/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs; import junit.framework.TestCase; import java.io.*; import java.net.URI; import java.util.Random; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.NameNode; /** * This class tests the FileStatus API. */ public class TestFileStatus extends TestCase { static final long seed = 0xDEADBEEFL; static final int blockSize = 8192; static final int fileSize = 16384; private static final String USER_DIR = "/user/" + System.getProperty("user.name"); private void writeFile(FileSystem fileSys, Path name, int repl, int fileSize, int blockSize) throws IOException { // create and write a file that contains three blocks of data FSDataOutputStream stm = fileSys.create(name, true, fileSys.getConf().getInt("io.file.buffer.size", 4096), (short)repl, (long)blockSize); byte[] buffer = new byte[fileSize]; Random rand = new Random(seed); rand.nextBytes(buffer); stm.write(buffer); stm.close(); } private void checkFile(FileSystem fileSys, Path name, int repl) throws IOException { DFSTestUtil.waitReplication(fileSys, name, (short) repl); } /** * Tests various options of DFSShell. */ public void testFileStatus() throws IOException { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); conf.setInt("dfs.ls.limit", 2); MiniDFSCluster cluster = new MiniDFSCluster(conf, 1, true, null); FileSystem fs = cluster.getFileSystem(); final DFSClient dfsClient = new DFSClient(NameNode.getAddress(conf), conf); try { // // check that / exists // Path path = new Path("/"); System.out.println("Path : \"" + path.toString() + "\""); assertTrue("/ should be a directory", fs.getFileStatus(path).isDir() == true); // make sure getFileInfo returns null for files which do not exist FileStatus fileInfo = dfsClient.getFileInfo("/noSuchFile"); assertTrue(fileInfo == null); // create a file in home directory // Path file1 = new Path("filestatus.dat"); writeFile(fs, file1, 1, fileSize, blockSize); System.out.println("Created file filestatus.dat with one " + " replicas."); checkFile(fs, file1, 1); System.out.println("Path : \"" + file1 + "\""); // test getFileStatus on a file FileStatus status = fs.getFileStatus(file1); assertTrue(file1 + " should be a file", status.isDir() == false); assertTrue(status.getBlockSize() == blockSize); assertTrue(status.getReplication() == 1); assertTrue(status.getLen() == fileSize); assertEquals(fs.makeQualified(file1).toString(), status.getPath().toString()); // test listStatus on a file FileStatus[] stats = fs.listStatus(file1); assertEquals(1, stats.length); status = stats[0]; assertTrue(file1 + " should be a file", status.isDir() == false); assertTrue(status.getBlockSize() == blockSize); assertTrue(status.getReplication() == 1); assertTrue(status.getLen() == fileSize); assertEquals(fs.makeQualified(file1).toString(), status.getPath().toString()); // test file status on a directory Path dir = new Path("/test/mkdirs"); // test listStatus on a non-existent file/directory stats = fs.listStatus(dir); assertEquals(null, stats); try { status = fs.getFileStatus(dir); assertEquals(null, status); fail("Expect to receive a FileNotFoundException"); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { } // create the directory assertTrue(fs.mkdirs(dir)); assertTrue(fs.exists(dir)); System.out.println("Dir : \"" + dir + "\""); // test getFileStatus on an empty directory status = fs.getFileStatus(dir); assertTrue(dir + " should be a directory", status.isDir()); assertTrue(dir + " should be zero size ", status.getLen() == 0); assertTrue(dir + " should have 0 children ", status.getChildrenCount() == 0); assertEquals(fs.makeQualified(dir).toString(), status.getPath().toString()); // test listStatus on an empty directory stats = fs.listStatus(dir); assertEquals(dir + " should be empty", 0, stats.length); assertTrue(dir + " should be zero size ", fs.getContentSummary(dir).getLength() == 0); assertTrue(dir + " should be zero size ", fs.getFileStatus(dir).getLen() == 0); System.out.println("Dir : \"" + dir + "\""); // create another file that is smaller than a block. // Path file2 = new Path(dir, "filestatus2.dat"); writeFile(fs, file2, 1, blockSize/4, blockSize); System.out.println("Created file filestatus2.dat with one " + " replicas."); checkFile(fs, file2, 1); System.out.println("Path : \"" + file2 + "\""); // verify file attributes status = fs.getFileStatus(file2); assertTrue(status.getBlockSize() == blockSize); assertTrue(status.getReplication() == 1); assertTrue(status.getChildrenCount() == -1); file2 = fs.makeQualified(file2); assertEquals(file2.toString(), status.getPath().toString()); // create another file in the same directory Path file3 = new Path(dir, "filestatus3.dat"); writeFile(fs, file3, 1, blockSize/4, blockSize); System.out.println("Created file filestatus3.dat with one " + " replicas."); checkFile(fs, file3, 