/* * Copyright (c) 1997, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package com.sun.xml.txw2; import com.sun.xml.txw2.output.XmlSerializer; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; /** * Coordinates the entire writing process. * * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi (kohsuke.kawaguchi@sun.com) */ public final class Document { private final XmlSerializer out; /** * Set to true once we invoke {@link XmlSerializer#startDocument()}. * * <p> * This is so that we can defer the writing as much as possible. */ private boolean started=false; /** * Currently active writer. * * <p> * This points to the last written token. */ private Content current = null; private final Map<Class,DatatypeWriter> datatypeWriters = new HashMap<Class,DatatypeWriter>(); /** * Used to generate unique namespace prefix. */ private int iota = 1; /** * Used to keep track of in-scope namespace bindings declared in ancestors. */ private final NamespaceSupport inscopeNamespace = new NamespaceSupport(); /** * Remembers the namespace declarations of the last unclosed start tag, * so that we can fix up dummy prefixes in {@link Pcdata}. */ private NamespaceDecl activeNamespaces; Document(XmlSerializer out) { this.out = out; for( DatatypeWriter dw : DatatypeWriter.BUILTIN ) datatypeWriters.put(dw.getType(),dw); } void flush() { out.flush(); } void setFirstContent(Content c) { assert current==null; current = new StartDocument(); current.setNext(this,c); } /** * Defines additional user object -> string conversion logic. * * <p> * Applications can add their own {@link DatatypeWriter} so that * application-specific objects can be turned into {@link String} * for output. * * @param dw * The {@link DatatypeWriter} to be added. Must not be null. */ public void addDatatypeWriter( DatatypeWriter<?> dw ) { datatypeWriters.put(dw.getType(),dw); } /** * Performs the output as much as possible */ void run() { while(true) { Content next = current.getNext(); if(next==null || !next.isReadyToCommit()) return; next.accept(visitor); next.written(); current = next; } } /** * Appends the given object to the end of the given buffer. * * @param nsResolver * use */ void writeValue( Object obj, NamespaceResolver nsResolver, StringBuilder buf ) { if(obj==null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument contains null"); if(obj instanceof Object[]) { for( Object o : (Object[])obj ) writeValue(o,nsResolver,buf); return; } if(obj instanceof Iterable) { for( Object o : (Iterable<?>)obj ) writeValue(o,nsResolver,buf); return; } if(buf.length()>0) buf.append(' '); Class c = obj.getClass(); while(c!=null) { DatatypeWriter dw = datatypeWriters.get(c); if(dw!=null) { dw.print(obj,nsResolver,buf); return; } c = c.getSuperclass(); } // if nothing applies, just use toString buf.append(obj); } // I wanted to hide those write method from users private final ContentVisitor visitor = new ContentVisitor() { public void onStartDocument() { // the startDocument token is used as the sentry, so this method shall never // be called. // out.startDocument() is invoked when we write the start tag of the root element. throw new IllegalStateException(); } public void onEndDocument() { out.endDocument(); } public void onEndTag() { out.endTag(); inscopeNamespace.popContext(); activeNamespaces = null; } public void onPcdata(StringBuilder buffer) { if(activeNamespaces!=null) buffer = fixPrefix(buffer); out.text(buffer); } public void onCdata(StringBuilder buffer) { if(activeNamespaces!=null) buffer = fixPrefix(buffer); out.cdata(buffer); } public void onComment(StringBuilder buffer) { if(activeNamespaces!=null) buffer = fixPrefix(buffer); out.comment(buffer); } public void onStartTag(String nsUri, String localName, Attribute attributes, NamespaceDecl namespaces) { assert nsUri!=null; assert localName!=null; activeNamespaces = namespaces; if(!started) { started = true; out.startDocument(); } inscopeNamespace.pushContext(); // declare the explicitly bound namespaces for( NamespaceDecl ns=namespaces; ns!=null; ns=ns.next ) { ns.declared = false; // reset this flag if(ns.prefix!=null) { String uri = inscopeNamespace.getURI(ns.prefix); if(uri!=null && uri.equals(ns.uri)) ; // already declared else { // declare this new binding inscopeNamespace.declarePrefix(ns.prefix,ns.uri); ns.declared = true; } } } // then use in-scope namespace to assign prefixes to others for( NamespaceDecl ns=namespaces; ns!=null; ns=ns.next ) { if(ns.prefix==null) { if(inscopeNamespace.getURI("").equals(ns.uri)) ns.prefix=""; else { String p = inscopeNamespace.getPrefix(ns.uri); if(p==null) { // assign a new one while(inscopeNamespace.getURI(p=newPrefix())!=null) ; ns.declared = true; inscopeNamespace.declarePrefix(p,ns.uri); } ns.prefix = p; } } } // the first namespace decl must be the one for the element assert namespaces.uri.equals(nsUri); assert namespaces.prefix!=null : "a prefix must have been all allocated"; out.beginStartTag(nsUri,localName,namespaces.prefix); // declare namespaces for( NamespaceDecl ns=namespaces; ns!=null; ns=ns.next ) { if(ns.declared) out.writeXmlns( ns.prefix, ns.uri ); } // writeBody attributes for( Attribute a=attributes; a!=null; a=a.next) { String prefix; if(a.nsUri.length()==0) prefix=""; else prefix=inscopeNamespace.getPrefix(a.nsUri); out.writeAttribute( a.nsUri, a.localName, prefix, fixPrefix(a.value) ); } out.endStartTag(nsUri,localName,namespaces.prefix); } }; /** * Used by {@link #newPrefix()}. */ private final StringBuilder prefixSeed = new StringBuilder("ns"); private int prefixIota = 0; /** * Allocates a new unique prefix. */ private String newPrefix() { prefixSeed.setLength(2); prefixSeed.append(++prefixIota); return prefixSeed.toString(); } /** * Replaces dummy prefixes in the value to the real ones * by using {@link #activeNamespaces}. * * @return * the buffer passed as the <tt>buf</tt> parameter. */ private StringBuilder fixPrefix(StringBuilder buf) { assert activeNamespaces!=null; int i; int len=buf.length(); for(i=0;i<len;i++) if( buf.charAt(i)==MAGIC ) break; // typically it doens't contain any prefix. // just return the original buffer in that case if(i==len) return buf; while(i<len) { char uriIdx = buf.charAt(i+1); NamespaceDecl ns = activeNamespaces; while(ns!=null && ns.uniqueId!=uriIdx) ns=ns.next; if(ns==null) throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected use of prefixes "+buf); int length = 2; String prefix = ns.prefix; if(prefix.length()==0) { if(buf.length()<=i+2 || buf.charAt(i+2)!=':') throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected use of prefixes "+buf); length=3; } buf.replace(i,i+length,prefix); len += prefix.length()-length; while(i<len && buf.charAt(i)!=MAGIC) i++; } return buf; } /** * The first char of the dummy prefix. */ static final char MAGIC = '\u0000'; char assignNewId() { return (char)iota++; } }