package org.societies.comm.xmpp.pubsub.impl; import; import org.jabber.protocol.pubsub.*; import org.jabber.protocol.pubsub.owner.Affiliations; import org.jabber.protocol.pubsub.owner.Delete; import org.jabber.protocol.pubsub.owner.Purge; import org.jabber.protocol.pubsub.owner.Subscriptions; import org.simpleframework.xml.Namespace; import org.simpleframework.xml.Root; import org.simpleframework.xml.Serializer; import org.simpleframework.xml.convert.Registry; import org.simpleframework.xml.convert.RegistryStrategy; import org.simpleframework.xml.core.Persister; import org.simpleframework.xml.strategy.Strategy; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.societies.api.comm.xmpp.datatypes.Stanza; import org.societies.api.comm.xmpp.datatypes.StanzaError; import org.societies.api.comm.xmpp.datatypes.XMPPInfo; import org.societies.api.comm.xmpp.exceptions.CommunicationException; import org.societies.api.comm.xmpp.exceptions.XMPPError; import org.societies.api.comm.xmpp.interfaces.ICommCallback; import org.societies.api.comm.xmpp.interfaces.ICommManager; import org.societies.api.comm.xmpp.pubsub.Affiliation; import org.societies.api.comm.xmpp.pubsub.*; import org.societies.api.comm.xmpp.pubsub.Subscription; import org.societies.api.identity.IIdentity; import org.societies.api.identity.IIdentityManager; import org.societies.api.identity.InvalidFormatException; import org.societies.simple.basic.URIConverter; import org.societies.simple.converters.XMLGregorianCalendarConverter; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry; @Component public class PubsubClientImpl implements PubsubClient, ICommCallback { public static final int WAIT_TIMEOUT = 10000; public static final long REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 20000; private final static List<String> NAMESPACES = Collections .unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList("", "", "", "", "jabber:x:data")); private static final List<String> PACKAGES = Collections .unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList("org.jabber.protocol.pubsub.event", "org.jabber.protocol.pubsub", "org.jabber.protocol.pubsub.errors", "org.jabber.protocol.pubsub.owner", "")); private static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory .getLogger(PubsubClientImpl.class); private ICommManager endpoint; private final Map<String, Object> responses; private final Map<String, Long> responseTimeout; private final Map<Subscription, List<Subscriber>> subscribers; private IIdentityManager idm; private final Map<String, String> nsToPackage = new HashMap<String, String>(); private String packagesContextPath; private IIdentity localIdentity; private final Map<String, Class<?>> elementToClass; private Serializer serializer; @Autowired public PubsubClientImpl(ICommManager endpoint) { responses = new HashMap<String, Object>(); responseTimeout = new HashMap<String, Long>(); subscribers = new HashMap<Subscription, List<Subscriber>>(); elementToClass = new HashMap<String, Class<?>>(); Registry registry = new Registry(); try { registry.bind(, XMLGregorianCalendarConverter.class); registry.bind(, URIConverter.class); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); } Strategy strategy = new RegistryStrategy(registry); serializer = new Persister(strategy); this.endpoint = endpoint; idm = endpoint.getIdManager(); try { if (endpoint.isConnected()) localIdentity = idm.getThisNetworkNode(); else throw new CommunicationException("Injected endpoint is not connected!"); packagesContextPath = ""; endpoint.register(this); } catch (CommunicationException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } public ICommManager getICommManager() { return endpoint; } /* * CommCallback Impl */ @Override public List<String> getXMLNamespaces() { return NAMESPACES; } @Override public List<String> getJavaPackages() { return PACKAGES; } /** * Retrieves a package from a namespace mapping */ private String getPackage(String namespace) { return nsToPackage.get(namespace); } @Override public void receiveMessage(Stanza stanza, Object payload) { if (payload instanceof org.jabber.protocol.pubsub.event.Event) { org.jabber.protocol.pubsub.event.Items items = ((org.jabber.protocol.pubsub.event.Event) payload).getItems(); String node = items.getNode(); Subscription sub = new Subscription(stanza.getFrom(), stanza.getTo(), node, null); // TODO may break due to mismatch between "to" and local IIdentity org.jabber.protocol.pubsub.event.Item i = items.getItem().get(0); // TODO assume only one item per notification ClassLoader oldCl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); Object bean = unmarshallBean((ElementNSImpl) i.getAny(),true); //POST EVENT List<Subscriber> subscriberList = subscribers.get(sub); for (Subscriber subscriber : subscriberList) subscriber.pubsubEvent(stanza.getFrom(), node, i.getId(), bean); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(oldCl); } } // TODO subId // <message from='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' to='francisco@denmark.lit' id='foo'> // <event xmlns=''> // <items node='princely_musings'> // <item id='ae890ac52d0df67ed7cfdf51b644e901'/> // </items> // </event> // <headers xmlns=''> // <header name='SubID'>123-abc</header> // <header name='SubID'>004-yyy</header> // </headers> // </message> private Object unmarshallBean(ElementNSImpl eventBean, boolean clSwitch) { Object bean = null; //CONVERT THE .getAny() OBJECT TO XML DOMImplementationLS domImplLS = (DOMImplementationLS) eventBean.getOwnerDocument().getImplementation(); LSSerializer domSerializer = domImplLS.createLSSerializer(); String eventBeanXML = domSerializer.writeToString(eventBean); //SERIALISE OBJECT String elementID = "{" + eventBean.getNamespaceURI() + "}" + eventBean.getLocalName(); Class<?> c = elementToClass.get(elementID); if (c == null) { // when received xml was has not been binded print a warn and notify with raw XML String[] keyArray = new String[elementToClass.keySet().size()]; keyArray = elementToClass.keySet().toArray(keyArray); LOG.warn("No class found for namespace{element} '" + elementID + "', passing unmarshalled XML element... Registered entries are: " + Arrays.toString(keyArray)); bean = eventBean; } else { // unmarshall item content if (clSwitch) Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(c.getClassLoader()); try { bean =, eventBeanXML); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } return bean; } @Override public void receiveResult(Stanza stanza, Object payload) { synchronized (responses) { //"receiveResult 4 id "+stanza.getId()); responses.put(stanza.getId(), payload); responses.notifyAll(); } } @Override public void receiveError(Stanza stanza, XMPPError error) { synchronized (responses) { //"receiveError 4 id "+stanza.getId()); responses.put(stanza.getId(), error); responses.notifyAll(); } } @Override public void receiveInfo(Stanza stanza, String node, XMPPInfo info) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void receiveItems(Stanza stanza, String node, List<String> items) { SimpleEntry<String, List<String>> mapSimpleEntry = new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, List<String>>(node, items); synchronized (responses) { //"receiveItems 4 id "+stanza.getId()); responses.put(stanza.getId(), mapSimpleEntry); responses.notifyAll(); } } /* * PubsubClient Impl - emulates synchronous */ private Object blockingIQ(Stanza stanza, Object payload) throws CommunicationException, XMPPError { endpoint.sendIQSet(stanza, payload, this); return waitForResponse(stanza.getId()); } private Object waitForResponse(String id) throws XMPPError { synchronized (responseTimeout) { responseTimeout.put(id, REQUEST_TIMEOUT); Object response = null; synchronized (responses) { while (!responses.containsKey(id)) { long cycleStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { //"waiting response 4 id "+id); responses.wait(WAIT_TIMEOUT); } catch (InterruptedException e) {, e); } //"checking response 4 id "+id+" in "+Arrays.toString(responses.keySet().toArray())); long timeLeft = responseTimeout.get(id) - System.currentTimeMillis() + cycleStart; if (timeLeft > 0) responseTimeout.put(id, timeLeft); else { LOG.warn("Result for request with id='" + id + "' timed out..."); throw new XMPPError(StanzaError.remote_server_timeout); } } response = responses.remove(id); //"got response 4 id "+id); } if (response instanceof XMPPError) throw (XMPPError) response; return response; } } @Override public List<String> discoItems(IIdentity pubsubService, String node) throws XMPPError, CommunicationException { String id = endpoint.getItems(pubsubService, node, this); Object response = waitForResponse(id); // TODO node check // String returnedNode = ((SimpleEntry<String, List<XMPPNode>>)response).getKey(); // if (returnedNode != node) // throw new CommunicationException(""); return ((SimpleEntry<String, List<String>>) response).getValue(); } @Override public Subscription subscriberSubscribe(IIdentity pubsubService, String node, Subscriber subscriber) throws XMPPError, CommunicationException { Subscription subscription = new Subscription(pubsubService, localIdentity, node, null); List<Subscriber> subscriberList = subscribers.get(subscription); if (subscriberList == null) { subscriberList = new ArrayList<Subscriber>(); Stanza stanza = new Stanza(pubsubService); Pubsub payload = new Pubsub(); Subscribe sub = new Subscribe(); sub.setJid(localIdentity.getBareJid()); sub.setNode(node); payload.setSubscribe(sub); Object response = blockingIQ(stanza, payload); String subId = ((Pubsub) response).getSubscription().getSubid(); subscription = new Subscription(pubsubService, localIdentity, node, subId); subscribers.put(subscription, subscriberList); } subscriberList.add(subscriber); return subscription; } @Override public void subscriberUnsubscribe(IIdentity pubsubService, String node, Subscriber subscriber) throws XMPPError, CommunicationException { Subscription subscription = new Subscription(pubsubService, localIdentity, node, null); List<Subscriber> subscriberList = subscribers.get(subscription); subscriberList.remove(subscriber); if (subscriberList.size() == 0) { Stanza stanza = new Stanza(pubsubService); Pubsub payload = new Pubsub(); Unsubscribe unsub = new Unsubscribe(); unsub.setJid(localIdentity.getBareJid()); unsub.setNode(node); payload.setUnsubscribe(unsub); Object response = blockingIQ(stanza, payload); } } @Override public List<Object> subscriberRetrieveLast(IIdentity pubsubService, String node, String subId) throws XMPPError, CommunicationException { Stanza stanza = new Stanza(pubsubService); Pubsub payload = new Pubsub(); Items items = new Items(); items.setNode(node); if (subId != null) items.setSubid(subId); // TODO max items... in the server also! payload.setItems(items); Object response = blockingIQ(stanza, payload); List<Item> itemList = ((Pubsub) response).getItems().getItem(); List<Object> returnList = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (Item i : itemList) returnList.add(unmarshallBean((ElementNSImpl) i.getAny(), false)); return returnList; } @Override public List<Object> subscriberRetrieveSpecific(IIdentity pubsubService, String node, String subId, List<String> itemIdList) throws XMPPError, CommunicationException { Stanza stanza = new Stanza(pubsubService); Pubsub payload = new Pubsub(); Items items = new Items(); items.setNode(node); if (subId != null) items.setSubid(subId); for (String itemId : itemIdList) { Item item = new Item(); item.setId(itemId); items.getItem().add(item); } payload.setItems(items); Object response = blockingIQ(stanza, payload); List<Item> itemList = ((Pubsub) response).getItems().getItem(); List<Object> returnList = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (Item i : itemList) returnList.add(unmarshallBean((ElementNSImpl) i.getAny(), false)); return returnList; } @Override public String publisherPublish(IIdentity pubsubService, String node, String itemId, Object item) throws XMPPError, CommunicationException { Stanza stanza = new Stanza(pubsubService); Pubsub payload = new Pubsub(); Publish p = new Publish(); p.setNode(node); Item i = new Item(); if (itemId != null) i.setId(itemId); i.setAny(item); p.setItem(i); payload.setPublish(p); Object response = blockingIQ(stanza, payload); if (response != null) return ((Pubsub) response).getPublish().getItem().getId(); else return itemId; } @Override public void publisherDelete(IIdentity pubsubService, String node, String itemId) throws XMPPError, CommunicationException { Stanza stanza = new Stanza(pubsubService); Pubsub payload = new Pubsub(); Retract retract = new Retract(); retract.setNode(node); Item i = new Item(); i.setId(itemId); retract.getItem().add(i); payload.setRetract(retract); Object response = blockingIQ(stanza, payload); } @Override public void ownerCreate(IIdentity pubsubService, String node) throws XMPPError, CommunicationException { Stanza stanza = new Stanza(pubsubService); Pubsub payload = new Pubsub(); Create c = new Create(); c.setNode(node); payload.setCreate(c); blockingIQ(stanza, payload); } @Override public void ownerDelete(IIdentity pubsubService, String node) throws XMPPError, CommunicationException { Stanza stanza = new Stanza(pubsubService); org.jabber.protocol.pubsub.owner.Pubsub payload = new org.jabber.protocol.pubsub.owner.Pubsub(); Delete delete = new Delete(); delete.setNode(node); payload.setDelete(delete); blockingIQ(stanza, payload); } @Override public void ownerPurgeItems(IIdentity pubsubService, String node) throws XMPPError, CommunicationException { Stanza stanza = new Stanza(pubsubService); org.jabber.protocol.pubsub.owner.Pubsub payload = new org.jabber.protocol.pubsub.owner.Pubsub(); Purge purge = new Purge(); purge.setNode(node); payload.setPurge(purge); blockingIQ(stanza, payload); } @Override public Map<IIdentity, SubscriptionState> ownerGetSubscriptions( IIdentity pubsubService, String node) throws XMPPError, CommunicationException { Stanza stanza = new Stanza(pubsubService); org.jabber.protocol.pubsub.owner.Pubsub payload = new org.jabber.protocol.pubsub.owner.Pubsub(); Subscriptions subs = new Subscriptions(); subs.setNode(node); payload.setSubscriptions(subs); blockingIQ(stanza, payload); List<org.jabber.protocol.pubsub.owner.Subscription> subList = payload.getSubscriptions().getSubscription(); Map<IIdentity, SubscriptionState> returnMap = new HashMap<IIdentity, SubscriptionState>(); for (org.jabber.protocol.pubsub.owner.Subscription s : subList) try { returnMap.put(idm.fromJid(s.getJid()), SubscriptionState.valueOf(s.getSubscription())); } catch (InvalidFormatException e) { LOG.warn("Unable to parse subscription JIDs", e); } return returnMap; } @Override public Map<IIdentity, Affiliation> ownerGetAffiliations( IIdentity pubsubService, String node) throws XMPPError, CommunicationException { Stanza stanza = new Stanza(pubsubService); org.jabber.protocol.pubsub.owner.Pubsub payload = new org.jabber.protocol.pubsub.owner.Pubsub(); Affiliations affs = new Affiliations(); affs.setNode(node); payload.setAffiliations(affs); blockingIQ(stanza, payload); List<org.jabber.protocol.pubsub.owner.Affiliation> affList = payload.getAffiliations().getAffiliation(); Map<IIdentity, Affiliation> returnMap = new HashMap<IIdentity, Affiliation>(); for (org.jabber.protocol.pubsub.owner.Affiliation a : affList) try { returnMap.put(idm.fromJid(a.getJid()), Affiliation.valueOf(a.getAffiliation())); } catch (InvalidFormatException e) { LOG.warn("Unable to parse affiliation JIDs", e); } return returnMap; } @Override public void ownerSetSubscriptions(IIdentity pubsubService, String node, Map<IIdentity, SubscriptionState> subscriptions) throws XMPPError, CommunicationException { Stanza stanza = new Stanza(pubsubService); org.jabber.protocol.pubsub.owner.Pubsub payload = new org.jabber.protocol.pubsub.owner.Pubsub(); Subscriptions subs = new Subscriptions(); subs.setNode(node); payload.setSubscriptions(subs); for (IIdentity subscriber : subscriptions.keySet()) { org.jabber.protocol.pubsub.owner.Subscription s = new org.jabber.protocol.pubsub.owner.Subscription(); s.setJid(subscriber.getJid()); s.setSubscription(subscriptions.get(subscriber).toString()); subs.getSubscription().add(s); } blockingIQ(stanza, payload); // TODO error handling on multiple subscription changes } @Override public void ownerSetAffiliations(IIdentity pubsubService, String node, Map<IIdentity, Affiliation> affiliations) throws XMPPError, CommunicationException { Stanza stanza = new Stanza(pubsubService); org.jabber.protocol.pubsub.owner.Pubsub payload = new org.jabber.protocol.pubsub.owner.Pubsub(); Affiliations affs = new Affiliations(); affs.setNode(node); payload.setAffiliations(affs); for (IIdentity subscriber : affiliations.keySet()) { org.jabber.protocol.pubsub.owner.Affiliation a = new org.jabber.protocol.pubsub.owner.Affiliation(); a.setJid(subscriber.getJid()); a.setAffiliation(affiliations.get(subscriber).toString()); affs.getAffiliation().add(a); } blockingIQ(stanza, payload); // TODO error handling on multiple affiliation changes } @Override public synchronized void addJaxbPackages(List<String> packageList) { //throws JAXBException { if (packagesContextPath.length() == 0) { // TODO first run! } StringBuilder contextPath = new StringBuilder(packagesContextPath); for (String pack : packageList) contextPath.append(":").append(pack); /* JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(contextPath.toString(), this.getClass().getClassLoader()); contentUnmarshaller = jc.createUnmarshaller(); contentMarshaller = jc.createMarshaller(); */ //TODO: SIMPLE try { for (int i = 0; i < packageList.size(); i++) { String packageStr = packageList.get(i); String nsStr = getNSfromPackage(packageStr); nsToPackage.put(nsStr, packageStr); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Error in JAXBMapping adding: " + ex.getMessage()); } packagesContextPath = contextPath.toString(); } /** * Returns the Namespace for a Package string * */ private static String getNSfromPackage(String packageString) { String ns; String[] packArr = packageString.split("\\."); ns = "http://" + packArr[1] + "." + packArr[0]; for (int i = 2; i < packArr.length; i++) ns += "/" + packArr[i]; return ns; } @Override public void addSimpleClasses(List<String> classList) throws ClassNotFoundException { ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); try { for (String c : classList) { Class<?> clazz = cl.loadClass(c); Root rootAnnotation = clazz.getAnnotation(Root.class); Namespace namespaceAnnotation = clazz.getAnnotation(Namespace.class); if (rootAnnotation != null && namespaceAnnotation != null) { elementToClass.put("{" + namespaceAnnotation.reference() + "}" +, clazz); } } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new ClassNotFoundException(e.getMessage() + " from classloader " + cl.toString() + ": class being registered from a context that doesn't have access to it.", e); } } }