1); file3 = fs.makeQualified(file3); // verify that the size of the directory increased by the size // of the two files assertTrue(dir + " size should be " + (blockSize/2), blockSize/2 == fs.getContentSummary(dir).getLength()); // test listStatus on a non-empty directory stats = fs.listStatus(dir); assertEquals(dir + " should have two entries", 2, stats.length); assertEquals(file2.toString(), stats[0].getPath().toString()); assertEquals(file3.toString(), stats[1].getPath().toString()); // test iterative listing // now dir has 2 entries, create one more Path dir3 = fs.makeQualified(new Path(dir, "dir3")); fs.mkdirs(dir3); dir3 = fs.makeQualified(dir3); stats = fs.listStatus(dir); assertEquals(dir + " should have three entries", 3, stats.length); assertEquals(dir3.toString(), stats[0].getPath().toString()); assertEquals(file2.toString(), stats[1].getPath().toString()); assertEquals(file3.toString(), stats[2].getPath().toString()); assertTrue(dir3 + " should have 0 entires", stats[0].getChildrenCount() == 0); assertTrue(stats[1].getChildrenCount() == -1); assertTrue(stats[2].getChildrenCount() == -1); // now dir has 3 entries, create two more Path dir4 = fs.makeQualified(new Path(dir, "dir4")); fs.mkdirs(dir4); dir4 = fs.makeQualified(dir4); Path dir5 = fs.makeQualified(new Path(dir, "dir5")); fs.mkdirs(dir5); dir5 = fs.makeQualified(dir5); stats = fs.listStatus(dir); assertEquals(dir + " should have five entries", 5, stats.length); assertEquals(dir3.toString(), stats[0].getPath().toString()); assertEquals(dir4.toString(), stats[1].getPath().toString()); assertEquals(dir5.toString(), stats[2].getPath().toString()); assertEquals(file2.toString(), stats[3].getPath().toString()); assertEquals(file3.toString(), stats[4].getPath().toString()); // test if dir has 5 children status = fs.getFileStatus(dir); assertTrue(dir + " should have five entries", status.getChildrenCount() == 5); assertTrue(dir + " should be zero size ", status.getLen() == 0); } finally { fs.close(); cluster.shutdown(); } } /** * Using a MiniDFS cluster, create multilevel directory structures and query * them using FileUtil.listStatus */ public void testListStatus() throws IOException { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); MiniDFSCluster cluster = null; try { cluster = new MiniDFSCluster(conf, 2, true, null); URI uri = cluster.getFileSystem().getUri(); FileSystem.LOG.info("uri=" + uri); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(uri, new Configuration()); // Test fully populated tree with no empty directories createFullyPopulatedTree(fs, USER_DIR, 3); // At full depth FileStatus[] statuses = FileUtil.listStatus(fs, new Path(USER_DIR), 3); validateStatusCount(statuses, 15); // 7 files 8 leaf level directories // At partial depth statuses = FileUtil.listStatus(fs, new Path(USER_DIR), 2); validateStatusCount(statuses, 7); // 3 files 4 leaf level directories fs.delete(new Path(USER_DIR), true); // Test non-branching tree with empty directories createLinearTree(fs, USER_DIR, 3); // At partial depth (5 level tree, from /3 to /0/leaf) statuses = FileUtil.listStatus(fs, new Path(USER_DIR), 3); validateStatusCount(statuses, 4); // 2 files, 2 dirs (one empty) fs.delete(new Path(USER_DIR), true); } finally { if (cluster != null) cluster.shutdown(); } } private static void validateStatusCount(FileStatus[] statuses, int i) { for (FileStatus f : statuses) { FileSystem.LOG.info("Found recursive path: " + f.getPath()); } assertEquals(i, statuses.length); } private static void writeFile(FileSystem fs, Path name) throws IOException { FSDataOutputStream stm = fs.create(name); stm.writeBytes("42\n"); stm.close(); } private static void createFullyPopulatedTree(FileSystem fs, String prefix, int depth) throws IOException { /* Create tree as /home leaf.file /1 leaf.file ... /0 leaf.file ... */ String sPath0 = prefix + "/0"; String sPath1 = prefix + "/1"; Path localFile = new Path(prefix + "/leaf.file").makeQualified(fs); FileSystem.LOG.info("Creating path " + prefix); writeFile(fs, localFile); if (depth > 0) { createFullyPopulatedTree(fs, sPath0, depth - 1); createFullyPopulatedTree(fs, sPath1, depth - 1); } } private static void createLinearTree(FileSystem fs, String prefix, int depth) throws IOException { /* Create tree as ... /1 leaf.file empty dir /0 leaf.file empty dir */ String sPath = prefix + "/" + Integer.toString(depth); Path localFile = new Path(sPath + "/leaf stress_chars_{}[]*.file") .makeQualified(fs); Path emptyDirPath = new Path(sPath + "/empty dir stress_chars_{}[]*") .makeQualified(fs); if (!fs.mkdirs(emptyDirPath)) { throw new IOException("mkdirs failed to create " + emptyDirPath.toString()); } FileSystem.LOG.info("Creating path " + sPath); writeFile(fs, localFile); if (depth > 0) { createLinearTree(fs, sPath, depth - 1); } } }