package org.wikipedia; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Handler; import; import; import; import; import android.view.Window; import android.webkit.WebView; import com.facebook.drawee.backends.pipeline.Fresco; import com.facebook.imagepipeline.core.ImagePipelineConfig; import com.squareup.leakcanary.LeakCanary; import com.squareup.leakcanary.RefWatcher; import com.squareup.otto.Bus; import org.mediawiki.api.json.Api; import; import; import org.wikipedia.auth.AccountUtil; import org.wikipedia.crash.CrashReporter; import org.wikipedia.crash.hockeyapp.HockeyAppCrashReporter; import org.wikipedia.database.Database; import org.wikipedia.database.DatabaseClient; import org.wikipedia.dataclient.SharedPreferenceCookieManager; import org.wikipedia.dataclient.WikiSite; import org.wikipedia.dataclient.mwapi.MwQueryResponse; import org.wikipedia.dataclient.okhttp.CacheableOkHttpNetworkFetcher; import org.wikipedia.dataclient.okhttp.OkHttpConnectionFactory; import org.wikipedia.edit.summaries.EditSummary; import; import; import org.wikipedia.history.HistoryEntry; import org.wikipedia.language.AcceptLanguageUtil; import org.wikipedia.language.AppLanguageLookUpTable; import org.wikipedia.language.AppLanguageState; import org.wikipedia.login.User; import org.wikipedia.login.UserIdClient; import org.wikipedia.notifications.NotificationPollBroadcastReceiver; import org.wikipedia.onboarding.OnboardingStateMachine; import org.wikipedia.onboarding.PrefsOnboardingStateMachine; import org.wikipedia.pageimages.PageImage; import org.wikipedia.readinglist.database.ReadingListRow; import; import; import; import org.wikipedia.savedpages.SavedPage; import; import org.wikipedia.settings.Prefs; import org.wikipedia.settings.RemoteConfig; import org.wikipedia.theme.Theme; import org.wikipedia.useroption.UserOption; import org.wikipedia.useroption.database.UserOptionDao; import org.wikipedia.useroption.database.UserOptionRow; import org.wikipedia.useroption.sync.UserOptionContentResolver; import org.wikipedia.util.ReleaseUtil; import org.wikipedia.util.log.L; import org.wikipedia.views.ViewAnimations; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.UUID; import retrofit2.Call; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.defaultString; import static org.wikipedia.util.DimenUtil.getFontSizeFromSp; import static org.wikipedia.util.ReleaseUtil.getChannel; public class WikipediaApp extends Application { private static final int EVENT_LOG_TESTING_ID = new Random().nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE); public static final int FONT_SIZE_MULTIPLIER_MIN = -5; public static final int FONT_SIZE_MULTIPLIER_MAX = 8; private static final float FONT_SIZE_FACTOR = 0.1f; private final RemoteConfig remoteConfig = new RemoteConfig(); private final Map<Class<?>, DatabaseClient<?>> databaseClients = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<Class<?>, DatabaseClient<?>>()); private final Map<String, Api> apis = new HashMap<>(); private AppLanguageState appLanguageState; private FunnelManager funnelManager; private SessionFunnel sessionFunnel; private NotificationPollBroadcastReceiver notificationReceiver = new NotificationPollBroadcastReceiver(); private Database database; private String userAgent; private WikiSite wiki; @NonNull private UserIdClient idClient = new UserIdClient(); private CrashReporter crashReporter; private RefWatcher refWatcher; public SessionFunnel getSessionFunnel() { return sessionFunnel; } /** * Singleton instance of WikipediaApp */ private static WikipediaApp INSTANCE; private Bus bus; @NonNull private Theme currentTheme = Theme.getFallback(); private WikipediaZeroHandler zeroHandler; public WikipediaZeroHandler getWikipediaZeroHandler() { return zeroHandler; } public WikipediaApp() { INSTANCE = this; } /** * Returns the singleton instance of the WikipediaApp * * This is ok, since android treats it as a singleton anyway. */ public static WikipediaApp getInstance() { return INSTANCE; } @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); zeroHandler = new WikipediaZeroHandler(this); // HockeyApp exception handling interferes with the test runner, so enable it only for // beta and stable releases if (!ReleaseUtil.isPreBetaRelease()) { initExceptionHandling(); } refWatcher = Prefs.isMemoryLeakTestEnabled() ? LeakCanary.install(this) : RefWatcher.DISABLED; // See Javadocs and AppCompatDelegate.setCompatVectorFromResourcesEnabled(true); bus = new Bus(); ViewAnimations.init(getResources()); currentTheme = unmarshalCurrentTheme(); initAppLang(); funnelManager = new FunnelManager(this); sessionFunnel = new SessionFunnel(this); database = new Database(this); enableWebViewDebugging(); Api.setConnectionFactory(new OkHttpConnectionFactory()); ImagePipelineConfig config = ImagePipelineConfig.newBuilder(this) .setNetworkFetcher(new CacheableOkHttpNetworkFetcher(OkHttpConnectionFactory.getClient())) .build(); Fresco.initialize(this, config); // TODO: remove this code after all logged in users also have a system account or August 2016. AccountUtil.createAccountForLoggedInUser(); UserOptionContentResolver.registerAppSyncObserver(this); listenForNotifications(); } public RefWatcher getRefWatcher() { return refWatcher; } public Bus getBus() { return bus; } public String getUserAgent() { if (userAgent == null) { String channel = getChannel(this); channel = channel.equals("") ? channel : " ".concat(channel); userAgent = String.format("WikipediaApp/%s (Android %s; %s)%s", BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME, Build.VERSION.RELEASE, getString(R.string.device_type), channel ); } return userAgent; } /** * @return the value that should go in the Accept-Language header. */ @NonNull public String getAcceptLanguage(@Nullable WikiSite wiki) { String wikiLang = wiki == null || "meta".equals(wiki.languageCode()) ? "" : defaultString(wiki.languageCode()); return AcceptLanguageUtil.getAcceptLanguage(wikiLang, defaultString(getAppLanguageCode()), appLanguageState.getSystemLanguageCode()); } public Api getAPIForSite(WikiSite wiki) { String host =; String acceptLanguage = getAcceptLanguage(wiki); Map<String, String> customHeaders = buildCustomHeadersMap(acceptLanguage); Api api; String cachedApiKey = host + "-" + acceptLanguage; if (apis.containsKey(cachedApiKey)) { api = apis.get(cachedApiKey); } else { api = new Api(host, wiki.port(), wiki.secureScheme(), wiki.path("api.php"), customHeaders); apis.put(cachedApiKey, api); } return api; } /** * Default wiki for the app * You should use PageTitle.getWikiSite() to get the article wiki */ @NonNull public WikiSite getWikiSite() { // TODO: why don't we ensure that the app language hasn't changed here instead of the client? if (wiki == null) { String lang = Prefs.getMediaWikiBaseUriSupportsLangCode() ? getAppOrSystemLanguageCode() : ""; wiki = WikiSite.forLanguageCode(lang); } return wiki; } /** * Convenience method to get an API object for the app wiki. * * @return An API object that is equivalent to calling getAPIForSite(WikiSite) */ public Api getSiteApi() { return getAPIForSite(getWikiSite()); } @Nullable public String getAppLanguageCode() { return appLanguageState.getAppLanguageCode(); } @NonNull public String getAppOrSystemLanguageCode() { String code = appLanguageState.getAppOrSystemLanguageCode(); // noinspection ConstantConditions if (User.isLoggedIn() && !User.getUser().hasIdForLang(code)) { getIdForLanguage(code); } return code; } @NonNull public String getSystemLanguageCode() { return appLanguageState.getSystemLanguageCode(); } public void setAppLanguageCode(@Nullable String code) { appLanguageState.setAppLanguageCode(code); resetWikiSite(); } private void getIdForLanguage(@NonNull final String code) { final WikiSite wikiSite = WikiSite.forLanguageCode(code); idClient.request(wikiSite, new UserIdClient.Callback() { @Override public void success(@NonNull Call<MwQueryResponse<UserIdClient.QueryUserInfo>> call, int id) { User user = User.getUser(); if (user != null) { user.putIdForLanguage(code, id); L.v("Found user ID " + id + " for " + code); } } @Override public void failure(@NonNull Call<MwQueryResponse<UserIdClient.QueryUserInfo>> call, @NonNull Throwable caught) { L.e("Failed to get user ID for " + wikiSite.languageCode(), caught); } }); } @Nullable public String getAppOrSystemLanguageLocalizedName() { return appLanguageState.getAppOrSystemLanguageLocalizedName(); } @NonNull public