package com.neverwinterdp.scribengin.scribeconsumer; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import kafka.api.FetchRequest; import kafka.api.FetchRequestBuilder; import kafka.api.PartitionOffsetRequestInfo; import kafka.cluster.Broker; import kafka.common.ErrorMapping; import kafka.common.TopicAndPartition; import kafka.javaapi.FetchResponse; import kafka.javaapi.OffsetRequest; import kafka.javaapi.OffsetResponse; import kafka.javaapi.PartitionMetadata; import kafka.javaapi.TopicMetadata; import kafka.javaapi.TopicMetadataRequest; import kafka.javaapi.consumer.SimpleConsumer; import kafka.message.MessageAndOffset; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.beust.jcommander.JCommander; import com.beust.jcommander.ParameterException; import com.neverwinterdp.scribengin.commitlog.AbstractScribeCommitLogFactory; import com.neverwinterdp.scribengin.commitlog.ScribeCommitLog; import com.neverwinterdp.scribengin.commitlog.ScribeCommitLogFactory; import com.neverwinterdp.scribengin.commitlog.ScribeLogEntry; import com.neverwinterdp.scribengin.filesystem.AbstractFileSystemFactory; import com.neverwinterdp.scribengin.filesystem.FileSystemFactory; import com.neverwinterdp.scribengin.filesystem.HDFSFileSystemFactory; import com.neverwinterdp.scribengin.hostport.CustomConvertFactory; import com.neverwinterdp.scribengin.hostport.HostPort; import com.neverwinterdp.scribengin.partitioner.AbstractPartitioner; import com.neverwinterdp.scribengin.partitioner.DatePartitioner; import com.neverwinterdp.scribengin.partitioner.DumbPartitioner; import com.neverwinterdp.scribengin.utilities.LostLeadershipException; import com.neverwinterdp.scribengin.utilities.StringRecordWriter; public class ScribeConsumer { // Random comments: // Unique define a partition. Client name + topic name + offset // java -cp scribengin-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar com.neverwinterdp.scribengin.ScribeConsumer --topic scribe --broker_list HOST1:PORT,HOST2:PORT2 --checkpoint_interval 100 --partition 0 // checkout src/main/java/com/neverwinterdp/scribengin/ // checkout org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputCommitter // checkout EtlMultiOutputCommitter in Camus // /usr/lib/kafka/bin/ --topic scribe --broker-list //Variables set by constructor method/command line parameters private String PRE_COMMIT_PATH_PREFIX; private String COMMIT_PATH_PREFIX; private String topic; private int partition; private List<HostPort> brokerList; // list of (host:port)s private long commitCheckPointInterval; // ms private String hdfsPath = null; //private String libhadoopPath = "/usr/lib/hadoop/lib/native/"; //Set by cleanStart() method private boolean cleanStart = false; //Instantiated at time of object instantiation private Timer checkPointIntervalTimer; private Timer partitionerUpdateTimer; private List<HostPort> replicaBrokers; // list of (host:port)s //Private class variables private AbstractPartitioner partitioner = null; private String currTmpDataPath; private String currDataPath; private AbstractScribeCommitLogFactory scribeCommitLogFactory; private AbstractFileSystemFactory fileSystemFactory; private long lastCommittedOffset; private long offset; // offset is on a per line basis. starts on the last valid offset private Thread serverThread; private SimpleConsumer consumer; private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ScribeConsumer.class.getName()); public ScribeConsumer() { checkPointIntervalTimer = new Timer(); partitionerUpdateTimer = new Timer(); replicaBrokers = new ArrayList<HostPort>(); } public ScribeConsumer(ScribeConsumerConfig c) { this(); this.PRE_COMMIT_PATH_PREFIX = c.PRE_COMMIT_PATH_PREFIX; this.COMMIT_PATH_PREFIX = c.COMMIT_PATH_PREFIX; this.topic = c.topic; this.partition = c.partition; this.brokerList = c.brokerList; this.commitCheckPointInterval = c.commitCheckPointInterval; this.cleanStart = c.cleanStart; this.hdfsPath = c.hdfsPath; if (c.date_partitioner != null) { this.setPartitioner(new DatePartitioner(c.date_partitioner)); } //this.libhadoopPath = c.libHadoopPath; } public ScribeConsumer(String preCommitPathPrefix, String commitPathPrefix, String topic, int partition, List<HostPort> brokerList, long