package; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.mediawiki.api.json.Api; import org.mediawiki.api.json.ApiException; import org.mediawiki.api.json.ApiResult; import org.mediawiki.api.json.RequestBuilder; import org.wikipedia.Constants; import org.wikipedia.dataclient.ApiTask; import org.wikipedia.dataclient.WikiSite; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; public class TitleSearchTask extends ApiTask<SearchResults> { private final String prefix; private final WikiSite wiki; private static final String NUM_RESULTS_PER_QUERY = "20"; public TitleSearchTask(Api api, WikiSite wiki, String prefix) { super(api); this.prefix = prefix; = wiki; } @Override public RequestBuilder buildRequest(Api api) { return api.action("query") .param("generator", "prefixsearch") .param("redirects", "true") .param("gpssearch", prefix) .param("gpsnamespace", "0") .param("gpslimit", NUM_RESULTS_PER_QUERY) // -- Parameters causing prefix search to return suggestion. .param("list", "search") .param("srsearch", prefix) .param("srnamespace", "0") .param("srwhat", "text") .param("srinfo", "suggestion") .param("srprop", "") .param("sroffset", "0") .param("srlimit", "1") // -- .param("prop", "pageterms|pageimages") .param("wbptterms", "description") // only interested in Wikidata description .param("piprop", "thumbnail") .param("pilicense", "any") .param("pithumbsize", Integer.toString(Constants.PREFERRED_THUMB_SIZE)) .param("pilimit", NUM_RESULTS_PER_QUERY) .param("continue", ""); // to avoid warning about new continuation syntax } @Override public SearchResults processResult(final ApiResult result) throws Throwable { JSONObject data; try { data = result.asObject(); } catch (ApiException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof JSONException) { // the only reason for a JSONException is if the response is an empty array. return new SearchResults(); } else { throw e; } } // The search results arrive unordered, but they do have an "index" property, which we'll // use to sort the results ourselves. JSONObject queryResult = data.optJSONObject("query"); if (queryResult == null) { return new SearchResults(); } String suggestion = ""; JSONObject searchinfo = queryResult.optJSONObject("searchinfo"); if (searchinfo != null) { if (searchinfo.has("suggestion")) { suggestion = searchinfo.getString("suggestion"); } } List<SearchResult> resultList = new ArrayList<>(); JSONObject pages = queryResult.optJSONObject("pages"); if (pages == null) { return new SearchResults(resultList, null, suggestion); } // First, put all the page objects into an array JSONObject[] pageArray = new JSONObject[pages.length()]; int pageIndex = 0; Iterator<String> pageIter = pages.keys(); while (pageIter.hasNext()) { JSONObject page = (JSONObject)pages.get(; pageArray[pageIndex++] = page; } // Go through the redirects array (if any), and transfer any "tofragment" items to // the original results. "tofragment", if it exists, contains a link to a particular // section of the page, which is important to preserve so the user gets redirected to the // correct section. if (queryResult.has("redirects")) { JSONArray redirs = queryResult.getJSONArray("redirects"); for (int i = 0; i < redirs.length(); i++) { JSONObject redirect = (JSONObject) redirs.get(i); for (JSONObject page : pageArray) { if (page.getString("title").equals(redirect.getString("to"))) { page.put("redirectFrom", redirect.optString("from")); if (redirect.has("tofragment") && !page.has("tofragment")) { page.put("tofragment", redirect.getString("tofragment")); } } } } } // now sort the array based on the "index" property Arrays.sort(pageArray, new Comparator<JSONObject>() { @Override public int compare(JSONObject lhs, JSONObject rhs) { return ((Integer) lhs.optInt("index")).compareTo(rhs.optInt("index")); } }); // and create our list of PageTitles from the now-sorted array for (JSONObject item : pageArray) { String thumbUrl = null; if (item.has("thumbnail")) { thumbUrl = item.getJSONObject("thumbnail").optString("source", null); } String description = null; if (item.has("terms")) { JSONArray arr = item.getJSONObject("terms").optJSONArray("description"); if (arr != null && arr.length() > 0) { description = arr.getString(0); } } String titleText = item.getString("title"); if (item.has("tofragment")) { titleText += "#" + item.getString("tofragment"); } resultList.add(new SearchResult(new PageTitle(titleText, wiki, thumbUrl, description), item.optString("redirectFrom"))); } return new SearchResults(resultList, null, suggestion); } }