package com.neverwinterdp.vm.service; import java.util.List; import; import; import com.mycila.jmx.annotation.JmxBean; import com.neverwinterdp.registry.Node; import com.neverwinterdp.registry.NodeCreateMode; import com.neverwinterdp.registry.event.NodeEvent; import com.neverwinterdp.registry.Registry; import com.neverwinterdp.registry.RegistryException; import com.neverwinterdp.registry.event.RegistryListener; import com.neverwinterdp.vm.VMConfig; import com.neverwinterdp.vm.VMDescriptor; import com.neverwinterdp.vm.VMStatus; import com.neverwinterdp.vm.event.VMHeartbeatNodeWatcher; @Singleton @JmxBean("role=vm-manager, type=VMService, name=VMService") public class VMService { final static public String ALLOCATED_PATH = "/vm/allocated"; final static public String HISTORY_PATH = "/vm/history"; final static public String MASTER_PATH = "/vm/master"; final static public String LEADER_PATH = MASTER_PATH + "/leader"; final static public String EVENTS_PATH = "/vm/events"; static public enum Status { INIT, RUNNING, TERMINATED } @Inject private Registry registry; @Inject private RegistryListener registryListener; @Inject private VMServicePlugin plugin ; @Inject public void onInit() throws Exception { registry.createIfNotExist(MASTER_PATH + "/status") ; registry.createIfNotExist(LEADER_PATH) ; registry.createIfNotExist(EVENTS_PATH) ; registry.createIfNotExist(ALLOCATED_PATH) ; registry.createIfNotExist(HISTORY_PATH) ; registry.setData(MASTER_PATH + "/status", Status.INIT); } public void shutdown() { plugin.shutdown(); } public boolean isClosed() { return registry == null ; } public Registry getRegistry() { return this.registry; } public void setStatus(Status status) throws Exception { registry.setData(MASTER_PATH + "/status", status); } public VMDescriptor[] getAllocatedVMDescriptors() throws RegistryException { List<String> names = registry.getChildren(ALLOCATED_PATH) ; VMDescriptor[] descriptor = new VMDescriptor[names.size()]; for(int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { String name = names.get(i) ; descriptor[i] = registry.getDataAs(ALLOCATED_PATH + "/" + name, VMDescriptor.class) ; } return descriptor; } public void register(VMDescriptor descriptor) throws Exception { Node vmNode = registry.create(ALLOCATED_PATH + "/" + descriptor.getVmConfig().getName(), NodeCreateMode.PERSISTENT); descriptor.setStoredPath(vmNode.getPath()); vmNode.setData(descriptor); vmNode.createChild("status", VMStatus.ALLOCATED, NodeCreateMode.PERSISTENT); vmNode.createChild("commands", NodeCreateMode.PERSISTENT); watch(descriptor); } public void watch(VMDescriptor vmDescriptor) throws Exception { VMHeartbeatNodeWatcher heartbeatWatcher = new VMHeartbeatNodeWatcher(registry) { @Override public void onDisconnected(NodeEvent event, VMDescriptor vmDescriptor) { try { unregister(vmDescriptor); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }; String heartbeatPath = getVMHeartbeatPath(vmDescriptor.getVmConfig().getName());, heartbeatWatcher, true); } public void unregister(VMDescriptor descriptor) throws Exception { //TODO: fix this check by removing the watcher if(isClosed()) return; if(!registry.exists(descriptor.getStoredPath())) return; //Copy the vm descriptor to the history path. This is not efficient, //but zookeeper does not provide the move method Node vmNode = registry.create(HISTORY_PATH + "/" + descriptor.getVmConfig().getName() + "-", NodeCreateMode.PERSISTENT_SEQUENTIAL); vmNode.setData(descriptor); //Recursively delete the vm data in the allocated path registry.rdelete(descriptor.getStoredPath()); } public boolean isRunning(VMDescriptor descriptor) throws Exception { Node statusNode = registry.get(ALLOCATED_PATH + "/" + descriptor.getVmConfig().getName() + "/status"); if(!statusNode.exists()) return false; VMStatus status = statusNode.getDataAs(VMStatus.class); if(status == VMStatus.ALLOCATED) { return true; } else { return statusNode.hasChild("heartbeat"); } } public void kill(VMDescriptor descriptor) throws Exception { plugin.killVM(this, descriptor); } public VMDescriptor allocate(VMConfig vmConfig) throws RegistryException, Exception { VMDescriptor vmDescriptor = new VMDescriptor(vmConfig); register(vmDescriptor); plugin.allocateVM(this, vmConfig); return vmDescriptor; } static public String getVMStatusPath(String vmName) { return ALLOCATED_PATH + "/" + vmName + "/status" ; } static public String getVMHeartbeatPath(String vmName) { return ALLOCATED_PATH + "/" + vmName + "/status/heartbeat" ; } static public void register(Registry registry, VMDescriptor descriptor) throws Exception { registry.createIfNotExist(ALLOCATED_PATH) ; registry.createIfNotExist(LEADER_PATH) ; Node vmNode = registry.create(ALLOCATED_PATH + "/" + descriptor.getVmConfig().getName(), NodeCreateMode.PERSISTENT); descriptor.setStoredPath(vmNode.getPath()); vmNode.setData(descriptor); vmNode.createChild("status", VMStatus.ALLOCATED, NodeCreateMode.PERSISTENT); vmNode.createChild("commands", NodeCreateMode.PERSISTENT); } }