package org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.inference.structures.impl.bayeslets; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.inference.solving.BayesletJTree; import org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.inference.solving.utils.EvidenceRecord; import org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.inference.solving.utils.ReadyFlag; import org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.inference.solving.utils.Util; import org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.inference.structures.impl.DAG; import org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.inference.structures.impl.Edge; import org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.inference.structures.impl.Node; import org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.inference.structures.impl.Probability; import org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.inference.structures.impl.ProbabilityDistribution; import org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.inference.structures.interfaces.ConnectingNodes; import org.societies.context.user.refinement.impl.bayesianLibrary.inference.structures.interfaces.HasProbabilityTable; /** * @author gall_pa * * @param name * Name of the bayeslet * @param bayesianNetwork * Direct acyclic graph * @param junctionTree * Junction tree obtained from the attribute bayesianNetwork. * @param interfaceNodesInfo * List of interface nodes contained in this bayeslet. * @param color * To be used in the bayeslets cycle detection. * @param alreadyUpdated * To be used in the soft evidence approach. It is true when the * bayeslet already propagated its probabilities as a response to * another bayeslet request. If another bayeslet requests some * information to this bayeslet, it does not need to propagate again. * @uml.dependency * supplier="" */ public class Bayeslet extends Thread { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Bayeslet.class); final boolean screenEnabled = false; public String name; private DAG bayesianNetwork; private BayesletJTree junctionTree; public ArrayList<InterfaceNodeRecord> interfaceNodesInfo; private String color; protected boolean alreadyUpdated; Bayeslet[] storedBayeslets; ReadyFlag[] semaphores; long startingTime; /** * Constructor * * @param name * Name to be assigned to the new bayeslet. */ public Bayeslet(String name) { = name; this.bayesianNetwork = new DAG(); this.alreadyUpdated = false; this.interfaceNodesInfo = new ArrayList<InterfaceNodeRecord>(); } /** * Constructor * * @param d * Direct acyclic graph to be assigned to the new bayeslet. * @param name * Name given to the new bayeslet */ public Bayeslet(DAG d, String name) { bayesianNetwork = d; = name; this.junctionTree = new BayesletJTree(bayesianNetwork); this.junctionTree.initialiseJTree(); this.junctionTree.propagate(); this.interfaceNodesInfo = new ArrayList<InterfaceNodeRecord>(); } /** * Constructor * * @param name * name given to the bayeslet. * @param n * nodes to be added to the direct acyclic graph that will be * built inside the bayeslet. * @param e * edges to be added to the direct acyclic graph that will be * built inside the bayeslet. */ public Bayeslet(ArrayList<NodeBL> n, ArrayList<Edge> e, String name) { ArrayList<HasProbabilityTable> nodes = new ArrayList<HasProbabilityTable>(); for (NodeBL node : n) { nodes.add(node); } ArrayList<ConnectingNodes> edges = new ArrayList<ConnectingNodes>(); for (Edge edge : e) { edges.add(edge); } this.bayesianNetwork = new DAG(nodes, edges); = name; this.alreadyUpdated = false; this.junctionTree = new BayesletJTree(bayesianNetwork); this.junctionTree.initialiseJTree(); this.junctionTree.propagate(); // this.connectedBayeslets=new ArrayList<BayesletInfo>(); this.interfaceNodesInfo = new ArrayList<InterfaceNodeRecord>(); // this.changedStructure=false; } public Bayeslet(ArrayList<NodeBL> n, ArrayList<Edge> e, String name, String node, String state) { ArrayList<HasProbabilityTable> nodes = new ArrayList<HasProbabilityTable>(); for (NodeBL bayesletnode : n) { nodes.add(bayesletnode); } ArrayList<ConnectingNodes> edges = new ArrayList<ConnectingNodes>(); for (Edge edge : e) { edges.add(edge); } this.bayesianNetwork = new DAG(nodes, edges); = name; this.alreadyUpdated = false; this.junctionTree = new BayesletJTree(bayesianNetwork); this.junctionTree.initialiseJTree(); this.junctionTree.addEvidence(this.getNode(node), state); this.junctionTree.propagate(); // this.connectedBayeslets=new ArrayList<BayesletInfo>(); this.interfaceNodesInfo = new ArrayList<InterfaceNodeRecord>(); // this.changedStructure=false; } /** * This method returns the junction tree contained in this bayeslet. * * @return */ public BayesletJTree getJunctionTree() { return this.junctionTree; } /** * This method returns the name of this bayeslet. * * @return */ public String getBName() { return (; } /** * This method return the node called wanted. In case of not finding it, it * returns null. * * @param wanted * @return The node inside the bayeslet whose name is wanted, or null. */ public NodeBL getNode(String wanted) { boolean found = false; int i = 0; Node[] search = bayesianNetwork.getNodes(); while (!found) { if (search[i].getName().contains(wanted)) { found = true; return (NodeBL) (search[i]); } else { i++; } } return null; } /** * Connecting bayeslets method . Sets node named wanted as an interface * node, connected to the bayeslet and the node that are defined in * bayesletToBeConnected. * * @param wanted * @param bayesletToBeConnected * @param incoming * Defines whether the interface node is an incoming interface * node, or not. */ public void connectBayeslet(String wanted, BayesletInfo bayesletToBeConnected, boolean incoming) { int alreadyRegistered = registered(wanted); if (alreadyRegistered == -1) { // if this node was never registered as // an interface node InterfaceNodeRecord newInterfaceNode = new InterfaceNodeRecord( wanted, bayesletToBeConnected, incoming); interfaceNodesInfo.add(newInterfaceNode); } else { // if it is already registered, the information for the new // connection for this interface node is added InterfaceNodeRecord toBeChanged = (InterfaceNodeRecord) interfaceNodesInfo .get(alreadyRegistered); if (incoming == toBeChanged.isIncomingInterfaceNode()) { toBeChanged.addConnectedBayeslet(bayesletToBeConnected); } } } /** * This method returns an integer depending on if the node named String is * already registered as an interface node, or not. If it is an interface * node, it returns its position in interfaceNodesInfo, if it is not an * interface node, it returns -1. * * @param wanted * Name of the node. * @return Returns an integer containing the position of the information * related to that node contained in the ArrayList * interfaceNodesInfo, or -1 if that node is not founded. */ private int registered(String wanted) { boolean found = false; int i = 0; while ((!found) && (i < interfaceNodesInfo.size())) { if (((InterfaceNodeRecord) interfaceNodesInfo.get(i)).getName() .equals(wanted)) { found = true; } else { i++; } } if (!found) { return (-1); } else { return (i); } } /** * This method returns the array list containing the information about the * interface nodes existing in this bayeslet. * * @return */ public ArrayList<InterfaceNodeRecord> getInterfaceNodes() { return (interfaceNodesInfo); } /** * This method return the InterfaceNodeRecord related to that node whose * name is the input parameter name. * * @param name * Name of the node whose InterfaceNodeRecord is going to be * searched. * @return */ public InterfaceNodeRecord getInterfaceNodeInfo(String name) { boolean found = false; int indexInterfaceNodes = 0; while ((indexInterfaceNodes < this.interfaceNodesInfo.size()) && (!found)) { InterfaceNodeRecord temp = (InterfaceNodeRecord) interfaceNodesInfo .get(indexInterfaceNodes); if (temp.getName().equals(name)) { found = true; return temp; } else { indexInterfaceNodes++; } } return null; } /** * This method returns an array list containing the information about the * incoming interface nodes existing in this bayeslet. * * @return */ public ArrayList<InterfaceNodeRecord> getIncomingInterfaceNodes() { ArrayList<InterfaceNodeRecord> incomingInterfaceNodes = new