package; import; import; import org.wikipedia.Constants; import org.wikipedia.dataclient.okhttp.cache.SaveHeader; import retrofit2.Call; import retrofit2.http.GET; import retrofit2.http.Header; import retrofit2.http.Headers; import retrofit2.http.Query; /** * Retrofit service for MW API endpoints. */ public interface MwPageService { /** * Gets the lead section and initial metadata of a given title. * * @param title the page title with prefix if necessary * @return a Retrofit Call which provides the populated MwMobileViewPageLead object in #success */ /* Here's the rationale for this API call: We request 10 sentences from the lead section, and then re-parse the text using our own sentence parsing logic to end up with 2 sentences for the link preview. We trust our parsing logic more than TextExtracts because it's better-tailored to the user's Locale on the client side. For example, the TextExtracts extension incorrectly treats abbreviations like "i.e.", "B.C.", "Jr.", etc. as separate sentences, whereas our parser will leave those alone. Also, we no longer request "excharacters" from TextExtracts, since it has an issue where it's liable to return content that lies beyond the lead section, which might include unparsed wikitext, which we certainly don't want. */ @Headers("x-analytics: preview=1") @GET("w/api.php?action=query&format=json&formatversion=2&prop=extracts%7Cpageimages" + "&redirects=true&exsentences=5&explaintext=true&piprop=thumbnail%7Cname" + "&pilicense=any&pithumbsize=" + Constants.PREFERRED_THUMB_SIZE) @NonNull Call<MwQueryPageSummary> summary(@NonNull @Query("titles") String title); /** * Gets the lead section and initial metadata of a given title. * * @param title the page title with prefix if necessary * @param leadThumbnailWidth one of the bucket widths for the lead image * @param noImages add the noimages flag to the request if true */ @Headers("x-analytics: pageview=1") @GET("w/api.php?action=mobileview&format=json&formatversion=2&prop=" + "text%7Csections%7Clanguagecount%7Cthumb%7Cimage%7Cid%7Cnamespace%7Crevision" + "%7Cdescription%7Clastmodified%7Cnormalizedtitle%7Cdisplaytitle%7Cprotection" + "%7Ceditable%7Cpageprops&pageprops=wikibase_item&onlyrequestedsections=1" + "§ions=0§ionprop=toclevel%7Cline%7Canchor&noheadings=true") @NonNull Call<MwMobileViewPageLead> lead(@Nullable @Header("Cache-Control") String cacheControl, @Header(SaveHeader.FIELD) Boolean save, @NonNull @Query("page") String title, @Query("thumbwidth") int leadThumbnailWidth, @Nullable @Query("noimages") Boolean noImages); /** * Gets the remaining sections of a given title. * * @param title the page title to be used including prefix * @param noImages add the noimages flag to the request if true */ @GET("w/api.php?action=mobileview&format=json&formatversion=2&prop=" + "text%7Csections&onlyrequestedsections=1§ions=1-" + "§ionprop=toclevel%7Cline%7Canchor&noheadings=true") @NonNull Call<MwMobileViewPageRemaining> sections(@Nullable @Header("Cache-Control") String cacheControl, @Header(SaveHeader.FIELD) Boolean save, @NonNull @Query("page") String title, @Nullable @Query("noimages") Boolean noImages); }