package org.wikipedia.language; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import org.wikipedia.R; import java.lang.ref.SoftReference; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; /** Immutable look up table for all app supported languages. All article languages may not be * present in this table as it is statically bundled with the app. */ public class AppLanguageLookUpTable { public static final String SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE_LANGUAGE_CODE = "zh-hans"; public static final String TRADITIONAL_CHINESE_LANGUAGE_CODE = "zh-hant"; public static final String NORWEGIAN_LEGACY_LANGUAGE_CODE = "no"; public static final String NORWEGIAN_BOKMAL_LANGUAGE_CODE = "nb"; public static final String FALLBACK_LANGUAGE_CODE = "en"; // Must exist in preference_language_keys. @NonNull private final Resources resources; // Language codes for all app supported languages in fixed order. The special code representing // the dynamic system language is null. @NonNull private SoftReference<List<String>> codesRef = new SoftReference<>(null); // English names for all app supported languages in fixed order. @NonNull private SoftReference<List<String>> canonicalNamesRef = new SoftReference<>(null); // Native names for all app supported languages in fixed order. @NonNull private SoftReference<List<String>> localizedNamesRef = new SoftReference<>(null); public AppLanguageLookUpTable(@NonNull Context context) { resources = context.getResources(); } /** * @return Nonnull immutable list. The special code representing the dynamic system language is * null. */ @NonNull public List<String> getCodes() { List<String> codes = codesRef.get(); if (codes == null) { codes = getStringList(R.array.preference_language_keys); codesRef = new SoftReference<>(codes); } return codes; } @Nullable public String getCanonicalName(@Nullable String code) { String name = defaultIndex(getCanonicalNames(), indexOfCode(code), null); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(name) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(code)) { if (code.equals(Locale.CHINA.getLanguage())) { name = Locale.CHINA.getDisplayName(Locale.ENGLISH); } else if (code.equals(NORWEGIAN_LEGACY_LANGUAGE_CODE)) { name = defaultIndex(getCanonicalNames(), indexOfCode(NORWEGIAN_BOKMAL_LANGUAGE_CODE), null); } } return name; } @Nullable public String getLocalizedName(@Nullable String code) { String name = defaultIndex(getLocalizedNames(), indexOfCode(code), null); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(name) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(code)) { if (code.equals(Locale.CHINA.getLanguage())) { name = Locale.CHINA.getDisplayName(Locale.CHINA); } else if (code.equals(NORWEGIAN_LEGACY_LANGUAGE_CODE)) { name = defaultIndex(getLocalizedNames(), indexOfCode(NORWEGIAN_BOKMAL_LANGUAGE_CODE), null); } } return name; } private List<String> getCanonicalNames() { List<String> names = canonicalNamesRef.get(); if (names == null) { names = getStringList(R.array.preference_language_canonical_names); canonicalNamesRef = new SoftReference<>(names); } return names; } private List<String> getLocalizedNames() { List<String> names = localizedNamesRef.get(); if (names == null) { names = getStringList(R.array.preference_language_local_names); localizedNamesRef = new SoftReference<>(names); } return names; } public boolean isSupportedCode(@Nullable String code) { return getCodes().contains(code); } private <T> T defaultIndex(List<T> list, int index, T defaultValue) { return inBounds(list, index) ? list.get(index) : defaultValue; } /** * Searches #codes for the specified language code and returns the index for use in * #canonicalNames and #localizedNames. * * @param code The language code to search for. The special code representing the dynamic system * language is null. * @return The index of the language code or -1 if the code is not supported. */ private int indexOfCode(@Nullable String code) { return getCodes().indexOf(code); } /** @return Nonnull immutable list. */ @NonNull private List<String> getStringList(int id) { return Arrays.asList(getStringArray(id)); } private boolean inBounds(List<?> list, int index) { return index >= 0 && index < list.size(); } public String[] getStringArray(@ArrayRes int id) { return resources.getStringArray(id); } }