package com.neverwinterdp.kafka.tool; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import com.beust.jcommander.DynamicParameter; import com.beust.jcommander.JCommander; import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter; import com.beust.jcommander.ParametersDelegate; public class KafkaTopicConfig { @Parameter(names = "--zk-connect", description = "The zk connect string") public String zkConnect = ""; @Parameter(names = "--topic", description = "The kafka topic to work in") public String topic = "hello"; @Parameter(names = "--num-partition", description = "Number of the partition to create for the topic") public int numberOfPartition = 5; @Parameter(names = "--replication", description = "The number of the replication for the topic") public int replication = 1; @Parameter(names = "--junit-report", description = "The junit report file name. No junit report if the report file is not available") public String junitReportFile = null; @ParametersDelegate public Producer producerConfig = new Producer(); @ParametersDelegate public Consumer consumerConfig = new Consumer(); public KafkaTopicConfig() {} public KafkaTopicConfig(String[] args) { new JCommander(this, args); consumerConfig.consumeMax = producerConfig.maxMessagePerPartition * numberOfPartition; } static public class Producer { @Parameter(names = "--send-writer-type", description = "The default producer writer or reliable producer writer(ack)") public String writerType = "default"; @Parameter(names = "--send-period", description = "Write period in ms per partition") public long sendPeriod = 100; @Parameter(names = "--send-max-duration", description = "The max send duration in ms") public long maxDuration = 10000; @Parameter(names = "--send-max-per-partition", description = "The max number of message per partition") public int maxMessagePerPartition = 1000; @Parameter(names = "--send-message-size", description = "The message size in bytes") public int messageSize = 100; @Parameter(names = "--send-timeout", description = "Timeout when the writer cannot send due to error or the buffer is full") public long sendTimeout = 10000; @DynamicParameter(names = "--producer:", description = "The kafka producer properties configuration according to the kafka producer document") public Map<String, String> producerProperties = new HashMap<String, String>(); } static public class Consumer { @Parameter(names = "--consume-max-duration", description = "The max consume duration in ms") public long maxDuration = 10000; @Parameter(names = "--consume-max", description = "The max number of messages to consume") public int consumeMax = 100000000; @Parameter(names = "--consume-batch-fetch", description = "The number of messages that kafka should fetch from server each time") public int consumeBatchFetch = 500; @DynamicParameter(names = "--consumer:", description = "The kafka consumer properties configuration according to the kafka consumer document") public Map<String, String> consumerProperties = new HashMap<String, String>(); } }