package xbneditor; import*; import java.util.*; /** * This is a class that takes in a generated Bayesian network and a gold * standard bayesian network and will look for different graph error * calculations that have been found within them. * * @author Laura Kruse * @version v1.0 */ public class CountGraphErrors { private LinkedList currentbn; private int[][] goldstandard; private int[][] current; private Hashtable nodenames; private Hashtable mapped; private String filename; private int size; /** * This takes in the current Bayesian network and the filename of * the gold standard network so that the generated network can be * compared to the gold standard network for errors. * * @param currentbn the Bayesian Network that was generated * @param filename the name of the file in which the gold standard * network is stored */ public CountGraphErrors(LinkedList currentbn, String filename) { //System.out.println("LinkedList, String constructor"); this.currentbn = currentbn; this.filename = filename; size = currentbn.size(); goldstandard = new int[size][size]; current = new int[size][size]; nodenames = new Hashtable(); mapped = new Hashtable(); populateHash(); } /** * This function takes in two file names. One is the generated * bayesian network and the other is the gold standard bayesian * network. * * @param fncurrent the generated bayesian network * @param filename the gold standard bayesian network */ public CountGraphErrors(String fncurrent, String filename) { //System.out.println("String, String Constructor"); //System.out.println("K2: " + fncurrent); //System.out.println("GS: " + filename); FileIO file; file = new FileIO(); currentbn = file.load(fncurrent); this.filename = filename; size = currentbn.size(); //System.out.println("size = " + size); goldstandard = new int[size][size]; current = new int[size][size]; nodenames = new Hashtable(); mapped = new Hashtable(); populateHash(); } /** * This function locates all of the names in the network and puts them * into a hash table so that it can be easily determined where a * node is in the comparison array. */ private void populateHash() { String name; for(int i=0;i<size;i++) { name = ((Item) currentbn.get(i)).getItem().getBlockName(); nodenames.put(name, new Integer(i)); mapped.put(new Integer(i), name); } getBNStandard(); getGoldStandard(); } /** * This function retrieves the generated bayesian network and stores * the location of the arcs and direction in an array. */ private void getBNStandard() { Item item; String name1; String name2; int num1; int num2; int parents; for(int i=0;i<size;i++) { item = (Item) currentbn.get(i); name1 = item.getItem().getBlockName(); num1 = ((Integer) nodenames.get(name1)).intValue(); parents = item.numParents(); for(int j=0;j<parents;j++) { name2 = item.getParent(j).getItem().getBlockName(); num2 = ((Integer) nodenames.get(name2)).intValue(); current[num1][num2] = 1; } } //return current; } /** * This function retireves the gold standard bayesian network and * puts the location of the arcs of the nodes into an array. */ private void getGoldStandard() { String content; if(filename != null) { content = readGSFile(filename); // look for the different file format cases here // decide what function to parse them based on this // this should return a populated table if(content.indexOf("BIF VERSION=\"0.3\"") > 0) { getXMLGoldStandard(content, true); } else if(content.indexOf("<BIF>") > 0) { getXMLGoldStandard(content, false); } else { getBIFGoldStandard(content); } } //return goldstandard; } private String readGSFile(String filename) { StringBuffer sbuf; BufferedReader infile; sbuf = new StringBuffer(); try { infile = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)); while(infile.ready()) { sbuf.append(infile.readLine()); } } catch(FileNotFoundException fnfe) { fnfe.printStackTrace(); } catch(IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } return sbuf.toString(); } private void getXMLGoldStandard(String sbuf, boolean currentVer) { int startDefinition; int endDefinition; if(currentVer) { startDefinition = sbuf.indexOf("<DEFINITION>"); endDefinition = sbuf.indexOf("</DEFINITION>"); } else { startDefinition = sbuf.indexOf("<PROBABILITY>"); endDefinition = sbuf.indexOf("</PROBABILITY>"); } while(startDefinition > 0) { getXMLGoldStandardNames(sbuf.substring(startDefinition, endDefinition)); if(currentVer) { startDefinition = sbuf.indexOf("<DEFINITION>", endDefinition); endDefinition = sbuf.indexOf("</DEFINITION>", startDefinition); } else { startDefinition = sbuf.indexOf("<PROBABILITY>", endDefinition); endDefinition = sbuf.indexOf("</PROBABILITY>", startDefinition); } } } private void getBIFGoldStandard(String sbuf) { int startDefinition; int endDefinition; startDefinition = sbuf.indexOf("probability ("); endDefinition = sbuf.indexOf("}", startDefinition); while(startDefinition > 0) { getBIFGoldStandardNames(sbuf.substring(startDefinition, endDefinition)); startDefinition = sbuf.indexOf("probability (", endDefinition); endDefinition = sbuf.indexOf("}", startDefinition); } } private void getXMLGoldStandardNames(String sbuf) { int startFor; int endFor; int startGiven; int endGiven; String name1; String name2; int num1; int num2; startFor = sbuf.indexOf("<FOR>"); endFor = sbuf.indexOf("</FOR>"); name1 = sbuf.substring(startFor + 5, endFor); num1 = ((Integer) nodenames.get(name1)).intValue(); startGiven = sbuf.indexOf("<GIVEN>", endFor); endGiven = sbuf.indexOf("</GIVEN>", startGiven); while(startGiven > startFor) { name2 = sbuf.substring(startGiven + 7, endGiven); num2 = ((Integer) nodenames.get(name2)).intValue(); // do something to put the 1 or 0 in the table here goldstandard[num1][num2] = 1; startGiven = sbuf.indexOf("<GIVEN>", endGiven); endGiven = sbuf.indexOf("</GIVEN>", startGiven); } } private void getBIFGoldStandardNames(String sbuf) { int startFor; int endFor; int startGiven; int endGiven; String name1; String name2; String tmp; int num1; int num2; startFor = sbuf.indexOf("(") + 1; endFor = sbuf.indexOf(")", startFor) - 1; tmp = trimexcess(sbuf.substring(startFor, endFor)); if((startGiven = tmp.indexOf(" ")) > 0) { name1 = tmp.substring(0, startGiven); tmp = trimexcess(tmp.substring(startGiven)); if((endGiven = tmp.indexOf(" ")) < 0) { endGiven = tmp.length(); } } else { name1 = tmp; endGiven = -1; } num1 = ((Integer) nodenames.get(name1)).intValue(); while(startGiven > 0) { name2 = tmp.substring(0, endGiven); num2 = ((Integer) nodenames.get(name2)).intValue(); goldstandard[num1][num2] = 1; tmp = trimexcess(tmp.substring(endGiven)); endGiven = tmp.indexOf(" "); if(endGiven < 0 && tmp.length() <= 0) { startGiven = -1; } else if(endGiven < 0) { endGiven = tmp.length(); } } } private String trimexcess(String sbuf) { sbuf = sbuf.replace('"', ' '); sbuf = sbuf.replace('|', ' '); sbuf = sbuf.replace(',', ' '); return sbuf.trim(); } public String countErrorAddition() { StringBuffer ret; ret = new StringBuffer(); for(int i=0;i<size;i++) { for(int j=i+1;j<size;j++) { if(current[i][j] + current[j][i] > goldstandard[i][j] + goldstandard[j][i]) { if(current[i][j] == 1) { ret.append(mapped.get(new Integer(j)) + "->" + mapped.get(new Integer(i)) + " "); } else { ret.append(mapped.get(new Integer(i)) + "->" + mapped.get(new Integer(j)) + " "); } } } } //System.out.println("Addition: " + ret); return ret.toString(); } public String countErrorDeletion() { StringBuffer ret; ret = new StringBuffer(); for(int i=0;i<size;i++) { for(int j=i+1;j<size;j++) { if(current[i][j] + current[j][i] < goldstandard[i][j] + goldstandard[j][i]) { if(goldstandard[i][j] == 1) { ret.append(mapped.get(new Integer(j)) + "->" + mapped.get(new Integer(i)) + " "); } else { ret.append(mapped.get(new Integer(i)) + "->" + mapped.get(new Integer(j)) + " "); } } } } //System.out.println("Deletion: " + ret); return ret.toString(); } public String countErrorReversal() { StringBuffer ret; ret = new StringBuffer(); for(int i=0;i<size;i++) { for(int j=i+1;j<size;j++) { if((current[i][j] == goldstandard[j][i] && goldstandard[j][i] == 1) || (current[j][i] == goldstandard[i][j] && goldstandard[i][j] == 1)) { if(current[i][j] == goldstandard[j][i] && goldstandard[j][i] == 1) { ret.append(mapped.get(new Integer(j)) + "->" + mapped.get(new Integer(i)) + " "); } else { ret.append(mapped.get(new Integer(i)) + "->" + mapped.get(new Integer(j)) + " "); } } } } //System.out.println("Reversal: " + ret); return ret.toString(); } }