package org.wikipedia.nearby; import android.location.Location; import; import; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.robolectric.RuntimeEnvironment; import org.wikipedia.R; import org.wikipedia.test.TestRunner; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat; import static; /** * Unit tests for Nearby related classes. Probably should refactor this into a model class. */ @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:magicnumber") @RunWith(TestRunner.class) public class NearbyUnitTest { /** dist(origin, point a) */ private static final int A = 111_319; private Location nextLocation; private List<NearbyPage> nearbyPages; @Before public void setUp() throws Throwable { nextLocation = new Location("current"); nextLocation.setLatitude(0.0d); nextLocation.setLongitude(0.0d); nearbyPages = new LinkedList<>(); nearbyPages.add(constructNearbyPage("c", 0.0, 3.0)); nearbyPages.add(constructNearbyPage("b", 0.0, 2.0)); nearbyPages.add(constructNearbyPage("a", 0.0, 1.0)); } @Test public void testSort() throws Throwable { calcDistances(nearbyPages); Collections.sort(nearbyPages, new NearbyDistanceComparator()); assertThat("a", is(nearbyPages.get(0).getTitle())); assertThat("b", is(nearbyPages.get(1).getTitle())); assertThat("c", is(nearbyPages.get(2).getTitle())); } @Test public void testSortWithNullLocations() throws Throwable { final Location location = null; nearbyPages.add(new NearbyPage("d", location)); nearbyPages.add(new NearbyPage("e", location)); calcDistances(nearbyPages); Collections.sort(nearbyPages, new NearbyDistanceComparator()); assertThat("a", is(nearbyPages.get(0).getTitle())); assertThat("b", is(nearbyPages.get(1).getTitle())); assertThat("c", is(nearbyPages.get(2).getTitle())); // the two null location values come last but in the same order as from the original list: assertThat("d", is(nearbyPages.get(3).getTitle())); assertThat("e", is(nearbyPages.get(4).getTitle())); } @Test public void testCompare() throws Throwable { final Location location = null; NearbyPage nullLocPage = new NearbyPage("nowhere", location); calcDistances(nearbyPages); nullLocPage.setDistance(getDistance(nullLocPage.getLocation())); assertThat(Integer.MAX_VALUE, is(nullLocPage.getDistance())); NearbyDistanceComparator comp = new NearbyDistanceComparator(); assertThat(A, is(, nearbyPages.get(2)))); assertThat(-1 * A, is(, nearbyPages.get(1)))); assertThat(Integer.MAX_VALUE - A, is(, nearbyPages.get(2)))); assertThat((Integer.MIN_VALUE + 1) + A, is(, nullLocPage))); // - (max - a) assertThat(0, is(, nullLocPage))); } @Test public void testGetDistanceLabelSameLocation() throws Throwable { Location locationA = new Location("current"); locationA.setLatitude(0.0d); locationA.setLongitude(0.0d); assertThat("0 m", is(getDistanceLabel(locationA))); } @Test public void testGetDistanceLabelMeters() throws Throwable { Location locationB = new Location("b"); locationB.setLatitude(0.0d); locationB.setLongitude(0.001d); assertThat("111 m", is(getDistanceLabel(locationB))); } @Test public void testGetDistanceLabelKilometers() throws Throwable { Location locationB = new Location("b"); locationB.setLatitude(0.0d); locationB.setLongitude(0.01d); assertThat("1.11 km", is(getDistanceLabel(locationB))); } @Test public void testGetDistanceLabelNull() throws Throwable { assertThat(" ", is(getDistanceLabel(null))); } private class NearbyDistanceComparator implements Comparator<NearbyPage> { @Override public int compare(NearbyPage a, NearbyPage b) { return a.getDistance() - b.getDistance(); } } // // UGLY: copy of production code // /** * Calculates the distances from the origin to the given pages. * This method should be called before sorting. */ private void calcDistances(List<NearbyPage> pages) { for (NearbyPage page : pages) { page.setDistance(getDistance(page.getLocation())); } } private int getDistance(Location otherLocation) { if (otherLocation == null) { return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } else { return (int) nextLocation.distanceTo(otherLocation); } } private static final int ONE_KM = 1000; private static final double ONE_KM_D = 1000.0d; private String getDistanceLabel(Location otherLocation) { if (otherLocation == null) { return " "; } final int distance = getDistance(otherLocation); if (distance < ONE_KM) { return getString(R.string.nearby_distance_in_meters, distance); } else { return getString(R.string.nearby_distance_in_kilometers, distance / ONE_KM_D); } } private String getString(@StringRes int id, Object... formatArgs) { return RuntimeEnvironment.application.getString(id, formatArgs); } private NearbyPage constructNearbyPage(@NonNull String title, double lat, double lon) { Location location = new Location(""); location.setLatitude(lat); location.setLongitude(lon); return new NearbyPage(title, location); } }