ArrayList<InterfaceNodeRecord>(); InterfaceNodeRecord temp; int i = 0; while (i < interfaceNodesInfo.size()) { temp = (InterfaceNodeRecord) interfaceNodesInfo.get(i); if (temp.isIncomingInterfaceNode()) { incomingInterfaceNodes.add(temp); } i++; } return (incomingInterfaceNodes); } /** * This method returns the information about all the outgoing interface * nodes. It is used to propagate the change information in the first * approach (soft evidence). * * @return */ public ArrayList<InterfaceNodeRecord> getOutgoingInterfaceNodes() { ArrayList<InterfaceNodeRecord> outgoingInterfaceNodes = new ArrayList<InterfaceNodeRecord>(); InterfaceNodeRecord temp; int i = 0; while (i < interfaceNodesInfo.size()) { temp = (InterfaceNodeRecord) interfaceNodesInfo.get(i); if (!temp.isIncomingInterfaceNode()) { outgoingInterfaceNodes.add(temp); } i++; } return (outgoingInterfaceNodes); } /** * This method returns an object from class BayesletInfo containing its * name. * * @param nodeName * @return */ public BayesletInfo getBayesletInfo(String nodeName) { BayesletInfo toReturn = new BayesletInfo(); toReturn.setBayesletName(; toReturn.setNodeName(nodeName); return (toReturn); } /** * This method returns the normalization of a certain node. * * @param nodeName * Name of the node. * @return */ public ProbabilityDistributionBL getNormalization(String nodeName) { NodeBL search = getNode(nodeName); ProbabilityDistributionBL toReturn = null; if (search.getMarginalization() instanceof ProbabilityDistributionBL) toReturn = (ProbabilityDistributionBL) search.getMarginalization(); return toReturn; } /** * This method adds hard evidence to node called variable. It sets it to * state fixedState. * * @param variable * @param fixedState */ public void addEvidence(String variable, String fixedState) { if (screenEnabled) System.out.println(variable + " fixed to " + fixedState); NodeBL target = this.getNode(variable); junctionTree.addEvidence(target, fixedState); } /** * This method adds soft evidence to a certain node. Then, it resets its * observations, so another soft evidence can be introduced into the same * node. * * @param nodeName * Name where the soft evidence is going to be applied. * @param probDis * Soft evidence to be applied. */ public void addSoftEvidence(String nodeName, ProbabilityDistributionBL probDis) { if (screenEnabled) System.out.println("Adding Soft Evidence to node :" + nodeName); NodeBL target = this.getNode(nodeName); String[] values = target.getStates(); // RESET THE OBSERVATION AFTER ADDING SOFT EVIDENCE this.junctionTree.addEvidence(target, values, Util.probabilityToDouble(probDis.getProbabilities())); Probability[] reset = target.getObservation().getProbabilities(); int indexReset = 0; while (indexReset < reset.length) { reset[indexReset].setProbability(1); indexReset++; } if (screenEnabled) { System.out .println("------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("Marginalization Node: " + nodeName); System.out.println(target.getMarginalization().toString()); System.out.println("Observation Node: " + nodeName); System.out.println(target.getObservation().toString()); System.out.println("Probability Table Node: " + nodeName); System.out.println(target.getProbTable().toString()); System.out .println("------------------------------------------------------"); } } /** * This method adds soft evidence to node target. It is used in the soft * evidence approach, in those cases where soft evidence is accumulated * before being introduced. * * @param target * Node where the soft evidence is added. * * @param input * double[] to be added as soft evidence. */ public void addSoftEvidence2(NodeBL target, double[] input) { if (screenEnabled) System.out.println("Adding Soft Evidence to node :" + target.getName()); this.junctionTree.addEvidence(target, target.getStates(), input); if (screenEnabled) { System.out .println("------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("Marginalization Node: " + target.getName()); System.out.println(target.getMarginalization().toString()); System.out.println("Observation Node: " + target.getName()); System.out.println(target.getObservation().toString()); System.out.println("Probability Table Node: " + target.getName()); System.out.println(target.getProbTable().toString()); System.out .println("------------------------------------------------------"); } // } public boolean getAlreadyUpdated() { return alreadyUpdated; } public void setAlreadyUpdated(boolean state) { this.alreadyUpdated = state; } public NodeBL[] getAllNodes() { Node[] general = this.bayesianNetwork.getNodes(); if (general instanceof NodeBL[]) return (NodeBL[]) general; return null; } public Edge[] getAllEdges() { return (this.bayesianNetwork.getEdges()); } /** * This method returns the array list containing the name of all bayeslet * this bayeslet is connected to through an output interface node. It is * used during the bayeslet cycle detection process. */ public ArrayList<String> getConnectedBayeslets() { ArrayList<String> connBayeslets = new ArrayList<String>(); int indexInterfaceNodes = 0; int indexConnectedBayeslets = 0; // Goes through all the outgoing interface nodes from this bayeslet. while (indexInterfaceNodes < this.getOutgoingInterfaceNodes().size()) { InterfaceNodeRecord tempINR = this.getOutgoingInterfaceNodes().get( indexInterfaceNodes); indexConnectedBayeslets = 0; while (indexConnectedBayeslets < tempINR.getConnectedBayeslets() .size()) { BayesletInfo tempBI = tempINR.getConnectedBayeslets().get( indexConnectedBayeslets); // If bayeslet described in tempBI was not already added to the // ArrayList if (!connBayeslets.contains(tempBI.getName())) { connBayeslets.add(tempBI.getName()); } indexConnectedBayeslets++; } indexInterfaceNodes++; } return connBayeslets; } public void setColor(String c) { this.color = c; } public String getColor() { return (this.color); } public DAG getDAG() { return this.bayesianNetwork; } /** * This method obtains the marginalization of a certain node in a certain * bayeslet. To do that it gets the marginalization of it goes through all * incoming interface nodes, and request the related bayeslets to provide * with the marginalization of their corresponding output interface nodes. * This marginalization is applied as soft evidence to the incoming * interface nodes. * * * @param requestedBayeslet * @param requestedNode * @param storedBayeslets * @return */ public ProbabilityDistributionBL obtainMarginalization( String requestedNode, Bayeslet[] storedBayeslets) { ArrayList incomingInterfaceNodesBayeslet; ArrayList connectedBayeslets; InterfaceNodeRecord nodeInfo; String searchedBayesletName; int indexIncomingInterfaceNodes = 0; int indexConnectedBayeslets = 0; NodeBL nTarget = this.getNode(requestedNode); incomingInterfaceNodesBayeslet = this.getIncomingInterfaceNodes(); if ((incomingInterfaceNodesBayeslet.size() != 0) && (!this.getAlreadyUpdated())) { while (indexIncomingInterfaceNodes < incomingInterfaceNodesBayeslet .size()) { nodeInfo = (InterfaceNodeRecord) incomingInterfaceNodesBayeslet .get(indexIncomingInterfaceNodes); connectedBayeslets = nodeInfo.getConnectedBayeslets(); while (indexConnectedBayeslets < connectedBayeslets.size()) { BayesletInfo tempBayesletInfo = ((BayesletInfo) connectedBayeslets .get(indexConnectedBayeslets)); searchedBayesletName = tempBayesletInfo.getName(); Bayeslet searchedBayeslet = Util.searchBayeslet( searchedBayesletName, storedBayeslets); String nodeName = tempBayesletInfo.getNodeName(); ProbabilityDistributionBL probDis = searchedBayeslet .obtainMarginalization(nodeName, storedBayeslets); System.out.println("SE calculada: " + nodeName); System.out.println(probDis.toStringWithoutParents()); this.addSoftEvidence(nodeInfo.getName(), probDis); indexConnectedBayeslets++; } indexConnectedBayeslets = 0; indexIncomingInterfaceNodes++; } } this.setAlreadyUpdated(true); return (this.getNormalization(nTarget.getName())); } /** * This method has the same objective as the method obtainMarginalization * (see above). This one is the version used during the parallel testing * (where each Bayeslet runs in an independent thread). * * @param requestedNode * @param storedBayeslets * @return * @throws InterruptedException */ public ProbabilityDistributionBL obtainMarginalizationParallel( String requestedNode, Bayeslet[] storedBayeslets) throws InterruptedException { ArrayList incomingInterfaceNodesBayeslet; ArrayList connectedBayeslets; InterfaceNodeRecord nodeInfo; String searchedBayesletName; int indexIncomingInterfaceNodes = 0; int indexConnectedBayeslets = 0; // Bayeslet bTarget = // utils.searchBayeslet(requestedBayeslet,storedBayeslets); NodeBL nTarget = this.getNode(requestedNode); incomingInterfaceNodesBayeslet = this.getIncomingInterfaceNodes(); if ((incomingInterfaceNodesBayeslet.size() != 0) && (!this.getAlreadyUpdated())) { while (indexIncomingInterfaceNodes < incomingInterfaceNodesBayeslet .size()) { nodeInfo = (InterfaceNodeRecord) incomingInterfaceNodesBayeslet .get(indexIncomingInterfaceNodes); connectedBayeslets = nodeInfo.getConnectedBayeslets(); while (indexConnectedBayeslets < connectedBayeslets.size()) { BayesletInfo tempBayesletInfo = ((BayesletInfo) connectedBayeslets .get(indexConnectedBayeslets)); searchedBayesletName = tempBayesletInfo.getName(); String nodeName = tempBayesletInfo.getNodeName(); Bayeslet searchedBayeslet = Util.searchBayeslet( searchedBayesletName, storedBayeslets); if (this.screenEnabled) System.out .println("Bayeslet " + + " waiting for " + searchedBayeslet.getBName()); // waitOtherBayeslets(searchedBayeslet); // searchedBayeslet.join(); ReadyFlag tempRF = Util.searchSemaphore( searchedBayesletName, semaphores); synchronized (tempRF) { while (!searchedBayeslet.getAlreadyUpdated()) tempRF.wait(); } /* * synchronized (searchedBayeslet){ * while(!searchedBayeslet.getAlreadyUpdated()){ * * try{ System.out.println("Bayeslet "+this.getBName()+ * " sigue esperando..."); wait(); * }catch(InterruptedException e){}; } */ if (this.screenEnabled) System.out.println("Bayeslet " + this.getBName() + " ya tiene lo que quiere!"); ProbabilityDistributionBL probDis = searchedBayeslet .obtainMarginalizationParallel(nodeName, storedBayeslets); // System.out.println("SE calculada: "+ nodeName); // System.out.println(probDis.toStringWithoutParents()); this.addSoftEvidence(nodeInfo.getName(), probDis); indexConnectedBayeslets++; } indexConnectedBayeslets = 0; indexIncomingInterfaceNodes++; } } if (this.screenEnabled) System.out.println(this.getBName() + " about to notifyAll()"); // notifyRestOfBayeslets(); this.setAlreadyUpdated(true); ReadyFlag tempRF2 = Util.searchSemaphore(, semaphores); synchronized (tempRF2) { tempRF2.notifyAll(); } /* * if (this.getOutgoingInterfaceNodes().get(0)!=null){ * InterfaceNodeRecord tempINR=this.getOutgoingInterfaceNodes().get(0); * Bayeslet * tempBL=utils.searchBayeslet(tempINR.getConnectedBayeslets().get * (0).getName(), this.storedBayeslets); * //notifyRestOfBayeslets(tempBL); } */ return (this.getNormalization(nTarget.getName())); } /** * This method adds all nodes and edges from all bayeslets in the input * array of bayeslets to the Bayesian network in this Bayeslet. It is the * first step to construct the big bayesian network in the second approach. * * @param bayeslets * @param combinedDAG */ public void addNodesEdges(Bayeslet[] bayeslets) { ArrayList tempNodes; ArrayList tempEdges; ArrayList combinedNodes = this.bayesianNetwork.getNodesArrayList(); ArrayList combinedEdges = this.bayesianNetwork.getEdgesArrayList(); int i = 0; int indexNodes = 0; int indexEdges = 0; while (i < bayeslets.length) { tempNodes = bayeslets[i].getDAG().getNodesArrayList(); tempEdges = bayeslets[i].getDAG().getEdgesArrayList(); // Adding nodes from this DAG to the combined one while (indexNodes < tempNodes.size()) { combinedNodes.add(tempNodes.get(indexNodes)); indexNodes++; } indexNodes = 0; // Adding edges from this DAG to the combined one while (indexEdges < tempEdges.size()) { combinedEdges.add(tempEdges.get(indexEdges)); indexEdges++; } indexEdges = 0; i++; } i = 0; } /** * This method is the second step to construct the the Big Bayesian network * in the second approach Combines the interface nodes involved in bayeslets * connections * * @param bayeslets */ public void updateConnections(Bayeslet[] bayeslets) { int indexInterfaceNodes = 0; ArrayList combinedNodes = this.bayesianNetwork.getNodesArrayList(); ArrayList combinedEdges = this.bayesianNetwork.getEdgesArrayList(); ArrayList tempConnectedBayeslets; InterfaceNodeRecord tempInterfaceNode; NodeBL tempSourceNode; NodeBL tempTargetNode; String sourceNodeName; String targetNodeName; BayesletInfo tempBayesletInfo; int indexConnectedBayeslets = 0; int i = 0; while (i < bayeslets.length) { // Goes through all bayeslets ArrayList tempIncomingInterfaceNodes = bayeslets[i] .getIncomingInterfaceNodes(); while (indexInterfaceNodes < tempIncomingInterfaceNodes.size()) { // Goes through all incoming interface nodes of each bayeslet tempInterfaceNode = ((InterfaceNodeRecord) tempIncomingInterfaceNodes .get(indexInterfaceNodes)); if (tempInterfaceNode.getToBeUpdatedNode()) { targetNodeName = tempInterfaceNode.getName(); tempTargetNode = bayeslets[i].getNode(targetNodeName); tempConnectedBayeslets = tempInterfaceNode .getConnectedBayeslets(); while (indexConnectedBayeslets < tempConnectedBayeslets .size()) { // Goes through all connected bayeslets to a certain // incoming interface node tempBayesletInfo = (BayesletInfo) tempConnectedBayeslets .get(indexConnectedBayeslets); // tempBayesletName=tempBayesletInfo.getName(); sourceNodeName = tempBayesletInfo.getNodeName(); // tempBayeslet=utils.searchBayeslet(tempBayesletName,bayeslets); // tempSourceNode=tempBayeslet.getNode(sourceNodeName); tempTargetNode = Util.searchNode(targetNodeName, combinedNodes); tempSourceNode = Util.searchNode(sourceNodeName, combinedNodes); ProbabilityDistribution targetProbTable = tempTargetNode .getProbTable(); if (!(targetProbTable instanceof ProbabilityDistributionBL)) { logger.error("ProbabilityDistribution of target node is not a Bayeslet-ProbabilityDistribution.\n\tExiting"); return; } ((ProbabilityDistributionBL) targetProbTable) .combineProbabilityDistribution(tempSourceNode, tempTargetNode); Util.transferEdges(tempSourceNode, tempTargetNode, combinedEdges); tempTargetNode.updateName(tempSourceNode.getName()); combinedNodes.remove(tempSourceNode); indexConnectedBayeslets++; } indexConnectedBayeslets = 0; tempInterfaceNode.setToBeUpdatedNode(false); } indexInterfaceNodes++; } indexInterfaceNodes = 0; i++; } this.buildJunctionTree(); } /** * This method adds a set of evidences to this bayeslet. * * @param evidences */ public void addEvidences(ArrayList evidences) { // Propagation of evidence is included in the execution time!!! if (evidences != null) { for (int i = 0; i < (evidences).size(); i++) { EvidenceRecord tempEv = (EvidenceRecord) evidences.get(i); this.addEvidence(tempEv.getNodeName(), tempEv.getEvidence()); } } } public void setStoredBayeslets(Bayeslet[] storedBayeslets) { this.storedBayeslets = storedBayeslets; } public void setSemaphores(ReadyFlag[] semaphores) { this.semaphores = semaphores; } public void setStartingTime(long input) { this.startingTime = input; } /** * This method is used during the execution time testing, in the parallel * processing version. Each Bayeslet is asked to marginalize a certain node. */ public void run() { if (this.screenEnabled) System.out .println("Bayeslet " + this.getBName() + " began to run."); if (name == "B1") { try { System.out.println(this.obtainMarginalizationParallel( "B1:Action_Brake", storedBayeslets)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { try { this.obtainMarginalizationParallel(getAllNodes()[0].getName(), storedBayeslets); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (this.screenEnabled) System.out.println("Bayeslet " + this.getBName() + " finished to run."); } /** * This mehotd constructs, initialises and propagates the junction tree of * this Bayeslet. */ void buildJunctionTree() { this.junctionTree = new BayesletJTree(this.bayesianNetwork); this.junctionTree.initialiseJTree(); this.junctionTree.propagate(); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ////////////////////NOT USED SO // FAR////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * This method is dissolving a combined node. * * @param name * Name of the node to be dissolved. * @param bayeslets * Structure containing all bayeslets. * @param backUpBayeslets * Structure containing the original version of all bayeslets. */ /* * public void dissolveCombinedNode(String name,Bayeslet[] * bayeslets,Bayeslet[] backUpBayeslets){ * * Node toBeRemoved=this.getNode(name); * this.getDAG().removeNode(toBeRemoved); * //this.disconnectSelfInterfaceNode(name); * String[]combinedNodes=toBeRemoved.getName().split("-"); int * indexCombinedNodes=0; * * while(indexCombinedNodes<combinedNodes.length){ * * String nodeName=combinedNodes[indexCombinedNodes]; String[] * bayesletAndNode=combinedNodes[indexCombinedNodes].split(":"); String * bayesletName=bayesletAndNode[0]; * * Bayeslet current=utils.searchBayeslet(bayesletName, bayeslets); Bayeslet * backUp=utils.searchBayeslet(bayesletName, backUpBayeslets); * * InterfaceNodeRecord tempINR=current.getInterfaceNodeInfo(nodeName); * * this.resetNode(nodeName,backUp,current,tempINR.isIncomingInterfaceNode()); * * tempINR.setToBeUpdatedNode(true); * * indexCombinedNodes++; } } */ /** * This method returns a node to its original state (before being combined). * To do that it checks in the backup structure (backUpBayeslet) and updates * the edges and the probabilities table. * * * @param connectedNodeName * Name of the node to be dissolved. * @param backUpBayeslet * Structure containing the original state of the bayeslets. * @param current * Current state of the bayeslet containing the node to be * dissolved. * @param incomingInterfaceNode * Defines whether the node is an input interface node or an * output interface node. */ /* * public void resetNode(String connectedNodeName, Bayeslet * backUpBayeslet,Bayeslet current,boolean incomingInterfaceNode){ * * Node backUpNode= backUpBayeslet.getNode(connectedNodeName); Node newNode= * new Node(backUpNode.getName(),backUpNode.getStates()); * * utils.transferEdgesBackUp(backUpNode, newNode, * this.getDAG().getNodesArrayList(),this.getDAG().getEdgesArrayList()); * //Probability[] temp = backUpNode.getProbTable().getProbabilities(); * newNode * .setProbDistribution(backUpNode.getProbTable().getProbabilities()); * * Node currentNode = current.getNode(connectedNodeName); * * currentNode.setName(connectedNodeName); * currentNode.setProbDistribution(backUpNode * .getProbTable().getProbabilities()); * * if (incomingInterfaceNode) { utils.transferEdgesBackUp(backUpNode, * currentNode, * current.getDAG().getNodesArrayList(),current.getDAG().getEdgesArrayList * ()); } * * this.getDAG().addNode(newNode); * * } * * /** This method is used when disconnecting a certain interface node from * a bayeslet. It clears the information about all connected bayeslets that * were connected to this one through that interface node. * * @param name Name of the interface node to be disconnected. */ /* * public void disconnectSelfInterfaceNode(String name){ int indexIN=0; * boolean found=false; * * ArrayList interfaceNodes=this.getInterfaceNodes(); * * while ((indexIN<interfaceNodes.size())&&(!found)){ InterfaceNodeRecord * temINR=(InterfaceNodeRecord) interfaceNodes.get(indexIN); if * (temINR.getName().contains(name)){ * temINR.getConnectedBayeslets().clear(); found=true; }else{ indexIN++; } } * } */ /** * This method disconnects removes the information about every single * connection between this bayeslet and another one. To do that it goes * through all interface nodes, and in case of finding information about one * connection related to a certain bayeslet, it deletes it. * * @param name * Name of the bayeslet which we want this bayeslet to get * disconnected from. */ /* * public void disconnectFromBayeslet(String name){ int indexIN=0; int * iConnectedBayeslets=0; ArrayList interfaceNodes=this.getInterfaceNodes(); * while (indexIN<interfaceNodes.size()){ InterfaceNodeRecord * temINR=(InterfaceNodeRecord) interfaceNodes.get(indexIN); while * (iConnectedBayeslets<temINR.getConnectedBayeslets().size()){ BayesletInfo * tempBI= temINR.getConnectedBayeslets().get(iConnectedBayeslets); * * if (tempBI.getNodeName().equals(name)){ * temINR.getConnectedBayeslets().remove(iConnectedBayeslets); }else{ * iConnectedBayeslets++; } * * * } indexIN++; } } */ }