package ; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXTransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.sax.TransformerHandler; import; import javax.xml.xpath.XPath; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl; import bsearch.util.GeneralUtils; public strictfp class SearchProtocol { //TODO: Add a "documentation" field to store text/comments about the search protocol. public final double bsearchVersionNumber; public final String modelFile ; public final String modelStepCommands ; public final String modelSetupCommands ; public final String modelStopCondition ; public final int modelStepLimit ; public final String modelMetricReporter ; public final String modelMeasureIf; public final List<String> paramSpecStrings; public final boolean fitnessMinimized ; public final int fitnessSamplingReplications ; // if == 0, use adaptive sampling. public final FITNESS_COLLECTING fitnessCollecting; public final FITNESS_COMBINE_REPLICATIONS fitnessCombineReplications; public final String fitnessDerivativeParameter; public final double fitnessDerivativeDelta; public final boolean fitnessDerivativeUseAbs; public String searchMethodType ; public final HashMap<String,String> searchMethodParams; public final String chromosomeType; public final boolean caching; public final int evaluationLimit; public final int bestCheckingNumReplications; // if == 0, no best checking is done /** * A SearchProtocol stores the information about what is being searched, and how it should be done. * These fields map to the BehaviorSearch GUI for designing an experiment/protocol in a * relatively straightforward fashion. */ public SearchProtocol(String modelFile, List<String> paramSpecStrings, String modelStepCommands, String modelSetupCommands, String modelStopCondition, int modelStepLimit, String modelMetricReporter, String modelMeasureIf, boolean fitnessMinimized, int fitnessSamplingRepetitions, FITNESS_COLLECTING fitnessCollecting, FITNESS_COMBINE_REPLICATIONS fitnessCombineReplications, String fitnessDerivativeParameter, double fitnessDerivativeDelta, boolean fitnessDerivativeUseAbs, String searchMethodType, HashMap<String, String> searchMethodParams, String chromosomeType, boolean caching, int evaluationLimit, int bestCheckingNumReplications) { super(); this.bsearchVersionNumber = GeneralUtils.getVersionNumber(); this.modelFile = modelFile; this.paramSpecStrings = paramSpecStrings; this.modelStepCommands = modelStepCommands; this.modelSetupCommands = modelSetupCommands; this.modelStopCondition = modelStopCondition; this.modelStepLimit = modelStepLimit; this.modelMetricReporter = modelMetricReporter; this.modelMeasureIf = modelMeasureIf; this.fitnessMinimized = fitnessMinimized; this.fitnessSamplingReplications = fitnessSamplingRepetitions; this.fitnessCollecting = fitnessCollecting; this.fitnessCombineReplications = fitnessCombineReplications; this.fitnessDerivativeParameter = fitnessDerivativeParameter; this.fitnessDerivativeDelta = fitnessDerivativeDelta; this.fitnessDerivativeUseAbs = fitnessDerivativeUseAbs; this.searchMethodType = searchMethodType; this.searchMethodParams = searchMethodParams; this.chromosomeType = chromosomeType; this.caching = caching; this.evaluationLimit = evaluationLimit; this.bestCheckingNumReplications = bestCheckingNumReplications; } private static String loadOrGetDefault(XPath xpath, Document xmlDoc, String path, String defaultVal) { try { String s = (String) xpath.evaluate(path , xmlDoc , XPathConstants.STRING ); if (s.equals("")) { return defaultVal; } return s; } catch (XPathExpressionException e) { return defaultVal; } } private static int loadOrGetDefaultInt(XPath xpath, Document xmlDoc, String path, int defaultVal) { try { String s = (String) xpath.evaluate(path , xmlDoc , XPathConstants.STRING ); if (s.equals("")) { return defaultVal; } return Integer.valueOf(s.trim()); } catch (XPathExpressionException e) { return defaultVal; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return defaultVal; } } private static double loadOrGetDefaultDouble(XPath xpath, Document xmlDoc, String path, double defaultVal) { try { String s = (String) xpath.evaluate(path , xmlDoc , XPathConstants.STRING ); if (s.equals("")) { return defaultVal; } return Double.valueOf(s.trim()); } catch (XPathExpressionException e) { return defaultVal; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return defaultVal; } } private SearchProtocol(Document xmlDoc) throws XPathExpressionException { // Admittedly, XPath isn't the most efficient approach, but this code isn't performance critical, // and I find XPath nice and readable. ~Forrest (10/28/2008) XPathFactory factory = XPathFactory.newInstance(); XPath xpath = factory.newXPath(); bsearchVersionNumber = loadOrGetDefaultDouble(xpath, xmlDoc, "/search/bsearchVersionNumber/text()" , 0.71); // 0.71 since that was the version before we added this XML tag modelFile = loadOrGetDefault(xpath, xmlDoc, "/search/modelInfo/modelFile/text()" , ""); modelSetupCommands = loadOrGetDefault(xpath, xmlDoc, "/search/modelInfo/modelSetupCommands/text()", ""); modelStepCommands = loadOrGetDefault(xpath, xmlDoc, "/search/modelInfo/modelStepCommands/text()" , "" ); modelStopCondition = loadOrGetDefault(xpath, xmlDoc, "/search/modelInfo/modelStopCondition/text()", ""); modelStepLimit = loadOrGetDefaultInt(xpath, xmlDoc, "/search/modelInfo/modelStepLimit/text()", 100); modelMetricReporter = loadOrGetDefault(xpath, xmlDoc, "/search/modelInfo/modelMetricReporter/text()" , ""); modelMeasureIf = loadOrGetDefault(xpath, xmlDoc, "/search/modelInfo/modelMeasureIf/text()" , "true"); fitnessMinimized = Boolean.valueOf(loadOrGetDefault(xpath, xmlDoc, "/search/fitnessInfo/fitnessMinimized/text()" , "false").trim()); String fcollect = loadOrGetDefault(xpath, xmlDoc, "/search/fitnessInfo/fitnessCollecting/text()" , FITNESS_COLLECTING.AT_FINAL_STEP.toString() ); fitnessCollecting = FITNESS_COLLECTING.valueOf( fcollect.trim() ); fitnessSamplingReplications = loadOrGetDefaultInt(xpath, xmlDoc, "/search/fitnessInfo/fitnessSamplingReplications/text()" , 10); String fcombine = loadOrGetDefault(xpath, xmlDoc,"/search/fitnessInfo/fitnessCombineReplications/text()" , FITNESS_COMBINE_REPLICATIONS.MEAN.toString()); fitnessCombineReplications = FITNESS_COMBINE_REPLICATIONS.valueOf( fcombine.trim() ); fitnessDerivativeParameter = loadOrGetDefault(xpath, xmlDoc,"/search/fitnessInfo/fitnessDerivative/@parameter" , ""); fitnessDerivativeDelta = loadOrGetDefaultDouble(xpath, xmlDoc,"/search/fitnessInfo/fitnessDerivative/@delta" , 0.0); fitnessDerivativeUseAbs = Boolean.valueOf(loadOrGetDefault(xpath, xmlDoc, "/search/fitnessInfo/fitnessDerivative/@useabs" , "false").trim()); NodeList paramSpecNodes = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate("/search/searchSpace/paramSpec/text()" , xmlDoc , XPathConstants.NODESET ); paramSpecStrings = new LinkedList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < paramSpecNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node n = paramSpecNodes.item( i ); paramSpecStrings.add( n.getNodeValue().trim() ); } searchMethodType = loadOrGetDefault(xpath, xmlDoc, "/search/searchMethod/@type" , "RandomSearch" ); NodeList methodParamNodes = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate("/search/searchMethod/searchMethodParameter" , xmlDoc , XPathConstants.NODESET ); searchMethodParams = new LinkedHashMap<String,String>(); for (int i = 0; i < methodParamNodes.getLength(); i++) { Element n = (Element) methodParamNodes.item( i ); searchMethodParams.put( n.getAttribute( "name" ) , n.getAttribute("value") ); } chromosomeType = loadOrGetDefault(xpath, xmlDoc, "/search/chromosomeRepresentation/@type" , "MixedTypeChromosome" ); caching = Boolean.valueOf(loadOrGetDefault(xpath, xmlDoc, "/search/caching/text()" , "true")); evaluationLimit = loadOrGetDefaultInt(xpath, xmlDoc, "/search/evaluationLimit/text()" , 300); bestCheckingNumReplications = loadOrGetDefaultInt(xpath, xmlDoc, "/search/bestCheckingNumReplications/text()" , 0); updateForVersionChanges(); } /* * Do a bit of processing so that old protocol files can be loaded... */ private void updateForVersionChanges() { if (bsearchVersionNumber < 0.72) { if (searchMethodType.equals("GenerationalGA")) { searchMethodType = "StandardGA"; } } } // convenience method... private static void xmlElementNoAtts(TransformerHandler hd, String elementName, String cData) throws SAXException { xmlElementWithAtts(hd,elementName,new AttributesImpl(), cData); } private static void xmlElementWithAtts(TransformerHandler hd, String elementName, AttributesImpl atts) throws SAXException { xmlElementWithAtts(hd,elementName,atts, ""); } // another convenience method... private static void xmlElementWithAtts(TransformerHandler hd, String elementName, AttributesImpl atts, String cData) throws SAXException { hd.startElement( "" , "" , elementName , atts); if (cData.length() > 0) { hd.characters( cData.toCharArray() , 0 , cData.length() ); } hd.endElement( "" , "" , elementName ); } /** Note: This method was adapted from * * * @param out PrintWriter to send the xml data to. */ public void save(Writer out) { try { StreamResult streamResult = new StreamResult( out ) ; SAXTransformerFactory tf = (SAXTransformerFactory) TransformerFactory.newInstance() ; // SAX2.0 ContentHandler. TransformerHandler hd = tf.newTransformerHandler() ; Transformer serializer = hd.getTransformer() ; serializer.setOutputProperty( OutputKeys.ENCODING , "us-ascii" ) ; serializer.setOutputProperty( OutputKeys.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM , "behaviorsearch.dtd" ) ; serializer.setOutputProperty( OutputKeys.INDENT , "yes" ) ; hd.setResult( streamResult ) ; hd.startDocument() ; AttributesImpl noAtts = new AttributesImpl() ; AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl() ; hd.startElement( "" , "" , "search" , noAtts ) ; xmlElementNoAtts(hd, "bsearchVersionNumber", String.format("%.2f", GeneralUtils.getVersionNumber())); hd.startElement( "" , "" , "modelInfo" , noAtts ); xmlElementNoAtts(hd, "modelFile", modelFile ) ; xmlElementNoAtts(hd, "modelSetupCommands", modelSetupCommands ) ; xmlElementNoAtts(hd, "modelStepCommands", modelStepCommands ) ; xmlElementNoAtts(hd, "modelStopCondition", modelStopCondition ) ; xmlElementNoAtts(hd, "modelStepLimit", Integer.toString( modelStepLimit )) ; xmlElementNoAtts(hd, "modelMetricReporter", modelMetricReporter) ; xmlElementNoAtts(hd, "modelMeasureIf", modelMeasureIf) ; hd.endElement( "" , "" , "modelInfo" ); hd.startElement( "" , "" , "fitnessInfo" , noAtts ); xmlElementNoAtts(hd, "fitnessMinimized", Boolean.toString(fitnessMinimized)) ; xmlElementNoAtts(hd, "fitnessCollecting", fitnessCollecting.toString()) ; xmlElementNoAtts(hd, "fitnessSamplingReplications", Integer.toString( fitnessSamplingReplications )) ; xmlElementNoAtts(hd, "fitnessCombineReplications", fitnessCombineReplications.toString()) ; if (fitnessDerivativeParameter.length() > 0) { atts.clear(); atts.addAttribute( "" , "" , "parameter" , "CDATA" , fitnessDerivativeParameter); atts.addAttribute( "" , "" , "delta" , "CDATA" , Double.toString(fitnessDerivativeDelta)); atts.addAttribute( "" , "" , "useabs" , "CDATA" , Boolean.toString(fitnessDerivativeUseAbs)); xmlElementWithAtts(hd, "fitnessDerivative", atts); } hd.endElement( "" , "" , "fitnessInfo" ); hd.startElement( "" , "" , "searchSpace" , noAtts ); for (String ps: paramSpecStrings) { xmlElementNoAtts( hd , "paramSpec" , ps ); } hd.endElement( "" , "" , "searchSpace"); atts.clear(); atts.addAttribute( "" , "" , "type" , "CDATA" , searchMethodType); hd.startElement( "" , "" , "searchMethod" , atts ); for (String pName : searchMethodParams.keySet()) { atts.clear(); atts.addAttribute( "" , "" , "name" , "CDATA" , pName ); atts.addAttribute( "" , "" , "value" , "CDATA" , searchMethodParams.get( pName ) ); hd.startElement( "" , "" , "searchMethodParameter" , atts ); hd.endElement( "" , "" , "searchMethodParameter" ); } hd.endElement( "" , "" , "searchMethod" ); atts.clear(); atts.addAttribute( "" , "" , "type" , "CDATA" ,chromosomeType); xmlElementWithAtts(hd, "chromosomeRepresentation", atts); xmlElementNoAtts(hd, "caching", Boolean.toString(caching)); xmlElementNoAtts(hd, "evaluationLimit", Integer.toString(evaluationLimit)); xmlElementNoAtts(hd, "bestCheckingNumReplications", Integer.toString(bestCheckingNumReplications)); hd.endElement( "" , "" , "search" ) ; hd.endDocument() ; } catch( SAXException