package org.wikipedia.database; import android.content.ContentProviderClient; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import org.wikipedia.database.column.Column; import org.wikipedia.util.ArrayUtils; import org.wikipedia.util.log.L; public abstract class DatabaseTable<T> { protected static final int INITIAL_DB_VERSION = 1; @NonNull private final String tableName; @NonNull private final Uri baseContentURI; public DatabaseTable(@NonNull String tableName, @NonNull Uri baseContentURI) { this.tableName = tableName; this.baseContentURI = baseContentURI; } public abstract T fromCursor(Cursor c); protected abstract ContentValues toContentValues(T obj); @NonNull public String getTableName() { return tableName; } @NonNull public Column<?>[] getColumnsAdded(int version) { return new Column<?>[0]; } public ContentProviderClient acquireClient(@NonNull Context context) { return context.getContentResolver().acquireContentProviderClient(getBaseContentURI()); } /** * Get the db query string to be passed to the content provider where selecting for a null * value (including, notably, the main namespace) may be necessary. * @param obj The object on which the formatting of the string depends. * @return A SQL WHERE clause formatted for the content provider. */ protected String getPrimaryKeySelection(@NonNull T obj, @NonNull String[] selectionKeys) { String primaryKeySelection = ""; String[] args = getUnfilteredPrimaryKeySelectionArgs(obj); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { primaryKeySelection += (selectionKeys[i] + (args[i] == null ? " IS NULL" : " = ?")); if (i < (args.length - 1)) { primaryKeySelection += " AND "; } } return primaryKeySelection; } /** * Get the selection arguments to be bound to the db query string. * @param obj The object from which selection args are derived. * @return The array of selection arguments with null values removed. (Null arguments are * replaced with "IS NULL" in getPrimaryKeySelection(T obj, String[] selectionKeys).) */ public String[] getPrimaryKeySelectionArgs(@NonNull T obj) { return ArrayUtils.removeAllOccurences(getUnfilteredPrimaryKeySelectionArgs(obj), null); } /** * Override to provide full list of selection arguments, including those which may have null * values, for use in constructing the SQL query string. * @param obj Object from which selection args are to be derived. * @return Array of selection arguments (including null values). */ protected abstract String[] getUnfilteredPrimaryKeySelectionArgs(@NonNull T obj); protected abstract int getDBVersionIntroducedAt(); protected int getDBVersionDroppedAt() { return 0; } public void upgradeSchema(@NonNull SQLiteDatabase db, int fromVersion, int toVersion) { if (fromVersion < getDBVersionIntroducedAt()) { createTables(db); } for (int ver = Math.max(getDBVersionIntroducedAt(), fromVersion) + 1; ver <= toVersion; ++ver) { L.i("ver=" + ver); if (ver == getDBVersionDroppedAt()) { dropTable(db); break; } for (Column<?> column : getColumnsAdded(ver)) { String alterTableString = "ALTER TABLE " + tableName + " ADD COLUMN " + column; L.i(alterTableString); db.execSQL(alterTableString); } upgradeSchema(db, ver); } } @NonNull public Uri getBaseContentURI() { return baseContentURI; } protected void upgradeSchema(@NonNull SQLiteDatabase db, int toVersion) { } private void createTables(@NonNull SQLiteDatabase db) { L.i("Creating table=" + getTableName()); Column<?>[] cols = getColumnsAdded(getDBVersionIntroducedAt()); db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + getTableName() + " ( " + TextUtils.join(", ", cols) + " )"); } private void dropTable(@NonNull SQLiteDatabase db) { db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + getTableName()); L.i("Dropped table=" + getTableName()); } }