package com.neverwinterdp.kafka.producer; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import org.junit.Test; import com.beust.jcommander.JCommander; import com.neverwinterdp.kafka.tool.KafkaMessageCheckTool; /** * Unit tests for AckKafkaWriter */ public class AnthonyAckKafkaWriterUnitTest extends AbstractBugsUnitTest { static { System.setProperty("log4j.configuration", "file:src/test/resources/"); } private String topic = "test-topic"; private AckKafkaWriter writer; @Override public int getKafkaBrokers() { return 2; } //This method tests the send(topic,partition, timeout) method // it throws IAE because of line 35 in com.neverwinterdp.kafka.producer.AbstractKafkaWriter sets the default partition to -1 @Test(expected=IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testSendMethod() throws Exception { String message = "test-message-"; int messageCount = 1000; writer = new AckKafkaWriter(topic, cluster.getKafkaConnect()); for (int i = 0; i < messageCount; i++) { writer.send(topic, message + i, 10000); } assertEquals(messageCount, readMessages(messageCount)); } //This method tests the send(topic, Object, timeout) method // it throws IAE because of line 45 in com.neverwinterdp.kafka.producer.AbstractKafkaWriter sets the default partition to -1 @Test(expected=IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testSendObjectMethod() throws Exception { int messageCount = 1000; writer = new AckKafkaWriter(topic, cluster.getKafkaConnect()); Person person; for (int i = 0; i < messageCount; i++) { person = new Person("anthony", i); writer.send(topic, person, 10000); } assertEquals(messageCount, readMessages(messageCount)); } //This method tests the send(topic, key, message, timeout) method //it throws IAE because of line 35 in com.neverwinterdp.kafka.producer.AbstractKafkaWriter sets the default partition to -1 @Test(expected=IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testSendKeyMethod() throws Exception { String message = "test-message-"; int messageCount = 1000; writer = new AckKafkaWriter(topic, cluster.getKafkaConnect()); for (int i = 0; i < messageCount; i++) { writer.send(topic, String.valueOf(i), message + i, 10000); } assertEquals(messageCount, readMessages(messageCount)); } //TODO start topic with two partitions, // assert that the send(String topic, int partition, String key, String data, long timeout) method writes //only to specified partition @Test public void testSendKeyPartitionMethod() throws Exception { String message = "test-message-"; int messageCount = 1000; writer = new AckKafkaWriter(topic, cluster.getKafkaConnect()); for (int i = 0; i < messageCount; i++) { writer.send(topic, 0, String.valueOf(i), message + i, 10000); } assertEquals(messageCount, readMessages(messageCount)); } //Test that the retry mechanism does not hinder succesful messages from being written //Every 10th message is too big thus ack writer will retry it. @Test public void testRandomInvalidMessages() throws Exception { String message; int messageCount = 1000; int errors = 10; //an invalidly large message byte[] data = new byte[1024 * 1024]; String bigMessage = new String(data); writer = new AckKafkaWriter(topic, cluster.getKafkaConnect()); for (int i = 0; i < messageCount; i++) { message = "test-message-" + i; if (i % errors == 0) { message = bigMessage; } writer.send(topic, 0, String.valueOf(i), message, 10000); } int expected = messageCount - (messageCount / errors); System.out.println("Written " + expected); assertEquals(expected, readMessages(messageCount)); } // Tests that sending messages of different sizes works fine. //max message size sendable by Ack writer with default config is 977*1024 @Test public void testSendVariableMessageSize() throws Exception { String message = "message"; int messageCount = 500; writer = new AckKafkaWriter(topic, cluster.getKafkaConnect()); for (int i = 0; i < messageCount; i++) { message = getBigMessageOfSize(i); writer.send(topic, 0, String.valueOf(i), message, 10000); } assertEquals(messageCount, readMessages(messageCount)); } private String getBigMessageOfSize(int i) { byte[] data = new byte[i * 1024]; return new String(data); } private int readMessages(int expected) throws InterruptedException { String[] checkArgs = { "--topic", topic, "--consume-max", Integer.toString(expected), "--zk-connect", cluster.getZKConnect(), "--consume-batch-fetch", "10000" }; KafkaMessageCheckTool checkTool = new KafkaMessageCheckTool(checkArgs); checkTool.runAsDeamon(); if (checkTool.waitForTermination(10000)) { checkTool.setInterrupt(true); Thread.sleep(3000); } return checkTool.getMessageCounter().getTotal(); } class Person { private String name; private int age; public Person(String name, int age) { super(); = name; this.age = age; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public int getAge() { return age; } public void setAge(int age) { this.age = age; } } }