commitCheckPointInterval) { this(); this.PRE_COMMIT_PATH_PREFIX = preCommitPathPrefix; this.COMMIT_PATH_PREFIX = commitPathPrefix; this.topic = topic; this.partition = partition; this.brokerList = brokerList; this.commitCheckPointInterval = commitCheckPointInterval; } public ScribeConsumer(String preCommitPathPrefix, String commitPathPrefix, String topic, int partition, List<HostPort> brokerList, long commitCheckPointInterval, boolean cleanStart, String hdfsPath) { this(preCommitPathPrefix, commitPathPrefix, topic, partition, brokerList, commitCheckPointInterval); this.cleanStart = cleanStart; this.hdfsPath = hdfsPath; } /** * Call this method before calling init() * @param p */ public void setPartitioner(AbstractPartitioner p) { this.partitioner = p; } public void setScribeCommitLogFactory(AbstractScribeCommitLogFactory factory) { scribeCommitLogFactory = factory; } public void setFileSystemFactory(AbstractFileSystemFactory factory) { fileSystemFactory = factory; } public void init() throws IOException { if (partitioner == null) { partitioner = new DumbPartitioner(); } if (this.hdfsPath == null) { setScribeCommitLogFactory(ScribeCommitLogFactory.instance(getCommitLogAbsPath())); setFileSystemFactory(FileSystemFactory.instance()); } else { setScribeCommitLogFactory(ScribeCommitLogFactory.instance(this.hdfsPath + getCommitLogAbsPath())); setFileSystemFactory(HDFSFileSystemFactory.instance()); } } public boolean connectToTopic() { boolean r = true; PartitionMetadata metadata = findLeader(brokerList, topic, partition); if (metadata == null) { r = false; LOG.error("Can't find meta data for Topic: " + topic + " partition: " + partition + ". In fact, meta is null."); } else if (metadata.leader() == null) { r = false; LOG.error("Can't find meta data for Topic: " + topic + " partition: " + partition); } if (r) { storeReplicaBrokers(metadata); consumer = new SimpleConsumer( metadata.leader().host(), metadata.leader().port(), 10000, // timeout 64 * 1024, // buffersize getClientName()); //scheduleCommitTimer(); } return r; } public void start() { serverThread = new Thread() { public void run() { try { runServerLoop(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }; serverThread.start(); } public Thread.State getServerState() { return serverThread.getState(); } public void stop() { try { checkPointIntervalTimer.cancel(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { serverThread.interrupt(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } commit(); } private void scheduleCommitTimer() { checkPointIntervalTimer.schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { commit(); } }, commitCheckPointInterval); } private void schedulePartitionUpdateTime() { if (this.partitioner.getRefresh() == null) { return; } this.partitionerUpdateTimer.schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { commit(); } }, partitioner.getRefresh()); } private void commitData(String src, String dest) {">> atomic commit: " + this.topic); FileSystem fs = null; Path destPath = new Path(dest); try { fs =; //If source doesn't exist, don't commit if(!fs.exists(new Path(src))){ return; } if (!fs.exists(destPath.getParent())) { fs.mkdirs(destPath.getParent()); } fs.rename(new Path(src), destPath); } catch (IOException e) { //TODO : LOG e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (fs != null) { try { fs.close(); } catch (IOException e) { //TODO : LOG e.printStackTrace(); } } } } private synchronized void commit() { //">> committing: " + this.topic); if (lastCommittedOffset != offset || (this.cleanStart == true && offset == 0 && lastCommittedOffset == 0)) { //Commit // First record the to-be taken action in the WAL. // Then, mv the tmp data file to it's location. long startOffset = lastCommittedOffset + 1; long endOffset = offset;"\tstartOffset : " + String.valueOf(startOffset)); //xxx"\tendOffset : " + String.valueOf(endOffset)); //xxx"\ttmpDataPath : " + currTmpDataPath); //xxx"\tDataPath : " + currDataPath); //xxx ScribeCommitLog log = null; try { log =; } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } try { log.record(startOffset, endOffset, currTmpDataPath, currDataPath); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | IOException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); }">> committing