List<String> getMruLanguageCodes() { return appLanguageState.getMruLanguageCodes(); } @NonNull public List<String> getAppMruLanguageCodes() { return appLanguageState.getAppMruLanguageCodes(); } public void setMruLanguageCode(@Nullable String code) { appLanguageState.setMruLanguageCode(code); } @Nullable public String getAppLanguageLocalizedName(String code) { return appLanguageState.getAppLanguageLocalizedName(code); } @Nullable public String getAppLanguageCanonicalName(String code) { return appLanguageState.getAppLanguageCanonicalName(code); } public Database getDatabase() { return database; } public <T> DatabaseClient<T> getDatabaseClient(Class<T> cls) { if (!databaseClients.containsKey(cls)) { DatabaseClient<?> client; if (cls.equals(HistoryEntry.class)) { client = new DatabaseClient<>(this, HistoryEntry.DATABASE_TABLE); } else if (cls.equals(PageImage.class)) { client = new DatabaseClient<>(this, PageImage.DATABASE_TABLE); } else if (cls.equals(RecentSearch.class)) { client = new DatabaseClient<>(this, RecentSearch.DATABASE_TABLE); } else if (cls.equals(SavedPage.class)) { client = new DatabaseClient<>(this, SavedPage.DATABASE_TABLE); } else if (cls.equals(EditSummary.class)) { client = new DatabaseClient<>(this, EditSummary.DATABASE_TABLE); } else if (cls.equals(UserOption.class)) { client = new DatabaseClient<>(this, UserOptionRow.DATABASE_TABLE); } else if (cls.equals(UserOptionRow.class)) { client = new DatabaseClient<>(this, UserOptionRow.HTTP_DATABASE_TABLE); } else if (cls.equals(ReadingListPageRow.class)) { client = new DatabaseClient<>(this, ReadingListPageRow.DATABASE_TABLE); } else if (cls.equals(ReadingListPageHttpRow.class)) { client = new DatabaseClient<>(this, ReadingListPageRow.HTTP_DATABASE_TABLE); } else if (cls.equals(ReadingListPageDiskRow.class)) { client = new DatabaseClient<>(this, ReadingListPageRow.DISK_DATABASE_TABLE); } else if (cls.equals(ReadingListRow.class)) { client = new DatabaseClient<>(this, ReadingListRow.DATABASE_TABLE); } else { throw new RuntimeException("No persister found for class " + cls.getCanonicalName()); } databaseClients.put(cls, client); } //noinspection unchecked return (DatabaseClient<T>) databaseClients.get(cls); } public RemoteConfig getRemoteConfig() { return remoteConfig; } @NonNull public SharedPreferenceCookieManager getCookieManager() { return SharedPreferenceCookieManager.getInstance(); } public void logOut() { L.v("logging out"); AccountUtil.removeAccount(); UserOptionDao.instance().clear(); getCookieManager().clearAllCookies(); User.clearUser(); } public FunnelManager getFunnelManager() { return funnelManager; } /** * Get this app's unique install ID, which is a UUID that should be unique for each install * of the app. Useful for anonymous analytics. * @return Unique install ID for this app. */ public String getAppInstallID() { String id = Prefs.getAppInstallId(); if (id == null) { id = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); Prefs.setAppInstallId(id); } return id; } /** * Get an integer-valued random ID. This is typically used to determine global EventLogging * sampling, that is, whether the user's instance of the app sends any events or not. This is a * pure technical measure which is necessary to prevent overloading EventLogging with too many * events. This value will persist for the lifetime of the app. * * Don't use this method when running to determine whether or not the user falls into a control * or test group in any kind of tests (such as A/B tests), as that would introduce sampling * biases which would invalidate the test. * @return Integer ID for event log sampling. */ @IntRange(from = 0) public int getEventLogSamplingID() { return EVENT_LOG_TESTING_ID; } /** * Gets the currently-selected theme for the app. * @return Theme that is currently selected, which is the actual theme ID that can * be passed to setTheme() when creating an activity. */ @NonNull public Theme getCurrentTheme() { return currentTheme; } public boolean isCurrentThemeLight() { return getCurrentTheme().isLight(); } public boolean isCurrentThemeDark() { return getCurrentTheme().isDark(); } /** * Sets the theme of the app. If the new theme is the same as the current theme, nothing