlessWorkspace; public strictfp class Utils { public static final long MIN_EXACT_NETLOGO_INT = -9007199254740992L; public static final long MAX_EXACT_NETLOGO_INT = 9007199254740992L; private static HeadlessWorkspace emptyWorkspace; public static Object evaluateNetLogoReporterInEmptyWorkspace(String reporterString ) throws NetLogoLinkException { if (emptyWorkspace == null) { emptyWorkspace = HeadlessWorkspace.newInstance(); } try { return reporterString ); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new NetLogoLinkException(ex.getMessage()); } } public static HeadlessWorkspace createWorkspace() { HeadlessWorkspace workspace = HeadlessWorkspace.newInstance(); return workspace; } /** If you don't call this method, there will still be a NetLogo workspace thread running in the background, which might * prevent your application from shutting down naturally when main() is exited, for instance. If you call * System.exit(), then it might not matter whether you call this method first or not. Perhaps it's good form * to always call it before your application quits. */ public static void fullyShutDownNetLogoLink() throws InterruptedException { emptyWorkspace.dispose(); } public static String getDefaultConstraintsText(String modelFileName) throws NetLogoLinkException { HeadlessWorkspace workspace = Utils.createWorkspace(); // TODO: THIS try/catch stuff is commented out for now, because of a Scala-based regression in NetLogo 5.x, // which neglected to put in "throws" annotations for these various exceptions, even though they actually // can occur. Once NetLogo fixes the issue on their end, we can put this error handling back in place. // try { //; // } catch (IOException e) { // throw new NetLogoLinkException("I/O Error trying to open model file '" + modelFileName + "'\n " + e.toString(), e); // } catch (CompilerException e) { // throw new NetLogoLinkException("Model file '" + modelFileName + "' didn't compile: " + e.toString(), e); // } catch (LogoException e) { // throw new NetLogoLinkException("Unexpected error loading model: " + e.toString(), e); // } try {; } catch (Exception e) { throw new NetLogoLinkException("A problem occurred trying to open or compile model file '" + modelFileName + "'\n " + e.toString(), e); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int numVars =; for (int i = 0; i < numVars; i++) { ValueConstraint con =; if ( con != null) { String name =; sb.append("[\""); sb.append(name.toLowerCase()); sb.append("\" "); StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(); if (con instanceof SliderConstraint) { SliderConstraint scon = (SliderConstraint) con; double min = scon.minimum(); double incr = scon.increment(); double max = scon.maximum(); String strIncr = org.nlogo.api.Dump.logoObject(incr, true, false); // if it's a non-integer slider with more than 100 factor levels, let's suggest continuous "C" if (min != StrictMath.floor(min) && incr != StrictMath.floor(incr) && StrictMath.abs((max - min) / incr) > 100) { strIncr = "\"C\""; } sb2.append("["); sb2.append(org.nlogo.api.Dump.logoObject(min, true, false)); sb2.append(" "); sb2.append(strIncr); sb2.append(" "); sb2.append(org.nlogo.api.Dump.logoObject(max, true, false)); sb2.append("]"); } else if (con instanceof ChooserConstraint) { ChooserConstraint ccon = (ChooserConstraint) con; for (Object obj: ccon.acceptedValues()) { sb2.append(org.nlogo.api.Dump.logoObject(obj, true, false)); sb2.append(" "); } sb2.setLength(sb2.length() - 1); } else if (con instanceof BooleanConstraint) { sb2.append(org.nlogo.api.Dump.logoObject(Boolean.TRUE, true, false)); sb2.append(" "); sb2.append(org.nlogo.api.Dump.logoObject(Boolean.FALSE, true, false)); } else { sb2.append(org.nlogo.api.Dump.logoObject(con.defaultValue(), true, false)); } sb.append(sb2); sb.append("]\n"); } } try { workspace.dispose(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } return sb.toString(); } }