scribelog: " + this.topic); commitData(currTmpDataPath, currDataPath); lastCommittedOffset = offset; generateTmpAndDestDataPaths(); } try{ scheduleCommitTimer(); } catch (IllegalStateException e){ LOG.error("Could not reschedule commit timer. Ignore if this is during ScribeConsumer shutdown."); } } private String getClientName() { return "scribe_" + topic + "_" + partition; } private String getCommitLogAbsPath() { return PRE_COMMIT_PATH_PREFIX + "/" + getClientName() + ".log"; } private void generateTmpAndDestDataPaths() { long ts = System.currentTimeMillis();// / 1000L; this.currTmpDataPath = PRE_COMMIT_PATH_PREFIX + "/" + topic + "."+ ts; this.currDataPath = COMMIT_PATH_PREFIX + "/" + this.partitioner.getPartition() + "/" + topic + "."+ts; if (this.hdfsPath != null) { this.currTmpDataPath = this.hdfsPath + this.currTmpDataPath; this.currDataPath = this.hdfsPath + this.currDataPath; } schedulePartitionUpdateTime(); } private String getTmpDataPathPattern() { return PRE_COMMIT_PATH_PREFIX + "/*"; } private long getLatestOffsetFromKafka(String topic, int partition, long startTime) { TopicAndPartition tp = new TopicAndPartition(topic, partition); Map<TopicAndPartition, PartitionOffsetRequestInfo> requestInfo = new HashMap<TopicAndPartition, PartitionOffsetRequestInfo>(); requestInfo.put(tp, new PartitionOffsetRequestInfo(startTime, 1)); OffsetRequest req = new OffsetRequest( requestInfo, kafka.api.OffsetRequest.CurrentVersion(), getClientName()); OffsetResponse resp = consumer.getOffsetsBefore(req); if (resp.hasError()) { LOG.error("error when fetching offset: " + resp.errorCode(topic, partition)); //xxx // In case you wonder what the error code really means. // System.out.println("OffsetOutOfRangeCode()" + ErrorMapping.OffsetOutOfRangeCode()); // System.out.println("BrokerNotAvailableCode()" + ErrorMapping.BrokerNotAvailableCode()); // System.out.println("InvalidFetchSizeCode()" + ErrorMapping.InvalidFetchSizeCode()); // System.out.println("InvalidMessageCode()" + ErrorMapping.InvalidMessageCode()); // System.out.println("LeaderNotAvailableCode()" + ErrorMapping.LeaderNotAvailableCode()); // System.out.println("MessageSizeTooLargeCode()" + ErrorMapping.MessageSizeTooLargeCode()); // System.out.println("NotLeaderForPartitionCode()" + ErrorMapping.NotLeaderForPartitionCode()); // System.out.println("OffsetMetadataTooLargeCode()" + ErrorMapping.OffsetMetadataTooLargeCode()); // System.out.println("ReplicaNotAvailableCode()" + ErrorMapping.ReplicaNotAvailableCode()); // System.out.println("RequestTimedOutCode()" + ErrorMapping.RequestTimedOutCode()); // System.out.println("StaleControllerEpochCode()" + ErrorMapping.StaleControllerEpochCode()); // System.out.println("UnknownCode()" + ErrorMapping.UnknownCode()); // System.out.println("UnknownTopicOrPartitionCode()" + ErrorMapping.UnknownTopicOrPartitionCode()); //LOG.error("error when fetching offset: " + resp.errorcode(topic, partition)); return 0; } return resp.offsets(topic, partition)[0]; } private long getEarliestOffsetFromKafka(String topic, int partition, long startTime) {"getEarliestOffsetFromKafka."); TopicAndPartition tp = new TopicAndPartition(topic, partition); Map<TopicAndPartition, PartitionOffsetRequestInfo> requestInfo = new HashMap<TopicAndPartition, PartitionOffsetRequestInfo>(); requestInfo.put(tp, new PartitionOffsetRequestInfo(startTime, 1)); OffsetRequest req = new OffsetRequest( requestInfo, kafka.api.OffsetRequest.CurrentVersion(), getClientName()); OffsetResponse resp = consumer.getOffsetsBefore(req); if (resp.hasError()) { LOG.error("error when fetching offset: " + resp.errorCode(topic, partition)); //xxx return 0; }"Earliest offset " + resp.offsets(topic, partition)[0]); return resp.offsets(topic, partition)[0]; } private void DeleteUncommittedData() throws IOException { FileSystem fs; if (this.hdfsPath != null) { fs =; } else { fs =; } // Corrupted log file // Clean up. Delete the tmp data file if present. FileStatus[] fileStatusArry = fs.globStatus(new Path(getTmpDataPathPattern())); //So we don't try to write to a bad path generateTmpAndDestDataPaths(); for (int i = 0; i < fileStatusArry.length; i++) { FileStatus fileStatus = fileStatusArry[i]; try{ fs.delete(fileStatus.getPath(),false); } catch(Exception e){ LOG.error(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } fs.close(); } private ScribeLogEntry getLatestValidEntry(ScribeCommitLog log) { ScribeLogEntry entry = null; try { do { entry = log.getLatestEntry(); } while (entry != null && !entry.isCheckSumValid()); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } return entry; } private long getLatestOffsetFromCommitLog() { // Here's where we do recovery. long r = -1; ScribeLogEntry entry = null; try { ScribeCommitLog log =;; entry = log.getLatestEntry(); if (entry != null && entry.isCheckSumValid()) { String tmpDataFilePath = entry.getSrcPath(); FileSystem fs =; if (fs.exists(new Path(tmpDataFilePath))) { // mv to the dest commitData(tmpDataFilePath, entry.getDestPath()); } else { // Data has been committed // Or, it never got around to write to the log. // Delete tmp data file just in case. DeleteUncommittedData(); } } else { DeleteUncommittedData(); entry = getLatestValidEntry(log); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } if (entry != null) { r = entry.getEndOffset(); } return r; } private long getLatestOffset(String topic, int partition, long startTime) { long offsetFromCommitLog = getLatestOffsetFromCommitLog();" getLatestOffsetFromCommitLog >>>> " + offsetFromCommitLog); //xxx long offsetFromKafka = getLatestOffsetFromKafka(topic, partition, startTime); long r; if (offsetFromCommitLog == -1) { r = offsetFromKafka; } else if (offsetFromCommitLog < offsetFromKafka) { r = offsetFromCommitLog; } else if (offsetFromCommitLog == offsetFromKafka) { r = offsetFromKafka; } else { // offsetFromCommitLog > offsetFromKafka // TODO: log.warn. Someone is screwing with kafka's offset r = offsetFromKafka; } return r; } private PartitionMetadata findLeader(List<HostPort> seedBrokers, String topic, int partition) { PartitionMetadata returnMetaData = null; for (HostPort broker : seedBrokers) { SimpleConsumer consumer = null; String seed = broker.getHost(); int port = broker.getPort(); try { consumer = new SimpleConsumer(seed, port, 100000, 64 * 1024, "leaderLookup"); List<String> topics = Collections.singletonList(topic); TopicMetadataRequest req = new TopicMetadataRequest(topics); kafka.javaapi.TopicMetadataResponse resp = consumer.send(req); List<TopicMetadata> metaData = resp.topicsMetadata(); for (TopicMetadata item : metaData) { for (PartitionMetadata part : item.partitionsMetadata()) { if (part.partitionId() == partition) { returnMetaData = part; return returnMetaData; } } } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error communicating with Broker " + seed + ":" + port + " while trying to find leader for " + topic + ", " + partition + " | Reason: " + e); } finally { if (consumer != null) consumer.close(); } } return returnMetaData; } private HostPort findNewLeader(String oldHost, int oldPort) throws LostLeadershipException { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { boolean goToSleep = false; PartitionMetadata metadata = findLeader(replicaBrokers, topic, partition); if (metadata == null) { goToSleep = true; } else if (metadata.leader() == null) { goToSleep = true; } else if (oldHost.equalsIgnoreCase(metadata.leader().host()) && oldPort == metadata.leader().port()) { // first time through if the leader hasn't changed give ZooKeeper a second to recover // second time, assume the broker did recover before failover, or it was a non-Broker issue goToSleep = true; } else { return new HostPort(metadata.leader().host(), metadata.leader().port()); } if (goToSleep) { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } } } // Can't recover from a leadership disappearance. throw new LostLeadershipException(); } private void storeReplicaBrokers(PartitionMetadata metadata) { replicaBrokers.clear(); for (Broker replica : metadata.replicas()) { replicaBrokers.add(new HostPort(, replica.port())); } } public void runServerLoop() throws IOException, LostLeadershipException, InterruptedException {"Are we clean starting? " + cleanStart); int retry = 0; int retryLimit = 10; while (!connectToTopic()) { LOG.error("Could not connect to topic..."); Thread.sleep(1000); retry++; if (retry > retryLimit) { return; } } generateTmpAndDestDataPaths(); // lastCommittedOffset = getLatestOffset(topic, partition, kafka.api.OffsetRequest.LatestTime()); //TODO clear commit log if (cleanStart) { offset = getEarliestOffsetFromKafka(topic, partition, kafka.api.OffsetRequest.EarliestTime()); lastCommittedOffset = offset; DeleteUncommittedData(); clearCommitLog(); } else { lastCommittedOffset = getLatestOffset(topic, partition, kafka.api.OffsetRequest.LatestTime()); long earliestOffset = getEarliestOffsetFromKafka(topic, partition, kafka.api.OffsetRequest.EarliestTime()); if (earliestOffset == lastCommittedOffset) { LOG.error("Scribe consumer is consuming from the first offset yet --clean_start was not defined. Throwing a IllegalStateException."+ "This error means that we have detected an abnormality - normally our latestOffset shouldn't match the lastCommittedOffset."); throw new IllegalStateException( "Scribe consumer is consuming from the first offset yet --clean_start was not defined."); } offset = lastCommittedOffset; }">> lastCommittedOffset: " + lastCommittedOffset); //xxx scheduleCommitTimer(); while (true) { //">> offset: " + offset); //xxx FetchRequest req = new FetchRequestBuilder() .clientId(getClientName()) .addFetch(topic, partition, offset, 100000) .build(); FetchResponse resp = consumer.fetch(req); if (resp.hasError()) { //If we got an invalid offset, reset it by asking for the last element. //For all other errors, assume the worst and find ourselves a new leader from the replica. short code = resp.errorCode(topic, partition);"Encounter error when fetching from consumer. Error Code: " + code); if (code == ErrorMapping.OffsetOutOfRangeCode()) { // We asked for an invalid offset. For simple case ask for the last element to reset"inside errormap"); offset = getLatestOffsetFromKafka(topic, partition, kafka.api.OffsetRequest.LatestTime()); continue; } else { String oldHost =; int oldPort = consumer.port(); consumer.close(); consumer = null; HostPort newHostPort = findNewLeader(oldHost, oldPort); consumer = new SimpleConsumer( newHostPort.getHost(), newHostPort.getPort(), 10000, // timeout 64 * 1024, // buffersize getClientName()); continue; } } long msgReadCnt = 0; ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); synchronized (this) { for (MessageAndOffset messageAndOffset : resp.messageSet(topic, partition)) { long currentOffset = messageAndOffset.offset(); if (currentOffset < offset) {"Found an old offset: " + currentOffset + "Expecting: " + offset); continue; } offset = messageAndOffset.nextOffset(); ByteBuffer payload = messageAndOffset.message().payload(); byte[] bytes = new byte[payload.limit()]; payload.get(bytes); outputStream.write(bytes); outputStream.write("\n".getBytes());"Concatenating for tmp string: "+String.valueOf(messageAndOffset.offset()) + ": " + new String(bytes)); // Write to HDFS /tmp partition msgReadCnt++; }// for } if (msgReadCnt == 0) { try { Thread.sleep(1000); //Didn't read anything, so go to sleep for awhile. } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } else{"Writing to tmp: "+new String(outputStream.toByteArray())); StringRecordWriter writer = new StringRecordWriter(currTmpDataPath); writer.write(outputStream.toByteArray()); writer.close(); outputStream.close(); } } // while } private void clearCommitLog() throws IOException { ScribeCommitLog log =; log.clear(); } public void cleanStart(boolean b) { cleanStart = b; } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { ScribeConsumerCommandLineArgs p = new ScribeConsumerCommandLineArgs(); JCommander jc = new JCommander(p); jc.addConverterFactory(new CustomConvertFactory()); try { jc.parse(args); } catch (ParameterException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); jc.usage(); System.exit(-1); } ScribeConsumer sc = new ScribeConsumer(p.preCommitPrefix, p.commitPrefix, p.topic, p.partition, p.brokerList, p.commitCheckPointInterval, p.cleanstart, p.hdfsPath); if (p.date_partitioner != null) { sc.setPartitioner(new DatePartitioner(p.date_partitioner)); } sc.init(); try { sc.runServerLoop(); } catch (LostLeadershipException e) { LOG.fatal("Leader went away. Couldn't find a new leader!"); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }