package; import; import com.beust.jcommander.JCommander; //TODO: //1. move all the HelpCommand format to this class. This class should be moved to other place and reuse by // the tool like the check tool //2. The usage class should allow the user to control the indent level //3. For the HelpCommand, you should loop through the subcommand list , use this command usage class to print out. public class JCommanderUsage<T> { private String indent = ""; private String command ; private T commandObj; private JCommander jcommander; public JCommanderUsage(String command, T commandObj, String[] args) { this.command = command; this.commandObj = commandObj; this.jcommander = new JCommander(commandObj, args); } public void setIndent(String indent) { this.indent = indent ; } public String getFormatedUsage() throws IOException { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder() ; printUsage(b); return b.toString() ; } public void printUsage() throws IOException { } public void printUsage(Appendable out) throws IOException { } }