package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys; import javax.xml.transform.Result; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.bayesianLearner.exceptions.NodeValueIndexNotInNodeRangeException; import org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.bayesianLearner.exceptions.PriorAndCountTablesMismatchException; import org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.bayesianLearner.interfaces.ConditionalProbabilityTable; import org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.bayesianLearner.interfaces.RandomVariable; import org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.inference.structures.impl.DAG; import org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.inference.structures.impl.Edge; import org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.inference.structures.impl.ProbabilityDistribution; import org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.inference.structures.interfaces.ConnectingNodes; import org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.inference.structures.interfaces.HasProbabilityTable; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; /** * * This class integrates methods to perform the conversion from GeNIe Files to * DAG object, and vice versa. * * @author jime_ca * */ public class NetworkConverter { private static final Logger log4j = LoggerFactory .getLogger(NetworkConverter.class); private static final String SMILE_VERSION = "1.0"; private static final String NUM_SAMPLES = "1000"; private static final String DISC_SAMPLES = "10000"; private static final String XML_ENCODING = "ISO-8859-1"; // *** Layout constant private static final String NODE_DEFAULT_COLOR = "e5f6f7"; private static final String NODE_DEFAULT_OUTLINE_COLOR = "000080"; private static final String NODE_FONT_COLOR = "000000"; private static final String NODE_FONT_NAME = "Arial"; private static final String NODE_FONT_SIZE = "8"; private static final String NODE_POSITION = "420 260 450 300"; // *** End Layout constant /** * Creates a Java object of type * from a file, * representing a serialised object, produced with an ObjectOutputStream. * * @param filenameNetwork * name of the file (including path) of the object stored with an * ObjectOutputStream. E.g. with the extension ".ser". */ public static DAG recoverNetwork(String filenameNetwork) { DAG net = null; FileInputStream fis = null; ObjectInputStream input = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(filenameNetwork); log4j.debug("fis=" + fis + " network-filename=" + filenameNetwork); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { input = new ObjectInputStream(fis); try { net = (DAG) input.readObject(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } input.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { fis.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return net; } /** * <br/> * Transforms Probabilities from {@link DAG}-order to Genie-order<br/> * <br/> * original probabilities order (DAG): 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4<br/> * final probabilities order (genie): 0.9 0.1 0.8 0.2 0.7 0.3 0.6 0.4 <br/> * * @param probTable * {@link probabilityDistribution} object from the {@link DAG} * library * @param currentNodeActivityNumber * {@link integer} object with the number of states of the * current node * * @return the probabilities in a "genie order" from a * {@link ProbabilityDistribution} object */ private static String getProbabilities(ProbabilityDistribution probTable, int currentNodeActivityNumber) { String result = ""; // Integer halfLength = probTable.getProbabilities().length/2; // String[] probString = new // String[probTable.getProbabilities().length]; double[] prob = new double[probTable.getProbabilities().length]; for (int i = 0; i < prob.length; i++) { prob[i] = probTable.getProbabilities()[i].getProbability(); } prob = getProbabilities(prob, prob.length / currentNodeActivityNumber); // TODO eliminar este codigo cnd compruebe que funciona bien /* * for (int i = 0; i < halfLength; i++) { probString [2*i] = * Double.toString(probTable.getProbabilities()[i].getProbability()); * probString [2*i+1]= * Double.toString(probTable.getProbabilities()[i+halfLength * ].getProbability()); } */ ; for (int i = 0; i < prob.length; i++) { result += prob[i] + " "; } return