package bsearch.algorithms; import java.util.HashMap; import org.nlogo.util.MersenneTwisterFast; import; import; import bsearch.evaluation.SearchManager; import bsearch.nlogolink.NetLogoLinkException; import bsearch.representations.Chromosome; import bsearch.representations.ChromosomeFactory; import; @Deprecated public strictfp class GenerationalGA extends AbstractSearchMethod{ private double mutationRate = 0.01; private double crossoverRate = 0.7; private int populationSize = 50; public GenerationalGA() { } public String getName() { return "GenerationalGA"; } public String getDescription() { return "A standard generational Genetic Algorithm wherein a new full replacement population is created in each generation. (Uses tournament selection with tournament size 3)"; } public void setSearchParams( HashMap<String , String> searchMethodParams ) throws SearchParameterException { mutationRate = validDoubleParam(searchMethodParams, "mutation-rate", 0.0, 1.0); crossoverRate = validDoubleParam(searchMethodParams, "crossover-rate", 0.0, 1.0); populationSize = validIntParam(searchMethodParams, "population-size", 2, 1000); } public HashMap<String , String> getSearchParams() { HashMap<String,String> params = new HashMap<String,String>(); params.put("mutation-rate", Double.toString( mutationRate )); params.put("crossover-rate", Double.toString( crossoverRate )); params.put("population-size", Integer.toString( populationSize )); return params; } public HashMap<String , String> getSearchParamsHelp() { HashMap<String,String> params = new HashMap<String,String>(); params.put("mutation-rate", "likelihood of mutation occurring in each child"); params.put("crossover-rate", "probability of using two parents to create a child (otherwise child is created asexually)"); params.put("population-size", "the number of individuals in each generation"); return params; } public void search( SearchSpace space , ChromosomeFactory cFactory, SearchProtocol protocol , SearchManager manager, MersenneTwisterFast rng ) throws BehaviorSearchException, NetLogoLinkException, InterruptedException { Chromosome[] population = new Chromosome[populationSize]; Chromosome[] newpopulation = new Chromosome[populationSize]; for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) { population[i] = cFactory.createChromosome(space, rng); } double[] fitness = manager.computeFitnessBatch(population, protocol.fitnessSamplingReplications, rng); while ( !manager.searchFinished() ) { int crossoverPairs = (int) (crossoverRate * populationSize / 2) ; int newPopIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < crossoverPairs; i++) { Chromosome p1 = manager.tournamentSelect(population, fitness, 3, rng); Chromosome p2 = manager.tournamentSelect(population, fitness, 3, rng); Chromosome[] children = p1.crossoverWith( p2 , rng ) ; newpopulation[newPopIndex++] = children[0]; newpopulation[newPopIndex++] = children[1]; } while (newPopIndex < populationSize) { newpopulation[newPopIndex++] = manager.tournamentSelect(population, fitness, 3, rng); } for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) { newpopulation[i] = newpopulation[i].mutate( mutationRate , rng ); } // swap in new population Chromosome[] temp = population; population = newpopulation; newpopulation = temp; fitness = manager.computeFitnessBatch(population, protocol.fitnessSamplingReplications, rng); } } }