package; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import; import android.test.AndroidTestCase; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.MediumTest; import android.util.Log; public class TestCommsHelperExceptions extends AndroidTestCase { private final static String LOG_TAG = TestCommsHelperExceptions.class.getName(); private static final int LATCH_TIMEOUT = 10000; //Modify these constants to suit local XMPP server private static final String XMPP_DOMAIN = "societies.bespoke"; private static final String XMPP_DOMAIN_NODE = "danode"; private static final String XMPP_IDENTIFIER = "alan"; private static final String XMPP_PASSWORD = "midge"; private static final String XMPP_BAD_IDENTIFIER = "godzilla"; private static final String XMPP_BAD_PASSWORD = "smog"; private static final String XMPP_NEW_IDENTIFIER = "gollum"; private static final String XMPP_NEW_PASSWORD = "precious"; private static final String XMPP_RESOURCE = "GalaxyNexus"; private static final String XMPP_SUCCESSFUL_JID = XMPP_IDENTIFIER + "@" + XMPP_DOMAIN + "/" + XMPP_RESOURCE; private static final String XMPP_SUCCESSFUL_CLOUD_NODE = XMPP_IDENTIFIER + "." + XMPP_DOMAIN; private static final String XMPP_SUCCESSFUL_DA_NODE = XMPP_DOMAIN_NODE + "." + XMPP_DOMAIN; private static final String XMPP_NEW_JID = XMPP_NEW_IDENTIFIER + "@" + XMPP_DOMAIN + "/" + XMPP_RESOURCE; private static final int XMPP_PORT = 5222; private static final String XMPP_DOMAIN_AUTHORITY = "danode." + XMPP_DOMAIN; private static final String SIMPLE_XML_MESSAGE = "<iq from=' to=''> " + "<query xmlns=''/></iq>"; private boolean testCompleted; private CountDownLatch latch; protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); } protected void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); } // @MediumTest /** * Test if Societies Android Comms service not available. Requires that the SocietiesAndroidCommsApp * is not installed in the target AVD * @throws Exception */ public void testIsConnected() throws Exception { this.latch = new CountDownLatch(1); this.testCompleted = false; final ClientCommunicationMgr ccm = new ClientCommunicationMgr(this.getContext(), false); assertNotNull(ccm); ccm.bindCommsService(new IMethodCallback() { @Override public void returnException(String exception) { assertNotNull(exception); Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Bind Exception message: " + exception); TestCommsHelperExceptions.this.testCompleted = true; TestCommsHelperExceptions.this.latch.countDown(); } @Override public void returnAction(String arg0) { fail("Incorrect return option"); } @Override public void returnAction(boolean flag) { fail("Incorrect return option"); } }); this.latch.await(LATCH_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); assertTrue(this.testCompleted); } // @MediumTest /** * Test if XMPP server is not available.Requires that the SocietiesAndroidCommsApp * is installed in the target AVD * @throws Exception */ public void testLoginWithNoXMPPServer() throws Exception { this.latch = new CountDownLatch(1); this.testCompleted = false; final ClientCommunicationMgr ccm = new ClientCommunicationMgr(this.getContext(), false); assertNotNull(ccm); ccm.bindCommsService(new IMethodCallback() { @Override public void returnException(String arg0) { fail("Incorrect return option"); } @Override public void returnAction(String arg0) { fail("Incorrect return option"); } @Override public void returnAction(boolean flag) { assertTrue(flag); ccm.isConnected(new IMethodCallback() { @Override public void returnException(String arg0) { fail("Incorrect return option"); } @Override public void returnAction(String arg0) { fail("Incorrect return option"); } @Override public void returnAction(boolean flag) { assertFalse(flag); ccm.configureAgent(XMPP_DOMAIN_AUTHORITY, XMPP_PORT, XMPP_RESOURCE, false, new IMethodCallback() { @Override public void returnException(String arg0) { fail("Incorrect return option"); } @Override public void returnAction(String arg0) { fail("Incorrect return option"); } @Override public void returnAction(boolean flag) { assertTrue(flag); ccm.login(XMPP_IDENTIFIER, XMPP_DOMAIN, XMPP_PASSWORD, new IMethodCallback() { @Override public void returnException(String exception) { assertNotNull(exception); TestCommsHelperExceptions.this.testCompleted = true; TestCommsHelperExceptions.this.latch.countDown(); } @Override public void returnAction(String arg0) { fail("Incorrect return option"); } @Override public void returnAction(boolean arg0) { fail("Incorrect return option"); } }); } }); } }); } }); this.latch.await(LATCH_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); assertTrue(this.testCompleted); } }