result; } /** * <br/> * Transforms Probabilities from Genie-order to {@link DAG}-order<br/> * <br/> * * @param genieProbArrayDouble * {@link double} array object with probability elements in a * "Genie-order" * @param currentNodeActivityNumber * {@link integer} object with the number of states of the * current node * @return the probabilities in a "{@link DAG}-order" from a "Genie-order" * probabilities array */ private static double[] getProbabilities(double[] genieProbArrayDouble, int currentNodeActivityNumber) { // *** Genie stores the probabilities in the following order: // *** // *** A(1) A(0) // *** D(0) D(1) D(0) D(1) // *** C(0) 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 // *** C(1) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 // *** // *** // *** original probabilities order (genie): 0.9 0.1 0.8 0.2 0.7 0.3 0.6 // 0.4 -> Table red by column // *** final probabilities order (DAG): 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.6 // -> Table red by row // *** To change the order of the probability vector double[] result = new double[genieProbArrayDouble.length]; int count = genieProbArrayDouble.length / currentNodeActivityNumber; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < currentNodeActivityNumber; j++) { result[i + j * count] = genieProbArrayDouble[j + currentNodeActivityNumber * i]; } } /* * for (int j = 0; j < (count); j++) { * result[j]=genieProbArrayDouble[j*currentNodeActivityNumber]; } */ return result; } /** * <br/> * Changes from {@link String} of numbers, separated by a pattern, to an * array of {@link double}<br/> * <br/> * original object: "1 0 0.7 0.3 ..."<br/> * example pattern: " "<br/> * final object: {1, 0, 0.7, 0.3 ...}<br/> * * @param nodeStringProb * {@link String} of numbers separated by a pattern * @return numbers in an array of {@link double} * */ private static double[] stringNumberToDouble(String nodeStringProb, String pattern) { double[] result = null; Pattern stringPattern = Pattern.compile(pattern); // I define the // pattern to // recognize between // to numbers String[] nodeProbArray = stringPattern.split(nodeStringProb); result = new double[nodeProbArray.length]; for (int k = 0; k < nodeProbArray.length; k++) { result[k] = Double.parseDouble(nodeProbArray[k]); } return result; } /** * <br/> * Changes from {@link String} of numbers, separated by " ", to an array of * {@link double}<br/> * <br/> * original object: "1 0 0.7 0.3 ..."<br/> * final object: {1, 0, 0.7, 0.3 ...}<br/> * <br/> * * @param nodeStringProb * {@link String} of numbers separated by " "<br/> * @return numbers in an array of {@link double}<br/> * */ private static double[] stringNumberToDouble(String nodeStringProb) { final String DEFAULT_SPLIT_PATTERN = " "; return stringNumberToDouble(nodeStringProb, DEFAULT_SPLIT_PATTERN); } /** * <br/> * Auxiliary method from {@link NetworkConverter.reOrder} * * @param temp * {@link ArrayList}< * {@link} * > object which contains the new ordered object. * @param node * {@link ArrayList}< * {@link} * > object which contains the original * {@link} * . */ private static void insert( ArrayList<HasProbabilityTable> temp, org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.inference.structures.impl.Node node) { if (temp.contains(node)) { return; } else { ArrayList<Edge> incomingEdges = node.getIncoming(); ArrayList<org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.inference.structures.impl.Node> parents = new ArrayList<org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.inference.structures.impl.Node>(); for (Edge e : (ArrayList<Edge>) incomingEdges) { parents.add(e.getSource()); log4j.debug("Parent: " + e.getSource().getName()); } int numParents = parents.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numParents; i++) { NetworkConverter.insert(temp, parents.get(i)); } temp.add(node); } } /** * <br/> * Orders the * {@link}s from a * {@link DAG} object. * * @param dag * {@link DAG} object out of order. * @return ordered {@link DAG} object. */ private static DAG reOrder(DAG dag) { ArrayList<HasProbabilityTable> nodes = new ArrayList<HasProbabilityTable>(); int numNodes = dag.getNodes().length; org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.inference.structures.impl.Node[] originalNodes = dag .getNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) { log4j.debug(originalNodes[i].getName()); NetworkConverter.insert(nodes, originalNodes[i]); log4j.debug("Temp ordering after this node"); for (HasProbabilityTable n : nodes) { log4j.debug(n.getName()); } log4j.debug("Temp ordering finished"); } return new DAG(nodes, new ArrayList<ConnectingNodes>(Arrays.asList(dag .getEdges()))); } /** * <br/> * Transforms a {@link DAG} object to a {@link Document} object<br/> * * @param dag * {@link DAG} contains a bayesian network structure * @return {@link Document} which contains the bayesian network included in * DAG object */ private static Document dagToDoc(DAG dag, String dagNetworkName) { DocumentBuilderFactory dbfac = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder docBuilder = null; try { docBuilder = dbfac.newDocumentBuilder(); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Document result = docBuilder.newDocument(); // ** to get the name of the XML file // ** create the root element and add it to the document Element root = result.createElement("smile"); root.setAttribute("version", SMILE_VERSION); root.setAttribute("id", dagNetworkName); root.setAttribute("numsamples", NUM_SAMPLES); root.setAttribute("discsamples", DISC_SAMPLES); result.appendChild(root); // *** Layout genie information Element nodes = result.createElement("nodes"); Element extension = result.createElement("extensions"); Element genie = result.createElement("genie"); genie.setAttribute("version", SMILE_VERSION); genie.setAttribute("app", ""); genie.setAttribute("name", dagNetworkName); genie.setAttribute("faultnameformat", "nodestate"); root.appendChild(nodes); root.appendChild(extension); extension.appendChild(genie); // *** Writing nodes information Edge[] edgesDAG = dag.getEdges(); org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.inference.structures.impl.Node[] nodesDAG = dag .getNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nodesDAG.length; i++) { String parentsNodes = ""; Element cpt = result.createElement("cpt"); cpt.setAttribute("id", nodesDAG[i].getName()); nodes.appendChild(cpt); // ***layout information Element node = result.createElement("node"); node.setAttribute("id", nodesDAG[i].getName()); genie.appendChild(node); Element name = result.createElement("name"); name.setTextContent(nodesDAG[i].getName()); node.appendChild(name); Element interior = result.createElement("interior"); interior.setAttribute("color", NODE_DEFAULT_COLOR); node.appendChild(interior); Element outline = result.createElement("outline"); outline.setAttribute("color", NODE_DEFAULT_OUTLINE_COLOR); node.appendChild(outline); Element font = result.createElement("font"); font.setAttribute("color", NODE_FONT_COLOR); font.setAttribute("name", NODE_FONT_NAME); font.setAttribute("size", NODE_FONT_SIZE); node.appendChild(font); Element position = result.createElement("position"); position.setTextContent(NODE_POSITION); node.appendChild(position); // *** end layout information log4j.debug("XML layout set " + i); int nodesDAGNumStates = nodesDAG[i].getStates().length; for (int j = 0; j < nodesDAGNumStates; j++) { Element state = result.createElement("state"); state.setAttribute("id", nodesDAG[i].getStates()[j].toString()); cpt.appendChild(state); } for (int j = 0; j < edgesDAG.length; j++) { if (edgesDAG[j].getTarget().getName() .equals(nodesDAG[i].getName())) { parentsNodes += edgesDAG[j].getSource().getName() + " "; } } if (!parentsNodes.equals("")) { Element parents = result.createElement("parents"); parents.setTextContent(parentsNodes); cpt.appendChild(parents); } Element probabilities = result.createElement("probabilities"); // *** parents number is: number of probabilities element / number // of states probabilities.setTextContent(NetworkConverter.getProbabilities( nodesDAG[i].getProbTable(), nodesDAGNumStates)); cpt.appendChild(probabilities); log4j.debug("CPT " + i + " " + cpt); } return result; } /** * <br/> * Stores a {@link Document} object in a file using a xml method for * outputting the result tree<br/> * * @param xmlFilePath * destination path where the xml file is going to be store * @param doc * {@link Document} which contains the representation of the xml * file to store */ private static void storeData(String xmlFilePath, Document doc) { FileOutputStream fileOS = null; try { // Create transformer Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance() .newTransformer(); // Output Types (text/xml/html) transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.METHOD, "xml"); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING, XML_ENCODING); // transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.CDATA_SECTION_ELEMENTS,"ISO-8859-1"); // Write the document to a file DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc); // Create File to view your xml data as // vk.txt/vk.doc/vk.xls/vk.shtml/vk.html) log4j.debug(xmlFilePath); File file = new File(xmlFilePath); if (!file.exists()) file.createNewFile(); fileOS = new FileOutputStream(xmlFilePath); Result result = new StreamResult(fileOS); transformer.transform(source, result); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (TransformerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (fileOS != null) try { fileOS.flush(); fileOS.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * <br/> * Transforms a GeNie file in a {@link DAG} object<br/> * * @param pathXMLfile * path of the GeNie file * @return {@link DAG} object which contains GeNie file network */ public static DAG genieToJava(String pathXMLfile) { ArrayList<HasProbabilityTable> nodes = new ArrayList<HasProbabilityTable>(); ArrayList<ConnectingNodes> edges = new ArrayList<ConnectingNodes>(); // *** Read XML file and open like a Document in order to manage it DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); Document document = null; DocumentBuilder builder; try { builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); document = builder.parse(new File(pathXMLfile)); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SAXException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("IOException"); } // *** To get root node name: "smile" Node rootNode = document.getFirstChild(); // *** To get bayesian network elements // *** the odd elements are null, I don't know why. For this reason I // read the next sibling // *** the first child NodeList nodesChild = rootNode.getFirstChild().getNextSibling() .getChildNodes(); int numNodesChild = nodesChild.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < numNodesChild; i++) { Node currentNodeChild = nodesChild.item(i); int numStatesNode = 0; if (currentNodeChild.getNodeName() == "cpt") { // *** To get the name, child, states and probabilities of a // bayesian network element // *** nodeName, , ,nodeProArrayFlo String nodeName = new String(currentNodeChild.getAttributes() .item(0).getNodeValue()); ArrayList<String> nodeStateDym = new ArrayList<String>(); // I // use // dynamic // structure // because // initially // I // don't // know // how // many // states // there // will // be String[] nodeParents = null; double[] nodeProbArrayDouble = null; Node tempItem; String nodename; int numNodesChildChild = currentNodeChild.getChildNodes() .getLength(); for (int j = 0; j < numNodesChildChild; j++) { tempItem = currentNodeChild.getChildNodes().item(j); nodename = tempItem.getNodeName(); if (nodename == "state") { nodeStateDym.add(tempItem.getAttributes().item(0) .getNodeValue()); numStatesNode++; } else if (nodename == "parents") { nodeParents = tempItem.getTextContent().split(" "); } else if (nodename == "probabilities") { nodeProbArrayDouble = NetworkConverter .stringNumberToDouble(currentNodeChild .getChildNodes().item(j) .getTextContent()); } } // *** to change the node states information from the dynamic // string array to string array String[] nodeState = new String[nodeStateDym.size()]; nodeStateDym.toArray(nodeState); // *** Updating node information org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.inference.structures.impl.Node currentNode = new org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.inference.structures.impl.Node( nodeName, nodeState); nodes.add(currentNode); // *** Creating the edges, when it is necessary // *** It looks like Genie writes parents before child in its // xml file if (nodeParents != null) { // that means the current node has // parents for (int j = 0; j < nodeParents.length; j++) { for (int j2 = 0; j2 < nodes.size(); j2++) { if (nodes.get(j2).getName().equals(nodeParents[j])) { edges.add(new Edge( (org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.inference.structures.impl.Node) nodes .get(j2), currentNode)); } } } } currentNode.setProbDistribution(NetworkConverter .getProbabilities(nodeProbArrayDouble, numStatesNode)); } } return new DAG(nodes, edges); } /** * <br/> * Transforms a {@link DAG} object in a GeNie file (*.xdsl)<br/> * <br/> * The GeNie file created has a disorganized layout. In order to have an * organized layout,<br/> * the xdsl file should be opened in GeNie software, the whole network * should be selected and <br/> * it should be clicked the following menu: <br/> * <br/> * Layout-> Graph Layout-> Parent Ordering * * @param xmlFilePath * destination path and name of the xdsl file (GeNie file) * @param dag * {@link DAG} contains a Bayesian network structure */ public static void javaToGenie(String xmlFilePath, DAG dag) { // ** We need a Document DocumentBuilderFactory dbfac = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder docBuilder = null; try { docBuilder = dbfac.newDocumentBuilder(); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Document doc = docBuilder.newDocument(); // ** The name of the Genie Network will be the same than the XLM file // name String networkName = xmlFilePath .substring(xmlFilePath.lastIndexOf("\\") + 1, xmlFilePath.lastIndexOf(".")); DAG reOrdered = NetworkConverter.reOrder(dag); log4j.debug("reordered"); /* * Attention: with a big DAG, the following call can stop the JVM! */ if (log4j.isTraceEnabled()) log4j.trace(reOrdered.toString()); doc = NetworkConverter.dagToDoc(reOrdered, networkName); log4j.debug("XML doc generated"); NetworkConverter.storeData(xmlFilePath, doc); } /** * Converts the Map of RandomVariables and ConditionalProbabilityTable, * produced as output of the learning engine *, to the Java object * of type * * @param rv_cpt_map * @return */ public static DAG convertStructures( Map<RandomVariable, ConditionalProbabilityTable> rv_cpt_map) { ArrayList<HasProbabilityTable> nodes = new ArrayList<HasProbabilityTable>(); ArrayList<ConnectingNodes> edges = new ArrayList<ConnectingNodes>(); Iterator<RandomVariable> it = rv_cpt_map.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { RandomVariable rv =; int[] patrickValues = rv.getNodeRange(); String[] values = new String[patrickValues.length]; for (int i = 0; i < patrickValues.length; i++) { try { values[i] = rv.getNodeValueText(patrickValues[i]); } catch (NodeValueIndexNotInNodeRangeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.inference.structures.impl.Node fromRV = new org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.inference.structures.impl.Node( rv.getName(), values); nodes.add(fromRV); } /* second run-through: all nodes created, now edges + CPT */ it = rv_cpt_map.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { RandomVariable current =; org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.inference.structures.impl.Node target = findNode( nodes, current); ConditionalProbabilityTable cpt = rv_cpt_map.get(current); SortedSet<RandomVariable> parents = cpt.getOrderedParents(); Iterator<RandomVariable> parIt = parents.iterator(); while (parIt.hasNext()) { Edge neu = new Edge( (org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.inference.structures.impl.Node) findNode( nodes,, (org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.inference.structures.impl.Node) target); edges.add(neu); } /* * k is index of targetRV (current), j index of parent-configuration * NOTE: INDICES begin with 1 !!! */ try { double[][] cpt_k_j = cpt.getProbabilityTable(); int configurationSize = cpt_k_j[0].length - 1; double[] pureProbs = new double[(configurationSize) * (cpt_k_j.length - 1)]; for (int k = 1; k < cpt_k_j.length; k++) { for (int j = 1; j < cpt_k_j[k].length; j++) { pureProbs[(k - 1) * configurationSize + (j - 1)] = cpt_k_j[k][j]; } } target.setProbDistribution(pureProbs); } catch (PriorAndCountTablesMismatchException e) { log4j.error("Problems with converting CPT"); } } return new DAG(nodes, edges); } private static org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.inference.structures.impl.Node findNode( ArrayList<HasProbabilityTable> nodes, RandomVariable rv) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { HasProbabilityTable current = nodes.get(i); if (current.getName().equals(rv.getName())) return (org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.inference.structures.impl.Node) current; } log4j.error("NOT FOUND!!!! SCANDAL!!!!"); return null; } }