package bsearch.nlogolink; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Queue; import org.nlogo.agent.Observer; import org.nlogo.api.AgentException; import org.nlogo.api.CompilerException; import org.nlogo.api.LogoException; import org.nlogo.api.SimpleJobOwner; import org.nlogo.nvm.Procedure; import org.nlogo.util.MersenneTwisterFast; import org.nlogo.headless.HeadlessWorkspace; public strictfp class ModelRunner { private HeadlessWorkspace workspace; private Procedure setupCommands; private Procedure stepCommands; private Procedure stopConditionReporter; private Procedure measureIfReporter = null; private final boolean recordEveryTick; private final int maxModelSteps; // Note: ModelRunner can collect multiple measures, for eventual support for extending to multi-objective optimization. private LinkedHashMap<String,Procedure> resultReporters = new LinkedHashMap<String,Procedure>(); private boolean runIsDone; // Until setup() is run for the first time (and the random seed can be set appropriately), // we'll leave the JobOwners as null. private SimpleJobOwner mainJobOwner = null; // uses NetLogo world's mainRNG (and thus affects the state of the world) private SimpleJobOwner extraJobOwner = null; // uses a private RNG, and thus may not affect world state (unless the NetLogo code being run has side effects) private ModelRunner(String modelFileName, boolean recordEveryTick, int maxModelSteps) throws LogoException, IOException, CompilerException { workspace = Utils.createWorkspace();; this.recordEveryTick = recordEveryTick; this.maxModelSteps = maxModelSteps; } public void setSetupCommands(String commands) throws CompilerException { setupCommands = workspace.compileCommands(commands); } public void setStepCommands(String commands) throws CompilerException { stepCommands = workspace.compileCommands(commands); } public void setStopConditionReporter(String reporter) throws CompilerException { if (reporter.trim().length() > 0) { stopConditionReporter = workspace.compileReporter(reporter); } } public void addResultReporter(String reporter) throws CompilerException { resultReporters.put(reporter, workspace.compileReporter(reporter)); } public void setMeasureIfReporter(String reporter) throws CompilerException { if (reporter.trim().length() > 0) { measureIfReporter = workspace.compileReporter(reporter); } } public boolean checkStopCondition() throws NetLogoLinkException { if (extraJobOwner == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("ModelRunner.setup() must be called before running commands/reporters."); } if (stopConditionReporter != null) { Object obj = workspace.runCompiledReporter( extraJobOwner, stopConditionReporter); LogoException ex = workspace.lastLogoException(); if (ex != null) { workspace.lastLogoException_$eq(null); throw new NetLogoLinkException(ex.toString()); } if (!(obj instanceof Boolean)) { throw new NetLogoLinkException("The stop condition reporter must report a TRUE/FALSE value. Error occurred because it reported: " + obj); } return (Boolean) obj; } return false; } public void setup(int seed, LinkedHashMap<String,Object> parameterSettings ) throws LogoException, AgentException, NetLogoLinkException { workspace.clearAll(); for (String s: parameterSettings.keySet()) {, parameterSettings.get(s)); } try { seed ); // For evaluating reporters (like measureIfReporter) we want to use a separate RNG // (which is seeded by a random number that depends on the random seed for this model run, // so that the results are deterministic/repeatable, but will generate an independent // stream of random numbers that does not affect the main NetLogo world's RNG.) // This approach should allow the user to recreate a run by setting RANDOM-SEED XXX // and running SETUP followed by GO, without worrying about all of the additional conditions // and reporters affecting the state of the RNG and changing the outcome of the run... mainJobOwner = new SimpleJobOwner("BehaviorSearch ModelRunner Main", workspace.mainRNG(), Observer.class); MersenneTwisterFast extraReporterRNG = new MersenneTwisterFast(workspace.mainRNG().clone().nextInt()); extraJobOwner = new SimpleJobOwner("BehaviorSearch ModelRunner Extra", extraReporterRNG, Observer.class); } catch (Exception ex) {ex.printStackTrace(); } if (setupCommands != null) { workspace.runCompiledCommands(mainJobOwner,setupCommands); LogoException ex = workspace.lastLogoException(); if (ex != null) { workspace.lastLogoException_$eq(null); throw new NetLogoLinkException(ex.toString()); } } runIsDone = checkStopCondition(); } /** returns true if the run is finished * @throws NetLogoLinkException **/ public boolean go() throws NetLogoLinkException { if (mainJobOwner == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("ModelRunner.setup() must be called before running commands/reporters."); } if (stepCommands != null) { workspace.runCompiledCommands(mainJobOwner, stepCommands ); LogoException ex = workspace.lastLogoException(); if (ex != null) { workspace.lastLogoException_$eq(null); throw new NetLogoLinkException(ex.toString()); } } runIsDone = checkStopCondition(); return runIsDone; } public LinkedHashMap<String,Object> measureResults() throws NetLogoLinkException { LinkedHashMap<String,Object> results = new LinkedHashMap<String,Object>(); for (String key: resultReporters.keySet()) { results.put(key, measureResultReporter(resultReporters.get(key))); } return results; } private Double measureResultReporter(Procedure reporter) throws NetLogoLinkException { if (extraJobOwner == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("ModelRunner.setup() must be called before running commands/reporters."); } Object obj = workspace.runCompiledReporter( extraJobOwner, reporter); LogoException ex = workspace.lastLogoException(); if (ex != null) { workspace.lastLogoException_$eq(null); throw new NetLogoLinkException(ex.toString()); } if (! (obj instanceof Double)) { throw new NetLogoLinkException("Result reporters must return numeric results! Invalid reported value was: " + obj ); } return (Double) obj; } private boolean evaluateMeasureIfReporter() throws NetLogoLinkException { // If they left the field blank, we'll assume we should measure every time. if (measureIfReporter == null) { return true; } Object obj = workspace.runCompiledReporter(extraJobOwner, measureIfReporter).equals(Boolean.TRUE); LogoException ex = workspace.lastLogoException(); if (ex != null) { workspace.lastLogoException_$eq(null); throw new NetLogoLinkException(ex.toString()); } if (!(obj instanceof Boolean)) { throw new NetLogoLinkException("The 'measure if' condition must report a TRUE/FALSE value. Error occurred because it reported: " + obj); } return (Boolean) obj; } private void conditionallyRecordResults(ModelRunResult results) throws NetLogoLinkException { if (extraJobOwner == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("ModelRunner.setup() must be called before running commands/reporters."); } if (evaluateMeasureIfReporter()) { for (String key: resultReporters.keySet()) { results.addResult(key, measureResultReporter(resultReporters.get(key))); } } } public ModelRunResult doFullRun(RunSetup runSetup) throws ModelRunnerException { try { ModelRunResult results = new ModelRunResult(runSetup.seed); setup(runSetup.seed, runSetup.parameterSettings); int steps; for (steps = 0; steps < maxModelSteps && !runIsDone; steps++) { if (recordEveryTick ) { conditionallyRecordResults(results); } go(); } conditionallyRecordResults(results); if (results.isEmpty()) { throw new NetLogoLinkException("No values were measured/collected during this model run! (Model was run for " + steps + " steps.)"); } return results; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ModelRunnerException(runSetup, ex); } } public boolean isRunDone() { return runIsDone; } public void dispose() throws InterruptedException { workspace.dispose(); } /** Just used for unit testing - preferable to use the ModelRunner.Factory paradigm */ public static ModelRunner createModelRunnerForTesting (String s, boolean recordEveryTick, int maxModelSteps) throws LogoException, IOException, CompilerException { return new ModelRunner(s, recordEveryTick, maxModelSteps); } /** Note: This uses the "extra" random number generator, so it * won't affect the state of the main RNG for the run. * Still, be careful because some reporters could have side-effects in the model * (for instance, if the reporter creates some agents * (even if it kills them before its done, the "who" numbers of agents * created after that will be different...) * @param reporter the NetLogo reporter expression to run. * @return the result of running the reporter * @throws CompilerException * @throws NetLogoLinkException */ public Object report(String reporter) throws CompilerException, NetLogoLinkException { Procedure procReporter = workspace.compileReporter( reporter ); Object obj = workspace.runCompiledReporter( extraJobOwner, procReporter ); LogoException ex = workspace.lastLogoException(); if (ex != null) { workspace.lastLogoException_$eq(null); throw new NetLogoLinkException(ex.toString()); } return obj; } /** * Note: this method uses the main random-number generator, and thus * will affect the state of the RNG for future calls. * @param cmd - the NetLogo command to be run on the current headless workspace. * @throws CompilerException * @throws LogoException */ public void command(String cmd) throws CompilerException, LogoException { workspace.command( cmd ); } public static class ModelRunnerException extends NetLogoLinkException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final RunSetup runSetup; public ModelRunnerException(RunSetup