package org.societies.cft; import org.apache.cordova.api.Plugin; import org.apache.cordova.api.PluginResult; import org.apache.cordova.api.PluginResult.Status; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.util.Log; public class ConnectionPlugin extends Plugin { public static final String CREATE_CONNECTION_LISTENER = "createListener"; private BroadcastReceiver receiver; private String callbackId; //Constructor public ConnectionPlugin() { this.receiver = null; this.callbackId = null; } @Override //If a connection receiver action is received, create the listener and //signal ok back to the Webview //The ConnectionReceiver class will handle the asynchronous updates public PluginResult execute(String action, JSONArray data, String callbackID) { PluginResult result = null; if (action.equals(CREATE_CONNECTION_LISTENER)) { // Log.i(this.getClass().getName(), "execute: " + action); if (this.callbackId != null) { result = new PluginResult(Status.ERROR, "Connection listener already created"); // Log.i(this.getClass().getName(), "listener already created"); } else { this.callbackId = callbackID; IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter() ; intentFilter.addAction(""); if (this.receiver == null) { this.receiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { updateConnectionInfo(intent); } }; this.ctx.getContext().registerReceiver(this.receiver, intentFilter); } // Don't return any result now, since status results will be sent when events come in from broadcast receiver result = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.NO_RESULT); result.setKeepCallback(true); } } return result; } private void updateConnectionInfo(Intent intent) { Log.i(this.getClass().getName(), "action: " + intent.getAction()); if (this.callbackId != null) { PluginResult result = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.OK, getConnectionInfo(intent)); result.setKeepCallback(true); this.success(result, this.callbackId); } Log.i(this.getClass().getName(), "Plugin success method called, target: " + this.callbackId); } /** * Creates a JSONObject with the current connection information * * @param intent of the connection * @return a JSONObject containing the connection status information */ private JSONObject getConnectionInfo(Intent intent) { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); try { obj.put("action", intent.getAction()); obj.put("actionMessage", "Check connection status"); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(this.getClass().getName(), e.getMessage(), e); } return obj; } public BroadcastReceiver getReceiver() { return receiver; } }