package org.societies.identity; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import org.societies.api.identity.IIdentity; import org.societies.api.identity.IIdentityContextMapper; import org.societies.api.identity.IIdentityManager; import org.societies.api.identity.INetworkNode; import org.societies.api.identity.IdentityType; import org.societies.api.identity.InvalidFormatException; public class IdentityManagerImpl implements IIdentityManager { public static final String CIS_PREFIX = "cis-"; private INetworkNode thisNode; private INetworkNode cloudNode; private INetworkNode domainAuthorityNode; private Set<IIdentity> publicIdentities; private IIdentityContextMapper ctxMapper; // TODO cache known identities public IdentityManagerImpl(String thisNode) throws InvalidFormatException { init(thisNode); this.domainAuthorityNode = null; } private void init(String thisNode) throws InvalidFormatException { this.thisNode = fromFullJid(thisNode); if (this.thisNode.getType().equals(IdentityType.CSS_RICH)) cloudNode = this.thisNode; else cloudNode = fromFullJid(this.thisNode.getIdentifier()+"."+this.thisNode.getDomain()); publicIdentities = new HashSet<IIdentity>(); publicIdentities.add(this.thisNode); // TODO pseudonyms ctxMapper = new IdentityContextMapperImpl(); } public IdentityManagerImpl(String thisNode, String domainAuthortyNode) throws InvalidFormatException { init(thisNode); this.domainAuthorityNode = fromFullJid(domainAuthortyNode); } // TODO good domain check // private static boolean checkDomainNameFormat(String domain) { String[] domainParts = domain.split("\\."); if (domainParts.length>1) return true; return false; } public static IIdentity staticfromJid(String jid) throws InvalidFormatException { String[] parts = jid.split("@|/"); // TODO regexp switch (parts.length) { case 1: // String[] richParts = jid.split("\\."); // TODO regexp //"JID="+jid+";richParts.length="+richParts.length); int firstDotIndex = jid.indexOf("."); if (firstDotIndex>0) { String domain = jid.substring(firstDotIndex+1); // if (checkDomainNameFormat(domain)) { String identifier = jid.substring(0,firstDotIndex); if (identifier.startsWith(CIS_PREFIX)) return new NetworkNodeImpl(IdentityType.CIS, identifier, domain, "cis"); else return new NetworkNodeImpl(IdentityType.CSS_RICH, identifier, domain, "rich"); } break; case 2: return new IdentityImpl(IdentityType.CSS, parts[0], parts[1]); case 3: return new NetworkNodeImpl(IdentityType.CSS_LIGHT, parts[0], parts[1], parts[2]); } throw new InvalidFormatException("Unable to parse JID into IIdentity: "+jid); } public IIdentity fromJid(String jid) throws InvalidFormatException { return staticfromJid(jid); } public INetworkNode fromFullJid(String jid) throws InvalidFormatException { IIdentity id = fromJid(jid); if (id instanceof INetworkNode) return (INetworkNode)id; throw new InvalidFormatException("Unable to parse JID into INetworkNode: "+jid); } public INetworkNode getThisNetworkNode() { return thisNode; // TODO clone? } public INetworkNode getCloudNode() { return cloudNode; // TODO clone? } public INetworkNode getDomainAuthorityNode() { if (this.domainAuthorityNode == null) return thisNode; return this.domainAuthorityNode; } public Set<IIdentity> getPublicIdentities() { return publicIdentities; // TODO clone? } public boolean isMine(IIdentity identity) { return (((IdentityImpl)thisNode).equals(identity)); } public IIdentityContextMapper getIdentityContextMapper() { return ctxMapper; } public IIdentity newMemorableIdentity(String memorableIdentifier) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } public boolean releaseMemorableIdentity(IIdentity memorableIdentity) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } public IIdentity newTransientIdentity() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } }