package org.wikipedia.feed.aggregated; import android.content.Context; import; import; import org.wikipedia.dataclient.WikiSite; import org.wikipedia.dataclient.retrofit.RetrofitFactory; import org.wikipedia.feed.dataclient.FeedClient; import org.wikipedia.feed.featured.FeaturedArticleCard; import org.wikipedia.feed.image.FeaturedImageCard; import org.wikipedia.feed.model.Card; import org.wikipedia.feed.model.UtcDate; import org.wikipedia.feed.mostread.MostReadListCard; import; import org.wikipedia.settings.Prefs; import org.wikipedia.util.DateUtil; import org.wikipedia.util.log.L; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import retrofit2.Call; import retrofit2.Response; import retrofit2.Retrofit; import retrofit2.http.GET; import retrofit2.http.Headers; import retrofit2.http.Path; import static org.wikipedia.Constants.ACCEPT_HEADER_PREFIX; public class AggregatedFeedContentClient implements FeedClient { @Nullable private Call<AggregatedFeedContent> call; @Override public void request(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull WikiSite wiki, int age, @NonNull Callback cb) { cancel(); UtcDate date = DateUtil.getUtcRequestDateFor(age); String endpoint = String.format(Locale.ROOT, Prefs.getRestbaseUriFormat(), wiki.scheme(), wiki.authority()); Retrofit retrofit = RetrofitFactory.newInstance(endpoint, wiki); AggregatedFeedContentClient.Service service = retrofit.create(Service.class); call = service.get(date.year(), date.month(),; call.enqueue(new CallbackAdapter(cb, wiki, age)); } @Override public void cancel() { if (call == null) { return; } call.cancel(); call = null; } private interface Service { /** * Gets aggregated content for the feed for the date provided. * * @param year four-digit year * @param month two-digit month * @param day two-digit day */ @NonNull @Headers(ACCEPT_HEADER_PREFIX + "aggregated-feed/0.5.0\"") @GET("feed/featured/{year}/{month}/{day}") Call<AggregatedFeedContent> get(@Path("year") String year, @Path("month") String month, @Path("day") String day); } private static class CallbackAdapter implements retrofit2.Callback<AggregatedFeedContent> { @NonNull private final Callback cb; @NonNull private final WikiSite wiki; private final int age; CallbackAdapter(@NonNull Callback cb, @NonNull WikiSite wiki, int age) { this.cb = cb; = wiki; this.age = age; } @Override public void onResponse(Call<AggregatedFeedContent> call, Response<AggregatedFeedContent> response) { List<Card> cards = new ArrayList<>(); AggregatedFeedContent content = response.body(); // todo: remove age check when news endpoint provides dated content, T139481. if (age == 0 && != null) { cards.add(new NewsListCard(, age, wiki)); } if (content.tfa() != null) { cards.add(new FeaturedArticleCard(content.tfa(), age, wiki)); } if (content.mostRead() != null) { cards.add(new MostReadListCard(content.mostRead(), wiki)); } if (content.potd() != null) { cards.add(new FeaturedImageCard(content.potd(), age, wiki)); } cb.success(cards); } @Override public void onFailure(Call<AggregatedFeedContent> call, Throwable caught) { L.v(caught); cb.error(caught); } } }