runSetup, Exception ex) { super("", ex); this.runSetup = runSetup; } public RunSetup getRunSetup() { return runSetup; } @Override public String getMessage() { return getCause().toString() + "\n\nModel run configuration was: " + runSetup; } } public static class RunSetup { final int seed; final private LinkedHashMap<String,Object> parameterSettings; public RunSetup(int seed, LinkedHashMap<String, Object> parameterSettings) { super(); this.seed = seed; this.parameterSettings = parameterSettings; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("{RANDOM-SEED: " + seed + ",\n SETTINGS: {"); for (String key : parameterSettings.keySet()) { sb.append(key + "=" + org.nlogo.api.Dump.logoObject(parameterSettings.get(key), true, false) + ", "); } sb.append("}}"); return sb.toString(); } } public static class Factory { private List<ModelRunner> allModelRunners = Collections.synchronizedList(new java.util.LinkedList<ModelRunner>()); private Queue<ModelRunner> unusedModelRunners = new java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue<ModelRunner>(); private final String modelFileName, setupCommands, stepCommands, stopCondition, metricReporter, measureIfReporter; private final boolean recordEveryTick; private final int maxModelSteps; public Factory(String modelFileName, boolean recordEveryTick, int maxModelSteps, String setupCommands, String stepCommands, String stopCondition, String metricReporter, String measureIfReporter) { this.modelFileName = modelFileName; this.setupCommands = setupCommands; this.stepCommands = stepCommands; this.stopCondition = stopCondition; this.metricReporter = metricReporter; this.measureIfReporter = measureIfReporter; this.recordEveryTick = recordEveryTick; this.maxModelSteps = maxModelSteps; } /** Either creates a new one, or recycles a ModelRunner that has been released again into the pool */ public ModelRunner acquireModelRunner() throws NetLogoLinkException { ModelRunner runner = unusedModelRunners.poll(); if (runner != null) { return runner; } else { return newModelRunner(); } } public void releaseModelRunner(ModelRunner runner) { unusedModelRunners.add(runner); } private ModelRunner newModelRunner() throws NetLogoLinkException { ModelRunner runner; try { runner = new ModelRunner(modelFileName, recordEveryTick, maxModelSteps); } catch (LogoException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new NetLogoLinkException("Error opening NetLogo model. NetLogo sent back this error message: \"" + e.getMessage() + "\""); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new NetLogoLinkException("I/O error when loading NetLogo model ( " + modelFileName + " ). Error message: \"" + e.getMessage() + "\""); } catch (CompilerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new NetLogoLinkException("Error compiling NetLogo model ( " + modelFileName + " ). NetLogo's error message: \"" + e.getMessage() + "\""); } try { runner.setSetupCommands(setupCommands); } catch (CompilerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new NetLogoLinkException("Error compiling the model's setup commands : " +setupCommands.toUpperCase() + " \n NetLogo's error message: \"" + e.getMessage() + "\""); } try { runner.setStepCommands(stepCommands); } catch (CompilerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new NetLogoLinkException("Error compiling the model's step commands : " +stepCommands.toUpperCase() + " \n NetLogo's error message: \"" + e.getMessage() + "\""); } try { runner.setStopConditionReporter(stopCondition ); } catch (CompilerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new NetLogoLinkException("Error compiling the model's stop condition: " +stopCondition.toUpperCase() + " \n NetLogo's error message: \"" + e.getMessage() + "\""); } try { runner.setMeasureIfReporter(measureIfReporter); } catch (CompilerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new NetLogoLinkException("Error compiling the model's measure-if condition: " +measureIfReporter.toUpperCase() + " \n NetLogo's error message: \"" + e.getMessage() + "\""); } try { runner.addResultReporter(metricReporter); } catch (CompilerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new NetLogoLinkException("Error compiling the model's fitness metric: " +metricReporter.toUpperCase() + " \n NetLogo's error message: \"" + e.getMessage() + "\""); } allModelRunners.add(runner); return runner; } /** This method should only be called after you are done using this Factory, and all the ModelRunners created by it. * It disposes the ModelRunners (and their corresponding NetLogo workspaces), and attempting to use them after this * will result in errors. * */ public void disposeAllRunners() throws InterruptedException { synchronized(allModelRunners) { for (ModelRunner runner : allModelRunners) { runner.dispose(); } allModelRunners.clear(); } } } }