package com.neverwinterdp.kafka.tool; import com.beust.jcommander.JCommander; import com.beust.jcommander.ParametersDelegate; /** * The goal of the tool is to test the stability of kafka with random network, broker, disk failure. * The tool should: * 1. Create a number of writer equals to the number of partition, write a message with the write period. The writer * should stop when either max-message-per-partition or max-duration reach first. * 2. Create a number of the partitioner reader equals to the number of partition, consume the message and verify that * the number of message equals to the number of sent message in writer * 3. Exit the tool, when either the readers consume all the messages or the exit-wait-time expires. The exit-wait-time * start when all the writers terminate. * @author Tuan */ public class KafkaTopicCheckTool implements Runnable { @ParametersDelegate private KafkaTopicConfig kafkaTopicConfig = new KafkaTopicConfig(); private KafkaMessageSendTool sendTool; private KafkaMessageCheckTool checkTool; private KafkaTopicReport topicReport; private Thread deamonThread; private boolean running = false; public KafkaTopicCheckTool(String[] args, boolean showUsage) throws Exception { JCommander jcommander = new JCommander(this, args); if(showUsage) jcommander.usage(); sendTool = new KafkaMessageSendTool(kafkaTopicConfig); checkTool = new KafkaMessageCheckTool(kafkaTopicConfig); } public KafkaTopicCheckTool(KafkaTopicConfig config) { kafkaTopicConfig = config; sendTool = new KafkaMessageSendTool(kafkaTopicConfig); checkTool = new KafkaMessageCheckTool(kafkaTopicConfig); } public KafkaTopicConfig getKafkaConfig() { return this.kafkaTopicConfig ; } public KafkaTopicReport getKafkaTopicReport() { return topicReport; } public KafkaMessageSendTool getKafkaMessageSendTool() { return this.sendTool; } public KafkaMessageCheckTool getKafkaMessageCheckTool() { return this.checkTool ; } public void junitReport() throws Exception { if(kafkaTopicConfig.junitReportFile != null && ! kafkaTopicConfig.junitReportFile.isEmpty()) { topicReport.junitReport(kafkaTopicConfig.junitReportFile); } } synchronized public boolean waitForTermination() throws InterruptedException { if (!running) return !running; checkTool.waitForTermination(); Thread.sleep(500); return !running; } synchronized void notifyTermination() { notifyAll(); } public void runAsDeamon() { if (deamonThread != null && deamonThread.isAlive()) { throw new RuntimeException("Deamon thread is already started"); } deamonThread = new Thread(this); deamonThread.start(); } public void run() { running = true; try { doRun(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } running = false ; } private void doRun() throws Exception { sendTool.runAsDeamon(); //Make sure that messgages are sending before start the failure simulator while(!sendTool.isSending()) { Thread.sleep(100); } Thread.sleep(500); checkTool.runAsDeamon(); Thread progressReporter = new Thread() { public void run() { try { while(true) { Thread.sleep(10000); System.out.println("Progress: sent = " + sendTool.getSentCount() + ", consumed = " + checkTool.getMessageCounter().getTotal()); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.out.println("Exit the progress reporter"); } } }; progressReporter.start(); sendTool.waitForTermination(); if(!checkTool.waitForTermination()) { checkTool.setInterrupt(true); Thread.sleep(3000); } progressReporter.interrupt(); topicReport = new KafkaTopicReport(); topicReport.setTopic(kafkaTopicConfig.topic); topicReport.setNumOfPartitions(kafkaTopicConfig.numberOfPartition); topicReport.setNumOfReplicas(kafkaTopicConfig.replication); sendTool.populate(topicReport); checkTool.populate(topicReport); } static public void main(String[] args) throws Exception { KafkaTopicCheckTool topicCheckTool = new KafkaTopicCheckTool(args, true);; //TODO: make sure this call works topicCheckTool.junitReport(); topicCheckTool.getKafkaTopicReport().report(System.out); topicCheckTool.getKafkaMessageCheckTool().getMessageTracker().dump(System.out); } }