happens. * Otherwise, an event is sent to notify of the theme change. */ public void setCurrentTheme(@NonNull Theme theme) { if (theme != currentTheme) { currentTheme = theme; Prefs.setThemeId(currentTheme.getMarshallingId()); UserOptionDao.instance().theme(theme); ThemeChangeEvent()); } } public int getFontSizeMultiplier() { return Prefs.getTextSizeMultiplier(); } public void setFontSizeMultiplier(int multiplier) { if (multiplier < FONT_SIZE_MULTIPLIER_MIN) { multiplier = FONT_SIZE_MULTIPLIER_MIN; } else if (multiplier > FONT_SIZE_MULTIPLIER_MAX) { multiplier = FONT_SIZE_MULTIPLIER_MAX; } if (multiplier != Prefs.getTextSizeMultiplier()) { Prefs.setTextSizeMultiplier(multiplier); UserOptionDao.instance().fontSize(multiplier); ChangeTextSizeEvent()); } } public void putCrashReportProperty(String key, String value) { if (!ReleaseUtil.isPreBetaRelease()) { crashReporter.putReportProperty(key, value); } } public void checkCrashes(@NonNull Activity activity) { if (!ReleaseUtil.isPreBetaRelease()) { crashReporter.checkCrashes(activity); } } public void runOnMainThread(Runnable runnable) { new Handler(getMainLooper()).post(runnable); } /** * Gets the current size of the app's font. This is given as a device-specific size (not "sp"), * and can be passed directly to setTextSize() functions. * @param window The window on which the font will be displayed. * @return Actual current size of the font. */ public float getFontSize(Window window) { return getFontSizeFromSp(window, getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.textSize)) * (1.0f + getFontSizeMultiplier() * FONT_SIZE_FACTOR); } /** * Gets whether EventLogging is currently enabled or disabled. * * @return A boolean that is true if EventLogging is enabled, and false if it is not. */ public boolean isEventLoggingEnabled() { return Prefs.isEventLoggingEnabled(); } public boolean isImageDownloadEnabled() { return Prefs.isImageDownloadEnabled(); } public boolean isLinkPreviewEnabled() { return Prefs.isLinkPreviewEnabled(); } public void resetWikiSite() { wiki = null; } public OnboardingStateMachine getOnboardingStateMachine() { return PrefsOnboardingStateMachine.getInstance(); } public void listenForNotifications() { notificationReceiver.startPollTask(this); } // For java-mwapi API requests. // If adding a new header here (before this method is removed), make sure to duplicate it // in the Retrofit header list (OkHttpConnectionFactory#CommonHeaderInterceptor). @Deprecated private Map<String, String> buildCustomHeadersMap(String acceptLanguage) { Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<>(); headers.put("User-Agent", getUserAgent()); if (isEventLoggingEnabled()) { headers.put("X-WMF-UUID", getAppInstallID()); } else { // Send do-not-track header if the user has opted out of event logging headers.put("DNT", "1"); } headers.put("Accept-Language", acceptLanguage); return headers; } private void initAppLang() { appLanguageState = new AppLanguageState(this); boolean langNotSet = getAppLanguageCode() == null; if (ReleaseUtil.isDevRelease() && langNotSet) { setRandomAppLangCode(); } } private void setRandomAppLangCode() { AppLanguageLookUpTable lut = new AppLanguageLookUpTable(this); List<String> codes = lut.getCodes(); int index = new Random().nextInt(codes.size()); String code = codes.get(index); setAppLanguageCode(code); } private void initExceptionHandling() { crashReporter = new HockeyAppCrashReporter(getString(R.string.hockeyapp_app_id), consentAccessor()); crashReporter.registerCrashHandler(this); L.setRemoteLogger(crashReporter); } private CrashReporter.AutoUploadConsentAccessor consentAccessor() { return new CrashReporter.AutoUploadConsentAccessor() { @Override public boolean isAutoUploadPermitted() { return Prefs.isCrashReportAutoUploadEnabled(); } }; } private void enableWebViewDebugging() { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) { WebView.setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled(true); } } private Theme unmarshalCurrentTheme() { int id = Prefs.getThemeId(); Theme result = Theme.ofMarshallingId(id); if (result == null) { L.d("Theme id=" + id + " is invalid, using fallback."); result = Theme.getFallback(); } return result; } }