e ) { e.printStackTrace() ; } catch( TransformerConfigurationException e ) { e.printStackTrace() ; } } public String toXMLString() { sw = new; save(sw); sw.flush(); return sw.toString(); } public static SearchProtocol load(String xmlStr) throws , SAXException { InputSource inputSource = new InputSource( new"<!DOCTYPE search SYSTEM \"behaviorsearch.dtd\">\n" + xmlStr)); return load(inputSource); } public static SearchProtocol load(InputSource inputSource) throws , SAXException { File resourcesDir = new File( GeneralUtils.attemptResolvePathFromBSearchRoot("resources/" )); inputSource.setSystemId(resourcesDir.toURI().toString() ) ; DocumentBuilderFactory fac = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance() ; Document doc = null ; try { // To validate, we may need to help it find the DTD file... // inputSource.setSystemId( getClass().getResource( "/" ).toString() ) ; fac = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance() ; //TODO: Perhaps turn xml DTD validation back on? Or is that too strict? Is the DTD up to date? //fac.setValidating( true ) ; DocumentBuilder builder = fac.newDocumentBuilder() ; // Choke on any error or warning during parsing, not just fatal errors. builder.setErrorHandler( new ErrorHandler() { public void error( SAXParseException ex ) throws SAXException { throw ex ; } public void fatalError( SAXParseException ex ) throws SAXException { throw ex ; } public void warning( SAXParseException ex ) throws SAXException { throw ex ; } } ) ; doc = builder.parse( inputSource ) ; return new SearchProtocol(doc); } catch( ParserConfigurationException ex ) { ex.printStackTrace() ; System.exit( 1 ) ; } catch( XPathExpressionException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit( 1 ) ; } throw new IllegalStateException ("Unreachable code."); } public static SearchProtocol loadFile(String fullPathFilename) throws IOException, SAXException { return loadFile(new; } public static SearchProtocol loadFile( file) throws IOException, SAXException { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); try { return load(new InputSource(reader)); } finally { reader.close(); } } public static enum FITNESS_COLLECTING { AT_FINAL_STEP { @Override public double collectFrom(List<Double> results) { return results.get(results.size() - 1); } @Override public boolean requiresAllSteps() { return false; } }, MEAN_ACROSS_STEPS { @Override public double collectFrom(List<Double> results) { return bsearch.util.Stats.mean(results); }}, MEDIAN_ACROSS_STEPS { @Override public double collectFrom(List<Double> results) { return bsearch.util.Stats.median(results); }}, MIN_ACROSS_STEPS { @Override public double collectFrom(List<Double> results) { return Collections.min(results); }}, MAX_ACROSS_STEPS { @Override public double collectFrom(List<Double> results) { return Collections.max(results); }}, VARIANCE_ACROSS_STEPS { @Override public double collectFrom(List<Double> results) { return bsearch.util.Stats.variance(results); }}, SUM_ACROSS_STEPS { @Override public double collectFrom(List<Double> results) { return bsearch.util.Stats.sum(results); }} ; public abstract double collectFrom(List<Double> stepResults); public boolean requiresAllSteps() { return true; } } public static enum FITNESS_COMBINE_REPLICATIONS { MEAN { @Override public double combine(List<Double> results) { return bsearch.util.Stats.mean(results); }}, MEDIAN { @Override public double combine(List<Double> results) { return bsearch.util.Stats.median(results); }}, MIN { @Override public double combine(List<Double> results) { return Collections.min(results); }}, MAX { @Override public double combine(List<Double> results) { return Collections.max(results); }}, VARIANCE { @Override public double combine(List<Double> results) { return bsearch.util.Stats.variance(results); }}, STDEV { @Override public double combine(List<Double> results) { return bsearch.util.Stats.stdev(results); }} ; public abstract double combine(List<Double> replicationResults); } public boolean useBestChecking() { return bestCheckingNumReplications > 0; } }