package com.neverwinterdp.scribengin.scribeconsumer; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import com.neverwinterdp.scribengin.hostport.HostPort; public class ScribeConsumerConfig { //ScribeConsumer config public String PRE_COMMIT_PATH_PREFIX = "/tmp"; public String COMMIT_PATH_PREFIX = "/committed"; public String topic = "scribe"; public int partition = 0; public long commitCheckPointInterval = 5000; // ms public String hdfsPath = null; public List<HostPort> brokerList; // list of (host:port)s //Set by cleanStart() method public boolean cleanStart = false; public String date_partitioner = null; //Yarn config parameters public String appname = "ScribeConsumer"; public String scribenginJarPath = "/scribengin-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"; public String appMasterClassName = com.neverwinterdp.scribengin.yarn.ScribenginAM.class.getName(); //public String libHadoopPath= "/usr/lib/hadoop/lib/native/"; public String yarnSiteXml = "/etc/hadoop/conf/yarn-site.xml"; public String defaultFs = "hdfs://"; public int containerMem = 300; public int applicationMasterMem = 300; public ScribeConsumerConfig(){ this.brokerList = new LinkedList<HostPort>(); this.brokerList.add(new HostPort("","9092")); } /** * Copy constructor * @param c */ public ScribeConsumerConfig(ScribeConsumerConfig c){ this.PRE_COMMIT_PATH_PREFIX = c.PRE_COMMIT_PATH_PREFIX; this.COMMIT_PATH_PREFIX = c.COMMIT_PATH_PREFIX; this.topic = c.topic; this.partition = c.partition; this.commitCheckPointInterval = c.commitCheckPointInterval; // ms this.hdfsPath = c.hdfsPath; this.brokerList = new LinkedList<HostPort>(); this.brokerList.addAll(c.brokerList); //Set by cleanStart() method this.cleanStart = c.cleanStart; this.date_partitioner = c.date_partitioner; //Yarn config parameters this.appname = c.appname; this.scribenginJarPath = c.scribenginJarPath; this.appMasterClassName = c.appMasterClassName; //public String libHadoopPath= "/usr/lib/hadoop/lib/native/"; this.yarnSiteXml = c.yarnSiteXml; this.defaultFs = c.defaultFs; this.containerMem = c.containerMem; this.applicationMasterMem = c.applicationMasterMem; } public ScribeConsumerConfig(String topic){ this(); this.topic = topic; } public String getBrokerListAsString(){ String brokers = ""; for(HostPort x: this.brokerList){ brokers += x.getHost()+":"+x.getPort()+","; } return brokers.substring(0, brokers.length() - 1); } public List<String> getBrokerListAsListOfStrings(){ List<String> brokers = new LinkedList<String>(); for(HostPort x: this.brokerList){ brokers.add(x.getHost()+":"+x.getPort()+","); } return brokers; } /** * Configures the brokerList, everything else is defaults * @param brokerList List of strings pointing to kafka, expecting to be in "[hostname/ip]:[port]" format */ public ScribeConsumerConfig(List<String> brokerList){ List<HostPort> x = new LinkedList<HostPort>(); for(String s: brokerList){ String[] split = s.split(":"); x.add(new HostPort(split[0],split[1])); } this.brokerList = x; } }