package; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import bsearch.representations.Chromosome; import; import bsearch.evaluation.ResultListener; import bsearch.evaluation.SearchManager; import bsearch.nlogolink.ModelRunResult; public class CSVLoggerListener implements ResultListener { private SearchProtocol protocol; private PrintWriter modelHistoryOut = null; private PrintWriter fitnessOut = null; private int shortenOutputFactor = 1; private PrintWriter bestOut = null; private PrintWriter finalBestOut = null; private PrintWriter finalCheckedBestOut = null; /** * @param protocol - the SearchProtocol being used for the search. * @param fileNameStem - for saving multiple CSV files with a common starting stem * @param logAllModelRuns - log all evaluations that occur? * @param logAllFitnessEvals - log all fitness (objective) function evaluations that occur? * @param logBests - log the best points found? * @param logFinalBests - log the best points found? * @throws IOException * @throws BehaviorSearchException */ public CSVLoggerListener(SearchProtocol protocol, String fileNameStem, boolean logAllModelRuns, boolean logAllFitnessEvals, boolean logBests, boolean logFinalBests, int shortenOutputFactor) throws IOException, BehaviorSearchException { this.protocol = protocol; this.shortenOutputFactor = shortenOutputFactor; if (logAllModelRuns) { modelHistoryOut = new + ".modelRunHistory.csv"))); } if (logAllFitnessEvals) { fitnessOut = new + ".objectiveFunctionHistory.csv"))); } if (logBests) { bestOut = new + ".bestHistory.csv"))); } if (logFinalBests) { finalBestOut = new + ".finalBests.csv"))); if (protocol.useBestChecking()) { finalCheckedBestOut = new + ".finalCheckedBests.csv"))); } } // Also output a copy of the protocol that was used for this search. // It's the same format as the .bsearch files, but we use the .xml suffix // to differentiate it from the .bsearch file which was actually run. try { FileWriter fw = new + ".searchConfig.xml");; fw.close(); } catch ( ex) { throw new BehaviorSearchException("File I/O error attempting to create or write to file: '" + fileNameStem + ".searchConfig.xml'", ex); } } public void initListener( space) { if (modelHistoryOut != null) { List<String> headerList = new LinkedList<String>(); headerList.add("search-number"); headerList.add("evaluation"); headerList.add("evals-requested-so-far"); for (ParameterSpec p : space.getParamSpecs()) { headerList.add(p.getParameterName() + "*"); } headerList.add("random-seed"); headerList.add("min-result"); headerList.add("max-result"); headerList.add("mean-result"); headerList.add("stdev-result"); headerList.add("final-step-result"); modelHistoryOut.println(bsearch.nlogolink.CSVHelper.headerRow(headerList)); } if (fitnessOut != null) { List<String> headerList = new LinkedList<String>(); headerList.add("search-number"); headerList.add("evaluation"); for (ParameterSpec p : space.getParamSpecs()) { headerList.add(p.getParameterName() + "*"); } headerList.add("fitness"); headerList.add("num-replicates"); headerList.add("best-fitness-so-far"); if (protocol.useBestChecking()) { headerList.add("best-fitness-rechecked"); } fitnessOut.println(bsearch.nlogolink.CSVHelper.headerRow(headerList)); } List<String> headerList = new LinkedList<String>(); headerList.add("search-number"); headerList.add("evaluation"); for (ParameterSpec p : space.getParamSpecs()) { headerList.add(p.getParameterName() + "*"); } headerList.add("num-replicates"); headerList.add("best-fitness-so-far"); if (protocol.useBestChecking()) { headerList.add("recheck-replications"); headerList.add("best-fitness-rechecked"); } // headerList.add("trials-mean"); // headerList.add("trials-variance"); // headerList.add("trial-list-all"); if (bestOut != null) { bestOut.println(bsearch.nlogolink.CSVHelper.headerRow(headerList)); } if (finalBestOut != null) { finalBestOut.println(bsearch.nlogolink.CSVHelper.headerRow(headerList)); } if (finalCheckedBestOut != null) { finalCheckedBestOut.println(bsearch.nlogolink.CSVHelper.headerRow(headerList)); //TODO: should we use headerList here, since it will contain recheck-replications slot? // perhaps we should tailor it to this file more specifically? } } public void modelRunOccurred(SearchManager manager, Chromosome point, ModelRunResult result) { if (modelHistoryOut == null) { return; } //TODO: add in field for "[ticks]" ? List<Object> dataList = new LinkedList<Object>(); dataList.add(manager.getSearchIDNumber()); dataList.add(manager.getEvaluationCount()); dataList.add(manager.getEvaluationsRequestedCount()); for (ParameterSpec p : point.getSearchSpace().getParamSpecs()) { dataList.add(point.getParamSettings().get(p.getParameterName())); } dataList.add(Long.toString(result.getRandomSeed())); LinkedList<Double> resultTimeSeries = result.getPrimaryTimeSeries() ; dataList.add(Collections.min(resultTimeSeries)); dataList.add(Collections.max(resultTimeSeries)); dataList.add(bsearch.util.Stats.mean(resultTimeSeries)); dataList.add(bsearch.util.Stats.stdev(resultTimeSeries)); dataList.add(resultTimeSeries.getLast()); modelHistoryOut.println(bsearch.nlogolink.CSVHelper.dataRow(dataList)); } public void fitnessComputed(SearchManager manager, Chromosome point, double fitness) { if (fitnessOut == null) { return; } if (manager.getEvaluationCount() % shortenOutputFactor != 0) { return; } List<Object> dataList = new LinkedList<Object>(); dataList.add(manager.getSearchIDNumber()); dataList.add(manager.getEvaluationCount()); for (ParameterSpec p : point.getSearchSpace().getParamSpecs()) { dataList.add(point.getParamSettings().get(p.getParameterName())); } dataList.add(fitness); List<ModelRunResult> allTrials = manager.getCachedResults(point); dataList.add(allTrials.size()); dataList.add(manager.getCurrentBestFitness()); if (protocol.useBestChecking()) { dataList.add(manager.getCurrentBestFitnessCheckedEstimate()); } fitnessOut.println(bsearch.nlogolink.CSVHelper.dataRow(dataList)); } private List<Object> getRowDataForNewBest(SearchManager manager) { List<Object> dataList = new ArrayList<Object>(); dataList.add(manager.getSearchIDNumber()); dataList.add(manager.getEvaluationCount()); Chromosome newBest = manager.getCurrentBest(); for (ParameterSpec p : newBest.getSearchSpace().getParamSpecs()) { dataList.add(newBest.getParamSettings().get(p.getParameterName())); } List<ModelRunResult> allTrials = manager.getCachedResults(newBest); dataList.add(allTrials.size()); dataList.add(manager.getCurrentBestFitness()); if (protocol.useBestChecking()) { dataList.add(manager.getBestFitnessCheckingReplications()); dataList.add(manager.getCurrentBestFitnessCheckedEstimate()); } //TODO: put some more stats back in? /* dataList.add(bsearch.util.Stats.mean(allTrials)); dataList.add(bsearch.util.Stats.variance(allTrials)); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("["); for (Double d: allTrials) { sb.append(d); sb.append(" "); } sb.setCharAt(sb.length() - 1, ']'); dataList.add(sb.toString()); */ return dataList; } private List<Object> lastBestRowData; private List<Object> checkedBestRowData; private double bestCheckedFitness; public void newBestFound(SearchManager manager) { lastBestRowData = getRowDataForNewBest(manager); if (protocol.useBestChecking()) { double checkedFitness = manager.getCurrentBestFitnessCheckedEstimate(); if (checkedBestRowData == null || manager.fitnessStrictlyBetter(checkedFitness,bestCheckedFitness)) { checkedBestRowData = new ArrayList<Object>(lastBestRowData); bestCheckedFitness = checkedFitness; } } if (bestOut != null) { bestOut.println(bsearch.nlogolink.CSVHelper.dataRow(lastBestRowData)); } } public void searchStarting(SearchManager manager) { lastBestRowData = null; checkedBestRowData = null; } public void searchFinished(SearchManager manager) { if (finalBestOut != null) { //TODO: Note that here we only update the evaluationCount -- other than that, it's the exact // same output as the final row of the .bestHistory file. This may possibly be wrong, since // the number of replications may also have changed, if the point got evaluated more since then // (adaptive sampling?)... // The reason we use the stored data row, instead of asking for all fresh data from the SearchManager, // is because if we weren't caching, then the exact data that created the best will have been thrown away... // (in particular, we lost the # of replications, which is probably constant and unchanging...) lastBestRowData.set(1, manager.getEvaluationCount()); finalBestOut.println(bsearch.nlogolink.CSVHelper.dataRow(lastBestRowData)); } if (finalCheckedBestOut != null) { // See comment above... checkedBestRowData.set(1, manager.getEvaluationCount()); finalCheckedBestOut.println(bsearch.nlogolink.CSVHelper.dataRow(checkedBestRowData)); } } public void allSearchesFinished() { if (modelHistoryOut != null) { modelHistoryOut.flush(); modelHistoryOut.close(); } if (fitnessOut != null) { fitnessOut.flush(); fitnessOut.close(); } if (bestOut != null) { bestOut.flush(); bestOut.close(); } if (finalBestOut != null) { finalBestOut.flush(); finalBestOut.close(); } if (finalCheckedBestOut != null) { finalCheckedBestOut.flush(); finalCheckedBestOut.close(); } } public void searchesAborted() { // for now, handle aborted runs the same way as if it completed successfully. allSearchesFinished(); } }