package com.neverwinterdp.kafka.consumer; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import kafka.api.FetchRequest; import kafka.api.FetchRequestBuilder; import kafka.cluster.Broker; import kafka.common.OffsetAndMetadata; import kafka.common.OffsetMetadataAndError; import kafka.common.TopicAndPartition; import kafka.javaapi.FetchResponse; import kafka.javaapi.OffsetCommitRequest; import kafka.javaapi.OffsetCommitResponse; import kafka.javaapi.OffsetFetchRequest; import kafka.javaapi.OffsetFetchResponse; import kafka.javaapi.PartitionMetadata; import kafka.javaapi.consumer.SimpleConsumer; import kafka.javaapi.message.ByteBufferMessageSet; import kafka.message.Message; import kafka.message.MessageAndOffset; import com.neverwinterdp.kafka.tool.KafkaTool; import com.neverwinterdp.util.JSONSerializer; public class KafkaPartitionReader { private String name; private String zkConnect; private String topic ; private PartitionMetadata partitionMetadata; private int fetchSize = 100000; private SimpleConsumer consumer; private long currentOffset; private ByteBufferMessageSet currentMessageSet; private Iterator<MessageAndOffset> currentMessageSetIterator; public KafkaPartitionReader(String name, String zkConnect, String topic, PartitionMetadata partitionMetadata) { = name; this.zkConnect = zkConnect; this.topic = topic; this.partitionMetadata = partitionMetadata; reconnect() ; currentOffset = getLastCommitOffset(); } public int getPartition() { return partitionMetadata.partitionId(); } public void setFetchSize(int size) { this.fetchSize = size; } public void reconnect() { if(consumer != null) consumer.close(); Broker broker = partitionMetadata.leader(); consumer = new SimpleConsumer(, broker.port(), 100000, 64 * 1024, name); } public void commit() throws Exception { CommitOperation commitOp = new CommitOperation(currentOffset, (short) 0) ; execute(commitOp, 3, 500); } public void close() throws Exception { consumer.close(); } public byte[] next() throws Exception { if(currentMessageSetIterator == null) nextMessageSet(); byte[] payload = getCurrentMessagePayload(); if(payload != null) return payload; nextMessageSet(); return getCurrentMessagePayload(); } public <T> T nextAs(Class<T> type) throws Exception { byte[] data = next(); if(data == null) return null; return JSONSerializer.INSTANCE.fromBytes(data, type); } public List<byte[]> next(int maxRead) throws Exception { List<byte[]> holder = new ArrayList<>() ; for(int i = 0; i < maxRead; i++) { byte[] payload = next() ; if(payload == null) return holder; holder.add(payload); } return holder; } public List<byte[]> fetch(int fetchSize, int maxRead) throws Exception { return fetch(fetchSize, maxRead, 1000) ; } public List<byte[]> fetch(int fetchSize, int maxRead, int maxWait) throws Exception { FetchOperation fetchOperation = new FetchOperation(fetchSize, maxRead, maxWait); return execute(fetchOperation, 3, 500); } byte[] getCurrentMessagePayload() { while(currentMessageSetIterator.hasNext()) { MessageAndOffset messageAndOffset =; if (messageAndOffset.offset() < currentOffset) continue; //old offset, ignore Message message = messageAndOffset.message(); ByteBuffer payload = message.payload(); byte[] bytes = new byte[payload.limit()]; payload.get(bytes); currentOffset = messageAndOffset.nextOffset(); return bytes; } return null; } void nextMessageSet() throws Exception { FetchRequest req = new FetchRequestBuilder(). clientId(name). addFetch(topic, partitionMetadata.partitionId(), currentOffset, fetchSize). minBytes(1). maxWait(1000). build(); FetchResponse fetchResponse = consumer.fetch(req); if(fetchResponse.hasError()) { throw new Exception("TODO: handle the error, reset the consumer...."); } currentMessageSet = fetchResponse.messageSet(topic, partitionMetadata.partitionId()); currentMessageSetIterator = currentMessageSet.iterator(); } long getLastCommitOffset() { TopicAndPartition topicAndPartition = new TopicAndPartition(topic, partitionMetadata.partitionId()); List<TopicAndPartition> topicAndPartitions = new ArrayList<>(); topicAndPartitions.add(topicAndPartition); OffsetFetchRequest oRequest = new OffsetFetchRequest(name, topicAndPartitions, (short) 0, 0, name); OffsetFetchResponse oResponse = consumer.fetchOffsets(oRequest); Map<TopicAndPartition, OffsetMetadataAndError> offsets = oResponse.offsets(); OffsetMetadataAndError offset = offsets.get(topicAndPartition); long currOffset = offset.offset() ; if(currOffset < 0) currOffset = 0; return currOffset; } <T> T execute(Operation<T> op, int retry, long retryDelay) throws Exception { Exception error = null; for(int i = 0; i < retry; i++) { try { if(error != null) { Thread.sleep(retryDelay); //Refresh the partition metadata KafkaTool kafkaTool = new KafkaTool("KafkaTool", zkConnect); kafkaTool.connect(); this.partitionMetadata = kafkaTool.findPartitionMetadata(topic, partitionMetadata.partitionId()); kafkaTool.close(); reconnect(); } return op.execute(); } catch(Exception ex) { error = ex; System.err.println(op.getClass().getSimpleName() + " try " + (i + 1) + " error: " + ex.getMessage()) ; //ex.printStackTrace(); } } throw error; } static public interface Operation<T> { public T execute() throws Exception ; } class CommitOperation implements Operation<Short> { long offset; short errorCode; public CommitOperation(long offset, short errorCode) { this.offset = offset; this.errorCode = errorCode; } @Override public Short execute() throws Exception { short versionID = 0; int correlationId = 0; TopicAndPartition tp = new TopicAndPartition(topic, partitionMetadata.partitionId()); OffsetAndMetadata offsetAndMeta = new OffsetAndMetadata(offset, OffsetAndMetadata.NoMetadata(), errorCode); Map<TopicAndPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> mapForCommitOffset = new HashMap<TopicAndPartition, OffsetAndMetadata>(); mapForCommitOffset.put(tp, offsetAndMeta); OffsetCommitRequest offsetCommitReq = new OffsetCommitRequest(name, mapForCommitOffset, correlationId, name, versionID); OffsetCommitResponse offsetCommitResp = consumer.commitOffsets(offsetCommitReq); return (Short) offsetCommitResp.errors().get(tp); } } class FetchOperation implements Operation<List<byte[]>> { int fetchSize; int maxRead; int maxWait; public FetchOperation(int fetchSize, int maxRead, int maxWait) { this.fetchSize = fetchSize; this.maxRead = maxRead ; this.maxWait = maxWait ; } public List<byte[]> execute() throws Exception { FetchRequest req = new FetchRequestBuilder(). clientId(name). addFetch(topic, partitionMetadata.partitionId(), currentOffset, fetchSize). minBytes(1). maxWait(maxWait). build(); FetchResponse fetchResponse = consumer.fetch(req); if(fetchResponse.hasError()) { short errorCode = fetchResponse.errorCode(topic, partitionMetadata.partitionId()); String msg = "Kafka error code = " + errorCode + ", Partition " + partitionMetadata.partitionId() ; throw new Exception(msg); } List<byte[]> holder = new ArrayList<byte[]>(); ByteBufferMessageSet messageSet = fetchResponse.messageSet(topic, partitionMetadata.partitionId()); int count = 0; for(MessageAndOffset messageAndOffset : messageSet) { if (messageAndOffset.offset() < currentOffset) continue; //old offset, ignore ByteBuffer payload = messageAndOffset.message().payload(); byte[] bytes = new byte[payload.limit()]; payload.get(bytes); holder.add(bytes); currentOffset = messageAndOffset.nextOffset(); count++; if(count == maxRead) break; } return holder ; } } }